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Estato of WüHam J. DavisorP OTATE OF MICHIGAN. County of WasM " of Washtenaw bolden at the Probate tin "U1 city of iM Arbor.onThamlav.the flfth rt ï ' uary m the yw „ne thousand eht hTndr, Present XIi.-ai.i J. Bcaltes, Judge of Prob.i Ir. the matter of the Estáte „f William J r ! UM John üavison, Administratot onSÏÏÏi come mtoCDurtaiid npremt that he . J ? pared to render Ha Unalaccountas süch adil"? p Thereuponit is Ordered, that Mor. day t ' í'.rat day ei Junuary,. A. I). 1865, at teo'clock !'" foicnoon, be assigned for examining anj al . '" woont and that the heirs at law of ,,", d'"" and all otber persons interestcd In wid tsta a quirort to appoarata session of said Coutt tl', "" holden at the Probate Office. In f,e City of Am, V in said County, a ml show caune.if any thi'i, k b the sakl aocount houM not be l„ait i ' ," ther ordered, that said John Pavison ghe 'r ' the persons nterested ia said estáte, of ihe ni of aid account, atd the hcariutlicrof,by Jl 'eD copy of this Order to be publi.shed in the 'ke„ ? gom .tra!1-, a níwspaperprinted and circulutin'in County óf Washteuaw, threc BoccessiTe weels s to said day of hearing Previo (Atnjecopy.) HIRAMJ . BEAK . Judge of l'rou'al Estáte of Norman M. Cumings CTAÏKOP MICHIGAN, County of Washtena ',, O At a MEMJon of the Prèbate Gonrt Inr the (StS J ashtipaw, holden atth . Probate Office int,;?" AunArbor.onThur.sday, the flfth öay of J, the year one thousand eight bundred and ír5 Present, Hfinm J. Beí,JBflge „f Probate Onreadingandftling the petition, duly Tw, d Alttta J. CT:mings, praying that Administiatloi Jf ., estáte bc granted to her orsome other litabV Mr. Thereupon t is Ordered, tint Momlay the 3,)'í l ' January, A. I) . 1SÖ, at oae (.'loctin.thy aftIni0 ass.gneü foj the hearing of said petition. and tl?1, heirs at iaw of said deceased, and all ml persons interested in said estatt, are reo„ toappear at a sesMon of said Court.then to beiolS the Probate Offlcë in the City of .„ L' and eanse, if any tbcr'e be. wliy tlienï.v ot thepetitioner should not be lueïri' And it is further ordered, that sai-t petitie fcive noticeto the persous nterested in said esta p the pendency of said petition, and the hearing them WSr1'"Mf thisOr(i fublwhed n HreMy MuMgan Argus, a neTrspaper printed and X culatmf ,u said County of Wmshtenaw, threc SUCf„ sive weelis previous to said day of hen-rin? (A tpue Copy.) H1RAM J. BEAKES, "Ja Judge of Probat, tcnav.-InChancery. At Chambers, i„ ],," Ana Arbor,in said Connty of Washtenaw o n3, the (Ifth) sixteenth day of December, f2 rL. . lhou,.nd eight hundred and sixly-four. -eMM Prese;.! . Hun Edwin Iawrcnco, Circuit J0A„. In tho cause wheiein fhristof Wahz is CompUtaa, and Samuel !ncreroll i Defendnnt P".inttt, It appeanng bv theaffidavit of John TV. A o Cullen Eq , tk-licitov lor the sboTe mimed Compli:nai,t cc, on hle msni.1 cause, that the abore named DefmdTrt Sarauai lncursi.Ii. bas not been served witli the fut' ïomaissnediusaiil cause, and thr.t lie don oot r "■' in the tte ,.f Michigan, but tbat his lasj !,, , :;;::i:-üi;twY"rkii"tLeco' On motion of John W. A. S. Cnllm, Ksq , Sol.ciforfor the Cr.mpS.IlMt, t is ordered that theeaid BefJuS buH lugersull,cuus.h sappfai anee to be enWedi. bi abure cause w.tbin threc months from thedat.rf hia order, and in case of his aj.pea ranee thathecAín his answer to the O.mplaiiiaiim bilí to be filed mí, ;opytheieof to be served on C. mplainant's sófeij withm twenty dajs after service of a cr.pv ofs.ul bill and b default thereof, that the Bill of fJoiUi iimi.lbsomtmjbe taken s cu,:fesïed oV Mid )efenrlafft,Samncllngi!iRoll ■ J ""' Andit isfurt hsr r.r.!prd, that sid Ccuiplaiiiut d with.n tweuty dayficili tl.e-Ciatt -hercf, eau., antr of tbis order o ba pnblished at lcsf once ioeart weekforsix succeiy weeko in the fTerkly UUign Argüí, a public uewspaper j.rinted and publislfii i heCi'y of Ann Arbor, in aU County of Wtóiteoa rthat ('omplainant canse a copy n( this oifcito bt ersonaüy serred npon Jhe said' Pefendact t !, n-enly flays bofore the time prescribe! bï this atitt or hi;vpiearance, [A J E. LAWP.ECF TBACY W. KOOT, Circnit Judge Clerk. FOiNITOilE ROOMS ne ckf.r."orth ofRii.ion and Htnursn'j Hardwars Store. Ihe undersigned hafinfc purchased the eotire stoeï X at W.D.Smith i C.,., and added Iargely uthrnam, prepares to funsish his fi-iesds and patrop a gM4 ssortment of well rjade furniture, Cf üsistlng of &GFAS, EUÜEAU8, BL0STEABS3 BOOK-CASES! TABLES and CEAIES, jfall kinds, and in fict of everything pr-r!aiaiito tl tuiMII, " L O U Jf G ES. MATRASSES, te, c.,made to order by good knd experie-.cefl worknn, and warranled to Kie saiisfactíon. He alia :éepa a good Js;rtnient of Cnerry and WaluutLurabfr ui sale t raaMinuble prices. And ivill alsu pavtb ,!Bf;f-t niiirkft pricefur Cherry. Walaut, ani WUtt Voud l.iimbrr. P. S. He has also pnrebased ths uew and ELEGANT HEAESE! ofSmith & Co., and isprepired to furnisb all iiniis of Wood Coffias, MetaJic Cases, AND CASKETS, On the shortest notice. AIso nttenrifi to laviog èrmttA persons dar and night, wühou( ei a'rge'. All üelivered in tbi (ree ol ciiarge. W. U. BENHAM. Ann Arbor, JaüQry ldih, 186S. 840tf 1864. 1864. IsTE"W FALL COODS! AT REDUCED PRICES. - o - C. H. MILLEN Is now opening a NEW STOCK of Domeiti and KM DRY (OOI! AND FAMILY GROCERIES, bought sílice ího recent (ïcc'iae in GOLD, and man? kinds at considerable Deduction from FormerPricesi Please cali early and mako your purchaseswb'l the stock ia complete. C. H. MIU.E". Ana Arbor, Pept. 1864. 976 CARrETS.OilClotlis and House FurnisMng Goods; a good stock at 976 c. o. muxsv. TO THE I.APIES - A stock of elegant Pry Goodi, Shawls anil Cloats, for the fall traae, now opeanifcat 976 C.H. MILLEN'b. TO THE GENTLEMEN.- A fine stock of ClotbSj Cassimeres, and Gents' Furmshiug Goods, ja1 rpcoived at 976 C. H. MIIAEX'S. Ayeres Cathartic Pilis,


Old News
Michigan Argus