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You Want It. l u Your Wife Wants It, t YourChildrenWaatlt ; L And ït will Pay Well. j t t Farmers, Gardeucrsf, FruitCirowers, Stock Raiseis i Merchants, Mecbanics, ] Teachers, Preachers, Pliysiciaiis, Lawyers, Fathcrs, Mothers, ïoys, and Girlsj Yes, Everybody ! Everbody ! I FóurFpecial Attontion i called to the best investtncnt i of a sniall gum tbaí can i)osbib]y he uiatle at tLi.s time - one tliat wil! jield for bctter thiin sny Gold, Oü ói othSt Eterpriiè. fr oalj S1.5Ü (or Iks tlmn3 'cents a wek, jron Ciui gei all of I8G5 U:e mos'. ValuabU Journal ia the World, for Iho HOI."S !-.;j(, r.[ ,, -.l,e GAKLL.V, of Hic F.irm - ona thaï il! furiijWi thousanüs sf usrful, practical, rtlimi.4 Liati aad uggeblions ob all ;■. tainin to the HousaboiJ, ami totkewort üut-ile. -ïhe goid old 'Ant.rican AgrUnlHirigt," wlich was flrst starteti as a farm paper 23 years ago, has gone 0:1 iin'irovins iiiij enlaring in fcize and scope, until noir at tl.-e begiimi:ig of iti 24th veac, it is a Suphhb ÜAGAZIXK or Qüario Joóiual, evciy number contaiuitig ii age3, esch page more thau Cwju'.e the .usual Maguaine tüe. It embraces ail to)Jc re In i'our Woik, and the Garden and LaiB, a: tin. Crcjiaia and tue Faro. ïhis JoutTial km füséá rat late Deparimcnt for riOL.J)l:K." L.nd Y-' r;.:, coniuit.jngtho pleaaant amu.'in,; and useful in .1 Li !: degree KvJry mioiber i;i b'c:1 .1 ly jl!u:-trared v;ith many besutü'ul, plcasius fmfl tetraclive ESORAV1NG3, wLicb speai mere fcrciblr tiê wotía coald o, íin.l whicb. ara aionc Womaa and Ch$id, íli Ciiy, Villaje uJ ("oiiirtry, fur morothaa the eufire coit of fcUe Journal. - -m bj icf, ÜÚ4 is just such & Journal a tjvciy m;in want fov HIMSKIFfiwW.WIFJ?l, aud (gr ibis pIIIJUBït.S'-ü'i, nd every ooe nov a subsciiter oí be sucï: , wiil byar out tUese Riteaen , ' . ■iUence . rits it may ba ao:ed, that for sereral years past ibe eirculalion lias increaaed at least 10,000 eaoh year, unÜl i! 6ai now exteatled tQ over One liui;dredt Tïiousand, and sü'H goea upward. =Xot withstsnding the high cost of paper, mateñala, asá labor, the Agrtcïdiurist is m&iuuiuüd inits fulke&ud largest form. X. I?.The 4mcrtcau gritulturist ia rot fi weaftbt compound of wr'ly material, witbout Idöas- is nÖt a rebaah by n fl.igle editor of motie i ate " sci pa.ste " oapacify. On the conii-ai'y, the ïTïimeui-e --irculation eoable.s the Publislior to eniplqy a i cr tal forceof the very beít talent; to'txiena larg sumü ia gatlieiiag from uide field a great aniouct of reííablct practical, tterful i t, for uk. lio n j and to ühistraie every Tolume of the paprr iih hundreds ofco-tiy cnjravi.igs.- .TLe F.tli'ors, are thoroiiglily tnfel iffB( lrac:i:al mei!, vbo köow wbat thev talk au I 'm i : about. Tbey 'abot not lo roerely fill up space with word.-, bnt to condense into e ery pa" s many tlioiigb'tï, aud as many aitefal Lint- as possiblè - A eotemporárj Bteys : " Every page of Ui e Amtrican Agriculiurit shows il i-; prepare l by men i ose&ting Cobji n SB-NêB tfad Brains- two Terjr scarce ariicles in ilie litarature oí' the day. The Editora, wite and spenk ik e mèn of long epeik'nce aiid large obsevvaüun, and thcy well kcow bo.v to -Hipease lo othern the_ informa - liou tüu8 gaiued by tbemselves M Tlic American Agí Icol tui It glvcs encli ytai MüRK Practical, Usel'ul litíoi mítíloi., and inore vañuable Engriwiugs, tlian any oilïcr sïnailar jnurual In tlie worïcl, no matter of M-ïaat pi ice, or frequcucy oí' Issue. It ís by far tlic dicupest joutnalin tïicWorldï THE READEU is inviteJ to TRY the Agricul nrist ftr a year, and tbus prove tbe truth of the ftbo e statements. It coti only Si. 50 fr a wlioïc year,or 'our copies for $5; This price is a marvel to inny ■people, wfc'o cfien iuquii-e bow can so largo, beautiíul, and expeïisive a Journal be supplicd so ver y cbeoply. - Even sumo jealous cotnpprarieacaa not unJottiini i'., aod tboae cf the " baertoft," re.-ort torletraciion apd falsebooüto try to suppqFl tUtii on faíting f.irtune-s. - The secret oí' low price U, that it cosU no inore for Oñiee room f fur type-set.iug, stereotyiing, engrating, preparing xaatter, te., for 1CO,OCO Bubácribérá tli; n i; dueafor 1,000, and tbc circulalion vf tbe AgricuUrist being twcity times greater than tlio iverage cir&ulalian ofotber Jnuruala of éimilirt cbaructer, tbe PublWíer saves tbe expense cf 19 Offices, etc., and ís tbus áb le not ónlj to fpend vastly more in prepaiing thé paier, but he, can alto supply it to Bubscri';ers at a muck cboaper rate. ■ WELL, let erery one who uas nct dooe so, add bis oir Iior n:u;ie to thollun Ired Thousan'l now on tbebooks, anl enjoy the benefit cf ícaüiag hc Agricultor ist dtiflng 1865. It iviUpay to do so, andwIUpajUMÍÍ. TRY IT. TERMS, ia advunoe: SI X0 a year; Fuur CapíQfur$5; Tea Copies, $1; Twyrty Cojiea or maro, fel eacb. Single number 15 c(cts. Gemían Edition, $ a year. Siugle Number 20 cen's. B" The paper isa!ways proiuptly stopped whentlio subscriptiünexpire. ORANGK JUDO, Publisher. 41 Prk Row. Ne-w York City. P.S.- HIIMBV6S, nd windler ire expolsil flom time to lime in the column of the Agri caüurtst. About 900 of thi o'HM uf opeFtori 1mc ben skpwu np thi last Uw jenn, nnd mujmi'lioni of iloütir haTO thiisbtou taved t) tb a suIjjctí Itrí, nhlch nouU othris kT8 gene ato the band f !Llt ii lï"i o'.tfr.


Old News
Michigan Argus