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A Modest Proceeding

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- Tbe caae of J. Wbbstbr Ciiildb, contesting the eat of Hon. J. J. Robison ia tbe Sonte, was reftjrred to a special commiteo. On tuis oommiltee, Hon. E. O. riiosvENoi!, Presideut of tbc Senttto, ápjoicted Senators Jay, Hubbard, and yicCurdy. Tbe fitness of theso ruen to t on the committee in question, is easily etermined. Mr. bad jast been aduitted to a seat in the Senate, by the rbitrary act of that body, Mr. Jones ïoldiug tbe certifícate of election ; aud Sr. Hübbard was eleoted by the goldiers' vote. Thus two of tho committee ould not by any stretch of the imaginaion be considercd unpartial judgea, and ompetent to sit in the ease. We are urprised that the President of the Sentte did not ignore parliamentary rulos, and declioe to appoint Mr. Jay as chairman of the committee, and more surprised that he sbould have added Mr. Hibiiard without tbe leaat show of parliamentary reasou. E" On the llth iust., the committeo on eleotion of the House, reported that James Clements was entitled to the seat ocoupied by J. F. Miller, whioh report was adopted by the House. Mr. Clbmbnts appeared and was sworn in, and Mr. Millëk, concluding that he was caught iu bad oompany, shook the dust f rom ofl' his garments, and left the House. This announcement will not surprise a siugle reader, and ao it is unnecessary to add comment or explana tiou. - VVaihtenaw county is now repre eented in the Logislature by Senators Jat and Ghilds, aud Itepreseritativea SiiiER, Olkments, Foiuiiis and Haire lbo last two Demócrata l& We givü placo to day to the message of ex-Goveroor Blair, dolivered to tbe Legislatura, in accordanco with the requirement of the Oonstitution. As our readers will all fortn their own conclusions of its morits, we dispense with any ciiticiam of its rocommendations, or even of its discussion of the everlasting :' colored individual," foi' without that great iiational bone being discussed, bis friends, would have sworn tbat the message wns a íorgery. As Gov. Ckapo's volur.teer messaco covert Mie sanie ground os that oí Gov. Bi.aih, and no uioro, we eonteut ou:sc!vi.s wi'.L Hut of the lattor.


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