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SfftásA flote MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. Trains iiow leave the station in this city as follows : Going West. Going East. 9 20 A. M. 'C.40 a. M. 7.10 p M '6 25 p. M PK' IK. R. 1..LYQVB' Patienta aDd all othera inturresteil rill pleae taki notice that hö wiil contm uf lus vjsitH at the Monitor Houe. Ann Arbor, during 18C4 and 'G5 and at hf expiratiun of whicli be wiDdisooatinafi hia yisit and open au lafirqiarj at Cleveland, tUno, for the treaïnifllt ni I.unjf mi Chest dtRcaFea. WIUGIIT'S KEJUVKNATING ELIXIR. 4YPoai:t.DKi.sis distaste f"r rerytfeDLt whetlier ansí-, n-uice fur mindur hody , tamil h'cUi ;tia-i cxlmu Ittun, Imperfect se re t ion aml. circula tiüi , are eflVct ;illy re lfTPd by Ih timely use of Wrkjht's RKJUVfNATiNG EuiiR; thia grejt tnaicaad restorutive remwiy will expi every unpleasünt lymptom, imbue both body and rainj ith energy aml visor. Py its continuous ue verv animnl fiuid wiü b rmrified. tvery obsl-'uctii.-in i. e -v icuüt ry cUunnf-U au-pt nway and very or n r geaemted Tb e iniy eem t na:. ta:cm"rt, b .i t . y aiei'ull) borna out by the unq e-tionable ie iuin.y ,fa cr'wd i f witness. Oii Men uá mut-en wíll fiad a voaderfal re-viiaiizmi? elfuct m this Mix r. Sold by aH re.spt-ctable druggists thruuphout the Unite i St:Ua u;i Canada. Seo advprtiscnipnt. 4wPO4. IJSF0LÍMAT1ON i-REfci! TO NKKVOÜ3 SUFFEltER.. A GENTI-KMAN, cured of Xeivuus Debiliiy, Iuconineteacy, Premature J'ecay, and Youtlif ui Error, actuated by a desíre to benefit others, will be happy to furn ifih toall 'Uu need :t, (free of charge, ) tbe recipe and direeti. na for making the simple reirn-dy used u liis case. Öulferers wi.sliing to profil by tlie advertiser's had exper.ence,and pMssess i aur and valuable reme dy. eau do sa by a'idr s.sin him a.t fuce at hi.s plac uf businc-8. The Recipe an' fuü iuforinAtion- of vüal importaiice - will be cheeri'ully seul by return mail. Address JOHN' B,.O(i0KN, Xo.eO Nassau direct, SVvv Vork. P. S - Nervous SuiTerers of bocli sexes wi tind this ini'urai.iti'n ïnvaluable. 3it)9ö!. CHEROKEE FËMALE PILLS. TUK MEWOINE vF THE AGE The CHEROKEï i'II.LS, a'lvertised in our columns, is perhaps he most wi'nderful niedicanient ever put forth and onyt ie murit useiul of. the " Clierokee Medicines." A suvereign eme ftr all irreguUnty iu the Témale sya tfcm, it securs the regurrence of the monthly peri'K wilh a preclsloij rcsembling the eVnlutl'us it mucliiti ry . Never failin?, iiino'uiGiis. bc ing pure ly vegetable. as efficiënt n i:hï-oking uverilow and as&uaging pain 18 the y are in reraovint ub.-ti uctions aud iTítjl'yin: suppression, tliese Pilis aro i4}fiminPBded totftn Fe ratlf rfiiler hs tl. e safe.t. ..-urest. n st jvyulutor tb at medical skiïl lias yet devined. ïry the Cherokee PIUi a ad be convinced. Sold by all druggists 4w990 4 GOOD TREE lid KNOWN BY xi rfc FKurr. - , ïio is a good ['hy-Kittn hy hip Succesüiul Worka. PROFESSOR fi. J, LYONS, TflE ÜÜEAT ANO CELKBKATfiD PHYSIOIAN OF TiilTÜKÜAT, LVSGS AND CHE3T, Kuowu ali over the countr; as the Olebrated INDIAN ÜERB DOCTOR! r om outh Amerioa, wjll beat hn rootss, KUELL HUU8E, DETROIT, inthelSLh nul 19in iust..on ihn èame daiedfaiiil ■vtTv subsequent mopxh tiaring i8''Ja.nd 18t3, A