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'"Ui 13 k-.VOTS AiNJ) TÍUO LE A VES JL WILL be tho lionliug oí the Natío. Z?iMí. Prof. n. r. XL5roisr;ss, TUK GRKAT AND CELÉBRATE!) PHYSICÏAN of the THROAljLUNOS, HKAKT.I.iVW. AND ïHK BLOOS, Known al! o ve Uiecountrj üb the CKLK[ÍR.'.Tr.D IjZÍIAIsT HEBB ID O OTOS, X Of 2S Superior Street, Cleveland, Obio. Willvirtit the foltowing placen, viz APPOIMTMENTSFOK 1862, 186Sand 1S64. i'rof K. J. l.ycns can !jo coQBuJted at the OiJIowiug places eveiy montli, viz: Jictroit. Ruuel House„eafh tnonth, lStliand 19th. Anu Arbor. Monitor House, eaoh LOth. Jackson, líiboanl Houso, eftcl] tuoótb,2l. Adrián. Hraeket llouse, each month "-M am]23d. Toledo, OliiojCüihrifc Uou80,oach moutJi, ü-ltli 2ótli acd 2ut ii. ' [IüUdaie, Mích. , Uíüsiiflle Hoiiko, each month, 27th. Ooldwater, Ucfci-, Soucaeni liohigau House' aacli monüi. Sbth. ElkUarl . tílkhart Housí , oich roocth , 20th. South Bend, Iati., St. Jo. tio e, eseh aionth, 30. .aporte, Inil., Tee (tarden Hi. iso, each moutli 31t. Woonter,Ohio,Craudell Exchange, each monta Tth andSth. Manali6ld, Ohio, Wiler Houbi eich nioníli. 9th and lOth. Mt.Vsrnon.Kenyon Houko, tch month. llth and 12th. Xewark, Guió, Holton Houso, eaeh month 13th aud 14th, l'ainetvriti.Ohio, CowJcí. House, encli monili 4th CLKVELAND, OHIO. RBSIDENOE AN1Í OFFICE, 282 SUPBBIOR 8ÏÜEET. EiiBt of the public square, oppnuite the Poirtoffioe OJlice ilayK each iiioutb, lí-t. y.I, 4th,5th, Gth, 15th - OlfloehourÉtfrom 9 A. M, tu 13 M.and f rom 2 1'. M.'to 4 1'. II. OuSunday f rom ! to 10 A. AI., and 1 to 2 P. M 49Maxiin8.strictly adjiered to-, I give sucb baiinas have no strife, Wiih aatut'e or tbt lao of Ufe, Witb blüudmy hands I ueverstain. Nor iüíruii mea toease tlu irpain. He tí a phyayHan inde&l ,v}ho Cuv&, The Indian ifèrt I'octor, H. J. LYUXS, curB thc followir.g compiaintKinthc niostobstinate Btftgesof their existence, v iz; Uiheaeesof the Throat, Lungfl, Heart, I.íver. Stomach, Dropsy Ín tlie Clrest, Etheaoxatiam, Neuralgia, Fits, or FalliaKSkknebN,amlallotheruervonsrterngtnieiits. AIho alliüsaasesüf tlie blüud, eucb ab Sorofale , KrysipelaflCancers, Fevtráorefi, Leprony, and all o tlie r complica i ec chvouic ctiruplaiutB. All foi-iufl of feoaale dilliculties ationded ío with the hnppieht result.T, It is liopod Lüat no one wíl] ileapair of a cure until tbey ha. ve given the lndian Herb Doctor 'a Mudicinee a faii and tíiilhfuHrial. flí?v.I)uriug tlie Doctor' travls in Fluropp, West índies, South América, and the United States, he Las been the instrument in God's hand. to restore ti health and thousandH who were givermp an-1 pronouuced incurabïe by the most eminontold rtchuol plij'sician; nay, mure, thousanda whowere.on the vergc of the grave, are now living uKii.uments to the ladi&D HeroB Dófltor'e skül aad niicceasfultreatmentjaiidare dailyexclaiming: "Blestted betïieday wheu Brst we saw and partook of the I ndian tlerb Doctor'? medicine." ratisfactor} referencesof carea will be gladly und cheerfully giveii lientver required, TliePoctor pledgoshis word and honor, that he vrill 'u no wiae.directly or iadirectly, induce or cause any nvulifl to take hifi medieinewituout the Btrongest probabiüty f a cure. jjEir Mode of Kamination, which ia entireïvdifferent Vom thefaeultj Ir. I.yon professes to dincern diit'arts by tlie e y o. He tborefore aak aoqaestioiift, nor loeehe requirf patient'to oxplain sympt(.m. Cal tone ,ind all, iml havo thejíyraptomn and locatioa of your Hseaaeeiplained f re e of chargé. .Jjgp"Tln; poor Rball he liberally considered. 