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Lucerne--zurich--basle--baden Baden

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Baden Badkn, Oct. 4th, 18G4. Luoerne lias elecíed for ltself tho fiuest positioü imaginable. Atthevery liead of the lakc as it is, it seema to be a ort, of guardián of its bluu waters. - Upon one sido ia the lofty form of Pilatus, the ill-oniened inount, it.s sumrnit wëll DÏLrh always wrapt in clouds, and sceming the originator of grcut storms. - Upou the other side fe tho Kigi, more ultractive in appearance, and lbo rcsort during the sumriier inontlis of hundri'ds who desiru to enjo itn beauliful panonima In anotlier diiectiou he spread oul tbe green fields and smiliiig campagne, while hore aud there an elevalion croMjed with a public gariien or a beer hall, ofl'ers a fine view ol the citjp be!ow. lts old oovured bridges with paintings, its autique walls with towers, its eatbedral with queer sculpture aud cloistors, its arsenal with a sword of Teil, and a biittlb axe of Zwingle - all of these things Bttraot the attenüon of the voyager. - But espeeial'y is he interested in fiiat Murray pionounces the most appropnate monument of Europe. It is that designed by Tborwiihlsen to the meraory of the Swiss guards who died in defending the Tuileries in the French of 1792. A oolossal li'n lies dying with a spear piercing bis sido, yet, in bis lust agony he is endeavoring to protect a shieid with tlio fleur de lis of the Bourbons. Gut f rom the living rock, surrounded by a grove, with a miuiature lake before it, it bas a peculiar air of shade and retirement. One can but admiro the little band of Swiss tbat stoud so f-iithf'ul to King L'uis, wíl en every ono else forsook him. Upon thst memorable 2nd and 3rd of September these men became wonderful examples of fidelity. - They seem to have lost the other attributes if rnan's cliaivu-ter. They forgot Ui' ir befties, Uuur wivcs, and their child ren; they fotgot thcy were republi cans upholdiuy; a monarchy ; they forgot even that instinct which prompts men to cling 10 life wiUi the tenacity of deSpair; aye, they fei'got every sentiiiieut save that of fideli'y. They wcre every inch s:,ldi-i s - they were not at all men. Wiiat a wonderful rnecliaui-m h;is tho human soul ! Forffetting onc of its natiires, thcu another, tiren annjher, it c::n thi'üw all its energie i' to a fonrth, and raake a man, the personification of a single virtue From Luccrne to Zu''ioh, vvith its ün'i vcvsüy, its silk manafaetutesj its beautilul environs, and reügious souvenirs. - Zuiich, for ihe church is wliat Gruth is gnvenmient. Here in 1519 Zwihgle aowc I the soeds of a leforuiation wliieh to-diiy gives religiou-: liburty and soei.'il happiness to the greátei part of Switzerla'iil. Of al' countnes, Helvetri hns buen blessed in il reróïutioès and revo lutionary men. In oOO i-lu: rèvolted iigainst civil tyranny, and ustablishud a free govt-rnmeiit ; in 1500 she t-lio; k oiï' pupish oppression, and fonniJed a íree ïvligion ; and ever sSuce, her mouutains have been :he guardians of civil and relg:ou3 liberty. .Whut wonder the i, ames of Teil, atfü F.irst, aócl St -luffacher, aud Meluhtal, find an echo in repubiicuu heurts? What wonder that thosi; of Zivingle, and Erasums, and Calvin, excito protestant love ? Thuy wero the uuthors of noble principies, the adi'ocates of purerufortns, and their ñames belong not to Sïvitzcrland but havo becorne univerïial property - the world of liberty claims them. Thus we have a sort ol just deification even tiow. Still living in deeds after dcatb, imbued wilh mortíility and ubiyuity, what re great men but inortals apotheoaizud ? VVüat are we but hero-worshipers ? Leaving Zurich I was eoon at the celebrated Fulla of the Ruine ne-ar Schaffbausen. Crossing tlio river upou the railroud abovc tho Fails, I passed aloug down upen the right bank, in order to see them from different stand points. I saw them froin tho right, and then stood directly befo re thuii), but the view was goud from neither of these po Bitiou. the river belovv the falls in a littló boat, I ascended the left bi.nk, and walkotl cut upon a platform which hiis been constructed upou their very borders. Froin hero une seos thein iu their glory, stand ii g as he does in their very presence. Ho