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BYSPEPSIA, AND DIíiEASBS R E 3 UI..T I SíjG FHO5J eis0hde2s of the liveh. a:td digestí ve organs,. ARE CURSD UY HOOPLAND'S GtitóÜN iSTTEK, THE GREAT STEEWGIHENIlia ?? m i . These Bfttón have pprformcil more Cures HAVE AND DO GIVEBBTTER SATI8PACTION Have more Tf-sdiiiony J HAVE MORE RESPECTABA PEOl'LK TO VOUCH FOR THE Ml Thaa any otlier ;rticle n t!ie mjirkst. We defy auy olie to contradict tliis Assertion, ANJÖ WILL. FA Y $1OOO Toanyonowüo will proijnoa a Ce tnicafe publihei by us,thatiH uot oenl'j.vk. oflaiïd's mm mnn WILL CUKE IK EVUIY CASE OV Chionic or Nervoi-s Debiüty, Diseases of tiie Ilidneyn, and Dlseassa arising bom disor-' deied Stomaoh. " Observe thffoUowing sijmplums rtsuliing from Disorders of tfie Digestiva Organs i Constiparon, Inwaid Piles, Fuüdms of BJood to the hoaJ, Acility, of the Stoiuach, Nauasa, lloartkuro Disgust for food, Fulhioss orweight intheStomncli ' Bom Bruetatlons, Sinting or at tb pit of UieStomach, Swimiuing of tht, Head Hurriedand'HfflcuKfcjt.ithiug, Fiuiterr.g at tlio Heart, Choking oí Suffocating .a. öations wUen o a Ljing Posture ■ Diraness of Vision, Dots H or Webs befo?e tbo Sijrht, Foyer an.T DuUPain in the Heul, Defldiency of Frespiration, Yellowness oftho Skin an.l F.yn, paio ín ths sido, back,chest,limb8,&c.,Suil.iou fluRh. es of Heat, Burning in the Flusli, Conslunt ImagiuingsofEvil and Great Dopressiuu of Spirit, THAT THIS BITTERSIS NOTALOHOLIO, CONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKEY, AND CAN'T MASE DRUNKARDS, liUT ,J In the World. i READ WHO 8 A Y SO i Fromthe iSt,. L G. Eeck, Pastor of tb. Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. J., ioruierly of the Norlh üap tistünurch, Philadelphia. muujj ♦ I have known H-joBand'. Germán Bitters farorablv foranumbe-rof years. I hare u,e.] them in ", o -v„ fainily and have been so pleased wit], their eftocts tha I was .nducedto rocoinmenl them to many o the and know that they have opérate.! m a stnkingi" benXiV manner. I take great plea.mrs in thu m,w i claiming tliis fet,ndeamn?trie attoií t.f afflicted with the diseases tor wh'ch ín" v ?r. " tended, to th,8e bitters. to,wl.L froi ïnSJbS'h my recommendatioD ivill koaustatned I ,!,, tt cheerfullyasHootland'.sBitteiBi., Intsaded tí'h"10 the afflicted, and is -Bot a rum drink ■' beue6: Yottistraly, i,EVI O. niiCK. FromRev.J. Newton Bron-a, l. D. Editorof thpF 5S?S!i4Í3Sr" KnowkIge and L3" J , lthough not disposed tffcror or reeomraend Paten! edicnes in genoral, throub-:! dbtrust of tbe"r ihlrë dient, and ettects, I vet know of no wfficient resoo :i man mnynot tcstify io the bpnanr. i c;1"0'1 bim-self to bave'received frum a„y ,ZZ nrJl 'V' onfó?berspetuathe maï s-ïaLwiBS2s; 1 do this more readily in regard to Hoofland'. G.r mar, Bitters, preparcd by Hr. C. M. JacLw, of tbj city, because was prejudicfd against thfm for ,aï years, ondertj impreasiou (ha-, thev M-ere -lüífw ? alchohohc mixture. I in indebted to mv fnml 'r ert Shoemaker ËSq. for the removal oTi. preJdt by proper tests, au,! for to try ïheu vben suffering frnn, g,-eat long oontinued lVl,:i , TUa uso ,.,' ti, reo Bottles „1 these bHter at ihl . ■ ning ortue present year, wls ,„],„ "ed ,,y evit rT and rostoratipn tv a degree of bodüy and mnt-?l l which I bad n.,t for jij montbs beforo, an b ,d alnfo ÜO'palroJ ofrogaiun,". I ihérBfor t!,ak God and Z inend for dirocting c-.e to ti;e nse of them ■ JJEWION' BBQWN, Phila. From theRev. Jos. H. Kennard, Paatorof ihelOthBan tist Church. Dr. Jacks :- Dear Sir!