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JÜSl OPENING? The largeat Stock and beat assortment cf CAEINET FüRNITTJRE ? ever brought to this eit3', ineluding SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CIIAIRS, Xjools.:fja.s CSUcusísoís Gilt Frames and Mouldings METALIC CASES, &c, c, and all other goorts kc pt n the best and lar l hoDMB In the country. Wmeepnc seconil hand u' ituie or Auction gorals. Coffins kept constnntly c n and, and made tu order. ïly goods are olTercd at "HE LOWEST CAS FRICES N. B, I muit have mcney, and respectful'y rcquest thofle indebtcl,to cali and fix up thoir old matters without delay. o. m. martij. Ann Arbor, Oct.6, 1863. 925tf RIS DON & HKÑ DERSOK IB TJ O T5L 3E3 Y 3E3 GRAIN DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured at Springfield, Ohio. rpBK VERY LATHJST IMPROVEMENT, and better tlian X all othera; adupted to sowing Whei'.t, liyc, Oats, Barley and Grass Seed . lst. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will 8ow all Idnds of Grain and Graas Seed. 3d. liever iunches the Grain éth. Wever "breaks t7ie Grain. 5ti. Sows Grass Seed broadcast oehindthe Drill. QtJi. Ha8 high wJieels and long Hoes. Ith. Jlas long and wido steel pomts. 8th. It has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank drills. IQth. It has a self adjusting shut off slide. It is neatly and suhstantially made. Tbcre is liardly % Drill oilered in the market but can boast of more or lesa FIR&T PREMIUMS.'11 They are ixboutas indiscrïminateiy bestowed ai the title of " Professor," which is Boaietiuie appliei] to the "■fiddler):or "bootblack," They cea&e to convey the idea ot merit. The Buckeye Drill iiaa been od Exhibition at quite a number of State and County Pairs, and without sekDj faror at the hands of any Coinmitteo, has received Ita full share of Premiums TESTIMOKIALS : We gïvethe fullowing Dames of a few FarmcrH ín th'i Ticinity wao havebought anti uned the Buckeyt Drill: Godfrey Miller, Scio. JacobPolheraufi " Jacob Tremper, ' l Thomas White, Korth field. John Brokaw, " Christian Kapp, il Edward Buyden, Webster. Jam Treiidwell, AnnArboi Daniel ü'Hara, " John ö. Cook, Lodi. O. A. Marshall, L. Hdmondfi, Saline. Goorge Cropney, Gr"n i)ak, Ut. O. We arsalso Agent for the Ohio Heaper k M .. wer, acknowledged tobo the very best in se. We are just in recelpt ol 100 Orain Cradles Wliicli we wili sell Clieap. AIbo alargeasrtortment c Grrass And the largeat and best selected stock of BENT STXJI F FOR CARRIAGEPeyer before offered in thia market We also keep a large and full " NAÜ-S, GLASSjPTJTTT.PAlNandLINSEErOIL. A complete assortment of STOVES, TINWAEE, ANDKAVETROUGaiSalwayBonhandand put np L the shorteat notico. RISDON HENDERSON AnnArbor,June29th,18fl2. 869tf CITY COOPER LH0r. SPAFFORD & DODSLEY, successors to O. C. SPAFFORD & D HENNING, WouldrenpectfuITy announce to the citizen of Ann A.rbur and vicinity , that they are uow ir anufacturiDg And keep coustantly on hcnd a Large Assortment of COOPER WORK! Suoh ns Pork and Cider Barrels, Kegs(rirkins, Churne, Well Bnckets, Flonr and Apples Barrels, cêc. Merchants and Brewerf ai-e invitad to examine their Butter Firliins and Beer Kega. CTTSTOM V7-OTR,TC, done to ORDER on SHORT NOTICK and warrantcd. fë& Cash paid for Staves, Heading and Hoops. Shops corner of Detroit & North Streets, and corner of Nortn & lïfth Sireets. &PAFF0RD A DODSLET.


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