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OUR CHiNAMAN ST!LL UVES, And continue to furnliih lht unrivaled quality of TKA alivuvs l'ouud at tbc People's Store. Lovi-ra of gooa Tea -.vill picase try ■ snmple OF OUR NEW TEA. DeFOREST &8TEWAET. Of all kinds. Frnits. Extracta, Spinos. Pioi'Ies, O;ls. PpH'um, &c. Pure Liquors and Wines for Medicinal okbCT STKWAr.T. ISugar ! Sugar ï A smali lot of LOW PEICED SUGAR. D'.I'OIitST & STEWAP.T. 3f FISH.- Codfish, Wbitefisb, ftout, Mackerel. H.rring, 1, & STEWAIn, SYBTJP ! SYRUP! A fow barroU, "" FQREST-& gTEAR i OIL AND LAMP J DEPOT 1 JÊL KEROSENE OIL! -L'.; I .S y The best qnalUy . f ONE DOLLAR K3 Per Gallon. V DüFOREST & STEWART . HO! YE! Piirchaeera of CROCKERY. GLASSWAEE. LAMPS, PLATED QOODS, TABLE CUTLEIlY,.&c. For sale at lesa than New York wliolesale prices, by defohest & stewaut. A Good Clothes Wringer. Saces íime.' Saces money! Saves clothingi Savee strength! Saces health.' Saves Uring help! Saves weak wrists! Saves burning hand3 Woolen clctlics can be wrang out of boiling wter to prevenl ahriDkine, without itijurylo the machine. DhFOKET k STEWA8T. JOHN BROWN5S"KÑAPSACÍT Was slrapped upan his back, and when opened mas jound to contain a Pot of Dr. Billiugton's Fig'Electuary whicli was his inseparable oomranion, and this accounts for liisrnbust and vigni-oui constitution, hi inditference to fatlgua anil liii lialu autllieaity oíd age. It is warranteil tu eura ALL KINDS OP PILES, it not only treata directly for the Piles bnt is cortaiu pure 'or. Drspepsia and I.irer Complaints,' Jaunaice, S:i3t Uheu'm, c. U ia purely vegetable and nevei fails to cure. DEÏOMST & STEWAET, Aientsfvr Michigan. CLOS1KG OUT SaLE ! -AT TUK"OLD CORNER!53 In order to mk mom for SPRING ruRCHAïES, fur tLe neit 1ST i CAYS. 1 wijl offer at a Great Reduction in Prices! 4'1 arL0bl8 GOOfS, coníutítig of a great variety of Faü & Winter CLOAKS, SHAWLS, Flannels, Blankets, HOODS, NUBIAS, &C. Aleo, a 'arge aaioriment of BOOTS AND SHOES! In order to close out tlie Etork. Prints 3 O to 37c. A good Asaortmenl of CIIOICE FAMILY GR0CER1ES ! CONSTANTLY ON HAND. C. B. THOMPSON. Ann Arbor, Jan. Uth, 1865. 6v,931 OEDHÍANCE lío, 51. An Ordinance requiring Sideicalks to ie kept clesr of Snow and Jee, Be it ordained by the Mayor, Recorder and AlderaaeD of tlie City of Aun Arbor : Thatit shall not le lawful for any owner or oooupant of any let in $aid City of Ann Arbor, to allow, suffer, or pernrit auy Snow or Ice to be, or remain on any public skle-walk running along the line oforborderinguponsuch lot, so as to obstruct sucli side-walk, or render it inconvenient, unpleasant, or liazardous to pass alons or over the same, for a greater length of time than twenty-four liours after tlie same hall have fallen or accutnulated thcreon, and any person wlio shall be guüty of a vioiation of the proviaions of this Órdinauca shall, npon convictiou thercoi, bo fiaed not lesa thau three dollars nor more thau five dollara for every oflonce, together with costs of the prosecution. Made and passed in Conimoa Council, tLis fiftb day of January, A. D. 185. E. WüLLS, Mayor. C. A. Chapín, Hecofdo. SÏ1ËEL TAKEN iP ! CAME ITTO TUF ENCLOSURl: ot ll.e ub?riber Hliont tbr litiiof Auf;ut, Ï85J;) cU : ivti. n-1 3 I.uvjb - ma'kfid r.l'a réd' paint on the tojiof the head. Ihc owner ü : :-'.. ,ai ro o .-o i'il c-rty , pay ouargöii io4 1ai.o tbem awtt-v. W.t. EUtiSEY. fcU-, 1 .. fcprWfl


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Michigan Argus