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FLORENCE PHÖTOGRAPH ALBÜM3, j PWTURES, FBAMBS, THBfiAP, SILK, T "W X S T 3 ■IACHINE O1L, ,c. Tlio nu'rlgn(I "uw uiSvw Uw puUi; TME BKÍ-T PAMILY IIT FÜB DURAB1LITY, BE A liTJoJ STYLE, and VARlETYof WCRK, it "STANDS ISP HEAiy Ir only "'J V ee n to i1 iLppreci t4. Rum I i WOl'k liutli Wiivy, litkt-K fouf kinds OÍ Btifcc i -, Íh'iíi.i, félfe, gnto.EH, lírai'id, bind , quilts, ffafchertí mi ew onftrulilfl t the aame tíjae. síewp fr m u. tLiuu-bt tu the t'.iickes'. fabríc without chAngintf. il1 tensión or needle, oí witUuui brtmkiug Uie tlireud. - It ía The Wonder of the World ! Also a y&riety of fhf ment beantlful PflOTOGPAPII ALBUM, 1'lC'i X'KKS ttn.'. FBaMES iu Kret vnty. and jiioturts tramed tu ardor ,t short no tice. Alsu.})AHNÜi'S SELF SJIWKIt or TU KER, whlcb oau bt sdjuwLud to un y Seirtng Machiuo. Cali at tha sigo of the KLORKXCE SEWtNG MACHINE, it füw áoora East of Oook}a Hotel. Sti!ching Ñeatlj Done to Order, Alio, un exblbtlan,thoelabrat(id " WEED SEWING MACHINE," wl.ich look the preciiuw at tbc AJicliiktui Stalu ïair, of 183-1. W. D. HOLMES. . Aun Arbor, Dec. S8th, 1864. Wilt FOR THE HANDKERCH1EF. A .7Iut Emnisïl'. Oelicmt? ont! P. [nnl l'erfmuv. isiüle-ü irn IU ure íd HfiiCíu Plwer I.oim wliU'b it Inlir ila iinBj. ÊSP Beware of Gdwterfeiti. ■ft e VhaUn'sTtíte .n l!i: Suld by ilrugglsU geiiei'üllyPRURïilÖm The great Itch. and Humor Killer of the IStli Cenluiy ! This neto prepeu-ation poestsac-s mort unnnitrvl proporties, and la J&. STJEaEJ OLJJHL33 Fr eTery species of tbc ITCH, PEilKIE 1TCH, BAïïBEtt'S 1TCEI, VFABASH 8CRATCEES, ILLISOIS M.4NCE, ClTASfEOrS KBÍPT1O3S, PIÍÍFLKS ON THE FACE, SALT BÜEia, SCALD UEAD, EnGWORüiS, kt. Tho PRURIGO I.OTIO Is a nfw and certain cm for all kinds of Itch, and betnpr H fluid preparstioH U t free frora a!l tho gummy, dlsagreeable qualltie of Öie ointments in general use. ThcI'RUHIGO LOTIO Is Bafe lo n .1. CIRCÜMSTANCES; wMl not lrritite the Li , , ■kin, and CONTAINS NO ME11C!' --r'rf?, ?,,„, Wü-jlt, Kunufactured by Do1" fU R Tl - F. T. MtWEUXD, Bole Proprletors, Lafxyelte, XmU paiCB öo Cents. LOED Ji S3IITH, Chicago, whoi,je ig.nw. Bolrt at Wholesale In Chicago )iyFÜLLER, FINCH Fl"LLER; CHARLES G. 8MITH; IJÜRNIIAMS Jl VAN SCHAACK; W. D. HARR13 A CO.; BMITH A DWYEK; i. II. BEED CO., aad H. BCO VIL. WIZARErOÏLÏ TBIS "SPLEKDID REMEDY CURES 8! TOOTllACirE O NKI.'HALGIA M Ir. Threc Miauteg. In Ten Mln.ilcg. mJKiCHIS ' KAlAciIE „ SS} Iu V'it.e Miaulos. In Ten. Mlm)t?8. CEiMP CO-I.TO piI'TjflKKU In ïea llinute. _ ; ln a Fe Huur. ■S0E8 TliROAT' RHnrMATlSM. In a Few litan. In a Pb Daya. LAME BAClt. SPRA1NS. OOTS AND fcr.nStS. jjurns ,ki soai.hh. reflomaií-ii'l Uself tu tvery jMiuaclu.W 1d lh Isntt. L'c on bonl ml yuti w UI 1hvS keep Uyu htm4 agaiMst Üiu tiuu' of utl. Prlco Wcfntii Mid ?5 cmt ■ 1k-I-. Thf Urtra bonica ontgin neaiiv Ure tfani m munh ns tn mail onea. Manufactured by J. A.-HaMUN A BRO., 102 WïmWnjrtTi streeï, Chicago, and for sk! by druggiïiLe generally. jfjÈf H.Miy Cocí!; A large stck. DuF0B3dF & iTÊ'.7;aT'3


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Michigan Argus