- I have been frequenth-r. - questedtoconnectmypami! ivitb commendatinns f different, kinds of medicines . but rcgardlnir ;he uiarl asoutofmyappropriatesphure, I have in all r docliucd ; but wilh a clearproof in yariuus instanceand particularly in my family of tho usefuilnoss of ] v. Hoofland'ü Germán Bitters, r depart once from n i usnalcourse, to expresa my full oonriction that '.r general isbility of th8TBtmn and ospecialiv forfiv Complalnt, it i aai and valuabie prepawtttoii n someoaseaitmayfail; bui uuuallv, Iilouttnot it'w 11 be very beneflcial to those ii-ho nuffsr from the'aboie Yours, very respeetfully, J. H. KENJÍABD Elghöa balow Coates Street, rbiïa From Rev. Warren Randolpb, Pastor of the Bantis' Cburcb.Geimmtown, Penn. mi Dr C. M. Jaonson :-Oear Sir :_ Personaloxpari.-a, snables me to say that I regard the Germán Bitter nepared by you as amostexcel ent medicine In cis n( severe cold and generaldebility I have bcea irrea'tl' benefltedbytheuseof the Bitters, aud doubt uot the', will produce similar eífeetj on others. Yours, truly, WARREN RANDOLPir. Germantown, Pa From Rer. J. H. Tumor, Pastor of HeddingM E CburcbjPbila. Or. Jackson :- Dear Sir .- tlaviug used your Germar Bitters in rayfamilyfrenoently, lam preparod to 8av tlial it has been of great service. I botteve that n mus', cases cfgeneial debility of the system it is the saiesi and most valuable reinedy of whicb I hare any knowi Your8,respectfully, j ir. TURNER, Ko. 726 N. Nineteenta Streoi. Prom the Rev ..T.U . Lyor7fYrmerI y Pastor of (he Co lurnbus, (N. J.)andMtlltown,(ra.)rtptiatChur:hei ITew Rochelle, N..Y. Dr. C. M. Jackson :- Dcar Sir :_I feit t 0 ploaerrr tlms,(.f mj owuaccord to bear testimony to the exc'el lenco of the Germán Bitters. Soine years since, beinu mochanlicted with Dvspepsia, I used them rrftn Ten beneíicial resulta. I have of teil rocommended them to persons enfeebled by tbat tormenting disease. and have hcard from them the most flattering testimoniáis as U, tbelrgreat value. In cases of general debility I be llovó itto be atonio tliatcau notbesurpasse.l. ' J. M LYONS. FromtlioRev. Thos. Winter, Pastor of Roxboroneb Bapfist Churob. Dr. Jackson ■- Dear Sir : -I feel it due to yonr oxcal lent prepararon, Hcoriand's'ïerman Bitters, to add mi testimony to the doserved roputation it bas obtained I have foryears, at times, heen troubled ïvitb great dii' order in my head and nervous ystem. I vas adrlnd by a friend to try a bottle of your Germán Bitters. 1 dia so and have experieDood (cveal and re lief; my health has been very materially benefitted. I conadentlyrocommend the article w ere I meet with cases similar to my own, and hare been assüred bv many of their good eiiecls. Reapectfully yours, T. WINTER, Roxborough Pa. FromReT.J. S. Herman, of tho Gorman Reformed Clmrcb,Kntztown, Berks Co. "a. Dr. C. M. Jackson :- Respected Sir.- I have been troubled with Dyspepsia nearly tiventy years, and have never used any medicino that die me us much gpüd as Hoolland's Bitters. I am verv much mproved in healtb after baving taken flve boitles. Yours.with re-,pect, J. S. HERMAN. QUICES. Larje Size, (holding nearly doublé quantity,) $1 00 per botHe- half do. 5 00. Small Size - 15 cents per Bottle- Jialf dozen $4 00, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Sec tbat the signatura of " C. M. JACKSON" is on tbe WRAPPEKofeach bottle. Should your nearest Drutrgist not have theartiele, ÍO not bepnt off by tntoxtcating preparations that may be offered in its place, but send to"us,and we will forward, securely packed, by Principal Office and Manufactory, NO 6 31 ARCH STREET PHILADELPHÍA. Jones fe Evans. Succestors o C. M Jackson tf üo. PHOPRIETOHS. T"T saH by rrugyitf; and Dflalw iv evers t fíu V.M StoMB. 'Jij 1


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