The tow-boat fwam pasrefa flead boeiy cul llo L2d nst. about tciVrtiiles1 ab ovo the passes, eupposed lo be o bright muIulto - I.ik) oh a bltttà fiinnol s'urt, artd düele panialouns, j't an iton collar arovnd the iteck to ichich was aliadicd uliouà ten ftct uf tope !.' Sucli i? tliO statement found in tlie' New Orlcans Bee, of April L, 1345-, ÃJovv charaptemtic Uie iiiciOtÃrence manifested licre. No 0110 cared nbout it. It was only a doad slave. Wiiat was tÃtere etrañge nbout it? Slnves often eeen by these" ir;ivel!crs. Iron coilnrswere commort, and1 ro;cá v.crr no novelty. IIuw entÃrely is huh;ii)i:y tlÃiccd Ãio.-d iho Rêaft liy tÃavery
Signal of Liberty
Old News