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(iO TO THE CHEAP STORE! And see the New Goods. A Sl'I.KNIlID STOCK OV DRESS GOODS! Ooxvtsa' FURNISHING GOODS, CASSIMERES, Clothx, Satinets, &c, DOMESTICS, SHOES. HATS i CAPS; Crockery, aROGERXES, &c, Ato to be soM witliout reganl to present Kastern Piices. N. Ö.-The largwt Stock of Cahco and Brown Cotton iu the City at lesa thau Manufacturor'H prioes. The hihest pricc paid in Trade or cash fur all kind of Produce. MACK & SCHMID, iFLORENCE SEWING MACHINES, PHOTOGRÁPH ALBUMS, P1CTURES, FRAMES THREAD, SILK, T WIST, MACHINE O1L, Sfc. ) The undersigned now offers the public TUE BEST FAMILY SEWItëC MACHINE IKT USE. FOR DURABILITY, BE ALT Y oj STYLE,and VA RIET Y of WORK, ü "STANDS UP HEAO," It neeis nnly fo bc soen to be appreciated . Runs the work bolh ways, tutes four kinds of stitcht'ri, Items, fefla, gatliers, bruid s, bind?, qnïHs, erathern and sews 00 n ruffle iit tlie same time. Sews from the thinatist to the thickest fabric without changing the .stitch, tensión or neeüle, or without brealiing tlie tliread It is The Wonder of the World ! Also a varietv of tho mist beautiful PHOTOORAPH ALBUMS, PICTUIIKS and IRAMES in great variety. and pictures tra-ined to order Tt short notice. Alo. HARNUM'S SELF SEWER or TU'.'KER, which can be adjuated to any Sewing Machine. Cali at the sign of the FLORENCE SEWIXG MACHINE, a few doors East of Cook's Hotel. Stiïching Neatly Done to Order, Also,onexliibitiun,tliecelebratoa " WEEDSEWIXÜ MACHINE," which tooit the premiura at the Michigan State Fair, of 1864. W. D. HOLMES. Arm Arbor, Dec. S8th, 1864. 98!ttf CITY COOPER SHOP. k SPAFFORD & DODSLEY, auecesaors to O. 0. SPAFFORD & D. HENNING, WouldrespectfuIIy-announce to the cítízena oí Ann Arbur and vicinity, that they are uow ir anuf&ct uring and keep coustantly on U?nd a Large Assortment of COOPER WORK! Such aa Pork and Cider Barrels, Kegsirkine, Churns, Well Buckets, Flour and Apples Barrels, c6c. Morchjints and BrewerN are invited to examine their lutter Firkins and Beer Kcga. CTTSTOM "WOIRIK:, done to ORDER on SHORT NOTICF and warranted. Ü3F" Cash paid for Staves, Heading and Hoops. Shops oomer of Detroit k XorlhStrectx, and corner of North & Fïftli Sireets. S.PA.FFORD & DODSLEY. Ann Arkor, Feh. Otb,leí4. 9-l8tf DÏSSÖLVTÏC7' fpHE C0-PAETNKE8HIP hrnteforr sxisthwbtirrii I the undejsigncd ander the stvif oí MII.