KEA'f PAMFHLEt )f the llfe,tiwPy and extfiisive travela of Dr. Lyonta ti be procutL-'l Ij v all wh.0 deir one, fiee of chre . Dr. L wiil v ï si t Adu Arbor, Jacksou.acd Adriau, Mtcb.,a8rollow6 : . A.nn Arbor, Monitor flouáe 2ötli. Jack son. Eftbbard House, zint Adrián, lïracketi H,'2-id and 23d. Uodu 'iK Kxamixation. - The Doptor flisceriiK diseasep bytUoeyes. He, thert'fore. as'hp no quetions nor re{ trefpHents fco explain -iyinptiiiüs. Aflïioled. com:t:i(' iiav v:ir ivmptoms and the locatiou of your dis';ie ittlaíned firf of charge HISFORY OF THE WORLD. BY PHILIP SMITH, B. . On-t of thfi principal Contrihntnr to the Oirtavarirs of Greek and Ruinan AntiquttUe, Biograpfiy, and Gtcgrapïy. PLAN OF TUK W011K. Sincf ?ir Walt.t'r lialigti nlnced liis i.-nprisfinniFiJi in tiie Tower by the oompositiou of hi " Hitor nf ; in Wnrld,' the Li tora ture of KnlaiKi ha liever achieved the vork which lie left un(in?lied. Ttieif Uave been " Universal Historlfts," frfim tlie bulk 61 au cjicycliipxdia to tLe mo,t meagreout me, in whicli the anual ot ach mtion ure uepanteiy record ed : but without un atímpt X-1 truca the .-tovv of Iiivíne trovidönw6 and human prpgress in oae CiHinected nar '■aiivp. . It ia prQDoêed toeupplythia want bya wik. CD&dflnseitenougb to vithin a rca'íinaliV.-size btit yt Bofuil aa to be lee Imm the drj palcuefta ófan pitóme. Tlie J,it -ra tere of Gerraam aho'mds n hig tory - tuohas those i' Mjiller, ehlosser, Karl voo Kottock,DuQcker,aDdotherH,-wliieh at prove thftde maná for bucb a bduk. and furDÍh model, in suine de grm, fot its cx-cution But e reja those ureat irorks ir itomewhftt tleñcient in fehat nr?iir. tinyy vhith. is rr.i (.hk1 ilïn of thia "HUt ry ut ■"' ' '' The story,, f oarwhole race,' Bfec .""".. Á i La separ ate nation has ■' ;i bezinning, a iiinlüle,and an en'd." Tliutütory we uropose to folio w, ftora itHbeginniuK in tlie ;tLTf1 recnrdu, and from th8 dawn of otrilizmtioD m ttw Kast,- türough tbenuocessive Oriental Empirep, -the ris? of nbO'ty ;m- the per fee ti on of beathen uolity, .irrs, and literature ín .r w and Kom" -1 c chanti which passed over thefjiae of the wnrlt1 -her hgüi of ebriHtianity praüg up,- th oriKin ml Üritt appearnnce of t t,v barbarla u aces wtatctiover threw buth dlviniomi of tfie lidman FZmpirp, - the an nalsof th-S alen whiol; rote on tnO ürapirVn -uius ■ iitilinünt: -pieturenquadetaJU al medieval hi-;tTyi ind ihr -e i') i .. ■ ' . . . -i h Ijijfi tv ;md civiiir - tioit,- ft-nd t he exteuflíoo oí these nitíiierio, ')Y (M o e f n.nqnest, col(inisatïon,an1 CfcrUtiau m ssiust to the rein taal regUQi ol Êh earth Jo i worJ.aB, s Uinio-tiec reflect te tnohed scenefi oí humai ftCtion ;t ra-i ring, "ur atni to bring into onc vi tha -tm-iaJ parta which assoTfilj form ene grt-a: iaovirrguoirapdM,UDdr tbe of Hrviü' ■ 'rovidba ue, to the unknown end ordainud in tlie Div.n N'o paina wixlbe spftred to make this hitory i chola r-i: iRtanoe and pcpulaT-in B-tyle. It will te tutindftd on the best nutli,orifiest;incieüt nd modern, origittalao'Jsftpondary. ïhe vabt progresd r.ecenUy made tu uiRtorical nt criticil inves-tipatiens. Uieresulis ob t.iio-Mi frum LUe mnOorn -cienee of comparative philol ogj; and thediKveríe whioh baw laid open new joarea of infofajalino conctrnitfg 0bt Engt, afford aucli faciliflen ftetoKjake tlie prehent a fit epocli lor oi r undertaking. ihu wor. will be Airiaed iflto ',three Periode, caa cuinpletti in itBiilf, aad wili foroi Kight Volume in i ein "ctavo. I.