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The Senate Of Michigan

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odly to " robuke the canvasscis of Washtonaw and Oaklaud couutieg," refused to admit to seats Llons. W. A. Jones and J. J. lloiiiïON, of this county, and Hon. J. M. Iiovr, of Oakland, all tLrue of whoii) presented tho proper oertifioates of oleetion, aud were 't ona facie memb'êfs of tbat body, and euiitjed to ba sworn ii. It would linvo looküd as wcll, had the Senato nursed its indignfttioD for u few Lours, white it " rebaked" tiia eonnnissioners of Gov. Blaiu for tho supprofsioa of the returns of certain regiineüts. Had the returns all beeu made, or correct returns beeu tnade in all oases wbere tb o " motions" wcre gonc tlirough with, even the soldiere' vote would not havo s;ived either Jay or Ciiiliis, and a san Senatecoulü not have found the pretenso for "rebuking" electora of the eereath and eight Ser.ate distriets for rejecticg thetu. After leaving Mesers. Jones, Kobison, and Hoyt " out ia the oo!d," the Senate graeicualy granted thora permission to cemte'-t tha seats of Messrs. Jav. Ciiilds, and Cuawfobd. - The action of the House ou similar ooutested seats, is ia happy contrast with that of the Senato. It went through Üie forra of investigation, instead of rendering judgineot, issuing cxecution, and 'then granting trial. S3T The Board of Supervisors will be in session on Tuesday next, the 17th inst., to approve the Bonds of the Treas urer cloot, and to transaot such other basiuess as uiay properly come beforo it. We would modestly euggest that it take the " sober eocond thought," and reconsider its acüon rcjocting the claim of W, A Jones, Esq., for services as Superintendent of tbo Poor. We take it for granted that Mr. Jon'ïs was legally eleeted, but whether he was or uot, it is certain that he entered on duty, faithfuüy servod the opunty, and 3 entitled to his pay. It is no tima and no way to contest and settle the legality of hia electiou, on the consideration of a olaim for services. If Ihere was serious doubt of his being Ifgally elocted, it would have been more manfully solved by testing it in tho Courts when he aasumed the office, tlian by refusing to pay him for services rendered and received. If the Board was always as sarupuloas about inaking illegsl allowancos - by thia retuark we do not intend to question Mr. Jones' claitcs in tho least, for we bulieve it just and legal - it would revise some of tha allowances made its own members, say for extending tax rolls, whether figured by the extensión or by tho day.


Old News
Michigan Argus