í.Ki:, PAYJS & WKHSTKK, i. 1liis dny ilissnivM by mulinil ronsonl. The business wül lic settled by tlie ncw ftrin, fcr whicli, thanhing tlie public forthe pAst favtas s libQroJly be to■etl, a coutinuance of patronflci1 is fiolicifd. JOHN' F. JiJLLEH, G. F. n.uis, tí. M. WIÍÜíTEE. Ann Arbor, Jan. 2d,IH65. CO-PARTNËRSHI!. npHÈ UXDKHtíliiNKPliave fowned n co-partmTsl'ip J nnd will contium the buBinaw "f Buikinc-nd Ürdkcritgc, as successurs tu M1LLKIÍ, JJAV1S fz WKIï8TER, UD'ler iho firm name of MiLLíCR Í: YK8STEp, I'a'vï y rtfurt will bettaJi to méril ;inn receie tlie paü JOHV ï . M" : ■ R BTfiPHEN M. WEKSTDR. San ArfeOTj Jan. Zú} 1865. 6if)j0 WM. KNABE &. CO'S I PIANO FOETES. Il3?_d tita following coaimendatory letters from distinguished Artists. Win. Kanbè k H.- Cexthwcn : rfj After havínjí pUkred on the Humt of Mem. Íínahk A C". i1 is iiTiMïtt'le nul to c;ir ttfstiaix-ei ni'Miy io tlir-ir quiilftléd wi i-.'li liüvê acquïreil for I .i'lll lli" i'mi.l'-lli ■■■"l'ütii'M whK'll tlu'V i'lljuj . tBS:M Trj I' .b Jf ï iiiitnilaeimv, 'Mi 'wiiirii 1 "■ jj llave plin.-'l. i-ciiMiriy ptnmrkHblu fir Iliflr iUnl tliil uf TuXB. Tï;r l!i-i s powcrful, ■"■" tlwitl ïiarnhiu-rtJ nul ílie uppi-r úoteÉ tunkot, !3ifc. .Hui li:irii;inii'iiialy inclUnv, (teltryitiiiUn,) CA :ui. Ju llt ïicsilïl1 i tW Ht(f 111 VUIti Ui t!:isr in-ti nitin-iirs in y -ntri' s;ilj.fuiiíiui], ;mí K3 in Irclun' ilicy re i-{uttl If AíB rtperlof Vi bttj uiütinfaciurfil in .,:■ iíjí.j ciíUm u lj' Itie imwt cetrhrútfd inakiri'. E.. jU. -O'I TM H Ai ,K. &Z-_4 .liilíit lMiir &, Eo. difratra - U-titmntt: 1 l!!;im Kimbf & CVl Tianns 3" [tlí most jierfi'Ct in Uáe, irutfibiuítijj Mi Üic ■ ilturf tíit iuHt ;ihi;tiil ■ and eHfitKfZOa ;'i 'i'lMÍ#Ítf ('T hjv.-it, ■;( ÍHCSS üf to-ir, illii t líí'níTiil ncc'uracy. Tlie Bu [wmm v% rrcat ;í clfiirntíM Rifa rlchnesa of Mffdum ttniíi'-tl i u iiistruiiK-ntB. Tln_ tuiu-li ur zfJÏZ ictU)!i ajiurii piirth'iiliii'ly Kf-i-itlilt, arni Ín ■ its a'luptaiii.n rcHí-iás gniii cretlil igd upo n ftá nmuuffíetiift-Tí. The liitrudtictiun o f ■ ymir i'iuiHis in Iba Wrst lias crented a uevt evn je tu MusIimI rlnrlM, and will doublK-Hs cruwti aüBca yur .JTurtf ritJk Lï ewieuiil luCceu yon so - rii'Iily nici-ii. V.-i'v imjy, y .:t, jLfa CUicti-o, tíndUiStít. I.OIIS STA A IC. fcjM I r coitvtflfwd tlíé Pinnas of Mr. Knxkk to if cvwytödy uiiü ft'aitttj it rcitllv ftmt iMasulnstrui;: :,. I!. BAJLATKA. Win. Ktuíio & Co.- Gentiowü: "" . 1 Imve pi'eal pteaduro in eéi'flfylhg tiútt 1 liave jgm tritfd yf Penare hniWs. nml rtml tliroi vrioal, ' if nol Hiperkir, tu nny hi tliia country Amonj; ! Iltflr (fr-'ñt nnMiiv--', wïitirll '!Ki iuirniili tiu-in, i th evtiinifiM üf tone, iTw rcul)lc iil ttiay uinch, :uul volnnre of torn, Wtetiirig yon ail Th" incc3i you so hUlüy iicstfrTc, ! uta tr, youiávcry truly S. I Ifl I, IS K lii . v rTI"n1 WiH. Kiuifee & ('o. - GetiÉrinétrí - I c&Qitot but coraprttwtaic ■ upan theiiiiTaara progreHS anti inipruveineul itliieh you CIqJ cnritimuilly niake on your l'lanos. wliich, in my country. M. STIC AM.OSCII . J. Baoi'r &, Cy#- Utnttgviciii Onr (hn t-i Troupe ar.' :tt pr--.