- Awcient IIiitobt, -"acred a-nd Secular: from thCreatiua to the Fallof tue We.stero Eiupire, in A. . 470. Twu vr II.- MinirvAi. Histoi.v, Civil arui Eccleciant-'cfcl ; from the lall of tfaeWomero 1 mpirto t ,e f-ikingof Con t:iatinoi,U bytbe Turks, ia V. 1Í53. Two Vol lunes HI-Moi'EKS IIistoht ; from the Fa!l of the Hyiautine Kiupire to ourown fimeg. Four Volumes. ItvIUbepublUhvd in 8 vois 8 vo. -frico in c'o'h $3 .50 per volume, heep, $4.5U. Half Morocco 15 ' Volume 1 now ready . Apents Wantediu all parte of the Country J Apflicatious should be made at once to the Publfih ers. D. APPLETON & CO., ímt! 4í3i.fBrciLd,N. y. Hí..TEALMjiteí5bUí. GUR CHiNAMAN STILL LIVES, And continue to furnish that unrivaled quality of TEA alway.H iouml at tlie People's Store. Lovei'M of gttQi 'IV will plpusf irj" a fnniplo OF OUR NEW TEA, DkEOHEST &SÏKWART. Of nl L kinil-s. Fruits. Kxtrte. Spices. PicUles, Oils, i'ciiuiiR-F, -'. Fuie Lhjinjrs'sBpi Wiuea fur Mcdioinal purpuiei only. DÈFOREST & STKWAliT. Sugar ! Sugar ! A amall lot of LOW PEIGED SUGAR. DïFOEKST k iTEWART. ES" . FTSH.- Codfiak WWtefigb, Trout, Mackerel , Htrrlng. ka. HkFOREST ít STKWART. SYPUPÍ B PT" A ftíw barrels, extia quality. DsFOREST k STEWART. Í0IL AND LAMP DEPOT ! KEROSENE 0IL! The beat quaüly ONE DOLLAR Per Gallon. DaFOREST k STEWART. Ï1O! YE! Purchnsers of CROCKKRY. GLASSWARE. LAMPS, PLATED ÜOODS, TABLE CÜTLELIY, &c. For eale at less than Xew York wholemle pricea, by DeKORKST 4; STKWAKT. . A Good Clothes Wrmger. Save time.' Sqtyes money ! ■Snees clothing! Savet str'ngth! Soves health.' Saves hiring help! Saves weak wrists! Sares burning hands! Woelen clotlies can be wrán out of boilinir water to prevent thriuking, without injuiy to the machine. UkH)K&T STEWART. JOHN BRQWN'S KNAPSACK Vas slrapped upon his'bacfc, and teken opened teas found (o contain a Pot of Dr. Btltfnitott8 tftg Klectuarv vhicfa was lus inseparable companion, and tiais ac fnuat-s for bisroSust and vigoro u constttrition, hú indifferente? to fatigue and hia kale aodheaity oid age. lt in warranted lo cure .... ALL KINDS OP PILES, it not treata diiftctly for the Piles but ia a certain cur (ir Dyspepsia and IJver Complaints, Jaundice Salt fïheum, c. It in pureiy Viegetatle aod uevei fails te cure. DsFORET k STE WART, Agjfïntsfor Michigan. ÍJEW M1ÍS1C STORE! Persons wishiiig to buy Fíanos or Melodcons, ahould o -to WILSEY'S SfU.IC STORE, beforepur chasing elaewhfre. He will warrant sntifaction to p.irch.asers, and tí'ke.-í pleasure iii refprrine to those rho iiiive alrady inirctiased of him. il o takes prïdt in sayiag that he hun given thti bey't of tatísñicttOQ thus. lar, and inU-iiílí; so to do in al] caes. A ny Piano will b furnihlit-il tliat p uw ha ser mav requïre. He wishes it to be diatinctly underntood tliat he wiü not be xjnsriDEPisoijJD by-any dealer East or West. . B.Jrhe latest SHEET MDSIC for sale, PIAXO STOOLS, te. ALVIN WILSEY. Anti Avbor. Doe. 2"tii, 1864. jittd Illfle Factor y! Beutier & Tra ver, [Saccessorsto A, J Sutherlund,] MaiiUiafiturer of and DcRlerê in Guns, Fistola, Ammunition Flash, Pfiihes Game