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■F LO REIST Ó E 5EWING MACHINES; PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, P1CTUÏÏES, FRAMES, riIREAD, SILK, T "W Ï & T , MACHINE O1L, tfe. The underilgni'd non offers the publiu TUE BI FAMILY SEWSNG MACHINE DURAB1LITY, BEAliTYoJ STYLE.enJ VARlETYof WORK',it "STANDS UP HEAD." It neeíla only f-o be sesn to be appreciaterl . Runi the work i)oth wa}-s, tti)ic.-s four kinds oí" stitchüj, hcins, felta, gatlmra, bratdn', bïntïd, qiiílts, gathers auJ f"?'T8 on a luíllíi ftt tlie ftrttne time. Sews froin the ti)iniiist to Üic tliielis-t fabric without' changing tho ifitoh, tonsion or neoulo, ur wilbout breakiug tho thrvaU - Itia The Wonder of the World ! Also a varlety of the racat beautlful PHOTOGRAPTI ALUUMS, PlCïüi'IES iind FRAMES in graat Tariety. and pictures iraraed to order at short notiee. Alan, BARNUll'á SELF -SEWËK or TU KER, which can be adjubted to any Sewing Machine. Cali at tho sign of the FLOKE"CE SEWIXO UACUINK, a fesf doors Eaat of Cook' Hotel. Stitching Neatly Done to Order, A1üo,onexliibitlon,thecolebrat(!a " WEED SEWING MACHINE," wiiich took tho premium at the AJicbigan State Fair, of 1884. W. D. HOT.MES. Ann Arbor, Dec. üSth, 1864. 98Ktf EISTORY OF THE'WOSLD. BY PHILIP SMITH, B A. Oiie of the principal Conlrihutors to the Pictionariës of Gntkand Ruman Antiquities, liiügraphy, and Gnog raphtj. PLAN OF THE WORK. Since Sir V?.lterIïaleigh solaced liis ímprísonment n the Tower by tho composition of bil ■' Uibtory of ho WorW j11 the Dteratura of ftuglasd hum never chïevtd tho worït which lie loft unfinished. Thete iave been " UniVörsl Historiosi" from the bulk of u encyclopitdia to tbe most meagre outline, in 'which he anuals üf eaoh uatiou aro eeparateljf r&cojrdfcd ; ut without un atLempt to tbc -stury of Divine 'rovidence and buman progress in one connocted nar Rtive. It ie proDosed to supjil; tbta wan, by ?. ffofk, ondensed enough to kefpit within a rea.unabV aize. mt yel fcofull af to be free from tht dry balnaoín ufan epitome. Tho Líteraturo of Gcrmauy aboaods in hi% ory, - suchas tUosa of Üullert Schloair, Karl von ottock,Dunüker,and otlierH, - which at provetkede mand foï ëuchft book, and fnrnfrih mudol., in Rome de gree, tor ils oxtxution. Bat even those great -work are eomewbat dt-ficiont n tbat orgaiiic unity which is tbe ohiei aim of tliis "Hist.ry of the World." The slory pf ourwholo race, like that oí each sepsr ata nation, liaa i a beginnio] .,,ta ön end." That story we propose to föllow. fioü itJ beginning in tbesaorod recorila, and f'jm tlio dawa of ci7ilitioii in tbu Eftitj - thiCagli iho snccessiTO Oriental Empiréi , - tbe rie() of Hbrty and tbo perfeÓtioja of heatheu polity, ai-te, and literaturo in Greece and Komo,- tb chango whch paaáed over the face of tho world Uêd the light of christianity sprang up, - the orfgia and flrat uppearmice of tbose barba-rfan races whicli overthrow botli diviuioDs of Uw Kcman Empire, - lae 6nalsof the States which rote on ttie Empire' ö ruins, includinjj the