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SU hl E l' TAKëF tp? CAME IN'TO THE EUCtOSOJlK „, „ aboutth.IMhof Aug„,t,-.g I-ie ,1 , ","'"' B I.ambs_,„arkl wlA rt.l ,mt . , e'f' head. Theo„nerisreqlIe.,ted io,roe '""' charge, and take tliim away. ProPertf, Salem. Jn. 84,1385 W "''1 . _ __wo D i SSOL l) TÏoivr 'riïE PARTNERSHIP heretofori ,„■„ . 1 tho unü enigned under the tyle of Vil i !-L'' WEBSTER, i tin day di,olved bjaífí'11" The buir., will bt eitl.u 1 the niVe ""'' ian .rïor.Jan. M.IWS. S' M' WEBTEB.. Ct)-PARTIVERSH1P rrHE UNDERf-IONKn l,are forrad , ." 1 and II continu, the bu,i,,„s of BPa""" Z'í'oíi,ertíB' MS "'CcCMsors to M1UJ..R. PAVIS ï ï,1 HIER, „nder thoCrmnameoflUIXERiwEnï r.very offert will bc made to mcrit ad „„-e F' lonogo o gonerouMy conferreil unen the ]t. f JOIINF. MILI.eY "" Ann Arbor, Jan. ..18 U_TIR. , . . iSK EEPOKT, Quarterly Report of tht Condition of Th fj, NationaC Bank of Ann Arbor, of th. Stat, Michigan, on the morning of the Jirtt Mondt, January, 1S65. BIgOUKCXS. Lons and Discount.... .... „.. .92,58j Furiiiture aud Fixtures 1055: Exrjenses '695. Due from Banks, New Tork Citj.. .47,495 ( " " ether Bank jüi V. S. Bunds Doposited to secure circulatioa.. .$75 000 U. S Bonds Depositad to secure Deposits 25,50' U. S. Bouds on hnd.. . 4,350 Other ü. S. Securities. .40,550 Revenue Stimps 67S SO $U6,078 1 Cash - Romittances and Gasb Items 14,616 95 " Xegal Tender Notes. 58,41 6 'National Currency.. 2,725 " other Bank Note3.. . 59 $75,825 J Oyer Eiafts jjj , $366,6068] LIAEILITIES. Capitp] Stock $100,000 Surplus Food 4 638 SS Circuíating Notes Receired f.on Comptruüer 60,600 Pfposits 179,205 3! Due other Banks . . gO 53 " Subseription 7 3-10 Treas.Notfs 14,450 Exchange J492 75 Interest 2,lt-9 30 Profit and Los yJt 82 52 82,76467 $366,636 81 STA-TÏ OF MrCHIOAN, ï CoffST-Y OF WasBTESAW, J SS' I, Charles H. Ric'iBaond, CashieritheKrit National Bank of Ann Arbor, doiolemnly swe&r that the above statement the bsst of my knowledge and belief. Ssre-rn to and sibscriied before me, tía ñfth day of Jauuary, 1865. J. "W. KNIGHT, Notary Public. Wasluenaw Countj', Mich Estáte of Wüliam J. Diion. QTATE OK MICHIGAN, pouatj of Wr,htiruw, 11.7 At a Hession of the Probate Coart for tbt ConntT of Washteuaw, holden at the Probat ÜBce in iti eiij of Add Arbor, -on Thursdaj, the fif(h c't of Junarj ia the year oue thousand eight hunaredimdiiiU' ün. Present, Hirau J. Bfakew, Juágp of Probii Ir. thï matter ai the Estataof WilliamJ. Diiiion.ilictased. Juhn l'avüii, Admiaijtiator ot stiiddUtt, comes into Coart and repreï-erits that fa is nowp pared to render his finalaccountas üuchadioinistnur Thsreupon it ia ürde'ied, that Moailar, the Ihirtitth day of January, A I. 18C5, ai teo fj'clock is lh( foreuoon, be anaigned for examining and allowio; iuï acconnt, and that the beirs át lav of laid dettiMJ, and all olher persons iateresttM in auid ?stat, ire rtquired to appear ata session of Raid Coart, thin tobe holden at tho Probate Office, in tlie City of Adq Arbor, in said Count.7, and thow cautie riï aQj thtre