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"FÓRJALE! &0 í1-15-1 í-rS' "")rrh f" $1,000 to Ayj ío.OOO. Als íevei! hnprOTed FARMS A. J. -tJTHFRL Wh A-in Arb.r, rVb gd.i'fl.-). 9üftf fommer -mi A?-nt. Oomnti.-aioners' Notice OTATE OF MICHIGAN, fr.,n,.y of Mtne) „._ ProbaleCiurtfur sa.d Ouuuty, Commiosionen tn recciTe,.e,xamine aud iirtjusta]] clnimsanrt .ienmnd r,t U leraou aifa nat. the f sta te of Norman M. ('uminys lntool hetuwnship of baron ia idd.unty dcceaMcí bei e i.i gn notice that six m nths fr...m dote, are aliowe.1 y or.!er of ani l'f.ibate Court, fr.r cre-ütora to nronent their claims againit tbe e tate r saH iIpcphsp' BDr) thit they irill títHt fJe drlliojt bum.of.'jire, Al-ttaJ.iuroir,, nih township ..f -baron in aaM untT,on8aiurf., tbe rtxth ,!r „f mt R tvP!,tvi-i tl, dayol July nxt at one Aii'l a'ljust j-a ch nis. Datad, Janmiry :'0'h18C5 ooi STEPHEN J. ( Hi=E 5 Estáte of Sylyanua L Huil. tTATE OF VHCHÍGAV-Oountir of Wwhtenaw .._ 5 w'.T"'; t'"' Probóte Conrtlor -l,e Couirt, or Wa liten w, holden at the Probat OBoe in ftií i'yuf AiroAroor.onSatuiaay.the ig th.'ayof J.muary. m the year cue tbuunandeijht hundred ana Present, Hiram J. Pcnkes. Jud of Probate CI,!t,,ke matttr f the ea;ate ol jlvanut L. IIull, deOn readingand filing tile pnitinn, duly veriSed of teorgel. Hu!, pravir.g t;vX a cfrtai.n [ntrumnt no onflloiu thi Court,pnrpi.rtíng t be tbe ln.-LW land lentament ( f aaid .!eceaed m;v bi admlttwHo Probt Ihweapon i 8 Ore', rid, t it Satur'ay, fhe 25 h dayof Fïhruary r.ext, at Un o'clock in the lb-enoon, be auifned t,n the hearing of ii petJtioa.and thatü widow,deTle, Ipg.-.tcpfi, a d beira at law f said deoeawd, nd all othsr ;sons ir;t -r-t ■ 1 in saií pst are requue.l fo apper at a seiio:. ofsavJCourt then tñ be holden at the r-roba te Offloe.fn the city ofAnnArbor aní show mam, ir a? there be, whj the prayer of t'ié pebtiOBsr.chpgld na te riiiit-il : And it is furtber or Ii'red. t lat saidpetittoner eive notire tn tnp pr-isons in (restad in s:i,i ert,t-, of thn pinrlp,,ry of said prtitíon ana fh heanog thereot. In nuging a copy of tnis Or der.t ix-p'iWsh.,! in tbe ffitk'ifan Aren,,- pnper printed and circulafing in snid County o' Waht8Daw throe 8-jccessive wueks prevlous t ■ sniil dav of 1 nriaí CAtruecopT) HIRAM J. BÉAKKS, Bf Judpe of Probate. Estata of C 1 ïu K. Morse. OTATE' OF MICHIGAN. County .f Waxlitfiww s - O At swdíoa f the Probate Conrt fnr the CountT of Washtenaw, t the Rrnhatf Offi.-e n th city oT Aun Arbor,'oo Mondsy,tB tliir'iet'i day of.Taoum-y n the ye ir one thousund eighl hundrtd ind sixtv five. J l'resent. nvu j. Beakea, ludtrp of Probate Ir the matler of th Bttata of CalTki K. Kan di ccasi-d. WiiberE H Sober, Wminïst:iiiof aüdmtetf eomai into ('pnrt and rc-j rw,. . ,hat lr is no w Trepa i I 1(, reader liis tinul.-ccountas suc'h .iiltuinÍMtra-r Therenpon it i ürdered, Sturdr. Ihe Z5th aay of FsbraHry ueit. at ten o'clock n tbe forODOon, be :isirned for eiaminlne nd ollmcin? sucl account, aad thot the lieirs it !■ of said ileceased, t-r icrs'!)s intcri-Ti-.l n eitato, are reijuired to anpoaratn sennlonnf aM ('oim, then to be hoMciial tho Proftata Office. :n City nf Aun Arbor, ip said Coonty .ird show cauw,-if any thcre be wliy (he said account shonld m,t 1 e .ilowsd: And it i further ordered, that snid idmftiistrator. give nolíceto the persona intereítid in saiii nlin. „r the ncy of !iid acc' the hearing then.f. by emiBftU a cory of :his Order to bo iuljli.