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THHlfl 1.ÍO0TS AND THE LEAVES ■- WIJ.L io i'or the Hsallug of the Natioaa. Biljlc. 8REAT AVIi CELEBRATED-PHYSICIAN of tl MR0AT,HJN8S, AND TH1Í Bl'oul Known alloverthecouotry as the IITI3IA.3Sr HERE DOCTOR Of 232 Superior Street, Clevolamt, Ohio. Willvisit i liefollmving placea, viz o , ?I'tOIN"r:1'1-TSPOR1802,,!1864. lror. K. J. LyoM can ba consultcd .l the fnlluwin places oyery monlh, vis: Detroit, Hussel House, eaohmo-jth, I8tliamlioth Anu Arb. ir, Monitor House, eaeh n,'.,nth 2CMb ksoo, üibbard House, each mnntli, al. Adrián, Bracket House, eaoh rn i rdagd lo, OUio, Colima House, eacli moolll, 2Jth",25th Hillsdale.llich. .Hillsdale House, each month 27th 'íí'"1'1;' 5Üchi' Sou'll!ln -Michiguu House,' eac l'.lkh;irt, KlUhfirt House, each month 29th South Bead, [ad., St. Jo. Uo'el, each month 30 Laporte, tnd.,Tee Gavien Hi. me, each month 31st Woosl,er,üluo,Cvandelmxchange, euch month, 7t and 8th . MansüeM, Ohio, Wilcr Hous each uionlh 9th an lOth. , Mt. Vernon, Kenyon House, ch month, Uth an Xnwark, Oh!o, Holton House, eaeh month Iflth ln Htli, L'aineriVilleHiit,, Cowles House, each month 4th i;llvb:i.ani), ohio. rksidenoe nü OFFICE, 282 SUPEKIOll STEEET (f Uie public square, opposite tlie Postoffice Office 4ayn vwh month, Ist, 3d, 4tli, 5th, Gth 15ih - Oflieehoor fro b 9 A. ::. U, !2M, ;nu frwin o i 61 'f ' ■ !Ötol0A.M.,andltoar'ii aMautri-tlyíidhcrcft to-, I give such balm aa havü ao strife Witli muure or the lava of Üfo, ' Witli &!oi.d my 1 neyerstain, NorpoiaoD men toease their pain. Ileis a pkysidan indeed, tJw Cure. Tbe Indian Jieru Doctwr, K. J. LYO3ÏS, cures the fol lowing compjf,int,s ia the moat obstinate stageaof the: existence, viz: DiseascflOftheThroat, Lungs, Heart, LÏTOr, Stom ach, Dropsp i a tlio Ghcst , Rheumatism , Neuralgia Fita or.FaUiDgSíóknessndallothernerTOuSderangeiáentfl Also aildi80%8eiUf thjj blooü.sucb ayScroíula, Kry.-.ip elaSConoejfgFÊïteröoran., Ieproaj,aa(lallotberooin plicatecH clirouiccompliiints. Allformsof fcmaie didiculties attended towith tbe iappicst resnHs. It is hoped that nn one wili despair of a cure anti -bey liave given the Indian Herb Doctor'a Medicines a fairandfaithful trial. tIiuring the Doctor trav ils in Europe, West Indies, South America, and tbe Juited States, lie lias been tbe instrument in GotVi land, to restore to bealth and vigor thousands wh were given up aadpronounced incurable by tbe mos eminentold school physicians; nay, more, thousands whowere on the verge of the grave, are now living monuments to the Indian Herb's Doctor's Bkill am fluccessfiiHreatmeut,:in.lare dailyexclaiming: (iBlesBedbetbeday when Brst we saw and partook of tbe adinn Herb Doctor's medicine." Satisfactoryroferences of cures will do gladïy and cheerfully given w benever required. TheDoctor pledges his word and bonorjtbat he will n no wise,dircctly or iudirectlj, induce or causo any uvalidto tako bis medicinoTvithout tbe strongest nrobability of a cure. Mode ofexamínation, whicliis entirelydilforent 'rom tbefaculty. Dr. Lyon professes to discern diCiises by the eyo. He therefore asks noquestions, nor doesbe require patieatsto explain symptoms. Callone and all.ind havethcsvmptoms and location of your [iseaseexplaineüfrce of c'iarge. jHTlie poorshaU be libera lly considered. jK9Fostofñccaddresü.box2G63. R. J. LYONS,M. D. