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DYSPEPSIA, ANO ïIiKASï28 R E V ï. T ï NjG K ROM DIS0BDEE9 OF IHR IJVER AND DldHSTIVB ORGAKS, ARS CÜRED BY j HOOFLAND'S UCiimMll Pi B Eltda i THE GïlEAT 3TEENGTHE1Í1ÍÍG Thtsc Bitters have perforaied more Cures HAVE AND DtHHVEBETTES SATISFACTÍON ïïuvt ruorc ToUnonyl HAVE MÓKK RESPECTABLK PKOPLE a TO VGtrCU FOR THEM 1 , Than other article to tht rciarket. We defy anyono to contradict this Assertion, AW Wll.L. PAT $1OOO ' Toanyeoewlio wil! proiiuc a Certifícate publfahe by na.thatia uot usM'ixz. ( MQFLilh 6EB1IAK BJTTIHS WILL OCRE IN EVERY CASE OF ' Chronlc or Nervous Debiiity, Dfssaseo of the Kidneys, and Dlseases arising fiom disoi-J fleied Stoniacl. Obnrvi Ihi foüatiing temptomj rtnaltmg from Diêtrdirs I' of tke Digalite Orgam : 0 Couatipaliou.Inwai'J liles, Pullnusi of Ötood to the head, Acidity, of the Stomach, Nausea. Hoariiurn " Di?ut for food. PullnOjMorweifht ntlieStomich' " Sour EructuliuD. iniimg er llutt. ring at tb pit A of th8tomcb,awimusTngot tbo HeaS Uur' rieJan.l liOouli braathing, Flutteriiig at P tlw üeart.Choking rSuifocating eaations '.vlien in .- Lylng b Posturt, Dimuohs of Visión. Ilota t or Webs bafore íhe Si(ht, Kever nd f' Doll Pin in the Hi, Defldinas of i're piratiun,ynlowupjsofrheskijan:l Evos uain I la lbeii35,liajk,cho.'t,üml)4,c..Snílilen fiushh 03 ol Ht, Baraing ia tha Floah, Constan! m&tiu'.uga of Kvíl ind Great r)-preaioa of Sp rits, e THAT THIS BITTERS IS ' 21OT AZi?OEOLI0, a COÑTAINS SO BÜM OR WIIISKEY, AÑD GátN'T MAKB DRUNICARDa, .'.; n tf JVoWá. iy RBAD WHO SAÏS 8O : l.joaíthe Rcv. UM&., Pa.tor of th. Baptist Clwwh, ■ embertot. N. j. , fonaerlj of tli Vorth Uan. tiaiU:.urcü!pliia. ' I hT known Uooaand'a Germ„r, Bitters ravonblr l"'""11 .1 !" usedth.minmvat, wm.l.hi.d í bao ao pleased vrith eiloct' that ■ wnt :níueedt.i reoommend ti,, to manv other and know ht t&oy baveopmtd m a nkiagí,!l ,,.r. ttaiegtj!le,iir ,n tli,, ubi clr „ D íWd wtth tha di-, for which iB.v ar. rJccm ■ d -' titbenebittcr. knowÍDgfromeínspi,oc thaA 1I1V...;.,,U11.,.1;;,..;.. rillb8,uUtaf4. Ido M.eeifuilj i Hnouand1 Kitlcrai utendod to bfueli' ', ihc nr.hcvea, ana. 'nuta rum .irink." al Yojga tralj, LEFI G. BECK. 1 . ion RíT. J. y,W!.-n HnnvK, ;). 1. Edüurof tl.e Kncy . : i...,.;!.ul.aowlcdgcuduhri8tian;!! not disponed f; favor orrecomioend Patent C ttiianingeaeral,throaghdtrutof in-rci dienUaud effect, I rot knowof w u.iicieut resann i kj amnmaynottíatifrto tbDnto I:. blí,r ol mwlfto r.r.vcrocmredfroninny implo preparation !f ShV?" he lnaJ Uu"iL"uatrilut" tii "nat ! .lctliiimorereadiljrin regrd to Hoofland'. GrmnBitlern.preparedfcj Dr. C. Ji. J;.ckon, of thia ■i-y,bfcauteIasprejudÍCT-,ttKanst them r,!rn', jrears, underthe impreasiuu thpj Tre oh toar i llchohohc mixture. 1 11 ndebtwi t,i my fríen.i"'H.h i .tt SUemkw, Esq , for the re.-noval of thia pi'adl0, i ;t , roper tests, and for orioouiacemCTt ,( trv , th v uen anfferíng fi Ma grnt and long continue .bil iT I 111 u3eof t'.iree bottica ol tliewi bitters at thc bBstin ■ inng uf lh prtont year. waa íolWed 8v-dsnt ranal Cand restoi-ation U, a rtoRiee ofbodily and mental vii'or hi.ii i ha.l not for aix muntha before, nd had aimost leípaireJ of regalnlng. I God aud uit h íticndforoirectin ceto :1o useof them J. NEWTON brow.V, Phlla. ''rom thcRev. Jos.H. Kencard, Pastor of tha lOtliBa !: ''hufeb. ' ür. JacSunn :- Dear Sir:- I have been freiiiíntlv 1 qneatedtoeonnect míname with ooram-nrjationa :,Jreut Iciodaof medJcin, bat rtjarling the uaoti-e ajoutof niy puri.prat.iiBrf, I !mve in a'll -asff ■loclinei". ; but with a clearruonf !n various úistfióce and parBculaily