3I'ostotBoeaddre8s. box 2663. B. J. LVON'S, M. T'. Cleveland,Obio)Nov.e5.18ö2 lyS8 BIjISS i"oulu take this method of informing hi old friend and patrón and all others wlio ma y favor bun with heir patronage.ttat liehas greatly enlargcd lus .Stock and Assortmeut ! and having adopted the CASÏI SYSTEM BOTH IN BÜYING & SELLING s prepared to sel! Goods at JP9yx'l9tES.Ell' [.oio rïoefll His stock con3l3tñ in par ot thefohowihg: t--, AMERICAN AND OTHER P "Watches ï 'H!fflrii; SETHTHOMAS CLOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setts GOLD CEIAINS, TABLE AND POCKET OUTLËRY ! azors,Sheirf. Scisoanl3 (iriiphes, ROGKRS PLATEDWAKK, the bestin raarket, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPER aml EINVELOPES, Musical Instruments, Siringa íf Bnokt for Inttrumenls, 8PECT, of Qold, Silver, Steel. atid ria!td,with PERISCOPIO GLASS, a. superior artiole, Persons having difficult watclien to fit with glassep an be accomodated, aB my stock is large auü comilete. P. S. Particular attention to the HEPIRIN O of all kinds of fine Watche, such as Making and Setting new Jewele, Pinion$t Statfê, and Cyliudtrê. Alto. CLOCKS, Sc TETW'EXRrsr ueatly repaired and war-anted, at hig old atandeaat lde of Maia Street. C. BLISS. Ann rbor,NoT.-25, 1862. 826ti A LECTÜRE TOUNG MEN. Just Publislu?d in a Sealed Euvelope. Price Six Ceats. ALF.C'I'URE on the Nature, Treatmftnt, and Radical Chip "f Sperma torr hoe or Seminal Weaknesíi, Invoitintary Emise ons, Bexual Debility, and Imijedimsnt ca UarÍHg0 pftiera'Hy. NHVOHMir. ionsnraption, Epi'cpfy, and Fita ; Men tai and phyfiical Inapacity, ipiïiiltiugfiom Soif-Abuse, Sc. Tiy ROB'T J. CULVERWKI L, M . D., Autbor of the "tíreen Book ," &c. Tle wovld rt-nowned auihor, in his admirable Lecture, clearly ptoved fiom lus own experience, that the awful conscqmncoR ol'elf-Abuse maybe eftV-ctually removed Wit heut medicine, and wdbeut daugeroussurKical operatloDB, bongóes, lástruments, rings, or cordmls, pointinf? out n rr.ode üt' core at once certin an1 etlectunl. l..y whicb everv 8'affercr. no matter what his conditiui: muy be muy cure himself cheaply, privately, and raiicitlly. Th ia leoturo will pruvea boon to thouaands and thoús&nds. Sí ntuuder seul . to ar.y addresn, in a pUin, nealod envelopc m the reci]t of six cents, OS two pontdge stampa, by adJressing. CriAR. J, C. KLINEfcC#-, V87 Bowry,NewTortí,IoalvaffiBox,J58. iMssohifion JVotice rPHRFIRM OF CHAPÍN, WoOD & CO., was dissolved Janoary 18,1868, by mutual consent. C. A. Chapín and A. B. Wood will suttle theaccouuts of tlie flrm. C. A. Chapín, A. B. Woon, V Chapín, E. "VVills. Ann Arbor,June 24, 1863. Copartncrship. TTF UN"DERSIGKD entered into pnrtnersliip Jan. 16,1863, by the örm name of Chapín ti Co., and will continue tlie bunineas of manuf act uring printing and wrappïng paper. C. A. OVUTIK, N. Chapín, V. CHAT7f. Knxx Arcr,.T:np24,1863 fflOtf nEMOVAL! ]ST. B, COLE, has rpmoved his STOCK of BOOTS SHOES, to the torn of A. P. Mili k Co., on Main Btreet, vrliere he will bc jlad to wait ou hin old cutomem and the public generally. CJVE IÏIW A CA lili ! Taken Up. ON THü ISlli df Octobrr, Bron-n nd White Co, Rbout 10 yars old. % au dry. Tli owrer in tqueattd to prv propartj, pT chftrire, aud t&k hfw


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Michigan Argus