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Estáte of Jonathan Mitchell OTATE ÓF MICHIGAX-Connty ofWashten. O Ata ■■.„,„„( the Probate Court lor rt. r of Itfaslttenaw, holden at the Probate Uffle TÜi city (,i Ann Axboi, on Tuesday the ,,,, "" J.;nury,in the voar ano ttouaaadeightifcJ Present, Hirata J. Deakes, judge of Probats ee-",-!l m!UUt f Ult' eStllt' ül Jl)11"th"1 Mitcheli i, On rerniiügand (Hing the petition, dtilv Mrt,j pelo. MtcheU,írayfng that admini-tration o I,?'81 (it ■ m-.y be grai ted to Dartel 1 eBaron 'd ■ Tliereupon it is Orfered, tl-at Mondiw tl , da, „t Febraary nest, al ,.,„■ o'elock m the al! "Ift wido and heir, Bt la of said rtecïaMd, íll( í' 'f' perspn. infc.-retel in said exb.te, re required ,, . thtr -.oí ei siid Court then o Ú h v, "'1' Probate Office, ia , the city of Ann Aa'."" jbow cause, ff any rliero be, ,vhy the ,.ri,y,1 f J-S t.tfonei ■ rtould nat te granted; .1 mi, t i f , , ! ie' den-d, that said p, uioner notiee tl m ' !;! " leresfcd n said estáte, of the penriency of said SL and th hearing thereof, bj uring ,„,.'''", dir to bc pnbhshed in the AiVA ion 'Arú, l UL "'' Or' printed and circulatmg in mid Com.ty of' Wall I11'' tbree successie weoks previous to said day of 1 ,.,?"' (A troa copv .) U1IU M j . BUKm ■ 991 Judge ot ricbute, Estáte of Stephen Tucker. OTATE OF MICHIGAX-rounty of „H., O At aeeision of the Probnto lourt f 1 tne C "' of ïfahtenaw,holdeaat thp Propio ' ii,C(. „ ,k"u,"' of Aun Arbor, on Monday. thfi Dinth day of .1 ,, '. , in the year onc thousand eight huu ree au ; ■ stv' liv "' I-resem, Hirsm .1. BeaVex, J.udge ol I rubat. ' In the matter oi the Eotato of stephen ïuckir fii On readinft aml flling the petition, duly veriíri .' Samuel W Tuckc-r, praiug fur the pait tiïiu 1 f '.',,',' '"■ retí estáte Of . nld deeeased. -au, Therenpon it ís Ordci'rd, That Mon"lay , the siitk i ' of February teno'clock :n the fore'tioon li ,i ■Igned rortheheaung of aiu petiti-n, and l il', widow,, an.l heirs ut bw oi T, ceased, an.l a!i otlier persoiih iuicif.-lwl in aid bbT' arerequired toappear at a .-i.n of ►a.d Coum nS tobe holden at the Pri.bat Office m the City ,,f ï" Albor, añd t.höw eaufip, M' any therr dc ,v the prayer or th petitioner ehould nJJ And, ti further ordered. that said pet-t:.,' Doti;eto the persons inierened in said'estate ,1 ,1 pen.ioncy of eaid pstition.and the hearing theieof b caDSing a copy of thia order to bc published i„', Michigan Argru, a newspaper printed and circuí,,,! ■ n said Couniy of Washten.vr, three nucoeisive w? prfTiou to caid day of lioaring (L "■) H1RAM J. BKAKI8 9'Jltli J"dge ül ,,i„ Estáte of WÜIiíini J. Daviog, CÍTATE OF MH5HH3AN, Cmmty of Washt,r' U At a seaslon of the Probate Conrt lor vl r, , Washtenaw, hul.len at Hip Probate 0 iTÏÏ' citj of Aan Arbor, on Thnrulai , Ihe (iith rtaj !,( 1 nary in the year ene thouaand elght hundredani "■", Present, Hiram J. Beakea, Judge r.f 1-rrb te fe the natter of the Eetate of ÏTilliani J. DTi ■ ceased. John Uavison, Adminintiifr . comea into Couri and n-;,. : , , ., . ..,, ; . pared to rendef hifi . i-tnii, rhtreuponit is Ordered. tkat Monoy th day of Ja-nunry, A D. 1885. , I n. toreneon, beawignedforvx mii . .10., account, ad that the heirs al la r,f .aid -.Z.ïï astlall otherperii na nten Jr'"' quireU toappeatat sennion of ,■ ',auZ holden at tbaProhate Ooe. in %hn I .. A T insaid Coniity amishow cai.-,.,i. a.0J the snid accoutr should not ..,."■ ,, tbér ordered, that said John J tim.„. persen Interested in wid ettate, . i the ini,m of sai.! account, aiid the hearing then I c.y ui this Order to bc pub;,.