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CHEROKEE PiLLS HEALTH PRESERVEH CKRTAIN AND SAFE. for 0i Har.-.val of übHru-Uicnl and UuhiMÊnma 0 Kauiri!v in Uu Rvunmot i" Ou p MonMy lriodt. TbfT curí or obvíate thcíe namt.-oai ÍUuhi, tliav mijog frM Iricgulirlty, tjr remrU "'("í'hcy 'cíireBu'rprMMí, KxoMÍTe ud rtaful Menntruation. . - They cure Gretrr Slclaie8 (CMorolliO. Xhoy cure Nervmi aJ f plual AffecUwm, pi n the bück, uid loww prtl of Um lodL. fuavlnen, Faügue on ullglit exerttow. 7Wfi .■ íAo reorí, iewnOí of SpMtt, Hsittorta, Sm Utadaclu, OUdinat, ttc, cic. In word, by rmovln" Uie Irrrgnlarity , they rtooie tht mum, and with it ii.L the ffecta tht priog ftoio It. Compowil of Blmulc vi-g'table t!itrct, th.y CoStain nothlnK 4lft4lO to any rartltuUo. bownver delicate, thuir functlun btlog to tnbitltut rensth for aakMMi hloli, wlwn propxrlj wd, they u'.vr fall to do. - Thuy tnny be iafoly ua;d at any ag, and a lOTerlod ICllTIJCElHUTH riBSTlKHIB UOÍTS, durlug wh'lcl, the anfalllng nature of their adlaa would infftUIWy "iïBST r-gnancy. r" AU letters iwekintf nforuja'.loa or &avlo# wl nptly, fretly nd dlscrcctly aníweríd. fPuli dlrectiuns accompany each box. l'rice 1 ler bof, crtUboxesfor 5. Sent bj rakll, frea "f po!aLe, on rlfl f - Pampliletl sint by mail fre of poit(, 7 DR. V. R. MERWIN &. CO., 63 Uberty St., New ïork, Prprt _ DR. WR1CHT'8 RBJÏÏBS1TINB ELIXIR 1 Or, ESSENCE OP LIPB rrtckrri) frora PurO VcetábU Kxtrta Ot! litS nothínic liilurlou. U. "Ai the l'hn-nlï rite from tlio nhc of IL flre anlmated wlth nerf lift1- ao Úottm ilil# EU. Ir rvjnventte tlio ijtem and overjon rtiMM- rar-The UejnvenatinR Elixir Is tbe remilt of mod ern liBopveri.eö in tie vegetable klngfJoin belf p. cntírlv Dfi? anl abatrucí, jiothod of curet lrrpcctiv of "til ihe oM and worn out pystema. t7 Thls medicine has been testal by th oü eiaJnent medical men of the rtay, and by thera pronounccflto lx oneof üie greatit medical dlocTtr( %f One bottle wlll ourc gtfneral DebUltj. a few dt-se curea flyrtert? In femfJe. y Onfrbottlt; cures Palpltation of the lleart. From on to thrie bottle restore tin aa&ÜDeii and ful! vigur cf youth. ï A Few dose.s roetores t'ae appftite. " Thro büLües care tlie worst ca of Layf? Afew do-w? curen the low dplriUd. t% One bottle restores mental power. g j?"H au' dpMJ rtitorts Uu orfftins o gwnrafio. jj9- a few doses bring tbe rose to the clieek. L"- Tlils medicine remores to manly vigor u4 roluwt health the poor debilltattfd, worn-down tod (U-spairing. The IUUom, enérvate'! yoath, the OTer-tMed man of busiiu'ss, tko víctim of n-rvoui dprstiloa, the inillviiiual sullering from general dtbUíty, r ■ Vi wtahnet of a singU organ) wlU &11 find ImtdlAtear:irnarinannt relief by th ue of thi Uxir or Ei#ence of W& Price, f2 per bottle or tliree bottle for $9, wij forwardoi by Expr, on recelpt of xaonay to aoy adtlrcM. VIT Th Clieroteee Plll and KJrcaatlilK Elixir, are sold bj 11 cntarprlilaf DruKilsuIii the civülzed wiirid. Som unprlnclpl4 dealers, towtm-, try to sell worvMeM compoutxU lu place of ;hee ; Ihote whlch Uiey can purchMe U a clieap prlce, ïnii make more monejr by tllIng, than they crq on these medicines. Al Jou Tala your healih, aye, the health of yoor futnr oïprlns, do not be dctived by iuoh unprlnclpl4 DruugUls, ui or tlieu mcdicintt and takt MO etktra. Tf the Urueeirt wlll not buy thim for yoa, encloia th inoney in a letter, and we wlll aend ünm to you by Express, eecurely eoaled and packtd, fr tvoia observatluD. Ladiei er Gentlemen can addríM us lo perfcol confidenae, stating fully nu plalnly thu'.i dlMaa and symptoma, as wetreat all dineasef of a chronf nature In male or ieruale. Patiint need not heil tatc becaase of Iheir Inabllity to vliit us, u ( hT treated patiënt eucoeaifully In all porlioa of tk civlliied globe, by uorrespondenoe. Patlnuu addrrsu'.ng us will picase ítat plalolr all the aymptoms of their complalnts, and wrlu Petoflioe. County, 8tHtc snd name of wrlWr, piala, 14 lnclose postale tamp for rsply. We end our 82 page Pamphlet fra o nj % dri-sa. A ddress all letwrs for Pamphlet or dTl M the proprletors. Dr. W. R. MERW1K & CO., No. 88 LiUrty itreet, Ne Tart. Sold by Wholesale Drngints Ib Detroit, al j STEBBlNSi'.VILSON, Acn Arbor. "71 ïmhnim IsUllUi The great Itch and Humor Killtr of tlie ïeth Centnry ! TViif V4ip preparation {0sse4 uíwjí vendsgy projiertie, and ís JSk. i3XJÏ.E5 CURÜ Kor tiery species f the ITCJI, PRAtBIE ITCH, BASBER'S ITfU, WABAHï SCEAïCUKS, ILLINOIS izASGK, tlTAJiEOVS EBI'PTIOIÏS. PIMPLES OH TUK FACE, SALT KHEIU. SCALD HEAD, MS MOR 'IS, &f, Ttie PRUltlGO LOTI'O ig a ne ui crtaU for all klnrti of Ttch, and bilnK a tl W'. urtppralioD U ia hM fi on; ar, the gurhmy, dlaagreeaUt quaittiM al the tjintments u jFi"ierai se. The PCURlÚ :.1K' Is afrlouio nirr AIX ClRfl"M?T AWCKf ; wil! not Irrítate the mort Iwte kin. Kud CONTAINS Nö MKKCUKr. Don't fai: to trj il. Manufnclured by E. T. & W. T. rFAKI ÍXI), Sot Proprlülors, Lafaj-etts, I4. PBICB (in TFTS. LOK & miTH. Chlrs;. betoad kt. Sold at WhokMl,. In rWcagoby FCM.KR, IPtl 4FIL1.KK: Ci! AKLRS (}. SM1TH ; BU&NHAlU VAN 8CIIAACK; W. D. UAb.RIS A CO. i SMITH ITiYYËK; J. H. iiEfcli CO., ut S. BCOVU.. NEW FEEFÜME FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. A "lot lïxqniile. UrUcau mmé rtr„ni Pfi-fiiif. I:.-tlllrl fria Im K trr nnil Braillifnl Flr ( MannftKtared only hy Pil AI.O!T PO1. FF0 Beware of Counterfeit. I . .


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