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(O TO THE OHEAP STORE! And see the New Goods. A Bl'LENDID --OCX OP DRESS GOODS! aeixts' FURNISHING GOODS. CASSIMERES, Cïotbs, Satinéis, &c, DOMESTIOS, SHOES, HATS 4 CAPS, Crockery, aEOOERIBS, &c, Are to b iold witüout nnrl tfl pi'iuit Ltern l'ríni. N. B.- Th Urgíit Stock of Calicó and BrownColton in the City at lita lkii Manufcturr'í lriee. The h(;het price paiil n Trde or ah fur all kiadl jí Fruüuse. MACK &SCHMID. FLORENCE SEWING MACHINES, PHOTOGRAFtí ALBUMS, P1CTURES, FRAMES, THREAD, SILK, T 'WIST., MACHINE O1L, fe. The undrigned no offr the public TUK BEET SEWINC MACHINE I3ST USE. FOB DURAB1LITY, BEATjTYoJ STYLE,and VA RÍE TYof WO11K, it "STANDS ÜP HEAD." It ueeds only (o be seen to beappreciated . Runs the work bolli wajji, takes four kinds of stitcbes, heais, íells, gathers, biraids, bind;, quilts, gathws and se ira on a rutile at the same time. Sewa f rom the thi-anest to the thickest fabric without changiog thtt stitch, tensión or needle, or witUout breakmg tJae tkread It is The Wonder of the World ! Aten a variety of the mrt beantiful PHOTOGIÍAI-H ALBUM, P1OTUUES anrt FKaMES in ítrcat Turiety, aud píctures hvmed to nrrier nt short notice. Alao. lURNUM'fi SELF SB'KH or TU-KER, whicta cau be adju.stud to acy tíewin Machine. Cali at the sigo of the KLURENCE SEVV1NG MACUINE, a few door Kast of Cook'e Hotel. Sti'ching Neatly Done to Order. Also, on exhibition, the celebra ted lt WEd SEWIXG PUUF-lir ' ofV1854 t0k tb premium t ïe Michigan Tí. D. EOLJÍES. Ann Arbor, Dec. S8th, 1SC,4, 989tf CITY OOOPBH L HOF. SPAFFORD & DODSLEY, ■ucaeasori to O. C. SPAFFORD & D. HENNING, Wou ld reapectfulïy announce to the citiaen oí Aún irbur and yicinity, tJiat they are uow iranufucturing nel keep coiistantly on hend a, Large Assortment of COOPER WORK! Sucli as Pork and Cidei' Barrels, Kegs, Firkins, Churne, Well Buckets, Flour and Apples Barrels, cfec. Mrrehanti and Brf wor are invitil to ersmine thir Butter Firkins cd Heer Kcj. CTJSTOM -W7-OI?IIS:, doce to ORDER on SHOItT KOTICK and warranteá. S1" Cash paid for Stave, Heading and IIoops. Shop cornT r.r Detroit t North Stret, nd corner of North 4 Frfth Sireeti. &PAFFORD 4 DODSLEY. Ann Arts, Vtb. tK, le4. w DISSOLUÏ1ON, 'plIE CO.PARTNERSHIP bmtoMMubMm I the undertigncd under the atjle of Mtlá.ICR, PAVTi ft WKBPTEK, is thiday dissolved bf mutual conurnt. The buKinein will U settkdl.j the ncw ftrm. for vhisb, thankinj? the public fortli pait favom ko liberally betowed, a oontinuance of patronafre ie olicited JOHN F. M1LLER, G. F. DAVIS, S. M. WEtóTEB. Ann Arbor, Jan. Üd,lt!65. CO-PAR'fNËRSHIP. riBF. UXIÜOHSIGKED have formtd a oo Dartoeríhlil aijd w)U eontiuue tte buiitiega of B.inkiDp nxn' ltrtkrrogf, ai aneoCMora to MILI.KK, PAV1S fc WKH. TEB, urjiior tlw flrm nana nf DOLLER fcWEBSTEK. Kn-ry effortwill be matlc t.) mcrit aod receiie the patlouage to üiiciouklj coiVrred up.