-he.: in the Wnkh L gum Árgm, newspapei printed id ciroumtiniiiau County .r Washti-mnv, three rac.Ksive week i"r,.lol, 10 nart day of hearing. ' m (A truecopy.) H1RAMJ BEAKBS '-'' tcl Judge 01 -Irobitf. Estáte of Norman M. Curiiings, QTATEOF MICIIK.AX. County ot Waihteiw ,. kJ At aaeaaion of th Probate Cour'. C'nmh Washtfnar,!inl.1en atth; ! rebate 1 cc, ir: tl, , V , Aon Arbor, on Thufi-iay the (ifth nay ,f Ju, vrij the year, one thouaand eight hundr! au'! .min Present. Il;:mJ, Beakm.udgc nl Probate. In the matter of ths E.tate oí Noiniii H Cta ings, dece:rsed. On re.idiug and fiünji the petiticn, (liiv veril Aletta J. c minga, prayinv that Aticinistrati estáte be grauted to her orattvae ot; et -u, ■ e perwn Thercuion t is Ordered, that Mnndaj tic Wbdil January, A. D 1861, at or.e o'clockin tl ■ ifl iBi.ot.ii assigned forthe hearing of said petttion. andlkctthi baira at (avr of oaid d--;. . .n persnna interest.! in tai.i ütt. ars toappoar at asession of iair1 Cciirt, (hou tr brl the probate in the Oty ol ,nc Arbor, and show ftajie. if any Hier- bv whj tbtpnpt of the pt-iitiuiH r .-l.;i;hi ooi be granted: And it ia further orlere'. that a:d pl f,ve notiecto the p'rn Rterestd ;l pai wl tt, c' the oendency of aid ptriti, n. Kr.d tite herirg tbend, by causuifta copy of thisOr.Ur to h publ9hrd ID Ui Writíg r ie Ufar Argvs. a iiewr:' i "i (jr-i'-1. acii cifculitinf in naid Connty cl '.ï,M.-iia. tbree suttttflive wceK preTÍdus to SP in dy ■( hf-rirp (AtrueCopy.) ' H1RA1I J. KI :KKi. 9!0 Juójre of I'robiti ■OTATE OF MICHIGAN, FOUKTH JCTIC1AL 113 ki TH1CT.- !n Circuit Court ror tlieCouotv rflfiik tenaiv - lnChancry. At Chamberí, in thjliijot Ann Arbor, in said County o Washtenaw, on Fri.iiJ, the Oftb) sixtt-t-nih .'sj of December, m the -eiroDl thounuid (ight hundredaod BÏltyfl ar. Present. Hon Kdwin I.awrence. Circuit Judse. In the cause vherein Chriatof Walti is Cnmhinint, a n.l Samuel Inge tm 1! ia De-.'en larT. It appeaiing by theaffi'iaTit of John W. A. ?.Ca!in, r..q ( t-ol'Citor 'or the abore namcd C m).'laioant. Wil un lile in said cate.. that abofe iu:ired I fffnriítt. Samual Ingersoll. bas not boen served ith tlipfiib pcena issued inpaid 'ause, and that he dees m)t relici in the Btateof Mirhigan, but that Ut kn..vaiMidence was in the City of Mevr York, in the Coiu'.'urd State ot New oik . Onuj.'ti.ia of John W. A. i'.Ciillm. '"nq , Sttatiit (OT the C.'mp!aiciirj, it is ordered that thecniH Itlmto Samuel lugersoU,cau,se.ki0apptaranc? to be enttiidin thi anove caue, within three mnnth fiom tlii-áa'tof Ibis order, hb(! in case of il pearance tl.i.t he cïo hia nswr to the Complainant's biif fi. be fileci. mJi copythereof to be serve. 1 on Cmplainant'fi tfolititó within twent davs aftcr service nf a copy of said bill, and in default 'ihereof, that the Bill íif Ctrophil (ilied in this caue saay be tf.ken as coi.iesseQ djsiü Defendant, SainuO'. Ingiaoll An.! it -nfurt her ordered. that C. npUianl 1 within twenty (ijtysfitn; tl e htrfOI cu- wdfj of tïiis orrïer v ba publii-hed nt !. (.iceirttci w-ek lorsix fiUccesftÍT0 weeks in tle fFeikly Mietíf Argn, a puf.üc newspapei j'rinte.1 dií puOlil:ed ÍB theCity of Aan Arbor, in saii County of Wflsl.i.i:, or that ComplaiDan: cause u ' opy oi tliis oidertöl personally served upon t'ie paid Pefen.h.nt. at lft twenty day beiore the time prescribed by tlii oil fOT his opea ranee. [Atruecoyv] E. I.AWRK CE, TRACY W. KOOT, Ciicui: Juiifi. Cle.k. 10C4. 1864' ISTE"VV FALL COODS! AT REDUCED PRICES. C. H. MILLEN I now openicg a NEW STOCK of Don"''1 and !BM DRY GO0Í AND FAMILY GROCERIES, bought since the recent decline in GOLP, d tfBÏ kinds at cuusideiabie Deduction from FormerPricesi Plefte ca!l early and make your purebaei1"11 the stock i. complete. C. HlWM Ann Aibor.Sept. 1864. 976 -1ARPF.TB, Oil Cloths and Ilouse Furnishing Gooli!' j 8tockllt ciTjimxR, 10 THE I.ADIES - A stock of elegant Dry Gsodh Shawls and Cloaka, for tho fall trane. nnw opm ing at 976 CJMIUEK TO THE GENTLEMEN.- A line stock of c1o!J,'{ CasMineres, and Gents' Furnishing Gooa,J IT76edat C.H.MIUEN'S. Ayer's Cathartic Pük. ■


Old News
Michigan Argus