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pur Jímtísementeu Cbaneery Norice. r ITBREHt DESÍGNATE ROBKKT E. GRAZER, CitL ouit Cmirt Coinmisxioner, of ihs Countv oT Wash tenaw, and State of VichigaD, ah IujunctiVa Mant, In and forsaia Coiioty óf WashU-uaw. ïb. 3rd; 1865. E. L'VWEKXCIC (A trut copjr.) CircUt Judsr. E. (ï. POND; Rejpaier, 3w 95 Estáte. of James Steward. QJATE OF MICHIGAN, Cou.vrv of Washtknaw, - J Ata ïeasion f the i'rnbutc Court fnr the County of Wahhtenaw, lioM' ni the Pföïftte OfKce, i the City of Anu Arhor. on 1 hi r-'air, tfefl city nf folio trv, in the yoar oue thonriánd eight huadred ard ixtv-live. } reseni ÍJíbmJ 'ítakk., .TndgeírfíProbfti. In thé matter of thê Üs'alo of James Steward.tleceaeo 1. O'i fervdiiffr ad (lling the pefition. ui!y virined, f Uty SfrtaM, Adniioistratris of the estat of aaid dec asel. prayiag thai shO mvty be 'i tenseê to I reaJ f-t.-ito whefeiif the said deceased, lied, seiz' ii. Therèupon it !b OHitéd, that M.-ndfjy, tüc 27tU 1 ;.. oí Mtifch ücxt. at 'ai fJ'ukck bá tiie f. n-n'in. be assigaed ftr the hearing f'f;paid pr tit:on, ajtd-thai thehe'.rs atHw of taid JfCeáá and all otlier prs.'r.s .iie, :ire rCMitircd ío ftppear t a , ■ f íaid ';ourt, thon to be hol "on ai the Probate nsii.-i-, iu Êhe Ctky of Ana Arbor, :i::d hh':-.v caafiei, ff any thore be, why tho prayet of th,i petttttn r should Büt be gfanted : And t iñ further or dero(],that s-'il pntiontT gite notice fco ttreprnon intorest&d icüid tétate, of the juíndency of t.:i! ".-:i 1ion, and the heariiii therrof, hy cnii'-inK a copy of tl la (trder to be publi-ihed in tlit Michigc.n AH&ut, a uéwspaper prjoted and rirculatiag in aaid Oountjf of Washtoteftw, fo'.ir Huccéü.-ive weekü prfevious to i-aid day ( heai$fig, (A tï-uo copy.). HÏBAM J. BKAKE?, 905 d Judgeof Probate. Estáte of Joaeph P. Riggs. .ÖTATE ÖF MU'HIOAN, Coi'my cf WAi-rrrKSAW, ss._ O At ;i ee-; frión of tfee Probate Court for the Countj of 'V;:?l ■'Huw, Ki-ï-li'. : Ht the Probate Office in theiityof Ana Arbor, on Mamlay. the sixih duy of February, in the j oce Lhnnsünd eight huiitlrcu and ütc. PrfeeeDí, Hiram.í. :íeak"-, Jude of I'robato. Ia ths nmtter of tiie E-tutc of .Toseph P. Rigg, de cwlscd. James Rïggij Ktöcutóx bf the lait wül and testamf-nt of laiii 'U'ceased, comes inlo Court aud repre.-cnts that he iu now prepared to rem'ier his final account is?uch IecLitor. 'ihcretijKm ii l Ordercd. tïift Honday, tl.o ixtli day öfMarcb ntxt, at ten o'clock in Mieforenooo, b? assigued f.) examinïcand slfowing suchacaorintj asd that the w ido w, iHgati'Ps, dovisect and hcirs fit iar { id deceasè1, and all othi peVs interetted iasHd estáte firf Li-qui: cd to appèèu ai a sessiin f eaid Ccurt, t-hiB tobe '.i íldoa at Lho ProUatu UfQcö, in the City of Ann Arboi-, insaid couaty and .sliow cause, if snv tbere l-e, why il, e said aceouni Bhuuld not b uilowwd: And i1 ifc furtker ordered, ihm aftü Esecutor tiTi-' notice to the per-sima o'erefttèd iu snid enlate, of tbc penmcy cf-aid mccou.ntj'land thehoflrin tfcertuf,by (Muging a -"yy i fttiia Order to ba pnblifcbi din ih ■ Michigan Arê&xmwspn per priited and ei ulti-ii:-.: in saicl County of Washtenw tb ree sutcette wpeks jfftius to fbW rtay of hearfaet (A ti-ue oojr ) HïRAM J pEAKEJL WWd Jadge ( f Piobate. HTHE STATE AGEICULTUKAL COLLEGE. Tiie St&ta AKricuitaral CoIlfRo, Lansmi?, Michigan, OW offers to studPDt.s vpry superior advantagps. Fottr ■eara are required t' complete the eourse of atndy, rhtjcb is na full in &fathemnitl8, JEnjjtiah Literafire' Iirttory, PLüo'íiphv. frcraijq othe? CvJ leges. The soUCaè to I fetoroj&gy, Botanr. Ar.nnal Fhyisology, irid otUar branches of X.