-u tl'e ,k e üim JO1IN F. MIL!. KR, STETUCfr. V.SOPTR. n Xtitr, Jka. í, ltíe. ts'K, JULIUS BAÜER & CO. ' Great Piano Forte & Melodöon EIOTP Q RIIÏM, CHIOAOO, IL1.. Wholesale Agents for PR1NOE & CO.'S IStPUOYED , MEL ODEONS, WTARRANTEDPOa F1VE ÏKAR& #i The OUts! BdaUUfuntnt in Uu Uuited Muist .' THIItTY THOÜSAND 0'tVxj iiti'ru n-üU vu QOW in ue niOJlly lu the Tulu-il Su'.ci ana CiinatU, ntsn In Kuropt, A-i. África, Suylli mHc, Mini die V? t lürtia-.amlfíoniBlitheíe (ij.ii tci we Imve thd utort lUtti-rLjif huil montea of il. e Ui-rh ptinuitlon iu whicli tliey r? lif] !. At all ïndutiriai Exhiba ons, thvjr tuivti liivtrtaljtjr beu A,wardd the Hihest Premium ! wli'-iifVi.-!' cxlilï'!;:iiif In coinut'Ut-iiiu witli oter. We ih-.i'i pteiime i j t furwariíují U,v uutl (t our uwu ' expfusc) ■mr Ulusfra'tft Cata'ogtte, n wftich eVery nmuiucn' ï umiiufa.-riift:, a fuliy d#t0l'lb4Ü .'■■! iiiutl'ütirJ 1J IfWjjKAt üllifí; ií)3OAUTIONü We tinllv iffl jivcrvlmdufftita of mw: new NcH Intrunieut, (wltli ; ranw mtiie,l (Jtwjírtiyg w b? jiuporlor tu UrluJvuLM aml 3chool Oi'tíitns. A nfw xtêrlur ainl u.-w u.i'i.e wi 1 liiitiirHllv ftttrnci ittvntlnti ; tui; tlir puljlic wiil btftrïn Blind t ï all HfJ inst'umtHts, küw ifïm!mfii;turfJ ín tliv CnlU'l SUtii umi Cxnaiiti, grif at ji'i#y (■ 6i made wilhout {ttfringing Uf f a:t '■', ijople of uur üWB. ;co. a. PnixCE & co. JULH'S 1HI II5K & CO. WtnleJi Agint for ceu:ssats_d Gold Medal Piano Fortes Alm, for MfiSÖLsa sm!tii, sy.iRDMA.' s. geh. And ottitfi' First c:i Pwww. M uuufacï urrri añil ímporters if M rSÍCA L ÏNSTltUMÊNTS, ÖTRINGS, A.CCÖUD15QNS. VIOLLN'S. CLABINKT, PJRUMS, ÖUITAIÖ, And other Musical Merchar.dise. Tl4r Sii-vKR .i-l !ÍKáH i.vtíTki;wit.vr.í, of vur trtaiinfitcturt- ;iutl imnortatliii, ni u-t) bv 11 l)t bniulj t. U.c United Slütn, au,) Jnniycr xWl)lleJ hv nlwya rtfcoiyed Uic üu!J MedU auJ Hi'-HhaT PKKMtl'U. f"l!avi:ii[ cfJHnretloii w'uh ïinnRllJrllllí llouses Ui tterlin, Lvjpxlc, Divnito. ILnt(io)l1 :iimí P;irin vve afi(n-pantl to fuil!;il DKAl.Kll. BANKS in! ISIMVIDVALS, wnl -vtry ïuticle ia ihis linn, ui the lo ■; luuayfacturers pjlttn. Rernember the Plaoe. A MreKH JI!LIi:S BArEK & CO. WHOLKSáLB WARKR0ÜM8, 99 S. Clark & 89 Washington Sts. OHIC.4tO, ll.I.. tST" SKND '0K i OmOl'Í.AR. ASPLEND!d" PIANO FORTE i Por a moderate Priec i VO3L3 new ftad iiQproved FIAKG surpa8j.en anjtbÍDg uow maJ Car GliEAT DÜHABIL1TY!;íjng ríclicoKs ílüj! brilliancj oí' íor.e. ELEOANCE OF FINISH! And MQDMRATE PRICE. The attention of the peopltí of Aijn Arbor ík