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OUT SaLE? -AT THE"OLD CORNER! In orrïer to make rom for STENG PURCDAiH for tlio ucxt MXTï 1AÏS. 1 wi:i o:7er n a ' Great Reduction in Prices! All seaaonable GOOUS, cnü.3Üng of a greal Tiriet of ' I Fall &. Winter CLOAKS, SHAWLS, ïlannels,Blanlrcts, 1IOODS, NUBIAS, &C. Ala o, a Uirge as "ortnjRnt of BOOTS áMD SHQES! In orJer to oloM out the stock. Prints 3O to 37c. . A gooil Aso tnu'n' of CHÜICE FAMILY GROCERlBli CONST4NTLY OS HAKD. C. B. ÏHQMPoON. 'Ann Arbor. lith,lS65. 6931 -'" ■ 1 ff hb B w IN GEE1NBACKS' wil'. 1 ■! puiil to tlie ir.ft wLovil producp aHoríeFor): tliat i better at&pted ttbe ratio iptacoi wiiere, man ir.ny Tfj.Lt to use ï:r or ei at v,i:l uke. oif ■ loiioi Lav in lew lime, uuder all cirouuistancüs, titaa Ja R. CADWELLS, Pateuíed Dec. 20th, 1864. frqm $200 to Í00 per month may le wa.Ce hy th ?;::,-. a-ing, , und cllOÏCö of terrí tor ƒ Jfor ib Vr FOittlS ur KIilS, addreu J. R. CADWELL, Estáte of Jonathan Mitcliell. STATE OF MIUilOAN - Oountr of WaahteDSW- Ata fio.sfíionof tlu; Pyobate Couitlor xhe ConiV oí WftsltivuAví , liMiüen at tbe 1'foUate Office n sity ot Ann Artor, on Tuesday, Ihe dJ Present, Kirfin J . Beales Judge of Probíie In the matter of the estáte ol Jol Et ban SiiKhell, ccased . On reaciiiig und QttBg tin petUioo, uuly TinfiHr" Dèloa Mitcbeli, prajing tUat adxaiai&tnrtioa ofnü' tute mKy be gruut-.d to Ü;t:i.ol LeBarou. , Th e reu po u it is Üriered, Monday, thi day uf February cfext, at one w'clock iu tlie fKj11 be assigueJ lor the beanng uf .ski petitiun. and tbittt widuw and heirb t law f said decenscJ, sid " 'w ptrooiu Uoiereated in aid eat:ite, are requirtd topP at a senior, uf said Court tlieu to beboldentl1" Probate USice, io the city of Ano Arbor, "■ show, it any there be, wby the prayerof wf titioner shuuM not te granted ; And H is íuiti dertul, t'unt aaid petitmner give notice tothepe'MI" terpüted in Raid entate, oi' the pendencyöf ff1"!!! an:l tUehoariog tiwreof, by causiug a ■ copy rf t"1" der to be pubhshed in the Mick'gan Argús.&aer prïiit'jd :iod circuiajing ia aaid County o( Mssctw ' thrce huectrasive weeUa provi ous v Baid day of Ieinl)l' (A true copT 0 1I1KAM J. BEAKBi, 991 judgeofP Estáte of Stephen Tucker. STATE OF MICHIGAN- Coujlty of Vwbtm- At a Bossion of the I'robato Court kr tb' [ "." nf Wash:ennw,hoWeaat the Probate Offlcei"1" af Ann Arbar, on Moiul.iy. the Linth day o Ltj n tb year one tbonAand t'iglit hundreáanáit! PrefifGt, lliriira Beakes, Judp of I'robstt. In the matt-r of the Estáte of Stephen luC"r' ceaaed. ., i Ou reailing and Hlintc the petitin, dulj ''" L, Samuel W. Tucker, prnying for tlie paittio""' "' renl eatattf of niil deccaed. . ,lJji Iherenpon it is Orüere.1, That Mond?,"!, of Kebruarj nfxi.ul teno'clock in tho f0"!100 [ii tt Vin-u tol t;iw lieaung of shííí pelit''D) an i í- wtiuw, deyiscep, nu1 Ueira at law oí fj'-j, ■ .!:,:■■ i sona nterestd in s are raquired toa,ppear a1 a gessioo of ïid'0UIr;i;; to be bolden at tbc Pn bale Office, in tlw c' '? ,!; Arbor, and show c?uist', jf any tlcre ji; the iirayer ot, the petitiooer hho'uld uo' I. And it is furtbi-r irdrd. that said !ictlt' "U noticeto Iho persons intereted in fai cí'8 Lf 1J penieney of .aui pefit'.on.and the htaricg w Cwuipg ;i oop.Y of this irder to be publi' ,lWj Michigan Argut, :í nevröp&per prinied fn(' c! ff(tti iu saij u: '.V.ishttn.iw, turee aucM81" previous to said day of hearing. r-ii'ES (A true copy.) HIKA5I J. BEA, ti OEDINAKCE No. ■ i4n Orcli'iance req'tirivg Si'Jticalif ccsr o Snoic and ice , Bc it ordained by tlie Mayor, fcf Aldermen of the City of Ann Arbor : , shall not be lawful for any owner BJ of any let in said City of Ann Arbor, low, suffer, or permit any Snow or iet or remain on any jmblic side-w1'. (li along the line of or bordering upon su . as to" obstruct such side-walk. or ren ae conveuient, nnpleasant, or hazardoM along er over tlio same, for a great of time thiin Uventy-four liours 'terl shall have fallen or acctumilated tberolt[! any person who shall be gnilty of a t of "the provisions of hls Ordinance sn on conviciion thereof, be fltied nut : p three dollars nor more tbn Pve " ol j) every öftnce, together wfM! c0 prosecütion. ', „„ucil, ' Made aml passe.l in Oomnion Con" C. A. GitArii, Reeoi-dé'.


Old News
Michigan Argus