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When people come to see us we foolishly prattlo, and tliink it necessary in order to be bospituble ; uut such conversation are chalk egtrf. The bonest man tuust keep failh vvitb himeelt ; bis sheet anchor is .siocerity. Loting thia. he loses the talent of bis talent. Whtit we wjint i.s tiot acïiviiy, nut your interierence, but your habitual tnith. S!ay at home. The way to have lart-e oceattioiial views is to h;ve larga habitual views. Let nature bear the expense. Let your eyes nieet. Look not nbroad lor matters fgr con versátil, n, but rest ; üit i'eel youi' 8ubjot ftilly ; then dis ciiur.-e, f Bpêukiag really more grateful tlian sil; ce. Make youistlf the vi-hicle of truth. Another hindranee is the di-p'ifitini; to fuu and utiti: .-ly j'ken. Bew; re ol tlem. They are eondinient ; Destima 1 Ie f r sanee, but cnupti ig fooiü. - You go aw;:y from euch banqueta hol luw and ashumed. Theie aie pop) uho caiinut be culüvated; you raust keep thtm down and quiet them as you ciin ; on wborn speeoh maken no inipTeíioD. Shun the iifgative s.!e Never Wörry people th your con'ractions. Nbyer name sièknese, andj above uil, beware of unmuzzling tha vule tiiii'niariaii. Sonié Western court has defined a tovvn to be " a place u lieie whiskey i sold". He would d -ñno n city as a,, lace where u man eould go into i cafe. and, while drinking hi cup of cofFee, ïut'ut and converne with men of letters and Óf Science, aud enjoy the refi-e.-hinent of tiücicty. Our insti'u'ions ol daily neet ssity can be arrapged to necure mei) benefits, und thia should be the aim of evcry philajitbropist at home. VV'i; hfjuld wek;(uis every ruean's to promote the iotorcourse of men. We nhould overeóme our nutional npite.-s. - Emerton, III - II ■ JK3T We all reniember the story of the ion-keeper who becarne proud as he prospered, and taking down his sign of thr Ase, put up a p'.irtriiit of Guwrga IV. in as place. His nëighbor imniediately raised the ciist-olï-efKgy, and "in tjiis sign he con'querëdT" Tho first lundlord, alartucd al the inrns'p.g pop ularity of bis rival, and ncling tho cause, wrote underueath the grim v-sage of hig Majesty ; 'Tuis is the real A-k." Uut more ludii-rou incident of of' the kiud is jüst nu told at the expense of the guod liisliop of' Landatf. He took up his abude nuur the head oi Lake Windormci'e, uimre the principal iun liad been known as the Couk ; but the landlord, by way of compliment to his distinguislied nftighbor, substitutod the Bishoj) as ihe Be sign. An inn keeper tilosa by, ho had f'requciuly envied mine host of the Cock for b'ia good fortune in securiDg a considerable prepotideianoe of vi.-ilorw, took advantnge of thechange, and attracted mauy ti'iivelors to hi house by putting up tbo signofthe Oóck. The landlord with the uevv sign was much discoinüted at seeing many of his old oustouiers deposited at his rival's establiahmeut ; eo by way of rcrnedy ho [Hit up in large, red letters, under the portrait of the bishop : " This is tho old Cock." f3T What is the diflerenoe between Preaident Liuooln' tayings atid the iifflictioDS of the Patriarch? One ia Old Abe'a jokes, and the otlier is Old Job's achcs.- Quip. UèT" Beauty ir; womeu isliko the flowcr ia spring, but virtue is like the star of heaven.


Old News
Michigan Argus