ruspectfuliy invited tü au exjtiuumtioa vi ihia beautiful taatruittent. J.HENRY WHIITEMORE, Uiíueral Agent for the ?1a + p, 179 Jeflerson Wenue Detroit. Míjii E. C. Foster s my authonzed agent for Ann Arbor. The VOiK PIANO may be ssen at her ruitiuH in theKxchange Block. GREAT, Excitement in Piano Fortes ! WM. B. BP.ADBURY-S New Scale Pianos In the Ascenáont í ! ! SeTen ñrHt premiums awartïed in four weeks üvei every cometilor. GOTTSCHALK; the Renowned Pianist, says : They ro the beat anc most perfect piano now mi'(, for thorougb workpianship, power, purity, ricimtbö' nd cquality , oí" tone tlicy excd J.HKNKV WIIIÏTEWOHE, Gen. Aent for the Stt, 179 J8eron Arenue. Detroit. MisE. C. Fouter ig my authonxed Agent fur inn Arbor. Rooms in Kxchange Stook. Mr; Mathewn ïrt propared the VEN'EÏIAN HA!K DYË ; sinee that time it has been used by thoupamla and in nointncehaiitiaüd to giy ehVm satisho' '.on. The VENETIAN DYE ith chearwt n the orld - ItupneeUonlyFiftyCsnt, anc each bul'.!!, coiitainu doublé tliequantity oi dye in tho uoUy aold for The VEXKTIAN DYE is vananted nol to injure the hsir or tlie scfdp in the sliíhtest dc - The VENETIAN DYF works with rpdity mt c.,r. tuiittr . the hjtir requiriug do rtpuration Thettr] The yKN'ETUN DYE produces any nhade Hint n-ay b dj!rcd_-ODf that wil) El fnde. crock orwnshout - uv.9 tljat i aa pernifluent as the hair it aelf. For sale b all druggiatê rice 50 cents. A.I.llATHKWS. Genual Agent 12 üo'd Streft. N,v York. Aln, Hanufacturer of Mítíuw' Abnica LUR Oi.osfl, the lest hair dröisiDg in use. Iu large botrlo prieJO cents. lj-860 A LECTURË" YOÜWG MEN. Just Publisbed iu a Sealed Euvelope. Price Six Ceuts. ALECTURE on the Nature, Treaimfni and Radical Cure of hperinaturrboe or .cminal W.-:,i.n., Io Toluntsry F.m.íroní. Sexinl Díbility, and ImedimcaU to Marriage generalij. Nervouanehi, ( onsuroptioij Epilepsy, and Fit ; Mental and phyaioal Iu-apacity jsulting froto Self-Abuse, Sic. By UOB'TJ CLLViitWUL, M. ;., Auth.iruf the "Uroeu Bouk " .-. The worid rn,w:ic-d aullior, in his a.f'minh! I.e:. turo, olsarlj pruved trom bia own exprienoe t r t th awful sam. ■fquincet ortol-Aliun mxjlie clT,-ctiallv reii.ovf.;,h,,„i mediciu, &ud luihout dangíto,! sntBical operatiuns, boiigica, natriuumta, rinffk , or cordil pointiDjcouta iood of uure at once certain and ellectual, hy nmch every iutferer. na raatlr wLat his conditioi. niaj be m euro him.eif cheauly, privately, and radical ly. fhis lecture wiü prorea boon to tuousandfc and tboiuandiï. K.ntuudcr eal. to r,y address, io a plato, fcnled envelope n the veeipt of siï ctcU, 11 tv -.usUiíf tarnp, byidJrensing. " -_ - . 