-.tlhaï. ÏCTsctb are antiaually grortt attintion btlig P'tid aUo to Ihüir pinc k-;t.l ppÜMona The Colltígch-í .urveviïig and Leveliujf Instruments, a lïapeum f Natiiral Histöry, Pbilo opliical InstrunseaU, and an eKcyiïer.l CaUËFClt I,iboratoby, ii irhiuh student are Lanht -o maka iinalyHes. I'h'j Faira bao clay ssnd, loara of ditTyreiit kindi, j(jttontands, ujck '(;!. and neariy ere y vaiietyf soil knowii iü th títate ; tho stock hfta been entiroij cbanpred in character of litte. pure blood cattleof the Ayrshire, Short Horü and iiev on, and outhdown and Meiino shoep, aad o:her valuable f'tock hare benn adled. In all matters pertaining (o far .i and stock man igeraent clasa room and out of door in-itruction U given. Sufib insti utticu wül bc nauch moro full Iban ver bi'fore. In a vegetable gardon, unsurpasfiod ia the State tbr he variety of it products, in tho urchard, tho small ruit garden, the ornamental gardf na and the nursfrï, tudt-Qts are taaght all the btdt methods of Hortioulure and kinürei .subjccts. Ötiidu,t are pfttd fot tlieír labor, an.l thtir earninffs net unfreqnen'lj pay fruta one ticú. to onehalf of heir xpeuKCfi. Htitdunts are admitted to select counsv and f r any ime. Thert in aico a preparatory clns for those nut uföciently .dvauced to enter the CoHgtat8 coure. Uoard is at oost, lat jear at %'Z 50 per week, Tuition Veo to Btudent f rom the State ; to qthers, $ítt jéar, Room are farnislied wïih stoveanrt bed-tead. The classes for the ürat hlf' yeav of 1805, will be lermnncntlv orgnnized tbe firgtday ofXfarch next. For further parüculurH oí for catalogue applv to T. O, ABBOTPref-iitnt, 3wí'9ó Lanping, Michigan. OFFICIAL. STATKMKNT f tlie r51í'íilji.ti Central Insurnuce Company. Offií-r oftuii Míen. Ch.stral Iwa. Co. 1 Kalaiuzoo, anuary 16th, 1665. ƒ üon. James B. For ter, Sccrctary of the Stale of fich igan. Tn purauance rf Acl N'o. 262, of the Hession Law f the Stat of Michigan approved Febniary Ifith, 859, the uniirni;ned ruspoctíullj ubmiL ti) be fiied in. heoffice uf tho Secr'.-lury of St te, a statement show ng the coudition of the Michigan (Vntral Tuuraucs ompany, and It buinoss tiansuctjimVi, duri.igtlie iaae it has ten in QpBration . Tbis Ooiupftii.v i.jsu-'tl its lirst jolcy ol inniiranct' on ,he lOth dfty of Mny fastvandsince jjnnt (S montha) las i.saued ocer %oo 'l'howuxivl Policías - its aóÉhoricffi uarantee Capital p300.00Q JÖtO.üOO .moLint of property iiisu:edfV"m Muyl'Oth 18ó4to j,inuary lOrli. 136.3, [8 mrnthsj V,462,1'J5 00 .rauunt oí premium Notes recJived 4,100 00 Amo unt .of cash preirfunm recf;ivei. itcludiug po'.