-' nt nsinji f.uw - óf .vuur juitiy celébrate. Ksakk I'iavo-, rui] ai ü2 i-xnüii.-iii of Utr i.:ws and ppifliOTis'of the Va rit ii a Artinís, jhtihí! mu lo sjty, 1 coti.d-r 2 tliBiu uiiMurpasaed in brilliancy nnl rj-crlcir -inii p)'f-titih.rnt, without t rural in thiacnnn iy ur in Emo-.e. Tlirir .uj.erior quniity ttj time, cumlihihtg írtfct dejitli aml powerful voj% Uim, uilii wtúc'li lililí ;i pfriiHitriy clqur mul S fV'-ti U-riii.-, t';j. llitl" Willl 'I UKluic fl;l SI k'ÍI,V -f - " tiMii'li av.ii ,irtii'ii, ivnitf-r lliwii fitjTfrior tohthfr 'BJ iiiSirrtijenlS, ivlikji r;irrly Lfevef Combine tliee ü-usT cí-' r 'j s. I rno-i chfirfn]iy -, iini (lie lililí nntl meritoriuus ncumiuiuv - ■ i'ViTmíi'T" protioonccd npTiíl ttit'Bë Píühos. -" íí;i Ojjria. CL.-iy F,b. H, 1341. Um. KüAbp &, f ík - 'ott!nnn: á05 Uuiíi yuttf ut'w ícuIc Grauil and Situiire IUíihoh, " it L'ives me rí-ciit ij maniré to slf ■ ili;t 1 bnve foiimi ili'in lo r.inii'lnr ;N i lie (UiH1("a lo malee ".g l l'i:iliu S )■ rfect KB mssililf, ;iinl H tisui]i:tst. d S'E Iív ;my líinl I liavc sitia eillier in th:s LMuntr.v gl or K;n]K-, fui' gi'iítt puW Hlld rea&dffcMM ol E'S tüiit-, cnmlpiíifit wïili ll'ai peculiar swcct and Inghig ipiality, áü ofíiji romul ranting in I'í:l us Tli. y are n;illy ondurjiflíabli', bimí iu ' lyitcíi f'Vefylhínií lliat can int (U-siis-'l l.y flu fjg& moafc (rilliuilt ])]ycr. Wlsliiii yuu uverj au- i- - i C(.S8,"I rcniJiin, Lruly, j Musical Director of the. Gemían Opvra. .JOLIÜS BAUER & GO, Lm4 ffhtïleaale Aiítnts for Xürtlnvcstrni Slates. k!' 89 ? -',()■, „),( 89 Wuaanijion SU ■.■S0 CHICAGO, 1LI,. 3 rrSKMI ÏOR A riHCVI.AIt. ÁSPLEND!D PIANO FORtT! For a Moderate Price ! I VOSE'S new and improved PIAXO surpasses anything üow made fur GREAÏ DURABIL1ÏY! Surpríaing ricliness aud brilliancy of tono, ELEGANCE OF FINISH! And MOVERATE PRICE. The iiHention of the people of Anu Arbor is invited to an exajmnatiou of tina beautiful i;ntriini(nl . J. HENRV WHITTEMOBE, General Agent for tlie S.tate, 179 Jtlíersí.n Ivenue Detroit. Miss K. C. Foíter is my authonzed apent for Ann Arbor. The VOS1Í PIANO may be seen at her rooms in the Exchanjfe Iilock. 