Presbyterian Old School General Assembly
This body met in Cineimmti, on the 15th of Mny. Thcro were 123 members Trom the North, nnd 66 Trom the South. Dr. Krehfi, of New York City, was electerl Moderator. A curious debate aróse on ihc validity of baptism perfórmed ly Konum Catholic prists. Quile a tMierencc of opinión prevniled. On one side t was argued that the Romish churcli was not a eb uren of Christ: con.scqueiuly theordinancc had no more validiiy thnñ f performed by a Mimioo pricst. On the oihcr side it was asked, where did icc get the right to baptice'? If iraced back, it brought them tü the Romish Church. Luthcr and Calvin ere baptixcd by that church, nnd were never re-baptized. Catliolic Baptwin was declared inualid by 109 nays to 6 y cas. We give the follow ing synopsis of the proccedings on Slavery IVoin the Cincinnati Herald. "Committee on the subject of Slavery. consisting of Dr. Rice, of Cincinnati, Dr. Lord, of Bufido, Dr. McGill, of Alleghenytown, liev. Drury Lacy, of N. C. Llev. N. IL Hall, of Lcxington, Judge Leavitt, of Ohio, and Mr. Dunlap, of Piiiladelphia - ReporJcd by tlieir chairnian h subitancc as follows: The memorial are of threo classes: 1. Asking amelioration of the slave's condition. 2. Thöse whicli ask the Assembly to discus, and urge members in slave States to strive for the repeal of the slave laws. 3. 'l'hosedenouncingslaveholding as a sin nnd asking for discipline. It is impossible to discipline slaveholding as a sin, without denying some of the plainest declarations, of the word of God. It would bechargingthe Apostles of Christ witli winking at sin. Yet the committee hold that there is evil connected with Slavery, particularly in those defective and oppressive laws, by which in some States, it is regulated. - But since Christ and apostles did not make slaveholding a bar to church fellowship, we cannot scriptu rally do it. Nor can we remove the cvil of Slavery by ecclesiastical action. But we rejoice thal ministers and members in slave States are awaking' to the importance of giving instruction to slavcs, etc. 1. Resolved, Thnt the Assembly was originally constituted on the admisión that slaveholding is not necessarily Ãi sin. 2. Therefore, to aiake slaveholding a bar to communion, would be to dissolve itself. Moved to accept and ndoptthe Report. [Calis for question were made from all parts of the house.] A cali for división on the motion was admitted. The motion to accept, was then carried.A voice was heard moving to make the report the order of the day to-morrow at a certain hour, butit was not seconded or received n a slight movement among the members. The motion io adopt was entertained. The re-reading was called for. Agreed to, and the report was thën read. Kev. Mr. Jernegan. - [ am not prcpared to vote upon that report - to admit that ils sentiments are according to the word of God - I sumbit to the assènbly whether it be possible for this assembly to act instantly on a report of such momentouá mporlance, with becoming calmness and deliberation. Let us have time to consider the report in detail. He moved to postpone the present motion, and make the subject the order of the day for Thursclay next. Dr. Hamilton moved to amend; printing the report and making it the order of the day on Friday niorning. Dr. Junkin warmly opposed the postponement and printing. It isaplain paper, and if we print we may have discussion at lenglh. Mr. Weatherby, of Mississippi, opposed the postponement. That paper meets tho views of the North and the South. - All can understand it. Let it come to the vote. Dr. Lord, of Bu fÃalo", apprehends that the postponement wil] throwopen the subject to a wide discussion. Ayes and Noes wcre called for - not sustained - onc third not voling for it. The motion to postpoae was then put and lost. Motion to print was put and lost. A división oà the paper was asked for. [Many members rise and address the chair.] Thefirst resolution was then read. Dr. Junkin wishes brothren may have time to speak. (Many calis for "Question," 'Question.") Rev. Mr. McMaster, from 'Synod of Piltsburgh, pro)osed a verbal amendment, which was lost. The first resolution wascarried without a división. The second resolutiou was then read, and adopted without debate - a few voices heardinthe negative. (The resolution declares that the attempt to discipline slaveholding osa sin, would tend lo dissolveour civil Union, rend the cliurch, etc.) Rev. Mr. McMaster desircd to amend the pre-'unblc so as to subsütute the word"servanls," for the word "slaves," in the preamble. Dr. Junkin oppnsed the amendment - hc hopes we shall not make the paper equivoca] wlien the committeo made it plain. [Calis fqr "Question," "Question," "Question."] We want to cxpreasour opinión so that it will be ühderstood. The mot ion to ameud was then lost; so Ihe assembly refused to substituto the word "servnnts," for the word claves," as designnt ing ihc persons in service inslructed by the apostles in the New Testament. The question on the paper was callcd for by many voices. Dr. Junkin calis Cor thenyes and roes. [Je wishes 1o have hts name to thatglorious document. The cali was sustrwncd, and the aves and noes wcre accordingly ordered. Mr. Jernegan, froni Northern Indiana, asked to be excuseJ from voting-. E.cused. The ayes and noes we re then taken, and were as follows: affirmativo 1G4, negativo 12. Dr. Junkin snggested that tho Moderator rendcr thanks to Almighty God for this blessed decisión. Mr. McMaster protested against it as an insult to those voting in the negative. Dr. Junkin varied the motion so as to give tlianks to God for the harmony wilh which the house had arrived at their decisión on this moinentous subject. This motion was strongly objected to, on the ground that thosc voting in the negative would fcel themselves insulted by it. Dr. Junkin then with leave withdrew his motion. The Moderator then called on Dr. J. C. Lurd to lead in prayer. Dr. Lord, of BufÃalo, then gave thanks to God for the harmony with which He had enabled the assembly to conduct its deliberations, and that our Ileavenly Father would especially bless the decisión to which the house had just been brought upon a most agitating and important subject; and that we might still share his protection and care, so that soon none will be called to say, ':Now hath the Lord covered the daüghter of Zion with the cloud of his anger." After giving notices, the house adjou rned." We shall not trust ourselves to express ourdeep abhorrence of this additional instance of ecclesiastical sanction of manstealing, making it a Bible instifulion, and therefore perpetual through all coming time! A sanction by tho General Assembly of the abominationsof Sodom and Gomorrah, in our judgment, would have been no more derogatory to the character of a Christian assembly than was this endorsement of the robbery, cruelty, adultery, lust and oulrnge now prevailing through the great Southern Prison-house.
Signal of Liberty
Old News