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MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD, Traína now leave the station in this city as follows : Going West. Going East. 9 '20 A. M. 6.40 A. M. 7'.10 p. M 6.25 P. M 'fNFOLlMATION FREE ! TO NERVOU3 4UFfF.RER3, A GENTLEMAN, cuied of Xervous Dfhilitj, Incomnetency, Premature Kecay, and Youthfol Knor, actuated by a di-sire tü benefit othera, will be happy to turn iab toall who Beedit, (fret ut charge.) the recipe and rlirecü. ns for making the simple remtdy used in Ik case. SnlTerers wishing to profit by the advertiser's bad oxpiT.encc.and psess .1 sure and vatuable reme dv. eau do sn by addr. ssing hirn at once at DIB place of büsin. The Rscipe uw' full infurmatiun- of vi'al impórtame- will bc cluerfully sent by rttori mail. 1 Address JOHN B.OGUEN, Ko.eO N'assíiu Street, N'ew York. f s Ner-TOu" ufferers of borb sexos will lími this iiiiir.n..ti"U invaluable. Sm98't. ( HEROKEE FEMALE PILLS. TUK MK1ICINE - F I'HK AGK The CHF.ROKEE P11X3, alveriised in our columus, is perhaps Ihe most wonderful medicament OTer put fmth. aud one ol the most usetul of the " Cherokee Medicines." A sovereigD cure for all irregulanty in tlie female sys tem, it secures the recurrence of the monthly period with a precisión reserubliují the evolutins oí mnchin ory. Never tailmj-, innocuous, beiugpurely vegetable, as efficiënt in checiting overtlow aml aesu;tging pain as they are in reninving obíti uctions and rectilyiCK -suppression, thétfe Pilis are iccominended tn oui fe male readers as tlie safeet. tures!, btst rofeulator that medical skill has yel devtsed. Try the Cherokee Pilis iad be couviuced. Sold by all drugists 4w990 AGOOD TREE Ití KNOWN BY tTB i'"Rurr. tío ia a good l'hysician by hia Successtul Works. PROFESSOR K. J, LYONS, THEGRKAT AND CELEBRATED ['HVSIUIAN ÜF TIJ1THROAT, Ll'NGS AND CHEST, Known all over the countr; as the Celebrated INDIA N HERB DOCTOR! r om South America, will be at uis rooms. RüsSELL HÜUSE, DETROIT, Onthel8th and 19th inst.,on the same dale ofand everv subsequent month d uring 1862 and 1863, ' ' A NE.lT l'AMPHLET Of the life,study and extensivo travele of Dr. Lyont can be procured by all whodewreono. free of cli&rge. .Dr. L will visil Anu Arbor, Jackson.and Advian, Mtch.,:ts L'ollows : .Ann Arbor. Monitor House. COth. Jacbson. Hibbard House. '21rt Adrián, lirackett H. uae,23tl aud 23d. HOPS o KXASUXATJON. - Tlu Doctor discerns diseasts "bytheeyes. He, therefore.asks no quetions nor req 'irespahents to explain symptoms. Aitlicted, come and have yonr symptom and the location of your dif easeexplained free of charge fOït SALE ! j--v ACRES OF LND, situated In the Town of j' Sclo, irltt one huudred nd forty acres, imBroved. Also a gooj itonu nvellmg House, Bnrnanc Shed ; two Orchards in good coTldition. and u good well and cístern. Also, thirty acres of-Whea. JULIA MÜRRAY. Ann Arbor, Jan. 13th, 1565. Í1WS992. DÜSSOLIJTf ON . 'yHE CO-PA RT.VERPIIH' lierctofore esiftingbetween I thu un.iertigned under.the style of MII.LKR. DAVtS & WEBf-TEB, is this day disolved by mutual consent The business will bt settled by the new firm, Tot which thanking the public ferthe past favors so liberally be stowed, a continuance of patronage is solicited. JOHN V. M1LLER, G. F. DA VIS, S. il. WEBSTER. Ann Arbor, Jau. 2d,lt63. CH-FARTÑERSH1P. fJHK UNTvERöItiNED have formed a eo-partnership Á and will contiuue the business of Banking and Bmtirage, as sucefssors to MILLEU. DAV1S ft WEB STER, under the flrm name of M1I.LER & WEBSTER Every effort will be made to merit and receive the pat lonage so generously confened upon the late firm. JOHN F. M1LI.ER, STKl'HEN' M. WEBSTER. Ann Arbor, Jan. 2d , 1565. 