3r 3E. 33 _A_ T: Excitement in Piano Fortes ! WM. B. BKADBURY S NeAV Scale Pianos In the Ascendnnt ! I ! Seven ( premiama awardod in four weeks over every coinpetitor. GOTTSCHALK, the Renowned Pianiet, saya : They are the best auc most perfect piano now ma?, for tborougb workmanship, power, purity, richness. and equality, of tone they exr.d. J.HKNHY WIIITTKMORE, (ïeu. AgenL for tlie st;itp, 179 .leUVi-Mjn Avenue, Detroit. Misa K. C. Foster is iny authorized Aetit for Ann Arbor.' Ilooin.s in Exchangy Bloeki Mr. Matheus prepared thp VKXETIAN UA'R D YE ríucíí tliat time it has been naed tiv thouhandH, and íq no níitance has it íailed to give entire satiafactloft, The VEN'ETIAN DVK is the chea] est in tho orld.- Its prico ië only Fifty Ceñís, anc eaoh tniitic contaiu doublé the qiantity oi dye in tliose uaually solil for The VEXr.TIAN J)YE is warranted not to injure the iiair or the scatp in the slightent cit-i e. Tbe VKNlIIAN' DYK workï üh i a, i.lit.v shíí crtainty. the hair rtaniring no nro uratiou hi.tver VEXETIAN' DYE prodiirc.s mu liJe t Ijnt inay be dsired - npcthatwill nöt fidt'. eroek íirl8hout - on'é tha) is as ptrninuont as tlie liwr itsi-lf. Kur sale 3y all druggiflts. - rice fiO cents. A. I. MATIIKWí, Cenernl Aíent 12 Gold Street. New York. Also, of M.atukws' Akxica H.íirGLOSS.the best hair drenaiDg in me. In largo bottU-B, prioe SOcentê. ly960 TOUNGMEN. Just Publislied iu a Soaled Envelope. Price Six Cents. ALECTt'KF. on thc N.iturt', Tn-KÍinciu, nd Radieal Cure of Sr-erraatoriiioe w ■"■■uiiual We.iknoss, i iivoluntary Kmiss ons, Sexual I:cl. 1 iiy . and Inipwliraents to llarriacó étoerílly. Nerrousnu, i 'in.uinpliai , Kpilepsy, sad B'iU : Mental a,nd Dbvíical In"apacitv, reaartnijf f rom ifeW AbuW, fec . Hy UOüT.i CL'LVER. yfKLh, M. D Author of the "Groen Jack," i. Tbe world TetTownéa auil.or, i:i h iidinimh) I.ccturc, clearij prnei fruin lus t )Jbkcc, t'aat tke dwFuI conseque: I ■ fnrfy be ?!fectnallv re11 '■'■■ i i lii me] aml vrthout dupgeronusureical opera tim, bougies, irwtrurafnlt), rings, or cordmls, poiutinjj :out a :-.(..le nf cure ;: onr.' certiün and c2rctu.ll, by ni:ieh eiciy gulfer.-r. no muller w]i:it lus eondition iii.i v be muy cure hlmsulf chejlulY, privatoly, aml ni' Tliis lectuve will pfovea beon to tliousauds and tboufaudn. .s nny addresa, in a plata, soaled envelopo.on therecipt of ix eoutt, or uro imtág siamés, by aüditssini. CHAS. .). 0. KUXKfcCo., Vl Bowetü , Xv-.v Torli, l'o.-rt -Ufiioe liot, mu. j&g1' A I I i i í A NKS' Jj"7! 8T A N DARD Sl P OF Al.!. KINPS. KSSO, FAIBBANRS, GBEESLEAF & C0„ 17Ü Luk Strctt , CHÍCACO, Sold ín Detroit hy KARUANP, SfüvLF.Y L 00. g ;' c.ue.'ul ;o Imy only Geniiiiit-.gjÉrlPSS CHEROEEE GURE Tl IK ÖBBA INDIAS MEDICINE %ffe ROOTS, BABKS AHDLEAVE3 An unfaiilng cure for Sptrmntorrhcett, fttiiiinnl W'.i'.n . XtirUtVwl Sin Í.MfHJf, "ml ;)! il!:.'ii i'ftnseü !' riluiiim , súi'h nd Rom r' J.