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Doings Of The Common Council

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u the last meeting 01 me luiuiuuii wuir ffas resolved to issue the bonds of tho in accordance wilh authority conferred ff'v'e electora in public meeting convened, hi m of L8,000, on half payable on the ' ' j,,, of Februavy 1806, and one-half oa b'üntd&y of February, 1867, at 7 per cent , t,rst; ana that a o""1? of 81 be Paid t,tch TOlunteer, substitute, or drafled man "bo shall bo credited to the city on the last " "il of the President. Recordar Chapín and Tbich were appointed a comiuittee to ne.otiaW euch bonds. Ataïof $V2, erroneously assessed against tfd collected of Mrs. HarrieS Ilenriques, was oniered refunded, and to be re-assessed igtinst the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Waids nexfc IttT 1 jconss was granted E. Leavenworth, Floyd ffllliaraa, and othera, to continue a locked oclosure around a veil in Korth Street, near Stats, nd a jeward of 810 offered for the apptehension and convictin of any pe-son innriDg said well or enclosnre, such reward to l,rep'd to the' city by parties keeping up the enclosure. ' Peruiissiou was granted for the withdrawal „f a remonstrance ags pg up cows. Sundry bilis were allowod. t The annual meeting of tbe ttocttoWers of the First National Bank of lh8 eity ws held on the lOth inst., and the following Directora wera elected for the enjoing year : Dr. E. -Wells, V. Chapiu, D. HenoiDg, C. H. Millen, P. Bacli, Iiirain Arnold, il S. Smith, Jamas Cleuíenta, and WilHain UcCreery. These gentle-men have held tho sime position since the organization ol'.'the BiqI. and their re-election is an e-ridence thit id the management of the inteiesls couJded to them they Iiave earue j the corslidenco o(lhitockhoklers. At the first meeLing of -the new Board Dr. E. WïLLa was elected President, and R. 3. Suith Vico President. Chaklks H. RiohoiiD is relained as OanhiaF, aiid J. W. KïiaHT, Tellor. These gentlemen have made sScieut and popular oflicers. Oa th firt of November tho capital stock f the Bank wae iucreased from $75,000 to (100,000. ni an ni jy Wa invite the attention of Odr (Hindi who aro farmers, slock-growers, hortitultuiis.s, etc, to tbe advertisomenl in tsolher column of that standard -jortrnal the Jmriean AgricuUurist. We have óften comminded thB Journal, aud can do so agatn without any reeervation. It is pubüslied by prftctiaal man, is edited by practical men, md will prove a gr at help to every reader. - Itgives race valuable informutioii in the same ipsc tban any other paper of tlio c'ass wliich come to our table. Now is Ibe time ;to lubscribe. L3E" Serg't. Charles BrOOKS, of the óth Michigan Cavalry, is now home on re cruiting service, nd bas established his headquarters at Cook's Hotel. Chaelib is a "gallaiit soldier boy," and will take j]easure in h'lping any poor fallow out of the draft. by introducing him into óne of the best regiment of üta Phil. Sberidas's dasliing Cavalry. C5 Lieut. James P. Moshbr, oí the 26th Infantry, recently discbarged for 'üubility, gol badly bruised by a railroad imMh np ia O'nio, a few days ago, V7hile returning " home from the war." If tliis rebels a't finish a man up, it seeras only necessarj togive a railroad a chance at him. We are gM to know, however, that bis injuries are Dot likely to piove serions. t" There seotna to bc considerable petty thieviug goins; on now-a-dnys. On Iwsday evening a Buffalo robe and a roll o drugget carpetirg, belonging to Dr. Gkat, o Diitsr, was taken from a sleigh in fiont o: flacgsterfer'ü, for which a reward of $5 is "fftred. They may be left at this office. One or Iwo women have been deteotec leaiing goods frcm stores, in one instance to Ïil8 a large aifioünt. C3T" Duriog this week the weatber tassmacked about as Btrongly of Winter a ""d be asked, nary thaw being attemptel ánring th time.' It has been, however, fre 'rn wind and bluster, and lias been first-rat bsiness weather, but makiiig grcat demana uPn wood piles. The mercury lias ranged " ' A, M. from 4 to 10 degrees above zero. w" The Monitor team ran away rom tlle depot yesterday raorning, scatterin'g fiesleigh promiscuously along Detroit Streef, oí finally brought up against the awning P in front of Bach's Btore, corner of Main m Huron Streets. Nobody hnrt, A oase of infanticide occurrcd nur city a few days since, the details of "Mellara too gross. for o.ur columns. It is odtrgoing judicial iovestigation. KS" The Circuit Court is still in ""'on, ana is engaged on tho oivil calendar. Oftlian the number of caseB have "een trietl. 3t J"ux 15. Gough leotures at Nanti ba Ibursday oveuiuz next, the 26 Lh Ho has no engagmr for our cjïy.


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