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 25, 1862 lyiiSff -■- ■■■■ .. ■----. O. BXiISS Wouldtake this method ofinforming his oíd frícaos and patrons and all others vb.o niay favor him with their patronage, tbathe has greatly enlarged his Stock and Assortment ! and having adopted the CASH SYSTEM BOTU IN BUYING & SELLING a prepared to sell Goods at HoasonU' ■fcXes Irioeai Hs stock comiste in par of the followiog: -jg= AMERICAN AND OTHER s Watehes l jfe ThoCelebratea SETH THOMAS CLOCKS! Fine Jewelry fjetis GOLD CffAINS, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLEltY ! Bazor9,Shears, Sci-ssorsand Fï ruslies, ROGERS PLATEDWARK, the best in market, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPER anrl ENVELOPES, Musical Instruments Stringx SfBook for Instruments, of Gold, Silver, Steel, and Platcd,wilh PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior article. Persons having tlifiicult watches to fit witli glassep an be accomodated, as ray stock is largeaatl com Icte, P. S. Particular attention to tlie f all kinds of fine Watehes, such as Making and Setting new Jewele, PinionB, Slafs, and C'jlhuhrs, Also CiLOCKS, Ss êTE-WttXj-Xi.-rZ' neatly repaired and'warranted, at his t,ld standeaat sideof Main Street. C. BLÏSS Ana 4rbor,Nov. 25,1863. 82ltl WIZARD OIlT THIS IPLENDIB REMEDY CURES B TOOTIUCHE 9 NEURALGIA ' B . In Three Mtaute. In Ten Minutes. imjhRvoiim èakXche 3% In í'iv.e Mioutea. la Ten Minutes. . OEA-MP CO-LIO DIPTUEHIA In ïen Minutes-. ,%. v In a Few Hours. SORE THROAT ' EHBÜMATISM. hi a lew Iloma. jn a pew Day8. LAME BACK. SPRAINS. CÜTS AND BRUISE8. BÜRNS and SOALDS. ■ Tbis invaluablo preparation onlyncedsa trial to recoramend iteclf to every houaehold In tho land. Use one bottlc and yon wtfl alwaya keep It on hand ftgajnst the time of nced. Prlce 85 cents and 75 cents per bottle. The l&rgd bottles contain nearly üiree times aa tnuch aa tbs mail ones. Manufacturcd by J. A. UAMLIN A BRO., 102 Washington Btreet, Chicago, and for aalo by druggiöta geuerally. A Wlwlcealö Agts: -j Loi.a Smitb J CMoag lMssoiution rotice, rniiRFIUM OKCU..ilN, WutJD & CO., waa aissolvod A-fanuary 10, löSiï, ly muUuil cyiibont. C. A. Chapín and A. R. Vfood will Kuttlo theaccouuts of the (inn. C. A. CS-AHN, A. B. WOOD, V Ohavi.tï E. Wells. Ann Arbor,.Tune 24, 18G3. Copnrtnershlp. rTE UXI1';;N[í;:,'KD entered iiilo partnership Jan. 10,liW8, by tli flrüi name t.f Ctiapia & Co.,find m"1) coutiuiiy the Ijdniucsft of □ïiiuufactuiinp printing md u':-.: ftpiñg paftèr. C. A. Chafan., í. CnAPiN, V. Cn.KVtv, Ann Avcr,;3no'J4.l3li3 ?10tf Taken lip. OH THK 15th ef Octobera Uton hd(1 White Co t, aboutlO ynjirn o'.d. Wrr dry. Tho ovjier is ejtK'sted to provo pronevtfi 17 eh,rgVa', and 1, h#r 7. JOHKIfrlMTYaR


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Michigan Argus