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BANNEÍl HAT STORE! o GOTO Beföre you buj, Spring and Summer aiyUe oí STRAW GOODS! I GENTS' Furnishing Goods, &c. na Arbir, April 20th, 1864. 3m953. EMPIEE BOOK STORE! Haring imrcllasca J. R. WKBSTKR'8 stock of Books and St;itionery,-I fcliall endtavúr to keep a countant auppty ot eOEXOOXj BOOKS, TEXT BOOKS! STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, which will be oíd at tha LOWEST CASH PKICE. Alio ALBUMS, GOLD PENS. SHEET MUSIÓ and iaperlor (uality of WALL PAPER! and orerytliing wtually kept ín a well conducted Book Ltore. Oppsite Frankliu House. G. W. SNOVER. Ann Arbor, June, 1664. lj-900 Rifle Factory! Beutier & Traver, [Suecessors to A . J. Sutlierland,] Manufacturera of and Dealers in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flatks, Pozc?t,et Game Bags, and Everj other article íl that Line. All kind of 7EIJSSY 3L.-XH-XTST Gr doneatthe sliortfst notice, and nitüebest manner. a fnll ftaortmentalwayR kept orhaud and made order ■_ Shop corner Mam and Washington otieets, Ann Arbor.Oct. 8, IS62, 873tf MICHIGAN CENTRAL INSURANCE COMPANY Kalaraazooi !M!icli.' Imureg agaluMt t.css 01 Damage by Pire or liigh Bi . CHARTER PERPETUAL. Guarantee Capital, by State Authority, $300,000.00. DIREOTORS: J. P. Kennkdt, Marsh Gipdinos, A. P. M1LL8, Geo W. Sntdee, S. D. AtLEN, Geo. W. Allen, OFFICERS : J. P. Kennedy, Pret. T. P. ShelHon, Pr i Geo. W. Snyder. Sec, A. P. Müla Trca., H. E. Hoyt'4'i Sec, S. D. Allen, Cn. Agt. 40tf HOWARD ASSOCIATIOW, rHIMDELPIIIA, PA. Dlaeaic of ílie Servo, Seminal, Uilimry alift Sfliial Systeiiï8 - new and roliable treatmpnt- in of ths HilWAKD A3SOCIAT10N- .Seut bj mail in sealeil letter envclopes, f ree ofcliarceAldre8 Dr. i. 8KI1.UN HOUGHTON, Howar.l Association, Nü 2 tíouth inth ritreet, rhilailtlphia, Pennsylvania, Ijy63 lirownell & Fcii-in, GEN'L CÖIIISIIÖS IEBCDÁNTS, 183 South Water. Street, CHICAGO, ILXEISrOia. Dealers in Grain, Flour, Provieions, Seed3, Green and Dried Fruits, Cider, céc. References: Preston, VTíllard k Ketn, Chiesgo. 8. Botsford & Co., Aun Arbor, Micír. Í3_ Particular attention given 1o the ftale of Green and Dried Fruits, dder, kc. Orders for the purchuse of CloTPr and Timothy Seed, Cut Meats, kc, promptly attended to if accompanied with cash or atisiactory refernce 9íí9 tf. 3DK,_ SMITH'S NEW PRESCBIPTION & DRUG STORE ! I tlie place to buy your MEDSCINES, PERFÜMERY, "Writins Paper, by the Rcam orlen. and all other nrt'icleK in oar line. #3T Especial attention to Compon timing anti putting upPrencription, at the ifcn of GOLD UORTAR,Excliange Block, Ann Arbor, Michigan. f f3_ ProfeBseoal cal) promptly atteuded to. 1V360 100 City Zois for Salo


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Michigan Argus