-hed in the MihiganArgm, newspaper prinled nud circulatin? in saili Countv of ffMhtenaw, three succe-isive weeks reviuus lo sai 1 d.iv of hbaricjj. (Atruecony.) HIR AM J BEAKFS, 99Jt1 Judgo of l'robate. Beitish Periodicals ! V1Z. l'fee Londen Quarterly Review (Conserva) ive.) The Edinburgh Review (Whig.) The Westmlnster Review (Éadica'.) The Worth Britisii Review (Freo Church.) AND Blackwocd's Ediuburgh Magazine 1 (Tory.) The American Publ .slier continue fo reprint th above namei) periódica!, but as th ooftt of pïinting baa doubUd, the prios o1 puMr upaHy treblrdnA taxei, dutJüB. hcenses.ttc. . largely incrfit'stii, theyarucumpelled to adyauce their toiina as followa: TKRMS FOR 1SG5. For any one of tho Reviews $4.00 per iinnuro. For auy tvro oi the Re i iews 7.90 For au y thr?e of the Kf views ....'... ]0 00 " Fur all fetir of tlie tleviews lü.ü'J Kor HlacliWO'ni's M igaimo 4.00 " For Blackwnod aiK oi;e Etffnew -. 7 00 " For ■' and any two of t Rovísatb 10.00 ( For ' anil threo of tlie Rsvlevnt,. . :i, 0 " For Blacliwood aud the four lieviawti 16, 0 " The vork will be printe.ï on a grea&y improtvd qualüy 'ƒ paper , &n nearly all ABKtiuftn PeHodlca la are e.t'.ir Bdcance'd m price or ie lucfil in a ze- and very geoeraï'-y bitb- ice hall continue t ive laith ui capiei faI the matter contai&oj In th rg naleilitions. Ui nee. out p caent piices wül l;e ountl as Oheap.for tfao airfount ufïèaiter furnished,as those of any of the ooippqtiag jieno.licfiU in thte cmntrv. Oo.nparöd with the cost of th original tdUionj, which at the present premium on gold wmild beatout $100 a ear, uur pnreü t$15) are excee'Jimjly Jow. Afid to this the fact that we mako our unuual paymenti io the British Publishers for wrlf shMtfi and eopyrilit i in G'-ht-tZ ooBÜrigQsatthla time (Jan '86;.) n-arlr $?.Ö0 ín currency- Hud e trusí hal In the ca.( we have adopetad w# iiail be entirly Juitiftvd hyourubscrihers and the rea Img public. Eie intfret of tbee P-riuÜcali to Americnn r ades rather ïucrca't1'! thafl diuiinishwd by the articles tliaj eontain on pur Civü íí ar, aurl, tliDugh eí.meíim-stinyed w th n-jinlice, tliey m-iy Pttll , conaiderc thelr frreft t il ffrvent ■ and-points from wluch'they are written , be rcad and utudisd wiih ;idvnniageby the people of thii couutry, of very creed aad paity. THE FOUR REVIEWS FOR 1863 A lew con:H of the Above rpnisin on baad, and will bc oíd tío fortbswüolc four, or $2 for anr one. I Wealio puljlisli tbo FARHËR'R OUIDK. Bj HEURTSTürHlNS, of Edinburgh, nd thlaUiJ.P. N)RTox, of Vale oilege. S vt Is. Royl Octavo, 1G00 pago Hal numeroun Krgr! PIUCE 7 for the two rolunirs- uy M.iii, postpliii, "liHOIARD 9CÏTT 5t CO., PublUhrra. i -V-. 3 Wat Strt, .Vtip Yrk. j You Want It. Your Wife Wants It, ITour Children Wantlt And It will PayWell. Faiiners, Gardtners, FriïilGrowers, Stock Kaise Merchauts, Mechanlfs, Teachers. reacher Plíysicfftns, JLawyers, Fathers, Aïólhers, Hoys-, and iris ; Yts, Everj body ! Everbbdy Your Ppeclal Attenüon 11 callod to the twHafrt1 of a small „ura thatcan vos-iblj be made at ti.i. uwene that witl jield frr bc r than ,ny Gold, Ui w oti.erer.terurfcc. Kwaal, $1.48 (or te. th,ns ,„„ a wee), j,ou cU gel lor all of 18 the mo„ y.tMU Journ„l ia ,be World, for the UOLtHuLIi, th. Ut MUÍ, or the Farm-onu that UI furui,h thou.Mlrf .-i, practical, reiM.e hiáU iBi ugge-,!, M „j m.tterspe.tainini to the Housahold, aaj totiemk oiitide ih„ goud old " American Agrimll,u; wLichwasfirM itaried .. a farm papw 23 ,nr,H% haa gone on imprOTing and eolargisg n size oJ ■' untjl now at the heginning of it 'J4th jear, k 1.1 Soriutu il.JG.iii.NK or viuurto' Joarnal, every luim' coñt.inijs 3)í page, each page more than Col e the ususi Magazine siie. It -mbraces all topics !