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UYSPEPSÍA, f ! DKBAS"8 U KS U I.T t XjG F ROM DISOUDEF.3 07 THE IJVEE I AND DIGESTIVE O3OAN9, ARE CURED BY HOOFLAND'S 6ERMAN BITTERS, THE GEEAT SIB.ENGTHEÍÍIIíG Tlicsr Blllcrs liave pcrforracJ more Cure flAVE AND DOGIVEBSTTEÏlSATISFACTiON liave mor Trsílrmjivy J" ÍIA.VB MORE RESrECTATil.K PEOPLE TaVOUCU FOK THEMI Than cnj otber urticltí in the markst. VTe defjr any one to contradict thia Assertin, AUO WILL PAY SIOOO Ioan;oaeil.i: producá a rurü.ic-ate published :- Il'jt üEM'iNK, IMñkWí GEIUIAN BIITESS WltX OCRE IN ZYEÏXY CASK QT Ghronic or Nerveus Debiiity, Diaoases of the Kidneys, and Diaeasefl arising fcom disoí-; doied ötomach. Obitrvt tt foliivrivff vymfticwa reavZtíng from Disorder of .he. D'?rs:irr Qruanat Cbastipation fnwarJ Piles, KnVn-'-s of Blood to tbe bead, Aci'lity, ích, N:iufe, tleirtbnfn, Disjust inrr . . ■ ior wfighrintheStom'ich 3a . r Eructaiioas, inking or lluit rme at tbepü of I ■ h, Swtmiing ol tbe Ftead, Hurri ■ ; ! ■■-;-'. Fljttfering &t . ng l'osté n1, Dím ■ n . P'iís or Wcbabefure íh Siht Fever and Ill ...■■■, i, nej rtf PreR■ I íyes, r-ín ï iï t ? i . . ■■l,i.-1i . limij-i, . .i ' -Ti üanh('s ■ - i, Con-aanv Imagiuíngs of Évil iaá cyii Deprossion of fip:r;te, THAT THIS BITTERSIS CONTAIN8 NO Rgü OR WHISKEY. A.ND CAN'I MAKE DRUNKAHDS, bot a (13 ?1D3 3Ï3ÏTO2MÏ ƒ (Sa IVorU. ÏIEAD WHO SAYfi SO: "rom til liar. I.ari G. Beek, Pastor of tho Baptist Oliureh, (Ï. J. , 6f the North BaptislCnürch, Lh Ihi i Bittere fayorably r"riln:l ' í:!itmiumyiir :'iinly.Kn.t havt bee:, ■ ■ . ieir effestí tht : . recommeai] them to nwoj ana know - InLt tbey haTe oponate i iti a gttikingl? benefioial n thua publftly pru :,' tU! attention of ihue fflicteditli i - , recna_ nienJed. totiu1 ?ingfrOTnííierienethat ■ láÍMUed. I .lo this more id' Bitters ia int-enijed to bpoeat tiicted.aadts ■■;i+.; a ru::i Jrink." r-i'.v, LEWG. SLCK. From Rív. J. N . too Brown, :). I. Editorof theEnorEnowledge'aud Uhrishaa CJjríaTOf or recommend Tatent i :' díptrfisí of tbeir iniíreiienta Má effeota, 1 y.-t know of no sufiicient fwíÍidj Whj-Hmanmnj ■ . . ., 3 h believeí bimwtftu h.. re&ived ftoHi áéy imple preparation ta tiii hope that he taa; tiiu.scoutr.'Uituto the beaf í lr. ií more roa. ii'.vin regard to HooSand's Gertnan Bitterspreprei by Ur. U. M. Jackaon, of tbie eity, beuause I waa prejudiced gainst thi'in íor auuy feara, u'-. ir.i[tisi';ít Ibas tiiey wyre chiefiy a alchoholic nuxtun. I m mdebted to my friemi Rb , ter the rentorál of th urejudlce I, and for encouiagemeat to trythem ifTering in ín atan! lB?coDtmueddebiiitv The use of tlMri at the be-inj ■ ir, va loUoired Ijy ovident rl:ef lUy and mental rigor I had not fr t% moa nd had aliaMt ig&infaig. tberrnr ilmok God aud ra triendfor direotingee to tte oíeoi ii!.ra ■ J. tíKWTON BROWN, Phila, Ftpm f lio Rt. Jes. Ii. Kcnuüijjl'astorof the lOtbDap Dr. Jacksoir:- Bear Sir:- r h is-ebcen frequentlv re:u eoaoct name v.lth cominpTidationR af ■ i but rf;iiJin tUe piactice I liare in all caner decline-. I ; bul i -r ..