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CHE WORLD FOK I865. iPROS P3EOT ü S. Tho í'reriiJBniíal oo n test just closed eonaigned tho ui ulrtlcal denf3i:i#i of thu poepte of the Un, tod Pt&tai, O arica uuoihr leiiu o years, to ttie control oí PrOd onl Lincoln iU thi North, and JelTersou íMvis utthe outh, The DwmocLulic party, alvaya tcMtlfled wltb the rospenty, growth, a mi ylory of tlifl ftpublfc, XD&3 ra oint wlth licut-'at jjirdu taita record iu tilia great conut . A:;iii:.-t un adm'n -trjitinn wíelding the most eo i lJ íous power of patr in.;e and the most uuümltoi'. nunaod of trmsMra wrer ptUMSftftd byany Rovern ienl, Hiid reinforced ali.ü by the unfoundcd tea; a oí muy patriota and the i mpathtos of all traitora, tht oniocralic party fon ;ht the battle of 1864 lirnily ami _ nurlettftly to the. end. y I uffíiied in thu leef oral collier, the mal! inajority f popular rutei y which a h tfe been so defeattíá i i'iu'itisti;iM_r Iím 'h.-r.n Qumber f persona openly w oflicïallj depend at upou ilie udminíátration ua Giceholde rs or cOnttatOl8 iit thi; various dopartmeiita 1 the public BWVÍOft. ]T Hut Üi res-ult is agaiust us. The tw cnntimiea to eadinÍDlstered by men who ,not ónly vlolate its exrens provisión, but invaiU ais thoM peólBAi ;inl ivil rígbta co bigb and eaered t'iat eosatttution canlot eonfefj "bul only gttarapWu them. and wh'ch laws re tuade t'-1 riedicale una guaní. The pe usa i aflll t torne hv me i wlioj i a four yeiifs. fiare Uipet! updñ JL ti, and 'tli? unborn ROnerationsuf our diíl'iron, a bebt Imostaa hugosathatof Kngland, ttcquired thi-uuh entufit's, and whose policy uf a ! loited paper uureney doubfes u Jim lis ífce present bureen tfthisgiíiu i iudcbtehns. 'l'he ewoai) s still wielded by heao who Bce treasoo in ihj olive bvanch.untl wlio ifakti victories won by our gallaní armiua and Eteetti ruitle.sü, sinetthtíy opun uo ]juiU to thu triumjjliii of Üf-iiiocrht.s must await eventa. They ene now ouly watth for tïio public safety, and jxei'í all the power of a ijreut minority to prevent Mr. „möoln's adminiatration frtan driíting, for tlie sabe of ibolitif.n, uto a dibunion peaee, " They iilso serve who only ataud and wait ' The principies o? the Democratie pürty are jut, and wil! yet prevail, for thy aro tho litws of tt:e progrens of the human raOfi. They aro tho principies which ïave emerged frora every revolution of lbo Auglo 3ax6n race, withincreased güarantéMand Htrcngth. - By these it must stand ateadfatff ,'iirïmovable, compact, liarinonioua. ornanized. The ooming foiir years are to b fWUTS of ealnmity, But now, they who suwed the winds are to be the reapers of the whirlwincls The Democratie party is sliorn of power ; but it is divested ol 11 responsibitity. When the bour of our diötress comea, the puople, instej-d of cursing the Democratie party, will turn to it for relief, and cling to it for deUvtü'&nce. So far, then, from bsinsr rsliflred of duty for the immdiate futurt by our late defeut, a duiy more iuiperatfoe devolves ipn the Democratie pbrhs. Sentinelfl u pon tite vatch-tower?. now more tbau ever must they be and vigi tint. Oten, durÏDg; the past year. Tuk World han' boen made to feel the heay imnd of arbitiary power. - Rendering all lawful support to the constituted au thonties - to Csesai Csesar's due - avoiding tho extremes of partisan hoaüHty, and