in my famil.v.of tbe maíullnesaof I'r HioGanl (Jerman Blttera, 1 dppart íor ouoe from n-v UíKslconrae, to xpreas mj full conviction that 'or I ?cneral.iebilityof tbesysteiu aud eüpeciallv forLi-r I Comi)Iaiiii,itia safe aud vuluablo prepáration la orne case itmay.'ail; but unuallv, I ,oir t oot It wiU bu íry benefloial tt) those who uffer from the'abov !IS!f. "' Yourt,Tery rpectfull.r, J. II. KENNARn pI Kighth bslow CoateeStreet.Phi'la. Krom Rer. ITarren Ktndolph, Pantor of th l)ntit o' Church.lïeim 'ntoivn Penn. Ui.C M.J:liíon:-learS!r:-_Persoiialexpírience 5 enablM me to ay that I regard the Germán Bitlens prepared by you a amoatexcrl eut medicine. In cuse of sererssold aud genoral.lebility I have been greatlv C be']Bted by tlie use of tlio Bittm-i, and doubt not the'i wlll produce Gimilar ellects on olhera. u Yours,truly, WAltRKN RA"íDOLPH. i Germantown, Pa From Rev. J. H. Turacr, Pastor of HedJicg M. E Chuicli.rhila. Dr. Jackson:- Dear Sir .- Havingused your Gorman Bitters in my faniiiy frcjuently, I Hm pre"par.I to ay that it has been of {reat ervice. I bellere that iu most easejn cf general debility of the s.VBtera it is the s.itestand most valtiablo remedv of which 1 have any knowiedge. Yo'jrs,rojpectfullj, J. H. TURN'ER, No. 726 T. N.neteenth Street. From the Rcv.J. M. Lyom, formerly Pastor of the Colaj.bu,(N. J.) and llillatown, (Pa.) Baptist Chiirclü's ■ Now Rochelle, N. Y. ] Dr.C. SI. Jackson :- DearPir: - I felt t. a plwiinre t!ui,. fray o-irn a-corJ to bear tettimniv to tbe excelme ■■of tlie'ierman Wtter. fume years 8in, bei ■ rauoii a-üüeted itl. Hi-snepsia , I ana them with vorv v benticilreiiiiiN 1 have ofnn raoommended them to 5 persona ca'eeblud by vliat lormenting disesse. and have heard troui the:n the most fiattering testimoniáis au to , thalr great lu. Ir, caof geueral debil'tr, 1 believe it to be atouic that cau not besurpaffied J. M LYONS. ; Trom th Rev. Thos, Wlntur, Pastor of Roxboroudi ' BapIlatChurch. . " c Dr. Jackeon-- Pear Sir : -I fetl it ilue to your excel t tent Beparatloil, rloofland'a 'Jermnn Ritfers, to add mv 1 testimonv to the deserv.'d npntati"il it has obtaim'ií t 1 have forye.ara, at times, been troubted with great n order in my head and norvous System. I wan advised hy a f-iond to try a bottle ofy'our Gorman Bitters. I t did ao and Iiave expert-Boed grat and uaexpecled re s lieí; my health has bet;n very materiully b("efilted. I conflflntlv recónlmend the article w ere I Baeet with casos gimílar to my own. and li ave been assured bv raany of thaír good oíiects Rtspectfuliy youm, T. WINTER, Roiborongh Pa. Vrom Hev. J S. Herman, of the Germán Reformed r Clitirch , Kuïztown, RerUp Co Pa. ür. C. M. Jackson :- Rcfr?eted ?r .- I bave been " troubltd witl. Dyipepala neerly twsnry years, and have never used any medicine that dir me us mnrh good a& Ho-itland'.s Bitten. I am very muchimproved in health after lia viuy taken five bottle Youra.with respect, J. 8. HERMAN. FS.I CES. f.iT-íe Siif , iholdinjr nenrly doublé quantity,) 1 00 per bottle- haifdoi. S nn. Pms 11 Size - 7o ceuu per Bottle- half dezen Í4 00, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. See that the signaturo of " C. M. JACKSON" is on tlio WRAPPER of ich bottle. HhouUl your nenrest Dniffifist not have thparticle, á not bepnt olï by it.toxc!i.tinji pn-pfiralions tliat may be olfered ín itp piac, but send to ns ,and we will forward , necurly packed , by expresa. Principal OSice nnl Monufactory, NO ÖI AECH 6TREET PEII.aPELPH'A. ToTies fe Evans. Successen to C. M JncAton tf Go. FnOPP.lETOUS. tl IkSUIt Sb íí '


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