-; i v;;rinus liísfance-, od ín i. sfullnens of Dr. HooñanJ tíermao Bitters, I deptrt for once from mv ttsualco , . - iy fil! cearietíoa, c'r general deb-ility oí System and espetffAHy for [.v-i ralunile preparation, ín ; but u-ínajly, ftoa tnot,itfril be very beneíicíal to íhíise who suífer from the aboy cause. Yours,Tery respectfaUy, J. n. KEN'NARn, Coates Síreet, Piula Froro Eer. W i rator of the Bsptis Cb ir.' , ' - ría ir; ■ . i'.'-un. !'".(; M..I: ir : - Personal experience ftüflblfta me to say taái i regí rd the Germán Bitler prepared by you as a uotf .-.-.-l enr medicine. ín cap I have been gruaíl benefited by the use of 'ho íiitícrs, and doubt not the' : will produce . i . rYuurs,truly, VA:i;...V RAN'DOLPH. Gtírmantown, Pa From TÏpt. J. H. Turner, Paatot of HeddingM.E. Church.l'hila. Dr. Jackson:- T"-:tr :ir .- Tit vin? iwd your Germán fïitters in my faniily frequeotly, 1 mi prepared to aay iha! it h;i3 teea ol jeeal írvee. UelioM thal in most ■ " utem it ís the satest and most vaïüiible rajneay of which I have any knowiedg. Yours, re.ipectfutly, J. H. TÍJR.VER, ."■. 11?) H. N.&tfieenth títreei. Ttom tho Rev.J, Nf. Lyona, formerly Pastor of th Oauibus, (N. J.)andlhllaiownf (Pa. j Baptist Ohurches. NfwRoclielie, N. Y. D.-.i"'. M. .T.'irkwn :- Di-arPir:- I feit it a pleisur has,uf tu y o -vn accord r i beat I '.■■timón y to the excelthe 'Sermao Bitters. .Sonie years incc, being ■i -li :i:T]icted wUb J)vsi".'psi;i . F iised therö with vry 'fsiilt. l ■ ■ ommended them to jtersBf enieebied by thal formentfng diBase. and have TMtrd Trom them thf most fiattering teatiinoniala -ah t ■ wt valuc. In case of ffPiie-:! H'IÍIry, 1 bo ieve itto be atonic thatcau not besur;' i J. 51 LYONS. Prora thp Hot. Thos, Winter, Pastor of Rosboroug en. Dr. J ickstfn ■ - Dar Sir : - T feel itdne to your e:ci ent prepara 1 '.■ q, tfoflrtod's Serman i;tt"i, to add ia, erve'Treputatáon it hn.s obtafne i h iye I ■ fiibled with geal ñi )rdeát io r-jm. I wp sdvl by firíend to try a itotrl ;f yur Germán Bitten. I dïd o and have experïeneeaTfrw and anexpected relief- my health bat boen very m&terfalfy bunffilti'd. I confidentlv r.fimmon-1 the articé w ere I meet with imUartowy own, aud Iiutg been assured by tnany cf ttiñ'r íoo'1 rñeei n Rcapectfully yours, 'i'. WINTER, Roxborcugh ?a. From ]v. J. 5. TTorinrtn. t.f tho Gorman Reformed ';in:rch. Katzt ■ C: Pa. Dr. C. M. Faekson : - Respected ?ir . - I have been troubledwitn i wlv twenty yearn, a.m have nerer tf ftert any medicine thaidk me ns mucb good n Iet. I am vfyy muyh iniprovei in health after haviog f nl;cn ÖVe boftlea Yours, with respect, J. 8. HERMAN. ERIGES. Largo Li?.e, holdiug nearly 'loable qusníitc,} $1 00 per bottle- haíf doi. SO(1. Small Size- 75 ceuts per Rottle- half dozen ti 00, BEWARE OP C0ÜNTERFEIT9. Seethíi ths sienataro of " C. M. JACKSON" ie o the WB-APPE3 of OBoh bottl. Sioniíí yoiir Deftre1 Pr'i_vi- " haTp thenrtirlo, o - .ut off bv Ifftoxicathrg preparaTtonj tb; t !:mr bo oilVreJ i;i i : p1 ico, but í''ü tu u .aiiil we will iorward, secufly iackc'l,bv tx[irc3P. Prir.oipnl Office ftnd Manufaotory, H"0:6 3-IAECH STREET PHILADELPKIA. Jones & TU vans. Successors f o ü. M. Jaclcson lf (Jo. '■'■.tOPKTETOUg. 