guiltlosa of any crime, shvo unüinchiug udvocacy of a free presa, free speech , free ballot, or an ardent devotion to thü Unioa.and support of the war for the Union'a ake, it h Btievertlieless, been repeatedly oxcluded l'rom military dtpurtments by partisnn Keqerals, and for several daya ita issues were suspended by tho order of hre&idont Lincoln himelf, and itn oflicoa olosed and occupied by armed aoldiers at his cominand. The fideliry and the fearlessness in the past, whioh, tfieao blows struck at us avoncb.oui readers are justified in expecting from ua for the future. The World for 1805 will be a botter nwspaptr than it has ever been. It columns, freed from the exseting demandsof a political canvaas, wiü .iTord more room for the newa of tko day of uil kinüd, rom 11 paris uf the world. We ahall not be contented to give to our readers the earUeat newa. Wa shall labor also to have it theujoii trustworthy The freest use of the :elegrapli, which ia the rigbt arm of the pres3,snd eo petent corroh-pondents with 1 ■ ur rmied ftMl utUie natiunal and stai# tjntah, andai all the cumraeroial ceníra of Europa nd America, and whatcver eUe skill can devise or cnerprise accompUsh, will contribute to make Tus Wobu he best aewspaper -f the day. Tue SKn-'Vi:K!í.i.Y WobT.t will exactly sult those who want the new.s oftener tniin week ly, yet do not foei ablfl to pay $10 for the Daily. It oontainq uil the reailing mattei , news and ediUniivIs of the liuily, exceptiug ojily Uw aövevUneineiits. , Tuk Wkekl T.'om-D ÍÍ2J uó3 nC'" f'aiWtQïroulationof any weeUy joumal published , Have olie. it extraordinary saooeas íince its uuion with the Now York Argu3 has juí-tiíied us in very liberal yxpendituro for the ytar to coniei such as wiil mako itwithoatft rival in interest and value to the farmers of ourcountry. H-i Agricultural Department tíII be as good and cúmplele at anj' of thü agricultural papwr? , and its rpurta of the attk', Produce und lioay Markyts will excel them all A page or more will be roaervedto entertaming Üroaide readlug, and th type will' bc largo and clear enotigh for old eyes. , All the editions of Thl WoRi.n are now printeüon, uew type. kevert! uew foldinif machines, just mt uth in our Taulta, will enable U8 towork off ünd mail ali eáitions witb ttie utmost speed and regutarity . While iho war coi.tinucn, und the currnoy U of uch j ahort as it in. we can hope fcr Utt-6 or no profit. Uur terma ha Vu been iucreaaed, büt uot in proportiun to thu J incrtsd eist of everythiog-used in mnktng a newspaper. Indeed, to (iaytliere is notliing equaliy Tiluablu so clicíip as a nuwspapr. TK RH#i la!iy Worid One copy , one ydar( by mail J10 Seml-Wetkly World. OnocopTjOne year 4 Th ree OOpiöS , on o _v ar 10 Fivo copies , one year 15 Weükly World. Ono copy, one y t ar ♦ 2 Foor co u ir s. one j ear 7 Ten copies, one year -...17 '1 wt?nty copies, one year 3-1 Ten cents extra ckarged in all catufor separate addr cm 3. An extra copy furnlehed to oluba of ten or inore. For clubn of (ifty the Befni Woeklv, an'l for e'uba of one htimTréd the I'aily, will bo sent to getier up of club. from club lists eau onlj be made by requwbt of the perenu receivin tho club packafs. All auoh requeats mnat name the postoffiüe and tate to which it had i'ieviuualy been sent, find luejobe iweuty-üfu iouia tó pay for chaninsr to separate addi-ftsu