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ft i i;i ) ■ l '- . . j ■'■■' ■' ;: ■■. , - yjIÏSIlllt: -f.: ; ■--, ÖÜR GH1NAMAN STSLL UVES, And continúes to furnfh Uiat unriv:ilod quality of l'KA niwuvsiounii at tb e People'g Store. Luyvrs of Roo! Tea wil] pleaafl try a sample OF O UK NEW TEA. KrfOEEST ÜTKVVART. GROOlEJRIïaS Oí' all kiucU. Frjlt. Extracta, Spie, l'ickles, Oils, i'Hrfuine. kc. l'ure Liquofs and Wincs lor -Mediciual IjkFOHEST í STKWAKT. Sugar ! Sugar ! A smiHlot of LOW PEICED SUGAR. DaFOBEST & STICWART. S-nSU.- Codfisb, Whitefisb , Trout, Hickerel, Htriiug, ké. UeKORFBT STEWAKT. SYPUP ! SiivLPT" A fow barrels, extra quality. DkFOHEST k STEWART. I OIL AND LAMP mi DEPOT ! JL KEROSENE OIL! fotr The best qualily ONE DOLLAR fej Per Gallon. "pK DsFOEKST i STEWAUT. HO! YE! ! Purchascrs of CROCKEKY. GLASSWARE, LAMFS, ' PLATE1) (JOODS, TA BLE CÜT LEitY, &u. For sale at luas ihftü New York ivlinlesalo pt-ices', by DkFOREST & STKWAET. A Good Clothes Wringer. Saw íiíí.' Saoes money! Saves clothingi Saves Btrengtki Saces kcalth! Saves hiriny help! Sanes iceak wriats! Sazes burning hands! Woolen clutlies can be wrang out of boiltng water to prevent shrtukiijg, witbuut Wüuryto the machine. REESTarSTEWART. Was elrapped ufion hú bad, and when opened tías Jound to contáin o Pot of Dv. BUlliigton's ir i Klectnary w ï ; i ' ■ 1 w .:■■ hia (aseptirable coqjijqíu , and ibis accounts for h : rob:!8i i'ï)'] vignPoua uitstltutioil, hifi inöiffereaca vu Entigiiu aíití !: bale a il í:eai(y o]d ng. Jt is wiri-Mm-'l te lUrfl ALL KINDS OF PILES, t nol ouly tipftto difclly fur Elie ti'hia but is u eertcIn e :ro or Uypptípsia and Liver Comjjlaints, Jaandioe. SaU KhfU.."1 , "Vc. ït i purely vegctblo and riovei r.üMocur,. D.FORKÏTTKWART, geniafui Miclugnu. AMÍ6' TELEGMPHIO INSTITUTE - A N L) - xAlluML diMAlm lüLLLblS . KYKACUbE, NEW' YÜRK. The ËTen ng ion will open on Mjnïy eveiiing the 15th in. Cll at the office in tho liaaublo Ar cade. TH1S IS A Practical Business College 1 : coMbIninq TireoRY and practicjs With Banks of Issue, Contaíoing a capital of Thee ftljllioiis in Bank Notes With Hu.-miom OtfcCH furniahed with all the Blankft generalij uat' in business, aucli au Woles, ReceipU, Duo Bills, Orders, Check, &c. Thesfl are so employed by the student as tu tfive riso to actual BuBinesa operatious. The student thusbeCOlQOfl t he a e. Umi J(irchant tod fioük keeper, and tranacís ub 'cí';iiti!ÍLLai ly üs if eugsged in genuiae tra do, all the ferusinëftS pfrtainiog to whok'salo and retfti] (Jro cers, Comui-i.-jon, Jubbing:, ialiippinsr, Miting, Manufac'uring, Banking, Steamboatiog, Railroadiug, Ageuciee, ie. lJ IIOJVO (Til APHÏ, in taught by TOÏI!V B. HOLMES, A. M., a gradúate oí Gral;ams Phonographic Acadeuiy N.Y I.arge classes alsvaya n attonJanco in thü Corrsponding and Reporüng Htyles. TKE TELEGRAWlC INST1TUTE, is auder the iuanngenielit of MA, OTIS E. WOOU, fornier ?uperii teniit'üt of the New York, Albanyt and Buftïilo TülígrBpbfc fompwiy'i I.ine, üud Üie only In stitute in the ivorM wh' ie the theory and pracUcê öf lelcgraphing eau bf thoruufthly leavued, Thntceit inntrumonl i; are iiow in opertionj and over oue hun di ed yottng men ai'p alt-"dauce. Tw experieucud, first-claan operatora are coustantly emplojed to give instructions. Kor torm and oth.T informntion, addresfi, [including st&mjij for tiie kt OiVge Monthly Juui'nal '.' D. T. MES, ('resident, 3w939 i Ryracuse. New York. ARE YÖU INSURED? 1F NOT, CALL ON O. H. MILLËN, Aïünt for the followlBg claes Oompinlm : Home Insurance of New York, Cash Capita! orer $3.500,000. CONTINENTAL INSURANCE CO, OF [fLW YOKK. Cipiul niw il ,5 '0,0 0. In thi Compaa; the InBurd participaio la tlio profits. CITV FIEE IlsTS., CO., OF HAUTFOP.D. Capital over Thrce Hundrcd Thotúnnd DolUm C. H. lHLLr, 9erti Mtia strert, Ann Arbor.


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Michigan Argus