'AS. JT. 0, KI INF. A Co., WT B.iw, Nbi York. Office fex, 16b8. J9CTFA1HBANK81 mT 8T.VXDARD 3 OF ALL KINDS. AI.SO, FAÍB8ÁMS, GREEXLEAF & II., 1T3 Tnko Stjiet, CHICAGO, loMiu Dttruh hj I'AREA.ND. SHET.IÍY t CO. E.) c-.eJ t; b; 3lj; lio u,.ii.f .j . ■ CHEBOKEE PILLS HEALTH PRE3ERVER CERTAiN AND SAFE. l'er Uw fíténúrol of Gfatructtont ari tht wswrüïw of Rtgulaviiy in tie R&umnoi qf th Montldy Ptriath {?& They cure or obvíate these numeroua dlsiil-9, thftl soring from iiTt'tfuUirity, by remuYLug the in-f'uhirity Useif. JST" Tlu-v cure SupprotMd, Excssive and Pulafui Mínsiruathm, "3?- They eure 0 reenUcknesf (Cliloroab). E$?- They cura Nervoui md SpiuiU AfïccUons, riins in the back, und loirer pari of the body. leavlne, fatigue on -lijilit exrtloD, IUpitaii'm tf the Utart. Lo urnen of Spirit , HyiUrfa.. Stek Ifcadttclu, (vidvusit etc. , etc. In )i word, by r. movlng the Irrrgularity, tht-y remove the cnuot and wlth it ai.l Ui; effects that spring Trom it. L37" Couip;ïsiï of himple vegetable extracta, they eoiUüin notldng delfterVmis to any oopstituüoi, bo wever delicate, their funclWm belug to uWtitut strenctk for wt-ukneas, which, irhD properly used they neyer (all tu. do. ISfiT" They may be sáfely used ut any a-?e, and ai ny [erlod, bxobpt iukinu tuk puist tuhkb mosths, luriiiii whiili tlie unfalliiig nature oi thcir actioa rouVd infkllüïly pkkvknt prignncy. $%jT" All k-tttrs treking infunnatlon or advlce wül l); trbmptly, freely and dlacreetlj nnswered. ffuli direct! cm i üccomany tacli box. Friet; f I par box, or x boxea fur $&. Sent by int.ll, fret' of poatage, ojKCeipt ot L2L? Puraphi-tp sent by muil fpee of pol, by pr?f W. R. MERVVIN t CO., CO Liberty 8t., New York, l'ivpritrUft PR. WRICHT'S RËJDYËNATIK6 ELIXIR ! Or, ESSETSTCE OP LIFE, Ivr9iircJ from Para Vegetable Extrau'. ton tui ■ uii-fct Uiiute. ■ Va:1;l3w' -=-" ' ■ ■ ".- ■g.-'rï'.-' ' "Ai the PkéMtX rfftei tr-. "i tlte i !i en ufii flre, Kttiniated vlU new Ufe"- . dothU KiltIr rt-Jnvenato tlio ytmt and. ovcruune dUcasefY- Tha Rtduveaatlng Klixii-U the result of raodern discovirlea In th vegetable klngdooi being an -rntircly new ftd abstract .nethod ol core, Irre j.v.-1'tive o1" h)1 tlic; oíd and urorn out gyetetui. Jy ThiB medicine han been tested by the raust ...... ut iuedlcM.1 men of the day, and by thea pro. . .■■L-üt-.-st medical diácoverie r the age. t ïT" One boitle iil enre general DeUlity. j- A few dósp cure Hysterics in Feraaies, OnebotUe cure Palftlt'atiap of the IK'art. r !":'";:i ')'1" r J three bottles restores the iuaaiinv-rt mil ful) VigoT1 of yontli. L3? A F ew Uoies restores the appctiU-. t3 Thre bottles curo'tlw wcn-st cuse of Itnp tency. J A few doaef pflret tin ow =ptri(el. Íí"? One buitlt restored mental power. C jr.4 iü í6e mtur. x thf. vrpuntt ■■fyenerulitn. A fw d -s brng the