Bagt, and Evcrjotlier article iu tliat Line. AU kinds of IX 1E 3? A. IRÏNG lone at cUe flHortèst notice, and intuebest raauncr. W&. Ms: TE" ?bS a fullauaortmeni ihvay kept on hand and made order ttfS Shftp corner Mam and Washington trectn. Ana Arbor.Uct. 8, 1962. ffíStt IDIEt. SMITH'S PRESCBIPTIOS & DRfG STORE ! Is the place to buy vour MEDICINES,' PERFUMERA "Wi'itiixK Paper, ty the Ream orlcm, ENVELOPS, and aH -thr aïticlen in our line.' #Ü- Kspeeíal att-fntion to CumponndinR nnd putting apPrriptionij, at the gijin of 60LD MOKTAR, Eicbanïf Block , An Arbr, Miehijwn gsr %&„. rrofsHímnl uail prmpt)y atltnded to. 1YD60 100 Oity Lots for Sale. jy EMOYALI JSF. B. COLE, bus removed liis STOCK of BOOTS $t SHOES, to tb# htoro of A. P. MiTIi Oo. , on M.iiu Street, where he will be (?]&(! to wait oa liis oM oustoracrs anl tbts public gBnral!y. civí: nu a call r CLOSING OUT SaLE ! -AT TUE"OlD CORNER!" In order to make rnom for SPRING PaSCHASÍS fur tbe ncxt 1X1 V l.AÏS. 1 wi'.l oüer i. Great licduction in P: ces ! A!l soasonable COODS, c uahtiiig of a great vuriet) of Fall & Winte r CLOAKS, SHAWLS, Flannels, Blankets, HOODS, NUBIAS, &C. Algo, a largo asaortment of BOOTS AND SHOES! In order to clo-p out tbe Ktoclc. Pxints 3O to 37c. A good Aseortmcnt of CIIÜICE FAMILY GR0CER1ES ! CONSTAN'TLY ON HAND. C. B. THOMPON. Ann J".rbor Jun 11 th, 1865. 69J1 JU 1 OPENING? The largest Stock nnd best assortment of CABINET FÜRNITÜRE ? ever brought to this city, iocluding SOFAS, TETEA-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CLJAIES, Ijooliing Glaseos Gilt Frames and Mouldings METALIC CASES, &c, c, and all other gooda kept in the best and lar Lt house in the coiintry. We iteepno second oaod ur ütuit ur Auciiun goods. Cüfiinw kept consttmtly q and.aiai' made to urder My gjods are ufferud at THE LOWEST CASH PRÍCES N. B. ï must have mcnoy.and recpectfafy roquest fchqge iai'ebted, to cali and fix up their old mnttura without cíelay. O. M. MARTIN. Ann Arbor, Ocl. 6. 18B.T. 92iit! ARE YOU INSURED? IF NOT, CALL ON O. M; MILLENj Agent for the following first class Companies : Home Insurance of New York, Cash Capita] over 3,500,000. CONTIMENTAL INSURANCE CO. OF NLW YOEK. Oipital over $1,500,030. In this Company the Insured particípate in the profits. CIT-Y FIEE lüXrS-, CO-, OF HARTFORD. Capital over Three Hundred Thouamd Dollar. C. H. M[t.LESr, afltf Hain strert, Ann Arbor. MICHIGAN CENTRAIi INSUKANCECOMPANY Kalamazooi ZMÜch.. Insures agaiiütt Ir8 01 Damage by Fire or ljigh ui..Ê. Charter perpetual. Ouarantet Capital, by State Authorittj, 9300,000.00. DIRECTORS: J P. Kennedy, Mabsh Giddinoí, A. P. Mills, Geö W. Sntdke, S. D. Allen, Gio. W. Allen, OFFICERS : J. P. Kennedy, Pret. T. P. Sheldon, Pr Gcnr. W S'.yder, Sec, A. P. Mül TrM., H. E. Hoyt At't Sec, S. D. Allen, Gen. Agt. 940tf CÜDWELL'S 31,000 IN GREENBACKS1 will be pid to the man who i!l produce o Hore Fork that i better adaptad to t'ne varioiB p ace wbere a man msy w;mt to uel:, or tht vtll tske oIT a load of hay In leía time, under all circmniitanccB, tbon J. R. CADWELL'S, Patented Deo. 20t!i3 1864. Trom S500 to '500 per rnonth mav l,e Vlmiê fc tho e rurchafing rljlite, aud cholee oí tjrritory forashorl time. roí Forji " or F.:anTs, tditv . R. CALWRU , 9" rur,!3ijM.


Old News
Michigan Argus