-í ViurcruU LaiaitHtlfi, ',n''i-i hi ihe, ƒ.;■, IHmiu 7Vn, i're.miltitrt i'l'l .!.'; , '" A'erjxi nf HftrtMnff, Tremhlinri, Wtlkrfnltust, Sntptibiu "ii fie l)t-, lUlc thuntcnancr, fnvtnlty ' l.i -. ■ - o?i, mul ml ihe dircful colupisfntn cai'j -i bj üui, iiiiirt' froui patli f nature. ■- 'l'liis medicine ia a limpie v-t-tn amltineon wl.irh all 'jan rcly, ns II Iiiih i-'. v.m i in wir ].r;uiii:-' for liiany yi-Jirs , unl wlth Iri-nfcil, t lias net fiiilcil hi n .iiit-'if ii.-:.t. ■■- :■ mralivc KHTrti imv Iíccti .iuHíck-uI Ui ,;::■:, vicutry ..e r mo -t tttnbltora eta. To !!i"v ffho lm'c !■■! nuí: (A ?■■ ...'■- illl, :'!. lintil t'lrV tlliuk tlU'IIMflTCf W.M.IllI til' n-:i':li ' f Mi.(iir:il ;Vnl. W.' Uuul'lav, Ii: I' A ! 11 N'iT ! tliv Uil KHOKKK (TUK ill retu're jrua ti hc)th itivl rite-r, uil Vier all (ack duct..rj lixvr tm0n4 tSf Pril Two. Dullnr ht bottli-, or thnc bottlf lur Fivc Dullars, and furiTiinlcil by Kxj.rcuw 1,11 purt Uf 11"-' .1 1.1. t? I'aiii].liM sent I'.v mail fri-.; r posUKi, by OR. W. R. MERWIN & CO., 63 LDntrt) kt., N.-M Vcik, Sulc rn.(rlcU. GLAD NEWS FOR THE INFORTUNATK. Tïig Long sonsüt for Discoyered at Last Cures in f rom one to ihrce dnys. CHEROKEE REMEDY CHEROKEEÏNJECTION, öompoundedfrom Roots, Barks and Leaves CI1KKOKRK RKMKDY, the gtat tn&sn IMurctlc curci ail ilisc-ascK of the l'riiuiry Orans, uch a Jocontlnence uf Hi Urine, fn&tmtnatUm of the fttaddet, IthiUuttVKitUm of Uu Ktthtfft, Stotu m tU li'adOr, Stricturti Gravel, Gonorrhoa, tilitt, and 1h ïipcïnlïy reeommended in those casei of FUur JtWttíi (ar WttlteB in frnwWf,) whcre all the old lumsci'Uá medicines have f :i i 1 c d . t'T' la p'ri'pRivd In n higlily conoentrnted forttij do pJily lieïa from 00c to two U-anpoonfut.t tlu-i-r time per day. It i liurclic aml uIÍtijUcc hi Ha actioii : pucjMpg and ckïinsitii.' t!ie blood, causinj,' it Ui 1I"W in imW hi original purity aiid rigor; thns rcmurhip faiiiii the uyatem all prn}c4o48 causes which luivr imtihv.l [Ilèease. (.HRnOKKK INJECTION is nU-n-lwt as :in ally or atflsttuit to the ÜriHely, and Bbotild bc used In coiijanction wlth tlrat meHieillfl n :ill cases of Qleet, (Jonorrhca, Flmr Ailius or WhiU'I. ÏU '-fTects are lu-Jiling, uoothintf, iiiil (l.-mulccnt ; rêmovtng all scaldiag, heat nd pain, ii.