rose to the cheett. í Thíí iiwdi -Int' restores to niiitily rigOf and robast health the pooi dcbilit;;t 't, vurn-duwa and despatrlng. f jí The ïfstle, eilewte(l yort)i, the over-taskcl man of buaineüs, tke vlctirn uf nervous deprewlQDi the individual sufTering from general dehility, ot frn UK 'Á-ne-si of a -iintU ( in, wlll all tind immedt:itr;nd panquu-iit relief by tho use ol' tljU Elixir or R!3-ne of Life. {1 l'ricc. -i per bottle or tliree bottles for $5, and forvftcded by Kxpryéï, ou reutipt uf luouajr Lu ady aldrcas. ÍT" The Ch.rob:ee ïlll and UcjuveiiaUu-i KUxir, we aoM by uil eateiprlloi Ii) tin. ulviltseU rorld. S in unprlncipled dealffB, Ii jwevr, try to Bell Worthless cpmpooali lu pl:iee &ftííe; tJiíioe which they e;in parclHMe nt a ci)'"íip nHöe, an.l makt: ntor tuuuey by tU iDg, than ti--y oan en these medí 'thes. Au y mi v&lue your UeqitrU) aje, the health of your future offspflujr, do not' b dt&elved by sacii uuprlnclpl#dl Druggidts, afe furÜtê medicines and (iceno tther. ï f í ï i ■; Ortijut wili not buy thera f-ryuu, encl'iw; Uit: i]-.n-y in n lttt-r, i we wïïl send tiiem to yon by i', -ii.rcií, Bccürdy aealyd aid pACltvU, fren from ohscrvittlon. Und!it8 r U jiiü'.-iiii n c?ji Kitiir9 ns In perfect confiduncff, statin 'uly o(ï p'inly thcir diürnses and (ijtlnpioros, as we'treal uil ilwoases uf a clironlo niituro isi mate or feinate. -uts iu-ed not ht?itate bi ca'ise t.f Uieir laa-WUty to vi#it u-, as we have tpeated pattenti sitccesfally in all portions o! the cmlized plibe, by ewrresjwiidettce. I';viit'i]t3 addrenalng us will picase state pHIftly all (.!■ .yinptoms of thei cotn4jtintá, juid write FoatQ:ii'-',-, Ooua'y, Sjta and name uf writer, phün, and IbcIosq pontajie staiup for roply. Wk mn4 99 ?"-'#' PamphlM frea to any addrt'ss. Addreasallletters for Pamplifeil or adrícelo the prupiu-tors, Dr, W R. FLRW1N & CO.9 Nü. 63 Liburty strett, Nw York. Sold by Wholesale Druggists in Bttioil, at by STJiBBINö & WILÊON, Ann Arbor. 95fijJ HEW PERFUME FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. iiiiil1! A Most Ïïsri5ai5i. Dclicnta nl FrnHiint ïrrfiiine, Si-lillrl fiom Ilio It.iro anri Brauliful 1'lonir fioua wSlïcil S tttilC !ÈN !'!U:lf. Manufac.tared onlyi'y aiA(.O."V & SOÍ. C Beware of Counterfeits. F. B ACH h a new and complet Lought beforo the recent GREAT 1ÍISE IN GOLD ? fWhichwílí be Ecid ï'OR GASK ONLY, LOWEST MARKLT PRICES ! Cali and See ! Ana Arbor, Aprii, 18G4. S S tC L'P T.KÍFfVXTiM ' ilMR lATÖ TitE feNpi Óïti{K i thf-wbnnriV ' ' IwMit tue Iflth of %iit, 18M;i Ma ShM.p. nd K LMQbtt- Bikrk0 w)h 1 -I fiiunf t k Inp'.f th ;'t. : i!it 'Gv.nsr ;pi. uf..i.ii v. .,ti Druixrtr ■„


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Michigan Argus