6wU90 j. FAIRBANKS' Ij! STANDARD S OF Al.L KIN'DS. AI.PO, t-üïgggp- nrare4;)Ilse Trucks, Letter Prasa, de. FAIRBAMS, GREESLEAf & C0„ 173 Uk Street, CHICAGO. SoM in Detroii hy FARUAND, SHELEY & CO. j83T lïf oarafal 10 buy only the Genninp.ftsrl vP5S ciÏDUELI'S iORSÉ FOM ' S1,OOO IN I GEEEHBAGKS' nlK be paldtO tb wan wloill produce n üorse Fork i that is bette1 :i'ioptc] to tlie vorious p ace where a ni;m inny want O se l!, or tbat iiï tKe oft a load of hay ia los time, unilor aH tircuinstances, tan J. R. CADWELL'S, Patented Dec. 20th, 1864. From $200 to 1500 per month muy be mí liy those f urcha.-lng rihti, and cboioo of territory forashort For FORKS or KIGIITS, addrejï J. R. CATiWE-L, ífcOÜR CHINABAN STILL UVES. A mi continúes to fnrnish lliat unriviUed quality otf TKA alwajs louml at the I'eoplo'tt Store. Lütlts of s(o-l T'ia will picase try a samplo OF OUR NEW TEA. DeFOHKST iSTIÍWART. Of ill kinds. FYnïts. Exiract, Spicos. Mokte. Otïi, Perfumes, 4c; I'ure Liquora and Wint-.s for Xiediciual purpoteí unlv. ÖlFOREST & STKWAIÏT. Bug ar ! Sugar 1 A sm.-UI lot of LOW PRICED SUGAR. DïFÖKSST Je STEWART. JC" FTSH.- Codfish, VVhitefish, Trout. Mftckert'l, Htrring. Sfe. DbFOREST STEWART. SYPUP ! SYkUP A few barrels, eslía quahtv. DBFORKST E STEWAKT. tOSL AND LAMP t)EPOT ! KEEOSENE OIL! The best quollly i3? ONE DOLLAR s i Per Gallon. tfágíX DSF0RK3T& STEWART. "hoTyei Purchasers of CROCKERY. GLA8SWARE, LAMPS, PLATED GÜOÜS, TABLE CUTLERY, &c. Fur sale at lese thaa New York Wholesale priMK, by DiFOEBST b STF.WART. A Good Clothes Wringer. Saven time! Suves movey! jSoues clothing! Saves str'ngth! Sanes health'! Sanes hiring help ! Sanes wenk wrists! Senes burning hands! Woblen cl.'tlies can be wrang out of bnilinc water to prevent ubrisking, witbout injury to the machine. UeKUKEST STEWART. JOHN BBOWN'S KNAPSAGK Was strapped upon kis back, and when opened tca$ jound to contain a Pot of ï)r. BUUngton's pg Klectuary vhicb was his iosepai-able compauion, and this accounte for li í r' bust and rigoroivi constitutioo. hls 'mdii&rence to fitti,1"-' and lii.s hnle andhearty okt age. U Ís warfauted lo cure AIiI. KINDS OF PILES, it not unly trtfatu dir''ctl7 for the Piles but ís a certain cure ror Dyspepriia and I.lver Cüinplaint, Jaundice; Snit Rlieum, 4. It is purely vegetable aod oevM failstücmo. DkHJRK-T&STEWART, Atftatsfor Micliigan. CLOSIKG OUT SaLE I -AT THK"OLD CORNER!" In order to make r-om for SPKING PtmCUAïES, fortbenextSIXTÏ DAYS. l wiH offer IM Great Eeduction in Prices! A!l seaioniible GOODS, conelstiag of a great variety of Fall & Winter CLOAKS, SHAWLS, Flannels, Blankets, HOODS, NUBIAS, &C. AIso, a largo astorltnent of BOOTS km SHOES ! In order to close out the stock, ! Prints 3O to 37c. A good A.-60itmcni of CHOICE FAMILY GR0CER1ES CONSTANTLY ON HAXD. 0. B. THOMPsON. Ann Arbor, Jan llth, 1865. 69'J1 . NEW MUSIÓ STORE! Ptrsooa visbjrig to bay Pianos or Melodeons? ■honld (50 to WIL-SEY'S MUPIC STORK. beforepttrífhasing elisewbere. líe wilt warrant satisfaction to pvirchasern, and tnkea plsaeure in rferrinjf to thase ho have alrady pHicbed of bim. Ue lakes pride in aying tliat he ha given the bt of iatisfiiction thitn fr, and lotendi so to do ia all casoi. Anj Piano will b furnished that purohasr niay rquire. Ho wishes it to be dintinetly undsrstuod that he wil! not be xjisthdeïsoxjID by ftn y dealer East or Wct.' N. B.- The latest SHEET MUÍMC for tle, PIAXO stoolsc. ALVI1TWILSEY. AnnArbor.Dec. 2Tth, 1S64. 9S'Jt;l SHEEP' TAKEN uP ! CAME lNro TUK EiNCI.OSl'KE ol the juliscriher about ttie 15tb of August, lïW4; K "M fbccj), ml 3 Lninb- miiikwl HS rei! jiaint on the tnp of the hl. Thuowner ii roquntoil to provo t "ipurty,iiy charges, ml tke them awaj. w tg8tT S.ln. .'■, 1. 6w:' 1


Old News
Michigan Argus