Urdeta fr auy of the eüitiunsof Ths Would niay be Böiit bymall, aad nln-.uld iaploae puatufflLe Money, Order or iïHii'n. dra:t for amount (Iesn the diacount). - Moueya stut by mail will be at thu risk of the aonuer. Orders and letters ahouk be addresed to 987tf 35 Par k Hor, 5iew-Vork. 1885. fifi IWTffi MÍÍU7WH jITERATURE, SCIENCE, & ART. Beauitful Emhellishmenls. FINE STEEL ENGRAVINGS. '"-New Volumo and Xew eriwa begin Junuary, 1866. [íümtóence Subacription with New Vol o Tl ik Eclecttic MfiAsi.vE was commpncod in lS44,and ïaa beon nuccessfully competed for the laut twenty rears, frora that time tü the present. As innny of the nimibera aro out of print and it ia '! mpossible for the Pubiisher to supply back volumes rrom the eoiaraencement, it is proposed, with the Jaujary number, to bèyin o iVew Series and a New Volume, md whiU all the essential features of (hu work will bc re'óineft,, sume new ones wíll be ddofm ichich it is bclieved wili add to the artistir and Uterary mine of the hroh . Nutwithstanding the Lrt'Üy increastti coat of pub ltuhing TUKPKICË Wlï-L aTILL 1ÍKMAI.V THlí ?AMií, and W6 trast our ïriende and pati'ons wiil ald ua i incieahing our cirüalatioa by induciiig theii frieads to cumuience Hubscriptious with theXaw SebiS. The conlentri of Tuk jEci-ectic ure careTullj selected efcch month from the emiro range of Foreign Quurttrlit'ü. Monthlios aild Periodicalö. ftftimsta'gtveth cboicost articlea from th p6l,B I of the most eminent foreign writeiB oü t"")'iCh of rAñ er) interest. x b THE twa W&rpm C7 TH, DAT, toucbing Lil.rature,MoraU?cien;tíi philo.ophy, and Art. aro th.'troiiKhly and aWyiacuased by tk mMdiefÍDgálBh' ed and bvilftant expositors -■■" THE KKVIKWy o ■ TUK MOST XOTAB1.E PUBUCAÍIONJ wlnch from tiy to timo which aro o extenaed and mpreIlfl11fiive a8 to Kiv the reuter thefiuest-e--vrflclsiind a „erai dea of the wbole wlA,rorm a noteworlhy feature of the publicaiion. Maay of thearticles in the foreign perlodicaifl ireat on subject entiielv local, and it is theaim of the Kdtor to carefully sutect ooly thosc oí iuteret to the American reador, THE MISCKI.I.ANYDEPA'.iTMENT.confcaimng brief criiii.isniH ot' both Foreign and American publicationn, ueleetioüH of poetry. Bcientilic :s,oú nrt ltema,la madn uu great care frum extensivo researoh and vavied reading-, aud add much 'o the value ot' the work. Eacb number ieiubfllihod with one or ni'ro fiuo ■teel engravings - portraitn of eminent mea or illustra t! r of Importan) hiitoilekl eveuti. TIk' twoïvn niunthly numbers make three volumes por yrar, witli Indexea andTitle pcffon for binding. TKK1-!.' - $o pur year, singlo n timbera i"2 ct&. The Trade, Cïftrjtymen, Ta.cher, and flubs aupplit-tl on reftsonable torcas. Addici, W. U. HIIWELÏ.( b Bcc&Ksa St. N. TT. A SPLEND1D PIANO FORTE ! Fora Moderate Prieel! VOSf.'S ii)w and improvod I'IAXO surpasffs oytbing uoiv "tildo Úrtc GREAT DTJHArJIT.lTY ! Surprising ritthnofifi aiid brilliancj of tere, ELEGANCS OF TINI3H! Anl MODERATE PRtCÈ. The ttontion of tlio peoplc of Asn ArborisKiKpeetfull; lrviUiI u, an xaniuiat'.ou of tine kvAiiiful f tj st r .unit. J. UENKV W 1111 ü'UOl'F. Oer.iral igutti !.■; ihe hljttr, 179.Iofr.rinn lyfpnc iKitrnil. Mii. E. C. Fosier ia mj' a,iti,o-i." agent fui Ann Th VOSK fUKüD-r be swn i hoi rouuw Bluck.


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