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Michigan Legislature--1865

Michigan Legislature--1865 image
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The füllowing is supposed tó be a correct list of thomembers of tbo Loialature, who were entitled to soats at the openiug of the session. The list is ïuostlj' mado up from official sourccs : RENATU. Uuion in Roman, Datnocrats in Italië. 1 Wdliam Adair, 17 Lovi Aldrieh, 2 Joscpk CrodJ'rejf, 18 Warren Chajiman, 3 Adam Minnis, 19 Wilson 0. Edsell, 4 Gilea llubbard, 2o Stephen 1'. BrowD 5 Lnrcti L. Treat, 21 John M. Nevis 6 Jamei M. Ilmjt, 22 Henry M. Torrin, 7 lVilliam A. Jone, 23 llugh McC'urdy, 8 JohnJ. Robison, 24 Alox. P. Davis, 9 Natkanid Langdon, 25 Wm. L. Bancrofl, 10 Chas. M. Oroswell, 2ü Wm. U. NiüW, 11 Amlrow Howell, 27 David H.Joi-oine, 12 Kicliard J. Ciego, 2;i V9atbr00k Divine 13 Victory I' Collier, 29 Millón C. Watkin, 14 Frodorick fowlor, 30 Klias W. Merrill, 15 Cyrus G. Luoe, 31 Jamos I!. Walker 16 Jonathan (i. Wait, 32 James II. Forwtcn Roxiublicans 21 ; Deniocirats 11. HOUSE OF KEPRESENTATIVIS. Unioa in Roman, Demócrata ia Ilalic. ALLEGAN. Dist. Wst. 2- Jlyron C Keonoy. 1 - Will lam Iakarct, lbnawek. 2- Williara JK. Whito. 1- John K. Boies, BAEEY. 2 - Win. H. Osboín, 1- Jolin (i. Kunyan, 3- Chas. E. M.ckley, 2- Loandor Lapham. 4- Rol'd B. B. Ncwcomb, bay, te. 6-Wiu. S. Wilcox. 1 - AndreiD C. Maxwell, li vkígston. Bebbjbh. 1- William Ball, I- Newton R. Woodruff, 2- David G. Colwdl. 2- Jamos (iraliana, mackinaw t manitou. 3- E van J. Bonino, 1- Jacob A. T. Wcndcll. RRANCII. MACOMU. 1- John H. Jones, I - Peter Schars, 2-Harvey Haynes, 2-IIorace H. Cady, 3- Darius Mimroe. 3- Charles F. Mallary. C.VLIIOUN. HONItOK. 1- Wtu. II. Urockway, 1-Edward 6-'. Merlán, 2- George K. Maekay. 2- Chas. M. PMs, 3- JosepU P. Beach, 3-Vwtor Dusseau 4 - Rodolphus Sanderson, muskegon & ockana. CAsa. 1 - Israel E. Carlton. I - Alex. B. Cople., . ewaygo. &o. 2Luoiu3 Keelor. 1 - Wm. S. Utlóy. CHIITEWA.Ac. OKI.AN1. I - James O'Grady. 1 - James Bailey, chitos. 2 - llcnrxj M Look, 1 - Mases Sarluw, 3 - fciqire Brown, 2- Orrin W. Munger. 4- Abiam Alien, eaton. 5- P. Dean Warner, í- Robert ftixoa. ontonagon. 2 - A.bertus L. (Jreen. 1 - George C Jones -EMMF.T, &e. OTTAWA. 1 - Abijah B. Dunlap, 1 - Manhj I), lluicard, ge.vesek. 2 - GeorguLuiher. I - Jamos Van Vleet, saghxaw. 2- Robort P. Aitken. I- Wm. H. ïaylor, 3 - Georgo W. Thayer. 2- Sainuel W. Yawkey. GRATIOT, &. SAWIÈAC. 1- Lnther Smith, I- Albort Pack. HH.L3n.4LE. ST. CLAIR. 1 - Zimri 1). Thomas, 1 - Benjamin S. Horton, 2- BanonB. Willis, 2-Cyrus Miles-, 3 - Albert Slocum, 3 - Ezra Hazen. noc(rrT n k ivkwkesaw. st. joSErn. 1 - John Q. McKcrnan. 1 - Edwin Stowart, nuaos. 2 - Orria II. Howavd, 1- Richard Winsor. 3 - Wüliam T. Smith. INGHAM. SKIAWASííE. 1 - Joseph C. Bailty, 1 - Nathamel (}. Phillips, 1-Ilmry B. IhmUy. 2- Win. I'. Lalng, 1ÜNIA. . TJ3COLA1 - John B. Welch, 1 - J. Donuison Lowis. 