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If our rcnders hare read the co:iV8 poudence betweea Admiral Porter atd ex-Oon. Bttler, publishod in our last issue, and besido have read the report of Adruiral Pohtïr tü ths NiYal Departmcut, thoy will readily note íh differer.oe in tone betweeu the Adiniral's lettor and report reforred to, and the following laconiü dispatch : Washington, Jan. 17. The Nay Dopartinent Las reoeived the followiiig : From OffForl. Fislier, Jan. 15, 1865, Ta Fortreas Monroe, Jan. ) To Hou. Gidcon Wellsv Sec. of tho NaTy : iiu - Fort Fisher is ours. I send a bearer of dispatehes with a brief acoount of the affaii'. Geu. Terry is entitled to tho higbest pra sa, nd the grtitude o his country, for tho maMier in whioh hc has onnucted his part of the operations. He is my beau-ideal of a soidier. Our cü-operaüon h:.s been most cordial. Tha rea'jlt ia viotory, ivhich will always he our when the army and, navy go hand in hand. Tiio naval loss in the assuult was heavy. The ;:rmy loss ia h'so heavy. (Signed) D. D. Portbb, Rear Admiral Oonmianding. Admiral Portbr is evidently ot the the opinión of the Riclimond papers, that Geu. Butler wao the "Jonah" who raarred the suocess of tha firat expedilion ; Gen. Grant, in denianding Bdtlsr's re uioval, gave evidence of the same opiniun, tiid the publio will concur. Goodbyo Butlbb. jfÉ" Had the ine'nbers from Ilillsdale been obediuut to the almost unftuimous wish oí those that elaotad them ; ha'l a fu iv meirjbers olsewhero done tho same, Gov Blair would have received the eight votes lie lackud to secut'o liis iiominfttiön in oaucus. - Jacksun Citizen. ''sIts none of our funeral," but theu we can't help reuiindir.g the Citizen that the o'd proverb, " curses, like ohicken, come home to roost," bas been Terified in this instanoo. Gov. Blair, after deolaririg in his annual message that a law authorizing soldiors to vote ia the field would be unconsütutional, aud if constitutioual, against publio polioy, reoeivad " nw üght," put the State to the expense of an extra session, procurad tho enactment of a euldiere' voting law, and imaginod liimsülf surejof being oloeted to the Sei;ate. And now comes in tho " poetio juetioo " that is said to ovurtake men. The. members holding Mi'tifioatea on the strength of the eöldier' vote-, and tha men admitted tojcsuoai without oertincate, the soldia ri vot having been rejected, beat Goi Blair and nomiuated Mr. Howaro. - And so Blair wae killed by his own hand, and ia a politioal suicide. - - -In this oonneetion we might ask how many votes Howard made by ths supprüssiun of the returns of the 14th lufantry ? ESP The Board of Supervisors mat in adjuurned sessiou on Tuesday last, for the purpose of approving tho bond of the Treasnrer of the Couaty. It fixed the nmount of bail to be givon, at $150,000, aud then "ivhereased" that it had nqt yct been determiuod who was Treasurar, and adjourned to the first Tueeday in February. W can not see that any thii g is to be gained by tbis diüy-dallying on the part of the Board, bnt can see that tho couuty bas been aubjeoted unneoessarily to the expense of one adjonrned session, a::d may be to half a dozen moro before the Suprerne Oourt shail havo determined the queslion of doubt for the Supervisors. Mr. Blom holds the certifícate of election, and the Supervisors can ueither injuro his claim to b the Treasuror, nor help the claim of Mr. M.cColl, by negleotiug to approve tb bond as rcquired by the law. % -- r - - -- - - - f in mi U3L" Hon. Edwakb Everbtt died of apoplsxy, at hia residenco in Boston, about four o'oloek on Suuday morniug last, aged a little ovar 71 years. Mr. Eveubtt was porhaps more widely known abroad, tban any other American citizen, and bis loas 3 Ih&t pf the woi'Id and not of the country alone, He Wf one of the purfst of our publio men, and bis dcath leaves ft vaoanoy whiob can not be filled. A brief recital of tho most prominent events of bis life will bo fouod in another artiole. jL3L The income oí A. P. Stewabt, the " Merchnnt Prinee" of New York City, for 1863, was given in at $1,843,C37, on wbich bis special incouie tax was $92,181. The income of Mobes Taylur was the next largest raturned in the samo district, $073,49-1. Tho incoma oí' Ex-Mayor Opdykb was $112,800, ivhich ho hopcd to increase the prssent year by $50,000 out of Thurlow Wíüd, but the failuro of tho jury to agree, spoilt that nice little sourco of revenue. jL33u" A dalegation of " Amerioan citizens of Aiïioan descent'' lias gone to Lausing to ask that the elective franchiso be oonferred upon their brethren. Our Repubücan irioadu now havo the opportuiiity to toe the mark. 23P C.i, gruid is e;ig:ijjed in ra-'.kiug bttokuia epMbW


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