pictinehqae details of medieval history, nd ihfcstéady progrsas of modern Hbeiiy and cirilJstjon, - and the oxtonaioc o( theso ïnüuetcés, by diaco vory. cnquent, col on i zat; on, acfi Cbristiau irtMrQU8, to tho rttinutest región? ol thfl 6rth In a word, as [parat(biií.orie rríflect the cltfichicl syeneö of human actïon and sufféring, nar kim is to bring into übb view tha 8üvtral parts which assurtCiy i.rm ono fireat wbolo, movirgonward, uuder the guidauco of [)iv:ne Providttnce, to the unknowu end oidained m tbo Diy-ne pUl"P0btj. Xo pains wiHbe spared to Rvke tLís history 3'cholarLifea in subalancd and pöpuKr n st yle. ït wiii l-e iounded ou the best ■utb.orifi&S, ancien t and modern, origiual aiid aocondary. The Ta t prugress rocently mado In hiatoric&l andcritioaiinvostigatiouB, tbe resulta cbtaiued fiom tho modern acienco of oOujprtite pbJlol ogy, and the diacovcries which have laid open new Süurces of infofmaticn concörnirig the Kast-, sft'ord such facilitiefi a? to naaktf the present a fit poöb. f ur ovr undörtaVing. Thework vrill be divlded iflto {tnreo Period, eb oomplcte initsolf, andwill form Eigkt Vulumoa iü B&eiy Octavo. .- Akciist Histobt, Saerod and Seouitr: fiom the Creation to ïho Fallof the Wosíetn Eiapirc, íd Á. D. 478. Tro vo.'umeï. I.-MbubvalHistory, Civil und Écclasiastieal ; from the Fft.ll of tbe Wesíem Empire to tfce taking of pnfetaskinopleby tbe'forXs, iu D. 1453. Two Vol dsaefc. II.- Uopbrn SittOHT ; trom the Faïl of tho BywaUnt Km pire ttj fiar unruTimoá. Piar Volumes. It will 'ob pubiished in 8 Tula. 8 vo. Price ia olotïi, 6S SQ per voluuie. Sbeep, Í4.60. Half Morocco, $5. iinme I now resáy . Ageuts Wsuted ia all paris of the Country. Appl'citious should bo ma,d ít once to tbe Publisb D. APPLETON & CO., :ainíí3E3 Ho u Ui firuitdwajr.N. Y. WIZARD GIL! THIS SPLENDID jtEMEDY CURES fe TUOTHAcïfË pSKK?;EALÍ)IA Si In ïhvte M4n-Jtea. In ïcn Mlonlfi. S3B?tcilK ■ .ÈAUACUJS " - , 1b Hku iliautQS. ïn Ti u yi ,J(ri. . CKi-MS" CO-l-TÜ EIPÍlTTwA'" Li ïer iÜBiitca. lx) i'r.r Hqun. ■sotCéTiiiio,4T laTcxTnsTiL 1 f'ey H'Ir3 '= f öj ... TM invaluAble ñiirft.nbt) snij iü,--'''" n i.' ■ ■ ref.unii-'';:i ■■ ii .■■ ■ . Use ouc bolilti iit y,-i wú'i ftjitayi kfjj i' oi ii.-al PjIco 85 c -il s n:id 'JS ciiits Jrr fcrftlc. Tfce tarifa boUlea con taí n ntarijH . ■ ■ fci Ui ■ tm&U snn i! J. A. SaMI IN 4 BRO., lóá iVasJilníctnn streel, ClUckgo, j tel. ! ""1, II InTh eTear'S ffP'rt Li,-!,,. ■ ■ Mr. Hal ' M UK -■ce tbíiL tÍJU I i aïl'l in . ■ [Ion. ThèVESETlAN HVK ktl ... lts ptím i (ml] ol dv in li il. ' T ','' VKX'VIANTlVIÏ in itirnta - . liüir or 1' ■ ,; e The V' ■ ■ n Inty m1. or taititj". the liri ■ . Bi t u Mharevci The VKNEJWN ïi . ■ ■ . ■ bc 'li HHyil - tiftit ttiitt rfïïl Ijot t' -. i' 'ik tertws!i out - one ('.i ï n: perraaa 'nt s tTie htir iheif. I by al] Ur'.rrists. - ikfc 0 - A.l.M iTUKV-,On-y 1' : 0 Ptroet. Nfpi Alo, Mnmifcottffer of M.'.T.irs-H' Akxica irr. 'GiW-:t best iJr :?re-íiug fn u. Iu lrp price if; i-cus.. -. t(C6j


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