fcels thtir spray upon his cbeek, bis voice isdeadencd ainid their loiid thunder, and the Tery eiirth seems to trcuible bane;ilh their angry conflict. He Rees the culm rivor above approuching tho abyss, and thon with a deafoning rour casting iiself downward over rock piled on roek - ; foaming, boiliiifj cataract - and (ihally gliding aay sviftiy below. Au oceuu of water, n? it reems, flwing on without coBsation, it reruinds one ol that ocean of time without duration whieh man oüils aleruity. TLub, looking upon such turbulencioa,aiid seoing their fury, thoir agitfttiou, j their eterual punisbmbni aa it were, the poet thiulw them a ropresentaíivQ of tbc abodö of Lucifer, amlcalid thoia "Heil of waters." Frorn Sehaffhnuson to Basle. Situated upou the eoufities of Gormar.y. Franw, and Svvitzü.-liiBa, Bss'e ia the moat irujiortaut cowmeroial oity of tbu litile ï-ppublic. Ita nierchj,Dts aro ricli and gooerouH, aad have uiado tho eiU woalttiy, not in wordly goods alone, bui in cbarhublo iustitutiocs and public Lrn - pruvroe;its. Is protestant, chuit'hes ari very fine, upproaching soiuowLat tho Aumricati type, and surpassiag t!ie gonerality ot reicimoil cbuïöfaes upon tho (.■ontiiiüiit. In its uld aathedral, fonnerljoatholic, but uow rofuruied pliyically as well as muraily, is tbo tomb ui Ki-aiu-us. In the city museums ure soniü of tbc finest paiutiugs of Holbcin, who made Baslo bis Ilis picture oí bis wife and children is very eelebratod. It is said that ho, forgetling his parental fection iu bis zoal as an ariist, deprivcd them of bread, atid when they woro 'upon tho borders of istarvation made thera sit for tliiiir pictures, tbus, produuing a wonderful representation of grief aud uiisery. It ia more probable, howevor, that their condition was that. of tho Daiuter, whoso got.iua did iiot savo him 'rom pover ty. Threo days speet at Baslo, and tben 1 bid the old town adieu, and was aboani the northera train for Gi'rinaoy. Aatóp at Freiburg with its beautiful aatbedr&l, Snothor at busy Strawburg, wiih ita stil! tnore boautiful muiiBEcr, and I havo arrivcd at Baden Baden, tho S&r&toga of Germany. lts mineral waíers, its public promenades, its giimbling palaces, lts beautiful hotels, its baluiy air, its suiHing liilla, all ïinitü to rouke it a favorita regort. Every one ia at liberty to enter tbe epacious driniring hall, and swfülow a dose of tho hot n-iueral water, aüd thei; pi'ornetiade along its.fiue corridors. Butbe gauibliug house is the great attrwc: tion. Iu beautifully deoorated saloons are largo Utbles, eaoh one capnble of cco:;suiodatii)g trom fifiöeu to twenty persen-i, around which are eeaiod ladies and gentlfiniün, perfycUy sobe:-, polito, and ooi; posod, and sèemingly ertgiged in Ihe uiost honorable aifnir. Benido eaeb .out is a pile of fiioney, it ïn-ay bo 20 dfelfafs, r it ma} be 20,000, and ill regard the turn of the wheel, which défeides i tbe 'winner and who the loser. Thore are no high words, no ereiteüitiot - uil ia tin perfectión óí ordef. From ukven in the m.-jniii.g till twelvo at uight tbc cliak oí the tuoiiey is heard, tbo piaoe of'tlie Ivsar is suppüed by a rew comer, and the pla goes oq oontiiuallyo Thus is vioc popuia: zed aiid legnlizcd; fariiious adaiite it süjang tier öttórt, n:;d tnon low tbeir niorol staiidard fcrgét that í: Vico Tljougli wel! perfumen aal elegántly drosscd, Likeau anba.icd 03.rca.s3 rickei wil;: iJowers; Is 'uut a gaiuií-Wi ir.iisiintf, iu,r far For oleaulj rkldance thau i'or fair aiti. I am not tbo only distinruisbed person wbo is houoring Badeu Bftdeo with his presence. Tho King of Prunela ■;.. hero. I saw him todüV dash by in au open carriage with four hor-e., n driver, and two posiilliojis. He was droustd Hke a civilian, acted a eWiliW, atid looked like any ordinary oiviliad, 1 fbould never bsve suBpuotod that I was lookiug at a King, h?.d I uot bwn iuformed. As lie paswed, one now and ther raised bis bat, and reoeiyed a returning salute froni bis nwjosty. Two or tbree dayS spent in looking at ye nobility a:id aíjs'ooracj who aro now IhTB. ai!i uliove iU at tha6 nobility of uaturi." vrhioh tho huls aud eurrouadings of BaJoa 13;-ideu ciu jusLly elaua, and I sbal' bo off northward, followrajj the Rhino in ita courso towards the sea


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