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'CHEROKEE FILIS ï araSÉ s . i ! .'. i - ■" 5,a T C i #; [ HEáLTH PRES1HÏER OERTAIN ANO SAFL. t)r tf Fauoml of èletrucU'wt atíú the nsitrimst of lUgulanfy n t'f lie lujeace ■ tUtt Thi'T cure or oliviíito tjiese nuincrmii rifteiU'TJ, üíai apvlng from tíregulaíUy, y tktaaYiag tt.y imrutarity Itfl"If. Th(y cure Suppriiüwa, Excewre and Pumíul &IeBSiQatíon. ;r ''''"-y core Oreen Sickness (Clilocorii). ty They cara Nry-auí anü Spluul Airctíon( piúns in the brvck, anl lowt-r pnrl f itiy boUjr. Heiivlness, Vatlgue on sïlglit exenions, ftüpttaUrtn f t'-e BUeatt't üwneB8 of ip&rUn, Hfdaput SMe hkadaeiwn Oiidiw etc , etc. In a word, iy rmóvtug the h'ifffiU '?■('', ti icy rcoftnN! th áúm, íiikI witli tt .i.i-1. i: ■ tir.-cu tiiut froni it. -T Coinpoacdol imle vegtfiáule astracta, they contaiti FiotMng tfufi'Jwloua tu auy üonrtttuílon, boWover delicióte, Ibelr ftwwl ■ -i ■■■ iny I i tfubstituu itreagth for weftkncaí, irhich, nlvcft properljf aajil y never fiil t1' Jo. í They muy ic wifely uat-.l at any age, ana a anv pCi'iod, KXOEPT DORlkU TUI! riRST THBKS MuNTLIí, (Ilu-íüíí wliirli the nnfifeilini; Dture ot Üielr uoüoo wnuld Infalllbly pretwékt nrígnaney. ;- All Uitcra BcekftiK inforirfRtlo ur ailvlce wUJ be (ñ-.inttty, traely muí díscreeUy answeoidL ÜT" í?ull directioóB aceonípany esicli box. gV" Btac Y i per ixx, or sis boxefl for í. y tícnt Ijy ra&U, fretí of poat&ge, oa roceipt oí J PampbLts aent by mail free of postage, by Dñ. IV. R. MERWIH & CO., C Liberty Si., Ncw Vork, Proprirtort. PR. WRiCHT'S RBJIIÏBN1THIB ELIXIR ! Or, ESSEÏTCE OP LITE, l'roparoil íViuii Pure YcíEfitnble K.ttrucí cwutulutute nolliiiiir Injurloim tu i e Ai the IïunlT r!en froin the aftbct oftt flrs aulmwïi;.! wltli uw lift:"- dof tHI Klitlr n-Jnvent tlic nyatem and overevite dlea, Lp The Rejuvenatítig Elixir ia the rs'sull of modern tttscovertea ra t'n.' vegetable klngdom; being hu etitii-el.y new and abstract .acthod of cure, irresp.ciivtf of. all tin1 1 -1 and trom out wyateuiB. f- Tliia medicine haa boeo tested bj the inoüi ciniiu'ut medical meu oTlbe rtai, and by thein pronoyncedto be omof the grtatest uWicul uiacovuiva f tbe Rge. f-OiK! bottle will cure general iJcblllty. f-f A firw (fósefl ouree Iï toi'ics In feiBfJo {- Oüvljotllv cures Palpitatloo of the Hcart. From orie [o three bvttlci restore Uiu mauUne and ful] vigor oí youth. ZSBF'A Pew doj reatorjes ttiti appttlte lfTiirecbotUes care the wurst css of Lnplency. pf?" A few los.js rurei the low splntcd. t -■;- i ine bottk restore nu-utal poww.; '..- .1 f, o dose r ton tfie orymnX of oeneration f'" a' few dusea biim: the rotw t6 tlie clieelc. íy Tliia medtc'uie vesbnrvt to inanly vigor :ud robust lu-allli poor dobUUateil, wuruü-jwu aud desiairïng. EP IB listles, eneartated youtli, the ovei'-ta(iiced ti." ui ol buaiu ite, tke vlcfliu of urvou dcprsilon, tbe inlhiihi:il sufferíng froro feneral .lobility, w fnji'i ;.