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CHEROKEE PILIS HEALTH PRESERVER CERTA1N AND SAFE. For tfiê Remnval of Obatructions and the ht&itrane of Jieffuliiritif hi üif BtcurrcTxet of Va MvntUy l'criods. (3" They cure or ohvinte these nutnerous dli'iiics, that sprltig rum Irreguiarity, by reinovlug the irrefral&rfty itself. Tïk-v cui' Suppreased, Kxcessive and Painful Mí-ntruíiiíon. Igf They cun Green Bieknew (Chloroais). i?" They curu ervouij and Spinal AlTcctïon pa'niH in tlit; biiek, ;i-..,i ]ower parts of body. IltraviiM-sa, Fatigue on ai'.ht excrtlom, Pnlpiladon of the Hvart, Lownan o piritit, Ifijsteria, Siek tfeacLteJt, GidditwH, etc, eU in ii word, by romovlDg the lrnguli-irity, they -niovc the cauw, and witli it Ai.r. the etfects that u% from it. Composed of BlmpUi vegetable -xtracts.they contain nothtng dekterioud to uny ctitutïon, howevcr delicate, thcir functlon bting to 8u,atitut gtrength for weiikness, which, when properly mt they never fail to do. p They may be sfifely used at nny age, and at any pertod, kxckpt DURiXti tuk fikst thkkb motth, dnring wliich the unfiiiliny nature of their aotiou woultl Infallibly pkevknt pregnancy. {2g? All letters Reeking inforuiation or advlo wttl be promptly, freely and fftscreetly answered. L■?" Full dtrectlons accompany each box. %w Prlae $ l per box, or six boxes for $5. %"$" Sent by raaU, free of puatage, on reoeïpt of priGe. P3 Pamphlets sent by mail free of postag, by DR. W. R. MERWIN & CO., 63 Uberty St., New York, Proprletert, DR. WRIGHT'S REJ11VËN1TING ELIXIR! Or, ESSENCE OF LIFE, PrODared írom Puro Vegetable Kxtract utulnïniE nothlna tniui-ioii to ta UlOSt (lüllfUlt"Aathe Phtenlx rt-ü-i tVniti the nhcM of It flre, nnlruatcd wlth ncw lltV" - so docft thlft EllrI.- r-'Jn i' ui te the systcin and orercone dlnoUft p? The EtejuveaattDg Elixir is the result of modera tllacovorlea Ju the vegetable klngdom; boing ha enttrely new and abstract .nethod of cure, irreptctïve of all th; old oud worn out gystetns. Thid medicine has been tested by the m emiiH-nt rnedioiil men of the day, and by them proni.miOL'ilto be oueof tlie greatest medical discoverie of the age. One bottle will cure general Debllity. L&f A few doses cures Hysterics In fetnalea. ■- One bottle cure3 Palpitatïon of the Heari. " Krom One to thrue bottles restores the mallnew and full vigor of youth. Jy A Pew doses restores the appetite. W Three UotLlea cure the worst case of Impt'.-ncy. fsr" A few dosea cures the low splrlted. f? One bottle restores mental power. fTA few (Jows restores tt orgam 0 generatie. tL? A few doses bring the rose to the cheek. 2" Tilia medicine restores to manly vigor and robust health the poor debilitated, worn-dowu and defpüiring. J" Trw listlesa, enervated youth, the over-tMhed man of l)usiucs.s, tke victim of nervous depresslon, tiie individual sufïering from general debility, or jfrim iv ikness of a niiuilc organ, will all find immedliiteand parniauent relief by tha use of this Lllxir ot RsBence of Life. r Frice, -í'-í per bottlo or three bottles for 3( anfl füiwanled by Expruas, on recelpt of money to any adtjress. tT The Clicrokcc PUls and Rejuvemtliai; Elixir, are so ld by all onterprising DrufiK'Lst s Ín the dvïUzed world. Some unprinciplea di'iiK-is, liowever, tvy to sell worthless compound in place of these ; those whieh they can purchase al a ehe&p price, and uiake niore money by sellitig, than they can on these medicines. As you value yonr health, aye, the health of your future offsprin, do not be deceíved by such unprïnclpled Öroggists, áth for these medicines and taktnoothe,r. If' the üruggist wlll not buy them for you, enclose the moncy in a letter, and we wlll send them to you by Express, securely sealed and packed, fre frora observation. Ladies or Gentlemen can address ua ïn perfect conüdence, stating fully and plainly their dlseasei and symptoms, aswetreat all diseases of a chroolo nature in male or female. Patient8 need not heritate Wecause of theivinability to visit us, aa we hava treated patients successfully In all portions of tha civilized globe, by correspondence. Patients addressing us wlll please state plaïnly all the synipoms of their compiaints, and wrlta Postoffice, Couniy, State and name of wrlter, plain, and inclose postage stamp for reply. We send otir 32 paffe PampfiUt free to any address. A ddress all letters for Pamphlets or advice to the propiietors, Dr. W. R. MERWIN & CO., No. 63 Liberty street, New York. Snld by Wtiolewilfl Dru-rjists in Detroit, a!po by TKiJlilN.S i WlL&itóf Aim Arbor. 