% lnDourork, and the Garden and Lawn, u .eüii the Orchard and tlie Farm. Thú Jouraal hu tliot first tate Department for CH1LDKEN and YOna, coinbküng the plfjiunt amusing and nseful in ■ hh degree Erery -nuraber is' splencüdlj illuíintxl with mínv beautiful, pleaiing and instmcllve BK-' GUA ViWGS, wLIch peak more forciblv thao worJi could do, and wliich are alone worth loeyerjüin, Womn and Child, in Cltr, Villag and morethan the entire costof the Journal.- .lnbtM, this 1 juat uch a Joarnal a every man , fct HiaiSKLP, fcr bis WlFE, and for hii CHILD-' RRIS, and ever one now a subscriber or becomi! such, wi'1 bear out these statement. Ai an eildemt may be no.ed, ihat for seTorál jerf' past ;he irculation has iucreused at leaat 10,000 tttk year.un'il it has now extended to over One limodied Thotuaud, and still goei upward. 4-.Vol witliê the liyh cost of paper, material, ai labor, the AgrlciUlurist U mainUined iaiufulliieid largent form. N. B-- The ímcrican gricuUuriu U notiUMíV comfound ofwnrJj mateiial, witlio it Meas-liwt rehash bj a iúge editor uf modérate " ñáisorr mi paste" capaciíy. On tbei,ontrarj, th iaimeise tirenlatión enables the PubUsher to employ a Mtrong rti'.oihl forcé of the very best talent ; to expend large ion" ia gatheiijg from a trida field a great amounl oí rilit, be, pra-JJcal, L.srul inform..flon ; and to i',lmtttt every volume of the paprr .itli hundreili of co-tly engrfagg - The Edi'ors, are iatellfe!, lJraelical men, v, ho knoir bal thejr tilk md wil about. Thoy '.abor Dot to aere! flll ip spac iti , but to etntdeitne ÏEto every pc tu maoj Ihougtll and .a manj uneful hU ak posible -A coremionr; sJ's: "' Eymt page of the American Jgriculfrtü shows that i. ii prepare;! bj men poafesluï Coo Skxsi and Bbai.vb- two Tery caree arüole Ju tbe Uterature of the dajr. The Editor wrile and pk 1!U mèa of Ion eppii.-nce and large obierration, wi they ell know ho.f to JitpeoM to other toe li.forav tion thui galned bj themselres " Tbc American Agili-ultmtit glvc nek ycai MÜRK Practical, Vselul liifoiliiallon. aurt more valunbie Kiigraflugs, tiu. 'f j ottter slmiixr jourtml in tli. mrié, ■' ter of whitt prlce, or fï-cqneiuy uf luar. 1' In bjr Tar he !-.. nciil jonniHliu tJuWorW' THE HEAU1ÏK a nfced to TRY th gr1 vrisl fur a jcar, and thu prove the trulh f tht ■&■' fUlercents. It costs only $1.50 awholeK," four coi-ies fur $5. This price ii a marvel to "' people, who .f;en inquicn how can eo largt, beiuiili and expea-ive a Journal be upplleil no very eliwflJ" Even soTnejealouscolemiorariecannotunS5r!í and those f the " baeioct," reorl torie!raetioiial Ulseboodto try to suppoit tlielr oivn failing furtuaThe.iecret of tliis low ia, that it costi no mmfr Office room, f,r type-settiug, stereotjjiüg, engr&t prear'ng matter, etc, for 100,000 ubicriber tl" does forl.OOO, and the circulation of the AgrUtH bi'iüo' times grea ter thnnthe average drcoh1'01 of other Journal of similar character, the Pub" tave the of 13 Office, te, nd iithui"1 oot only to Rjteiid vawtly more in preparing tlié Plief' but he can aliso üupjilj it to ubcri')ri t "" cheaper rate. VLLL, let every one who has nft done so, aád W1 M her name to the Hun Irod Thmifand now oc thtbotk'i and eujoj the benefit c.f rcaciing the 4grieuUttriit &"M 1S65. It uill pay to do so, and wülpay ■. TBÏ fí' TEBMS, in ndvance : IliOs year ; For Cori fir$5; Ten Cojic, $1 ! Tweny Coj'lf or BOK," each. Hodlenurober 15 cfntt. GsKK'M ft"!!-'1' ' year. finale N'umber ■. 0 ci'n't. & The pap !"' vrajs prouintl stopped when the ubcrii'iliimP'tH' ORANGE JUDD, Publis&er. s Park now, Hew Yrk ' P. S -HV9IBVGS, and iwlndlen gMirilly-" etposcd fiom tiiie to time in th colnmni of tb V culturist About 900 of tM e'an of opirator !■'"' beon shown up nithln th last tw jfar, " t"t' mi iions (f dollars hare thns boen aTed to tht "tKI ' ber, wbich n-ould otherwise hare (ne iiï !l1 f tai t? r!a'! rf irt#Éii.


Old News
Michigan Argus