■■ ifotteits "' h táñale wgj,nt s a.!l find tmmoiilM„-,U[)d parmunent reüef by tlio use oí thla Kiixlf or Bïflence of Life. 2?"" l'rice, ?2 per bottle ur three bpttlea for $5, and forwarded by Kxpreüö, on rfeceipt of money io Miiy ldrt}9, f Tfl riirokee 1511 and Ueju Vfójt táng fcCli xir, are aniil by all nterprislnff I)rii'-.ritiii elviliaeá sforld. Soine iopríociplea euíurs, howeVer, trjrto s._-il wortltless compouud Lti 'Uce of üiuse Uiose whlcli tlitry eau pmviutsy ai a chcap prlce, ani make more inoney by eeüin(f, tïmtt Uny üiin on these medicines. As you Talu ouj iKaltn, ;i ;, the bruith yf your fature offpi3u?. do nut bo doceivei by such uiiprincipl! 0ruf;its, tut fi.-r these medicines and take.7woth erin. IÍUh: Drufiist will nt buy them fur you, enclon tin' moiK-y ín a tetWr, and we will tend then lo jou by Kpixíd, sücm'cly sualcd and pacltcd, fre froiu ohservatlun. I.iJi,- er (Wntieraeacan adinss ñs In perfec co.'.fldeiiOf. BtHting tully ;vud )iniuly tlictr disease tóifl jyiiptómn, as wfe trpal all dneases of a chronl natttre in male or remate. Patiënt need nol hesilate beeauae of Umlr iuabïlUy to vlslt uu, as we hav Tiv-itcd píiticntá BUCiíeasftilly in all portiems of tk uh ilizod globe, by correspimdenüe. Patientl addressïng ua will please state plalnly &11 thp BVmptoTBS oí rh'.'ii romphiints, and wrlto PontwJBou, Oounty, State aod parae of wtíUt, plaiu, aud 'nel Be potáge BfSmp for reply. Wc send uur 3á %mqk. Pampjiltt free to any addresi. Aêdresa all [etters fof Pamphtets oradTiudt the proprictore, Dr. W. R. MERWíN A CO., Mo. C3 Ubarty stt( Nw York. deM by VVtíotwate Froféiírt.i ld Eñ ... ■. . W '-'y HisïORY cïf :::: woïild. BY PHÏI.IP SMITH, B A. O'ie of the jtrrttcfpal Canto ib E -j 10 ''-. UiriHirtíi af i; . i vi ( J ílu.ií:i vííí i.:í':í. u!üZfjj..yy and (rig. Oï" HK WORK. 3ïnc ■ ■■ yV ■. . i npi isoniui-nt ■ -„■ "1". -'■ .''■■■ ■ ui ml i; a i.ukor ♦cfaievcd tUO work w!mi tiv lell urtin "ïVtf. Tftr ivo U.';; ■ l 'i:Vl-i, 1 U.slurH'.-, LtOjjI Hit ai :i Btjcycl' psêJiii to :!l: niivt ■nyajjrt! nrliñ, tu whidi lie nnnftla of ench t:i;iuti :■ ■.■p.if ; ry rvcorivd ; ut. wtllibut au ;icif;nt t-i trttc lúe -tu: v oí I-iim? r.ovMüuj a ti ó bum" progre :.s"m onu coitnaett-fï nttfure. It ii priüKMjeiJ tb aaTi-iW {,;,;: WAut b1. ; wrk, aadtüiBtid vu. -Lih, i Ui Lt1 i. wiiinn öasouab! , ■ ut y.;t aofull as tu be tree fryui tfiG dry b..l-"n-.i ufan ',;HnK. Tin; I.-; . . r, ( H ; ■ i ■ ,i ...-.;. !; .r o .;..irt I'J llfcV _..y, - .suchas vn.iri of Uaïlwr, :ui -sstr, Krl vu {'"itock, Diiupli' r , aijd ol hcrs , -■ I I ■ '. "■■■"'.' tl ie -1 eliud iur suciia yOi:k, a.ii'1 fiiruiiii uí-tÍJÍ n Míiinfílt ree, for iuoxc-cutiou. lïut e+en iteuse crtia ruik. i"e Homewhat deficiënt i:i that organic unity whu-h is is cliiel uim of t'nis "üist tv e! ttteWorlU." Tauaiaryof purwUul) raen, Üuo tU.4 e U ep(tr ■ .0 i atípú, laíi :i a bt-gÍJiuing , a ojiadle, and au cud." Vv ... ;tCirv propon lu CuUutff rru u [tsdxauuiiag ii ,h 1 .oreil rucur'ls, eial frgna i b j da wn nf uiyiüuitiyn . . foíiftsVj - Ibruuftli ílesuc ea iVt OrieutAl '-.mpiroH, tUc of lil-'iy nLj3 (be [jerfèdtwii f uewtbeu h e ji-n-ai-'l 'ver the .'leu f tii vl.r.J lin hi iigüt i.t' clinaiir.iry spraag i-p.