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We Earnestly Invite Every One

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Jidebted to the Akods Office, either for Subi:ription, Advertising, or Job Work, to make mtiDHTB patmpkxt. Tha pi ices of Paper labor, Fuel, and all the necessaries of life, tut adTaaced to such unprecedented figures , tht we can not continue the Akods without premptness on the part of our patrous, comiined iciih a more liberal patronage, except by niing up the Iittle we haVé cArefully saved in tb pist, a thing We are unwilling to do. Let 11 interfated do their duty , and (hit qutckly. jp3C"Lieit. Jas. Gilluly, of the llth Miobigan Cavalry,is home on a furlough, and is looking very wel). The celebrated Panorama of Paradise Loet i now on exhibition at Hangsterfer's Hall. It ii pronounced it wonderful work. JL" Rev. Dr. Spencer, President of the Iowa UnÏYersity, will lecture before the Jrffersonian Society of the Law Department, Ihis evening, iu the M. E. Church. Subject : " Tho Conflict of Life." U2E" A msetiag was held at the Court Bouse on Wednesday eTening, called by the Coramon Council, and $8000 voted for tounties to rolunteers undsr the last(?) cali of the Presldtntt Ifc ia not enough that au ppropriation ia made ; somebody must go to wolk nd use it, or the draft will come. ii - !■ JP2" Trains now leace the station in lhia city as follows : }oiiig West. Going East. 9 20 a. m. 6.40 A. m. 7,10 P. h. 6.25 p. M. It ia to be hoped that the passport order irlll oon be so modified as to warrant Superintendent Eioe in putting on at least one more train. ty Tke M. E. 'Ohurch of this city has purcbaaed the lot aud residence of L. Dodoi, Esq., corner of Huron and Diyieion Streels, with tha dosign of inoving the dwelüng and erecting oa the lot, a church uch as the wants of the society and our city deiuand, It is i central Jocatiou, and we think the Trustees fortúnate in procuring it. The price paid was $3,000. fgT Professor Hall, the Horse-Tamer, is anuuunced to give au entertainment iii Kog■ers' Hall, on Monday eTenining next, for ths lieucflt-of the Soldiers' Aid Society and the foor of our city. The progamme will include magie, with the tricks of magicians exposed; tha Spiritual Rappings. and the rope-tying, as pirforined by tho Devenport írothers. 5Te theïoldiers' wirs aud childreu a benefit J siT'ng him a fu" house. jJ2L" The trial of Professor Lawton, fitiperintendent of Schools, on charge of aasult and battery, based upon hi punishing a boy iu the Fifih Ward School, was termiuated on Monday, befora juatice Ambrose, and resulted ïn his acquittal, aad the taxiog of the coatí to the complainant.


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