ícy aii'1 iüvvay fp 2S,R32 68 A moiíiit of cash üoposit 10,000 00 AflDORnt of personal property ÍQcliilÍog oitlce üxtureñ BiU 70 Amount i f tola! ftCcuimilations fár 8 mos.. 83,274 28 Ainount of expenso foi' clerks, ageut, and for 8i!;u ■!c8, trayeliug expnpea, , 956 03 Amnunt of expenses for bookí, ítatlónetfy'j printing, oiïice rent, and all other , Bes not aboTO mentí onfld 2,07 60 Amount of Iw9fl a- jmiwmii íue Nona. Ainouní - f lossei adjuted an3 due Non?. Amnunt óf alt l'èsaes in 8 raöBftha 1,04840 Amount of loi-rs ivdi-uaed a$d paiil 1 ,(W8 40 Amount of oettsowingBy the Cnmpany... Nono, Amount of claims fo UisaAB iccruwl None. MARSH (UDDIXÖS, President. Okorük W. SsyojíBj Secretnyy. State or MlÓaiGAf , " Kalamzuu Cü j Piíi-flonally appeared bcfoi me the un!erHt,Miei], a Nolary Public, ín and fbr snid County , fjeorge W Sny der, oif sai í'ovinty, known to me aa the Secretary of the Michigan Central Insurance Company, and wlioss genuine s-inature, I kr.ow is attachtá to the foregoinjf BtaamEat, who beiog duly swoni dotliupon Iiíb oath depuse and ay ttiat the foregoing statement of the condition and bósinVM of sai 1 Compány duringtha píiriod in which it has ben doing buHineas usahown by thö.books of aíd coníp'auy, i true in substnce and in fact, orrnrR aii'l omisHÍon.i unlinown excoptod, accord[na tu the bet oi' his knuwludirü and belief. GXOBÜS n . 8XTPBR. Subücribed and Bwo'rfl to bpfore me fchia 17th dky 0$ Janviarv.A O. lSfi5. 2w93fl T.S. C0BH,Ntai7 Pubfeo. puumc syrup SEAWEED TONK, AND MÁMAME PILLS, Thebne ia uorroot likoasa of Dr.Schenok ] ftsr recoTi-ring from Conauniption. minj jnriu !llw ii & Hhns8 of him as ha now ap.wn. Wbon th firjt wai tokin ho wighed ]7 poHj,.„ th pregont lint his weifrj.t la 358 poaD.i. iXtíi SCÍIENCK'S Principa! Oflïee and LaWatofy ii at fchí y. E,mt oí S1XTII and CÜM.VÍEt-CE títrwte, íJlnla íeJphF whtra all Eettor f(. ■: -■■liyh3 or busiae,.-. jiuuidlií. recíed. Kc v-Hi W fúund Llw n ! TURDAY, patmsionlly to examine lVnge with the iíaiiiromler,fowliicti liis 'fe h llipe öuliara ; all v-.uv; Ia Ne York t No -. BOND Sïreet, naTiQttf DAY, from 9 A. lí. tü 3 P. M. Al the MAP.LBt-'KO" tíüfKL, Bosten, JanuarB L9, i'ebruftrí 16 aud lö, Maicu ió an-J 0T April lSui JO, Mhy 17 an.l 18. ,Iubel4 aud 15, Jalj 19ánd3ft The tiras for my beiug id !v [;j [MOKB nd PITTJÜL' iií.: , tlü bosoiain the daiiy imperd of tbesesiii, 77i Jllst.rof Lr. hche!cks (rum. Cater awl herhevu cured vf Comvmptitm láany Jt& Wj Tiilt r-toiuj io Ph;ia'e!pliii,r aai progiesfeed sraüually ilitotliB Utst stage oí hj raon;try Con.-íiimji.i.n Ali iiupea of my reeuïerTt mg waaadvised b.y uiy pUyaician, Dr.'Ptt. riuh, to renaeTe iAto the. countïy. iioorestown, Nt Jereev, krwng ib y nfttive iJiuce, i vrss nmoien tMthn. My fa'tter auti av l L hit; fuayly hnú lived and úi6l tbertititl Oic ti of l'uhiioi. ;iry CöHèuuiptipu. On marrital [ was put to 1 Isa, wln-re I my fov muoy wtjeW in stil wRsdeemp'i t hpf!6Sf etnaitKjn. Pr f ü ore ti a wlc; ha-i bfe'lim? ttfcrer'i phyicutD, va.. htii. iUaesBj ratt.cAlieü ios me. lie hought iüv ue Püiiiviy beyond thO reacl! aud dwidoti tliat 1 mut Jie, and gavo me oae weeits arraojte mv aptral aff&ijrt. Ja Lhi1 hfljft edf condition, I bard cí the remeóie whhihlñn makíjLiU :.c'.l It :'■-■■', (o me ihat Ï coutó fed ttra1 tbpir .lv atiJ p uetiaiiag eer ue(e(flbre, -My ings .ia: ivo: put u ., .bdlliemor sid matter wt.icii for jears L;u ac latert the differtat orgaau of ;ut-body, vu t.i.;.;;i;, tiio tuberc'ea uu in) útig.i ij enöd, arw'i expectórala! Tom mj lungs as Biuch as a jj.l. t of yellur 99urln matter OTery in ■:; . As :';h exncipraiiimJ'iDMcr tuvi-U'. the fcver abated, the pain tft ma thfr' cough ctttseü fe) : exhwitólg:li Bveats wero no loager klMiwa, muí !íJ r resiimg: Bierp, t" NU.icb t li:.d !c-2ij l)c;u a ítreajer. 