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OLOTHING AT immnmi Havicg just returnsd froni East wíth a large tocl of F ALL AND WINTER GOODS! we invite uil our olJ f rienda aad cuBtoiners to comí aad examine eur stock of CLOTHS CASS1MERES & VESTÍN6S. Dispute the föct if yon can, It takes the TAlLÖK after all to give appearance to the outer man. If; jou wifh to ajjpcar well You must accordingly Dreu Well. Co to Si. Guiterman & Co'a,, Thero you will find things oxactly Sü. SONDHEIMuvaya ready to tako : your measuro, GUITERMAN will sell you Goobs witii great pleasure, At figures L0V7ER than you will find in the State, Take heed - call earit, else vou are too LATE. The INDUCBMENT8 aro now greater than ever, Our Glekks you. will find obliging and clever. We will show you good CLOTHING of our own oetting up, Filling our Stare froru Bottom to rop. STUDENTS especiaily will Ênd it to THEIB ADVANTAOK, For it takes but LITTLE MONEY to replenish. COATSof Cloth and C'aseimere of our OWn IMPOIiTATlON, Forw arded through our New York relations. From England, Belgium, Germany and Francc, Sucíi as you can stand up ín, of wear, at the dance. Pants ! Pants ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fanoy CASSIMERES and DOESKIN of evorv grade, We sell them from ONE DOLLAR up tO JSIGIIT. VESTS, &C, of every descriptioh, You will tind it so without fiction, Furnishing apparels , From SHIKTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all we say now, Tlssefore we make our bow ITours truly, ever so, M. GÜITERMAN. Co., I. BOH has a ew and complete STOCK OF SPRING GOOüS boughfc before fche recent GltSAT RISE IN GOLD ! (Whichwill be Sold FOR CSHIOISTLY, lowest;market prïces :ï Call and See ! Ann Arbor, April, I86-Í. CLOTHES WRINGER! The ONLY reliable self-Adjusting Wringer. NO WOOD-WORK TO 3WELL OR SPLIT. NOTHUMB-SCREWSTO GET OUT OF ORDER. WARRANTED WITH OR WIT BOLT COG-WHEELS, Ittook thel'IRST PREMIUM at Flfty Serea State and Countj Fairs in 1863, and is, without an exception, the best wringer ovur made. WIIAT EVERY BODY K.VOWS, viz: Thatiron wellgalrantzed will nut rust; That a simple machine is better thau a complic&ted one; Tliat a Wringer should be self adjustiag, durable aml edicionf : Tliat 'lliurab-Pcrews and Eastcnings cause delay and tiotible to regubttt and keep in order; That woml sóftked in hot water will Bwell, ishrink and split; Tliat wood bearings fortlie shaft to run in will wear out; ' That the Putnam Wringer, with or without cogwheel.% will not tear the clothes; That cog-wheel regulators are nntessential; That the Putnam Wriuger ha f? all the advantages, ' and not one of the disadvantageH above nametl; ' ' That all who hnvc testfld it pronounce it the best wringer over mude; Ttiat it willwringa thread or abedquilt without nl teratinn. W raifflit fill the paper with testimoniáis, but msert only a few to convïuce the skf ptica!, i f such there { and we eay to all, test Puinamb Wringer. TestitTHOROüaflLTwith ANV and ALL others, and if not entirely satisfactory return it, PÜTKAM 3ÍASÍTFCl0BIKd Cü., Gentlemen- I kpow from practical experience that Iron wellgalvanized with zinc wiH not oxidizo or rust one partiólo. The Putnam Wringer is as near perfect ] as poulble, and I cao chcerfully recomnend it to bo the beat in use. Respeetfullv yoarf JNO. W. WHEELER, Ctereland, Ohio. Manyyoars experience in the galvanizing businpss y enable mo to endorse the above statement in all particulars, JXO. C. LRFFERTS, No,100 Beekman Street. New York, January, 18R4. We have testad Putnam 's Clothefl Wringer by practical werking, and know that it will 00. It is cheap; it is simple; lt req aires no room whether at work or at rst; a child can opérate It; it does itsduty thoroughly; it saves time and it saves wear and tear. Weparnestlv advise al! wholiave Mixen wa.shing todo with all Intelligent pei-sons who have any, to buy this di wringer It will pay for itself in a vear at most, Hon. HOR'ACE GREKLEY. Patented in the United States, England, Canada and Australia. Energelic men can make from 3tolO o lars perdny Agents wantedin evtry toirn, and in all mrts of the world. S;im.ji!u Wringer sent, Express paid, on receipt of price. oi No. 2, $6.30; No. 1, $7.60; No. F. $S.5O, No. A f 9 50. Manufacture and sold, rhoTuile and rett.11 br TnEPVrVAM WANUFACT0RINGCO'


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