-tcail of buruhig.aad alniott uni-ndurnhl pain tliai is c.]ierienc(.d with m-arly all tlie cheap quack IniiM-tioiís. -lly use of the CHEROKEE RKMKDY, and CIIEJïOKEK LNJECTiON- the two medicine at the same time MI Iinproper dic liarle are removed, ansí tliu wuHkened urgans are speed!! retoi-e'l to full rïgor and rtrength. Bf Viixt CUerotoee Kemedy, $2 per bütfle, nr tlirer hottles foT Í5. Vrh-, Í lliroko' IlljCcCio, 42 pr l.m,-, or tlinw bnttk-s for .5. Ötjnt hy Expresa to aftj Idresson receipt f pri. 17 The (Jluírakcft ítftmedy, riicrokec 1 nj ilion Hnd Cherokee ure, ar Suld by a!l eiittrprísing tuggóta in the civülicd vforld. un principiad dtaler, however, trj to SL-ll worllileBa ceittpuufrds in jilace ot these: thoua whÍL-lvtluy can at a cheap ptice, ontl mak e mort' uioiiey by aelHng, than tliey cun on ttu-ae mvdiciiit-s. Am yuu valué your lnalth, ayo, tlit hMilth of yoar future offaprUig, do not be decetved by auch uii]n-ii].'iilril DWggisti", tuk for these meiltcint ind ta'.r no otter. f Drufrgisls will not my tht-iu for you. encUj-f the inoiu-y in a letter, and wt jjriU Setid thttn ti you by K.Npress, leesrelj sealed atid packcd free fnan observation. Lndtes or Gentlemen coa BiMress us in porfurt omliilciice, ütttling fully aml )4ainly thcir iliseases aml symptras, as we Uvat a.11 diaettdes of a chronta nattere Id mttle or témale. Patienisaeed nut hesitate Ueoauae of their inubility to vïit u; aa we havo treated patientsíuccessfullj In all portions or tlie cirilizeil globe, by correspORdeaee. i'aticnts addreaaing U3 will please state plalnly all thu rfymptoma of thelr complaints, and write Votioltioe, County, State uni name of writer, plaln, and incluse po$t;ige stntup for repïy. We teud our-i gt J'-nnpJrf-.t f ree to any adilri as. A ' 1 ■ l :■ - all lru-.-r fui-PauipUetëoradvice to the proyrltftnrff, Or. vy. R. MERWIN & CO. Xo. 63 Liberty street, New York. Sold by Wholesale nrupcists in Detroit, alio bjr STEBBJNS & WILSON, Ann Arbor. 95'21 NEW PERFUME FOR'THE HANDKERCHIEF. A ITJost KiijïisMÏi'. Delicate mul Fr. trniKi ! rfiii.ic, DÏMiülcil from ihe Itnrn nnd ISrauliful Flower fioin !ii'h il lultr ■! mime. Mannfactarod only by I'IIAI.OI & KOT. E1 Beware of Counterfeits. ;'' Minoii'.i-Tnlcc tin nthir. SoM by (lni',rLrtri gencraïly. 1?. B A.CH h a nev and complet 8T0GK OP 8FR1NG GOODS bougbt before tLe recent GREAT RISE lis1 GOLD ! 'Winclvwill be gold FOR CASH ONLY, LOWEST MARKET PBiCES ! Cali and See ! Aun Arbor, Aprü, 1864. SHKKP TA1ÍK!V vr ! CÍAME 1"TO Til]" F.NC1.OSI-HK nj '!,.■ .i,l.rnVr yhHt t!iP ÍHiilf 4){iiif, 18 '■■' "1(1 SlifM :,■ ! 3 T.n mlia - ii;irkfHl vrh rri píiTíl mi !■■ Snf tU hcal TTic o' : rejijesU-il tj prove j hjitt t v, uuy chaiges or. I inlfi ti:epi a i'. WK. BrsiKT.


Old News
Michigan Argus