'i 'UK UOOTt AND THE LKAVES X Wfl.L, be Sul the IWling ol lle Nationi. BW. THK 6KEAT AND DKUEBRATEU I IN TOElMTj.-CKtíri, HEAU.T, LTFER A!il) THE BLOt, : KTinalIuverthcouoUy a tLe CKL2itaATKI ZXTXI.AJSr laDRjB DOCTOB i OÍ-4S2 Sóíiorior Street, ClimUud, Ohio. Wllivisn the l".Uowing placea, vil AProINTHENTS IOB1862, ]S03an.J 1S04. rof. K. J. Ljsns OU bo oouaultod at lúe f..;luw!nz )jü-p "Tery tanrli, vía: Dí?ti-ait,Unrtrielüoaii. cau'i moath, 18íh and íüLh. Aiin Arbor, Muiïil'ir üuqm1, -acli nmuth, SOth. ,Toktíún. klibbrd House, eaeh moBthf21. A'iriau, Hrnckit Boms, meh montb ÜZdandSM. Toledo, tibio, OlliUñ iiouBe.tíJicll Qiouttj 2itU 3ótb n.l Ï- . íini-ttiale. Mleh. , HilfcdjJtt Hous, eaell inonll),27íli. ColiiffaíHr, iíicL., S'utLru Michigan Jioust-, eii-b . B8th. Urt, Rikhsrt Sotmfy each me oí I) , 2&th. . Bwii,Iii'l,, -St. .I.i. Uol, ech month, 30. Importe, InL., b month 31it. W.'Ortter,Oh:üf CïndoïlExchAiigf , fch mcnïU 7tb Ddgth. MnualiolJ, Ohio, Vi'ilar Uoust oach mootli, 9th snj Oth. Mt. Vornon, HLenyon lïouso, eicii montbMtli and 9h. Kewark, Ohio, Holton Douie, cath montlj, i3d.!i od ■Sth, PjneBVÍlle,Ohio, Coirlfli-Hoii'se.oRch lunnth.4th CLEVELAND, OUIO. í: VN1) OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET. East of tho pahlic squítre, appoalte th } ■ fileftdajfl ecn raoolU, Jst, éd, -Jih, Hh, Sfh, I&th. oarsfrosn 9 A. Vi. tq ív from 2 1', M. to P. M. OuSunday from Ö to ]UA. ..and 1 tu 2 i', il. jI-JMaxu". -itiicily adhored to- 1 give iucí1 bíihi fvs uye DOHtrife, With nLur1 or the Lavg of ÜTe, With blooü m ban -Ís I nevor f t h. ï n f No loiriuií ín Ti toaaef their pain. Se tí a phjy-ician indetd, whf Curve. Tbe Imiian iíerv. Doctor, ft. J . LYOlfS, cure the fnlnring compiaíBtHiutíie moat obstínate atagenuf their 3Hifiict-, viz: HiHeítHfKüf iheThrrtat, Lana, ííeart, Liver, Síom ch , J'ruiv.v '-. : . ' ::i;i, Kitti. r Fíiliiciv'vckDi-iH.arnl 11 o t her iiervoiiKJt rjinv.v.Ti ís. ,áo alldiaítNH" ai tiiv likm-1 nucí', kn Scrfo?a, Erj HlptftB.CaneerB, Fever Sures. Leprosa, aud ull uthei comilicatoi-. ohiunic complainie. AliforroH of fenialo diffioultie attended to witb tLe -t roe alta, , It is hoped 'íUat no ;ïn wül i?flímir of & cure until bhj have givea the IñdiAQ Herb itoctor's &fedioins a ftirndfaitb ■ o the Doctor traTelH in Kurop', Weet Indiew, South America, agd tbe . . i: tlie ingirüitient in God batid1, te re.3t-i-.-e to hftb and vigor tfionsands who were given up v1' proDoanoed incurable by the emintüitold fichool physieiB; afity, more, thousaadiwhowereoathe verge ai tbe grave, are now liviog nJOiumntK to th-e índi&il Ilerb's Doctoras skül and BucceflBfultreatmc-nt.ftriciare claily axclaimíng: tlBi6ge'l be th'.