2 - Myron Tupper. van buren. isAbKLLA, &a. 1 - Jonathan J. Woodman, 1 - Levi Cambrun. 2 - Buel M. Williams, JACKSON. WASUiesAlï. 1 - Hiel Wood:irá, I --Charles Shier, 2- Dolos Fisher, 2 Jvhn F. Milhr, 3 - John Landen. 3 - Joshua Fir.'es. kalamazoo. 4 - Elias Huiré. 1 - Gilbert Reed, wArtE. 2 - James B. CuM, ... J. Logan Chipman, 3- Orvillo 15. l-'S:. jf., Wm. S. Band. KENT. ' 27aul G-i&s, 1- Goo. W. Allen, Richard ílaxcley, 2 - Ilenry Süymour, Win. P, Wells, 3 - Augustus I). GriaTold,2 - Benjamin -Jay. 4- Edward Jowell. 3 - Titas Dort. lapeer. 4 - Juhn il. Swift, 1 - John 3. Jenness. 5 - Mnses R. JVowland, Eepublicans, 73 ; Demoorats, 27. Those inarked with a star are defeatod by the soldicrs' vote, and their seats will bo contested. Camp 20th Michigan Infantry, J In the Tronches, neur Petersburg, Va., December 30tb, 1864. ) To Mra. Charlea N. Davis, Mrs. M L. Davis, Mrs. Henry Geddes, Bfrs. Gilbert Allen, Mrs. G, S. Walters, Mrs. Stephen Mills, Misses Euiily B. Allon, II A. Davis, M. J. Allen, Flora A. Allen, Julia A. Geddes, H. Sweetland, aud Augusta Rogers - Ladies of Lodi. At a meeting of the members of Co. H, of this Regiment, for the purpose of enjoying the very bouutiful Chridtmas Duiner, sü kindly donated by you, the ander signed were appointed a Committee to express to you our sincere thatiks. This is the third Christmas we lnii.e seeu since we bade you farewell and exchanged our happy homos for the rough scones of war. Many of our comrades are sleeping in the dust. Two gallant leaders, Captaius Wilt.sie and M'Oollum, both dearly loved by all who knew theui, have fallen bravely figliting for the flag. While we most keenly feel their loss, and extcod our heartfelt sympatliy to those who have saerificod their all upon the altar of their couutry, it is a consolation to know that they died in the discharge of a solomn duty It is to the dying struggles of suoh heroea as these that posteritv will owe a reuuited, happy, prosperous people. Though we have often endured huneer and fatigue, and looked death steruly in the face, the sight of this substantial token of your interest in us and our cause, drives all thouglits of toil and daager from our minds, and the forms of those we lovo rise up in imagination, and wish us a " Marry Christuias aud Ilappy New Year." The thought of you will cheer us in our lonely hours - give strength to our aras when confronted by the rebel foe, and sweeten the hard-earned fruits of victory. May God bless and protect you, and ere auother Christmas dawns, restore to your hearts and homes those you have so generously sent forth to fight the battles of your country, their undauntod efforts crowned witb. victory and peace. Yours, very respectfully, Hospital Steward H. R. MILLS, I 'ruin-Major DAVID J. DURANB, Sergeant JAMES A. DELL, DAVID S. MUNROE, .Corporal WILLIAM BOSTON, " LEWIS S. ALLEN.


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Michigan Argus