be, wbr the said act-ouat &hould nnt bo ailowed: And it i fprther ordereö", that said John TaTison, gire noticiw the pet-sena intereted in said-estate,of the pnáttt] of Baúl account, aïid th hearing ctusiiv copy of this Order to be pubüshed in the Jfuklf MicM gnnArgus,& nswspaper printed asd circul&tinf ídmící County of Washtenaw, threesaccessive wkipTiöui to sai 1 ü-Av of hearing. (A trao'oopy.) HIBAM J. BUKI8, t9tM JudgiofïtoHte. Estáte of Norman M. Cumings. STATE OF M1CHIUAN, CoBty ei WaliteD. 11At anessionof the Probate Couri forthe Countji! Washtt nair, holden at th Probttf OBc, in the Cit; tl Arm Arbor, 00 Thuraday the lifth daj ! Jnir.T,ii the year one thoiisand eight hundred and lixtj-J. Present. HtiamJ. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of tho Estáte of Norman JÍ.Cn Ing3, decea6ed. On rading and filing thepetition, dnly TeriBed. o. üetta 3. CL'mings, praying that Adniinintrationofiw estpte bo granted to her ornóme otlier suilb'e persii. ïheronpon it is Ordered, that Munday tbeM'hiiJif Jaruiiry, A. D.K65, at oue o'clockin the aftrrnool. assigned for the hearing of said petition, aniltbltlw hoirH at law of said dseaKed, ■ nd alt otb" persons -nUMeted ia aid OKtnte, are rtqaiw to npp"ar fit a tessinn of tf9Ö& Court, :hen to boholdïn! the Pr.bite Office, in the City of Ann ir. and show cause, if any tliere bí. why tnepnírt of the petitioncr should Dot be gaanted: And t is further ordered. that aiii pttilin" fcive noliceto the person intercuti.) in aid tíWfi " tbe peniiency of said petition, ;u; til.? hearing thM[. bv candinga copy of this Order to be r-ubfisbed is 1" Wrikly Michigan Argus, a nrwspaper rriDtfd ■ culatinj in aid Connty of Wnnhtenav, tBrM "' sive wookw previoua to aid day oí hdarinjr(A tmeCopr.) HIRAM J. BKAKIS, 890 Jndg of Pro'1 PRÜRÏëF LOJIO, The great Itch and Humor tM of the 19th Century! Thla new preparation poseesae moit w propertlef, and is .A. SITZIS OUBB For erery species of the ITCH, PB41" RIE ITCH, BARBEB'S ITCH, Wsi8 SCUiTCHES, ILLIXOIS JliXGE, CtW EOIS EBIPTIOXS, riMPLKS ON 1 FACE, SALT KUK13I, SCALB E1"' R1NGATORJ1S, ie. The PRURIGO LOTTO , „cw and anti" tor all kinds of Itch, and belnB a flnïd prer1!5" ', is free froin all the gumm.v, disagrceable qualIM" the cintinent? in general uae. The PRURIGO i.OTIO is afc to use und ,„ CIRCUMSTANCES; will not irrítate the rooi""1?;.! skin, and COXTAINS NO MERCCRY. Do""" to try it. Manufactured by E. T. & W. T. HfFABLASl)) Sole Proprietom, LafayetK, &■ PR1ÜE 50 CENTS. LORD & SM1TH, ClilfaffO, Wholel IV SoM at Wholesale in Chicago bjFULLER, "5 FL'LLEK; CHARLES G. SMÏTH ; BIUM1 t VAN SCHAACK; W. D. HAKRI8 COJ BMITH 4 DWYEK; J. H. RKKD t. CO., &iaSCOVIL. _____- Vniiit for Sale. ( THE UXDERSIttNK'l having removed frora City wishes to selPtuis Vauit in Forelt „f terr. ituated on Block ' . 4g, econd one 'T _ he Vanlt of C. B. Thompson. Will bsJl(i jwï; nriuirp of Mr. C00K, on theff"ounda, or '„ :-jiig ' Liltua Office. ', CO BAD .Hpg, Acn Albor, Dt?. 10, 18P4.


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Michigan Argus