-day wheu .irst fl saw and partook of the Indian lierb medicine." PatiBfactcwyxífierwioéíof nu8 will be gladly acd cheer-i ■ i beuerer reqaired. TkflDootnr pldg Mi ivnrl and hoeor, that he will ía no rïaè,dire ' "f cause any in valió t-o take his modicine vitbout I he atrongestprubabiiity f a cure. $- Kode oíejcamíuaíifin, wbicb íb entirel j dirfereni froin theíacaity Dr. Lyón prófessea to 'Ü;;cern dieapes by tlie ejr. Hetherefore asks noqueaton, qot dofihe require patienttn expiatn . CiiÜ on; and H, nd have thesymptoma and locaticm of your . ■ ,r shfill hfl': ■ ■ lered. JeFostoíílce!id]re3f,box 2063. R. J. LYOXS, M. I'. Clevelaa, Ohio, Nov. 25 , 152 lySg WonWtp.' I Fr:?n1i and patroas and al) others who inay faro? Inra wiih heir patronnue, tliat ho has greatly Blllarged bis Stock and Assortmeiit ! and hftving adopted tne CASH SYSTEM B0TÍI IN BUYING & SELLIXG 3 primred to t-il Qwpda at .jPjiOaaLiE. (0X0 T'l'ioGQ, Hi3 Ktuiïi Cfnslstn iii par ot thetollowlng: -jj A3IEWCAX ANÜ OTIIEr. öPvflg Watches J MÍtíflS B SETHTHOÍÍAS CLOCKS! Fine Jewelry Sétts GOLD CHAINS, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLËUY ! ROÜER8 PLATK1) WARF, t'uo best in marliet. Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Fencils, PAPER and EXVELOPES, Blusical Instruments, Strings f B'iolig fnr Instruments, 33 EBO 'S" CXiKS, of üolii, Siloer, Steel. aai Plate.d,üh FEHISCOPICGLASS, a superior articlo. Perconn haTing difflouis watohes tofitwitii glafse.can be accomodated, as iny stock ís large aad oompk-te. P. S. Particular attention tothe H.BPA.IH.IKT O ■t all kimJe oí fino Waíclieg, each as Making and Setting new .Tewels, Pintón. Slaffs, and Cylindm. Alto CLOCKS, S5 a"E-V5TEXJE,-S' neAtly repaiied and waïTanted, at hip old standvast üidecf MainStieet. e. bliss. Ann rbor,Nov. 25,1RC2. 826(1 186L. 1G54. NEW FALL GOODS! AT REDUCED PRICES. -o- C. H. MILLEN Ia no-r opening & TTEW STOCK sf Domeetia tfia HUN DRY GOODS ! FAMILY GROCERIES, bonght bïbco the rpcoftt iVclin in GOLD, and manj kinds al ctutsiderable Deduction from FormerPricesI Pléaae cali r.nd tnake yonr purchasos hile thy otuuk in compUte. C. H. MILLEN, Ann Arbor, Scpt. 1804. 87ö CARPETS, 011 Clotha ana Doiibo FÏirnlshing Goode; a good ttovL at S78 C. II. MIU.KN'S. TO TOE I,AI:!ES - A dock of elegant Dry Gindi,, . vis and Clcttkn.for tlic fall treno, nuw open Ing at ' 976 C. H. .M1IJ.LN ',S. TO TH Kïil.niUN.-A fin Btock of Clolh, r r ■'. riii.i fipnts' Ku'i I i idgj ast 87; C, H. KILLEN '8. 9 BANNEB HAT STORE! GOTO S G T&VLOR'S Before ; ou buy, Srinj aud Suiamer stylva ot CAPS, STRAW GOODS! GENTS' Furnishing Goods, &c. inn Arbor, April iOtk, JS84. lm95S. EMPIEE BOOK.STORE! Harina purcbased J. B. 5'SB?TíCR''í' stoelt of Pooks nnd Suütiouerv, I bhall endtaTor to keep a constant supplT 'I SCI-IOOIj BOOKS, TEXT BOO'lvS! MEDICAL & LAÏÏ BÜOKS STANDARD AND MÏSCELLANEOUS WORKS, ivlnch lHl bc old at the LOWEST CASH P1UCE. AIso ALBUMS, GOLD PENS. SHEET MüSIC md & superior (ualitj' &f WALL PAPER! and everytbintr usuaiiy kept in a well cuaductedBook i"-'. Üpposite FrauUia House. '■ G. W. SIVOVER. Ann xrèor, June, 1S64. lyCCO CLOTHES WRINGER? The OXLY regable self-A-UuBting Wringer. NO WOOI WüRK TO ?WV.I.L OR SPLIT. NOTliL'MB-SCKKWSTO OET OtfFOF ORDER. WAlïRNTLI WITÍI OK WIlHlT C(K-WHKKL. It t.