9btyl HISTORY OF THE WORLD. BY PHILIP SMITH, B. A. Onr. of the principal Contribiitor in the Dictwari?ê ef Qredi (ind Roitiau Aut quitict, hiogiap},yt mnd iieography. PLAN OF THE WORK. Plhce Sir Wal ter RaU%tl sitlaceit his irnprisonmvBt in the Towec by the of ui -l Jiutorj if iho World,'' th [Jtferattare of jikim1 bag iwvf aciiievtil the worls whioh lie left iuitiniilnd, Tnera have been " l'nivers.l Historie,'' fiom the bulk of au encyciopiedia to the mo.-t uiöiigr outline, iu whih the atináis of ear.h eatiun are cebara t#!y recordwl ; but without ui ftttL-mpt to tiTice lh Ury ui I'iwn l'mvirleocti knl human pr'igrcsr in ono cjnncctM nrrativf!. It is pinno-ed ti .suuplytniti want by a vrmk, con'lensed enoiigh t( ] .t wiilun a tí,-Hsontb h.v , but y et sofull ;ts to bc fr.-e ïrom the tlry Hali neRs ofna epitorue. The Litcrature ot CicrmMiiy aLo.iud in hiti.ry, - sch as those of Mul:er Schlcbor, Krl vu KuttocU, luncker,and others,- which ut prove the dniami for such a book, aml ftirtiish inudcf -, in tuCM du :,rn ■.', Ot its eX'.xtion But ?.wn tuv rrttst wnrks are some'hiit 'loíicn-nt in that rrganii: t,nihj whih is tlie chjei Hitu of this "Hist ry l theWorlU." story of whok; rfteft like tbt l e ;ch Mepar ate n;tinn, hM a begiuniug. a niiddle.and an f nd. " ïhiitsiurv we propose to follo.v, fruta Ksbeffs&ïag in thesacred recnnls. and IVum the dawa ot oivMisatma in the K;ist,- -limmfcb. tuvnuc.O4áive Oriental Kmpirwi, - tlie rie of liberty aïid the perfection of henthn loliiy, Ki-ts-. and Literatura Ín (neo and lióme, - th chiiiijif hich passod over the face uf th' wurli! "hwa i-hu Hght f christianity sprant; up,- tlie oricin nd ürst appeüranct' t;t tliofte l':rL-arl:in raeci which ovtthnw both división?, of the ItnuutQ Emjiiro, - the annalsof the Rttd wliich on tne ljnpiir's ruiim. inclu'iing the piyturesque details of medieval ftUtyjt and ihc isteatly propresH of oi intern liUerty nud tioii,- and Ilietrxicnsif.r. ol these mnuenco,by OUcovery.ct'iiquest, coloui. .t:on. an-i Cliritian innata, lo the remotit oi t)if erth ïn a word, ■;.-i;u-:ilf hislorit- ceflvct the rW-t iched scènes f htimno ACtiun and suiftring. our ;im U to bnng iuío one tw the scveml paits which RaurtLiy tafia one srat whule,miviiKnivHrds,under tlie jiuilance of Divin 1'rovUanctj to the uukaown Pud ordnined iq iho Div.u pUt 'l-O-M'S. N'n pains u-ülbe -ai'-,,it:rn:ike this hitory scholuri ie iti ftabïtBDCè aíu popular in Bi J ie. Il .11 bü tnnitep on (faebest a'.vthoritíes.flnciínt and modfrn, orijrilirtl and pcontry. The progrefii r-cenily ma!# rii teat6Y]oa,j Bud uriticil ínvestigations, tlie rkult obtaiflQd (Vjfn th o uio'li'rii srcrwM' ..f cnmpar! ve jlnl' ■ ljy -t il 1 tii e disco rejrtea w Inch have laid opt-n otv ïrces "f infofnial Ion concemfcg tlie Fjisi, afl'crJ inch fai-ilities an to make the present a fit poih fr ovr undertakiDg, The ivoïfc. wiH bc diTÏded iüto .three Period, anh fiomjilt 'tiï in iLsL-lfj and will fonn !-"irkt roluiiics ín I)my I.- AxciENt Hi.-toby, lacreó and Secular: fr.m th Crerttion to tho K:Uof tv We ,torn Kiupin-, in A. I. 47ï, 'i'wo yo limes. kxiM ir.- m:dikvai. HisTtíHYjCivil and KoolesiasCcnl ; from the FaiJ of tbc Wcsien 1 n.j.-i it tic trfkingof Cn. i-Untinople by the TurUs, in A. 1). 1453. Iwo Volumes. III.- Modküx HiriTOnv ; trom the Fll of the RmuÜni Eaipirtj lo ourown Liiue. Fu r 'oiuuifs. II mil be pobUfthsd in 8 ycN. s v. Príe in eloth, $0.50 )mt votosii}. Mwvji, Í-Í.Í.U. Huif Morocce, $S. Vo'umc 1 uuw rasdy. Agcnts W .ntecï i;i all parts of the Country. ApiuiciiiuusshouM K' at once to the Tubliikers. D. APPLKTON & CO., 2amtf9S8 443 U4 Bromhvy,K. Y. jLF AI R BANKS' "" !ƒ STANDARD gSP O!' AI.I, K1VI1S. AliSO, ■5 ? WarchvaM Truda, Letter I'rcites,iLc. FAIBBANKS, GREEXLEAF & C9„ 173 Lakn Street, CHICAGO, Suld n Detroil liy FARRAND, SHELEY A 00. Holiday Groods. A lare stock. DkF0BE3T &SÏEVART'S.


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