11) VVíitc now bí-g n torció ;uU to itiiin mvhítif fram eating too mncli ; itii ais rètura uf ioalth, I g-.iiirc'l to tnsfih. at ara Uos'ni. 1. unno a. fcea , uithsW healeil cimlrit ' l'ie 'ul '""S tbe lower lobi' 1 t a .bionoflif pleur. The left iun . -. . il-.t ufpoilohail herighl one in atuiesablj CoEsumptioa it thiitam to ki curablo isfa'-c, by every oue, phyEkiana MWiïJ b.ose who were ine- espedallfo auata were roducsd totbo eoüittiion i.. Tin nduoed man; ■■ :v ''"I1111' rararv. I coiV pro;-. . ■■ ■ : oanuinUveb fo] u.l macie iBKnjr '■ al cures ; and the dol ■ 5d u rnpiOljlbl" determinen to oiTer them to thf pub ie, nnd deroBB! radliWeiHkttention I ■ ■-■ !" iruih.Imi noxt to fjrsed to it f ■ i andnoar, to certala whstiiér tluric cssti wen For matiy years. in cnnjuncüoa vi h my pdocijw office in l'hiladelphia, I havo o ir m::i,j:S ief'u:pes.ional Ttsitl toSeïrk( Boston, liaitimore,' ïorsev'eral years I havo rnade a ramru' hundred csanuuatini ivncklj wtth the "Re for sueb ïamioation iay charge u three t ,nnb!es ine to lïivu ech patiënt the trus cnMlW iltdiseaSB, and tril him fraubly litlher he iH! Th'egreat reaon why plmicians do notcureCo sumptionia.tlu.t ttioy trj to do to.. mucii ; tkj Í" litues t.) top the oosgh, to sti.plbe n[M""" htctie fCTer, anl by 30 d, ins thcy .lersnse tin' getlve systern. lockin? up the ecr'ion, sa'""1' ually the pasient die. .., Ihé Pulmoiic Svrup Is one of the mOTt '"""■, meíicineN knjw. 'it ia nrltrièat, poTrfWlj WJ in it.-rlf. It confuust r.o opiam, J 'K m m the btonehial tubna, an.l nütureun' UoB with litl ■■ iertion One lottie f.-pqi:enl" an ordinary cold hut i' will be vre.l lirst of Schenok's M ndrakï's l'ill toe The Pulmomc iyrup is rei ■'""?„_ lnto b!ood, to whiuh il lmpatt-, i;s itii one of the be" prep ritions of ironin ■ powerful tome of ite!f; and when the dissol ea the raucos in the stomach, anfl I bT tho aid of the Maindrakè lilis, al' gutncjni e,kO.o.Uppetite,aEds The Sfaweéd Tonic is a roliirdwhn it ÍS nfe'l. It i purt and l'l .V. bad effent line w). n-itig Bourbon wl V -V.„Dlltb éürn ft stomach, ori-ors til liver, lo:k "P aoeretions. turn tbe h'..o,1 into water, dr ff" amUhepütit-nt ('les sml'ply., Buu'rbonWlHiïy ÍH rcooramondcd noT'?'l!I most evtry phyiidon. Manj patiënt 'tU ■■poi'ion. Tbs relief ia Tfinirry. Ir ttej J?M tko'llttle iïbi-cy , f l "ƒ ffel iik= take a little ui ...- ; if tl ey eam ot sletp, w iittlö whisky; n1 tliï Ko on iatnism morcan.! MBtiire iiowera i "', ?iiSl pptiteribotl: Nopnewai t:onlv : in tbe tu cml to cooaumptiVes, sucïi as P' .in ta many case Lonci. moderat! q ■ Instead oí curii tk0P Th Se'd Iüo pi"""ces 's oughlj ii.visoratir.gtlieftomicli and ; ■: ■■ ■ ■ ü; breMiH tí'! iv-e h t ii ■ i ■'■'" ii! ''■ ';u'MrittlÖ Tho M . '"ir ü6" afety by r.ll i ges nnJ conèiUous, ■ ■linnen. ' ■ ■■; of the mercurial meOiciut, and huitful or inr.r.r.m, results. Tl. lystoui tb. t culcut mul noin "Itinï!tf' „„clSK ■ p"'m ■ ", e ■"{?■ ItwiUUs.-teuihal'.Hhr c ed ia.ïni.t cases to cure Cooomp.tio. AGENTSTOI BOBTON- fieorge ('. fiooctvin ii CaNEW rORK- Damas nruei-& ,1-f PITT?BÜ5- Dr. Gorge.H.KJW„ rsri. CIKCINNATI- F. S. Ölltté S'Co , CHIPACO- Lord fc Suiitli, aud H. 98il. 8T. LOUIS - Collins Brothern. S.W' FRANCISCO- Hostetl'-r. Smitli ""j Als.. ioM bv alllruggit8 and JJcalr.


Old News
Michigan Argus