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f O lliICr._ln Circuit Court for tboCüuiTt i w ' tenftw.-InChanctry. At Clmmbers, i L í"k Ann Arbur,n natf County of Washtenaw „t ■'ƒ' the (l(,th) sixtcenth .lay of Dccoinber, io , Mt'. thouss.ud eight hundredarid sixty-four Jearoi Present . Hon Edwin Lawrenco, Circuit Ju,l I ii tlie cause wherein Cbristof W.iltz ib Comnl!' and Èamnel Ingersoll s Dofonuant """WlMlttt, It ajipearing by the affidavit of John W A. S r i Esq .,tol.citnr!orU'.o aburo namcd Coinplain, "'. on (le ín aid cause, that tho above n!,ntáí ?''" Samual Ingersoll has uoi toen rved with ldím' poenaissíMinsaid causo, and that he doe, ÍL uk' in the State of Michigan, but that hig last knoln""' J' Qnmotion of John TV. A.S.CulIon v„„ o,r ., the Complainant, it i, or.iere.1 I ?ha tía'idí iTl'" bamuel ln(rerMlleaBS.h,,pj,arancetc .be eñwí?' the atore cause, wituin three months from thVS! " thil order, ,nd in case „f hia appesrane, ,„ 4,'11' ' hfs answer to the Complainanfs bilí tí, U ',5' c"" copytheteof to be ervcd on Ce mplainant'. ."'' withfn twty days after service of a copí Vf ,.u"" and in d.faIt thereof, that the Billar C„t,ïï' , BCñár oonfeueaSj ), And tt i furt her ordered, that M Coihplii,,i ithrn twenty days fron, the dte htf, c. ,'.? Of th order to ba published at least odm n ï' week for sra successiv weekí in tbe Wceíl-, lii i 'k , íLgf; a Public newspaper printed and JfcuSu" theCity of Ann Albor, in Eaij County of ,,„ '' ' or that Complainant a copy of thi. "„ ÍT' pernonaSysOTTíd upou the said Defendant t L! Ï twenty uays bc-fore the time prescribed by tbí ?] for hisnppearaucë, J "" Probate Notice. STATE OF MI0UIGAX, Countt of WiSHraiw . All persons baringclaims or demandi al estáte of William Buntintr, lite Ai tí.. twT ' n Lodi , n said county , deceasld , are hereW S" i reqflircdto preeent the .ame to the undeí,eDed,VlW d Probate OH,ce, ,n the city of Ann Arbor, in ij ,M,. t any of the several sessions of the Probf t, Z '■ aid county on or before Salurday, th, t.ntkV.,. June. 180o, for examinalion and alldwawé ÏlZJÜZ from the date heroof, Uing allowed for iíidit!í present their claims ag.inst ïaid estáte "oailn ♦ X...d,Eec.9th,1864. 408, FURNITURE ROOMS Ose floorNorth of Risdon and Henderíoo', flu-j. _, Store. ""'wui Ther"í?';rerSign.e'1 hTinS PnrchaPíd th. „„ „ of W. D Smith & Co., and added largely t. ft, „1 i prepares tofurnishhisfnead .nd patroVí 1 JÏÏ! I aesortment of well made furniture, con J?,t4 „f IM EOFAS, EITEEAUS, BECSTEADS, BOOK-CASESI TABLES and CHAIHS, b LOÜWGES, tó ATE AÜSE8, fto., Se.,mac!e to order by good and experiiowJ iml men, and warranted to gire Mtiaft.eti.n. B, , ,. keer apood r-?ortni5nt of Cberi-y and Wal.otl.nbll wtdSMaSr Pr'CeíOr Che" Walr-Ut" tè P. S. He has also parchased th nOTT and ; ELEGANT EEAESE! of Smith i. Co., nd isprepared tofurnifcb 11 Uij,f : Y7ood Coiñns, Mefaíic Q AJDTD CASHETS, Oa the shortest notie. Also attend to layinc ft deccis#d pexaona day aqd night, witkout br 111 furniture deüvered Inthetity freo of eharg. . U. BENEAia. Ana Ajbor, Jnnary 13'.fc, 1S63. 940tf i '■■■■-■ ■ ■■ - ■■■' - - ■ - ■ .. tQ&k. 1864. FALL GOODS! AT REDUCED PFIÍCES. ■i- O C. H. MILLEBÍ Is dot? openÍDg ITEW GTOCH of Doniki and FORIÍiN DRY GÜOM FAMILY GEI00ER1ES, bougïit fiinceírfierecettt decIMá in G0L3, námiU kinás at couBÍdxbl Deduotion from FormerPricesí Please cali earJy and make yecr purohaM"W the stoei ir, complete. C.H.MIUIX. Ann ArSor, Sprt. 1864. 171 CARPETS, Oil Clothf. and House Funnshing StUí s gcod stock at 078 c. H.-MIIXEf'í. TO THE LAMES -A stock of elegant Dry Gv'i Shairls and Closks, for the fall trado, now p ■ngat 9T6 C.H. MILLS' TO THE GENTLEMEN.- A fine stock ofWki Cassimeres, and Gents' Furniehing Good,)11 received at 9T6 c. H. MILI.EX'8DEMOVALI N". B. COLÉ, ha remored his STOCK of BOOTS SHOES, tothestor of A. P. Smis&Co.?en Main Street, wbr lie will be glad to wait on his oltl cuslomera nd public, generalij. GIVE HIM A CAIíIí! A LECTURÍf YOUNG MEN. Just Publiehed in a Sealod Euvelope. Frico Six Cents. AI.ECTüKE on tbe Nature, Troatment, and Rn1 Cure of Spcrmatorihoe or Seminal Weakne'Vj voluntary Emissions, Sexual Debilitj, amUmpemn"' to Marriage pcDeralty. Nerrousness, Consu10?" r Epilopsyaad Fit ■: Men tai and pbysical In"PJ{Z ' rpsultinfc Trom Self Abuso, kc. ÏJj UOB'T J. CULTfc1 WELL, M. !., Aulhor of the "Grepn Book," c Tbo worU renowned auíhor, in hia adaiirubl turo, clearly proved from his ow expfrience, th awful conscfiuences ofSelf-Abuse may be effectuiHj moved without tnedicine, nnd witlmut flauffer108 " cat oporations, bougies, instrumeul?, TiDgPy or c" L,,' nointÍDg out a re ode of cure at onno wrtt'D n tual, by which cvpry suílerfr, nn matter what I11,ditíonniaybe may cure liimsclf cbcaplj) priT; y and rílüically. Tbis lecture will prore a boon to tu Scutundorseal, to any address, in a plai r envplopo.on the recipt of eii centn, or two po" la:aps, byaddrcaain?. 'wfii' CHA3. J. C. KT.TXRrv ,


Old News
Michigan Argus