-tl ijfia uud b.vrt apefuance of tbi-bö barbarhiu rncetj rbich otw hrew bírth'átyisiona ut' tlie Uituao l.u,-.rr,- ' Lf tuilail theStfitfla wbicíi r ko on iinpiu'c ruiot i'iu uiifí tU yicturesque 'íe'ai! ol' mdivl bUtyr}, id tbc atead p'ro(j resu uf Mu tf n libci ' etvifín p 1,- and lUw exieaisioo ul fhese iflueop,j :-u.í erj. conques , colouiBat-on. n;': Chrtifiu tafiüni( .he ivmi)U',.t tÍoDb oí tfee wi'tJi In 1 w" ■ arati historioP QOt thtí'U't c otmesM hacían „'ion a u'(] aüfftí .. , , ■ ; hiui id to bring into u ) -10 eevwrftl paita whící twiivliy l-rin Oftc grek lióle, rooTtm[nvíidrt, mil-Iv"' '-i"1 ici1teí i jUrta 1 ovidíiicj té tUe uul,U"wii t-ud otdüiped ia til iJiviu Nu paína witlbfl Bpaiedt aiakfc thla híxtoi y seLoUrke tu substauee and papular iu si v le It wíl i be ltuo. ■■d 00 til e b-'Hi nnl unrilit's, Mli:.-i.'l i-.iid iin-tlfi ij, oriiiTañíTsecóniTiity. The is1 rirrest rcctnlh md tktfltorícal fid tnvtiíotatious. íLe resuim l#,'!;! frop lfa modern -jeienco compAr&tiv Uilü!-v, uud the libcirverit-s ]ieh Vfp.s luid "jo-n sew uroes 'M 111 ff luía 1 mu oin'i-! litf.j; liie Kasi . (KTtrí ch laciülies as tü male the inieAut a t% pncii tr - r undert&king, ihc wor will bo diviúo.l To Hlin-e Períod, Mk nppteta ín ■ LbL'i' , iiQ'.l w:ll L01 m (Likt VoíwtttM in 1 vruj ■etavo. . - A,MCIBKT QlíTOBT, -'tiCrtd jind Pí-rulaT: fruo feb Creation to tje fu 11 Qf tbo Vfe ttra Kuiire, in A. Ü. 475 . 'i'iv ve 11 mee . '. - MlEDÏKVAL HltflOBY, CÍYÍ1 and EccttíK'ast !Cttl ; fM)U the 111 tíf ili tutotn i'mp.í'U. t: c '"itiirr CmtantiiHjlc by thf Turks, :u .. I). 1453 Two VolUlOM. !lt. - Mjdljís Hin-miiY ; ítüiu ttis fWtlinf th Hytütia i'npirc to ouï-"i. t'ini.'ii. i ít Voliím'.-. H wiU he pubjisticd ui B V'-'h. tf vi. fnce la oiwtk, 3 50 per volunto. .Shvvj), $ .'.',', llalf Murueco, f. ■ i uaie 1 uor vtdy . Vorits WHntedln all parts of tlis Country. Ai.-püyíioLs uhuult] hv maule a onc tu tb l'uliíikD. AFPLKTOK & CO., Mr.Mlhow liisi pvcp'ircí tl.c vkn'EJIAN nATR OVr-; ; - ii (■ t',.t ! ( , . I : ri l.'fn usi'il ti t liouno( Ipl Q 00 aat lüCtí has it laileii to tr'Vü Phtlr MttftfM ion. Thf VtNETI VN DYKÏ" Ul .-li.-. i.o.l ín lh wrM tspricf i...ili !-;r íVutn, ,in:v.ich imitlp oulaln nuble Un mllHtJ "I oye iu iihuhIIv oM Tor The VRS'fTI VN PTf In w,rr!int,.d not toinjor II iftir rT i v.I(. ,! :u. hlf-t tic iíw ItaVÜXI I'IAS' nV mrk. with miiíilvlllirrr. aiiT 7 rh t(r r.-.) i" ít li" "rr prn-íon -hat#r, Ph VK l'TlNiiYf .r,iuc 11T huietkkt mv'nr-iUiiü h'i .vi:1 uit tvie, -.-efe nr w hne -f.iip t1mt a !i""i"iirit" '. h.-,r :-ff. i',,. ..„le . ni' lruo-isi. - Pri'1'' 0 "nif. A.r. M kTlLrs.(Srranl Amni, líGol.l Strt.t, Nvw York. Alo, Münufaottiror "■■ M.1!íívv ,h.".. h l'.r-y 'lif t .,; ;r .:,-. j, u ;. ,;. ],. ar(„K -'rt. ITir-M.'-ii:, }j!wt


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