-k 1-IK-r PEKiJlCM at ;fty Seren State . :. -y F;iirs Hi lÜ&'ó, :nl is, without ao excvption, tlie üet wringer ever made. WHAT EVL11Y BODV KNOWS, viz: Th at i ron weli galTnïed will nerf ru.'; Tjéat a simple oluna ï better tban a conaplicivíei une: Tht a Wrinsfershoiikl b se!f a'ljuting, durable and eiilcienl ; That ibumb-Screw-t nnü Fistenin?s i-ausedelay and tioubïv í'i i uu.1: Lh-j. u orocr; Tbat m&oé akad iu. bot water sriiJ &weUt brick and split; That wood bearings fop the shaftto run in wiïl rear out; Tbat the Wrlnsrer, with or witkout cogwliwU, will nol '-■■lt clothes Tbat cog-wheel regulators are not egential; l'':ii ilie l'utnam Wringer aü -ü.l tin advantagei, and not ose oí the dieaiwatrtagaa_65ve nawe.d; Tbat Et.ll v ho iiave tt-tcl it róuoum it the baat wringer ever made; That it will wring a t bread or a bed quilt without alteraticn W ïiiijiht fiïl the paper witli testimoniáis, hut insrrt onïy a few to conviDce the skepiiciil. If uch there be; and we sayio;ill, t-s hi.namb1 Wringer. Test U Vríul'uL'GilLY with ANV and ALL o Uiers, and if nol entirêly -ui.-Uctury rt-turu it. Putnam Mamftcmm; U., ■ tieul ÍL'üieii- I línow from exjíPríenee that Irou wellgalvanized wlth zinc will sotoxidizo or rut ae particie. Tha Putnam Wringer in is oear perfect i te,andlcaa cheerfully ïicomnnd it to be the best ia use. KespeetfuHy yours. jno. w. Clf veían."!, (litio. M.iny years experience in the p&Wanizing business eoabïc me to endorse the abo ve stutemcLl in all particulars, JN'O. C, JFFFERTi3, No.luO lieekmun treet. New York, Janunry, 1864 We have teted Putnam's ClothfR Wringer by practical wt.rking, and know that II wíl] no. It is cheap; ït is simplp; it wiuïr" ni room w het her at vork or &t ryt; a child ftan opérate it; it does its iuty thorouttbly' itaVes thnc anfl tt rrejíinuct nl tear. Weearnestiv dvi.-e all who ïiave mtch washiafe tu dn, wit li all intcPitrent ]pir8()n'; who lui vc anï, tn buy thÏB wrinirer It will pay for tself in a vear at most. Hoir. HORACE GRËELET. Patented in ht lTni+eï Stateo, Kn$land, Ctfmda and Austnili. Eneretic men can maKc (mm 3t10 dollara perd&y Agents waoteü in evtry town, and in all parto of the werld. Sample Wringer sent, Expreis paid, on receipt of P'no.' '2, $6.50; No. 1, $7.50; No. F. $3.50, No. A. $9 50. Manufacture andsold. whlesnU and retail bj TflK TIN'AM MAMFACITRINGCO. No.l3Platttrc9t New York. vH ' " wit.Ohio' 961 tf r NORTÍIROP At-ont. WiZARD OXL1 THÏS FLENDID REMEDY CURES S TOüTlIACITE Ö B NEURALGIA ■ In Three M-inutes. Ia Tea USosnü. tSirïTÏ ; iiAUÁCHK J j ïlte m;uuI,.s. 1 Toq Jünmrs. CIU-MI' COLIO BirillKÜIA ia Ten IkÜnnieB In a Few ITourB. (08 THROAT ' RHÏCMATI8M. tnaFcW liwurs la n Few Daya. "i.AMIt UAITk! SPÜAlÑs! CCT3 ASD CRUISM; BtiHNSlIli SCALD8. CORNS. CUILBLAINS. ___ gg __ Thla üv.i'u tlil ■ rtpuratioii only needa A trial to renomuicijfl Ucrlf to everj household In tin Irknd. ., l oitlij mul yon wlfl nhvays ketp it on luind li::t unit of in - ''. I ifi fell PW boltle. The lrge . Iv l!ir tWi as muchas tht ml! on-. M.i !■ "-í1.1-1 (,, ! i,. v . ■, aiid uit


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Michigan Argus