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CLOTHING AJF M. GÖITERMAN_S CO'S ! Having jnst returned frem East with a large stock of F ALL AND WINTER GOODS! wc invite j,I1 our o UI frivnJs and cualoiuers to come and examine eur stock of CLOTÜS C ASSO1ËRES & VESTIIVGS. Dispute the tact i f jou eau, lt takes the T A ILOli atter all to give appearance to the outer man. lf you wish to appear well Vuii mi!t aceordiugly Dresi Well. Go to M. Guiterman & Co's,, Tliere you will find thjngs exactly SO. SON D HE 1M ulwfcys ready to take your measure, GÜrTERMAN will sell you Goods with great pleasuro, At figures L0WER than you will find in the State, Take heed - call early, else you are too LATE. The INDÜCBMKNT8 are uow groater tban ever, Our Clehks you will Lnd obüging and clever. We wil] show you good CLOTHING of our own qettiko dp, Filling our Store from Bottom to ror. STÜDENTS especially will find it to THEIll ADVANTAGE, For it takes but LITTLE MONEY to replenish. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our OWn IMPOBTAT1ON, Forwarded through our New York relations. From England, Belgium, Germany and Fraoce, Such as you can stand up is, or wkar, at the dance. Pants ! Pants ! ! Pan ís ! 1 1 Fnncy CAS3IMERES and DOESKIN oí everv grade, We sell them froïc ONE DOLLAR up tO E1GIIT. VESTS, &C, of every description, You will find it so without fiction, Furnishing apparels From SHIRTS to UMBEELLAS. Thls is all we say now, Thevefore we make our bow yoars truly, ever eo, M. GÜITERMAN. A Co., RISDON & HENDERSOiN 3E3Ca.f o tin.O :ö XJ O TSL 3E! ST DE3 CRAIN DRILL, and Chrass Seed Sower, Manufactured al .Springfield, Ohio. rpHE VERY LATEST IMPROVEMENT, an.l btHprthan Í all others; adapted to eowing 'Ai. tui. Hys, Oats, Barley and Graas Seel . lst. It has a Rotary Feedcr. 2d. Will 8ow all kinds of G rain and Orass Seed. 3d. iV 'ever imiches the Grain 4A. Never breaks the G-. ain. 5th. Sows Grass Seed bfoadcaut behindthe Drill. 6th. Has Tiigh wheels and Imuj Ifoes. 7h. Has long and wide steel _points. 8th. lt has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and -hngJe rank drills. 10A. lt has a sclf adjustitiy Z ui off slide. It is neatly and substantially made. There is hardly a Drill olfered iu the raarket but can boast üf more or "FJIiST PREMIUMS." They are aboutas indiscriniinately bestowwl a-j tlietitle of "Professor," which is sometimos ppiied to the ufiddlcr " or " bootblarfc.'' They cease to convey the idea of merit. The BuckeyeDrill has been on Exliibition at quite a Dumber of State and County Fairs, and without seeking favor at the hands of auy Committee, has received its fall share of Premiums TE8TIM0NIALS : We give the following Dames of a few Farmer in thii viciuity wao havebought and ued tbeöuckeyeiirill ; Gudfrey Miller, Scio. JacobPolheraus M JacobTremper, u ThomaR White, Northfield. John Brokaw, . " Christian Kapp, ' Edward Boyden, W'.'bmtfr. James Troadwell, Aun Arboi T)iinieIO'Hara, ' JohnG.Cook, Lodi. O. A. Marshall, " L. Edmon'ifi, Saline, George Cropsey, Green Oak, Lít. Co. We arealso Agents for the Ohio Reaper & Mcwer, acknowledged tobe the very best in use. "We are just in receipt oí 100 Grain Oradles Whicli we will sell clieap. Also alargeasaortment 6 Grrass And the largest and best selected stock of BSISTT STUFF FOR CAP-RIAGESever before offered in this market We also keep a largeand full NAII.S, GLASS, PIHTY, PAINT.and LINSEED OIL. A complete assortment of STOVES, TIN WARE, AND HAVE TKOüOnSalwja on hand nd pul np 5 th shortest notice. R7SIX)N HEN'DEKSON. AnnArbor,Juni9th,18M. óti Estáte of Cujy K. Morse. JÉTATE OF MICHIGAN, O.unty of ra4hteoJW ,,._ í w a "'" ul ''■ l'robate Coort for the Coaiitv u tfhtenaw, hulden at the Probate Office in 1 e cty „f A„„ Arbor,on M.,„dy, the thirï,,,, dnv of Jan uary ,„ the ycar one thousand tfght liundred and ,"". Present, Tlirar.i ,r. Beakes. Judge uf Probate Ii the matter of the Estáte of Calvin K Worse de as„d. W.lbeiE.H Sober, AdminM.atorof ttldEtktT come intotourt and ü,„ )4 is 1" n e' pared to render biiflD.Uccount.iwch SX' Thereupon ,t , „rdertd, tl,at 8at„rday. the 25th 4jy nf K-bruary nt, at ten o'clock In the ..r,,.„„„rbe ait-ned for examining and „1],, soch a n '.? n'Uhnt th8 he'' at law of BaM deciased and all other ,,er.v.„s i„„.n sted In „aid estáte, are reou rea to appear ata WMion of iaid Ccurt then to be holden at the Probate Orlicc. in the City of Ann" rbor UiMidCounty, aad novr ca„„.,ii anv there bc Tb.; the said accuut shoukl not be allowed: And t i. fur Zm?7w n;Ts"a'' printed and circul.ting in said (A'f"coW) HIRAM J.BEAKFS aS4la Joeg of l'róbate. Estáte of Sylvanus L Huil. OTATE OF MICHKiAN'-Cunty of Washtenaw „ _ „?"'■; "",' ,"" I'r"b'-"'= Cr1 lor The Comly "IW-itrai,!,,,!,!.,, th„ .,, Offi , fJJ c.t.v of Ann Arb„r,an Satuslay , the 1 went. -- ig'ih daTof Í?xY,i!n Ue J"ar MÖ th0US"n "-l'thdièdand l'rebent, Hirnm J. LVakea.Judge tit Probate ceá"ed mat'"Of U"!eState ü p-VlvanUS L. Huil, de(!?", rt[idi??r?nJ ñ[Uthe Pftiticn, duly verifled of n le,n h.p.mut.purporting to be the leMament i f-aid deceasert ma.v headmitted to Probit' Jhereupon t is Ordered, that gatunlay, the &,b dayof februarynext, at ten o'clock inthe forenoon h!„„, devies latees, and hehs at law „f said I dè ciiM-.l, and all other persons interestd n said estáte re requiredtoappearatasessior. of aid Court then to be holden at the l'robate Office, in the city „f Ann Arbor and t onei 'h1',,,1 ,ia"y,tller" b6' Why the Pray" of 'h P" d.réd In H ■ Anilit sfurtheror ü.red that Kld petitlnMI glve notice to the persons interes ed.n sa,d ej,t8, of the pendency of Said fotition, and the hearing thereef, by wusine a couv of this Or der to be published in the Michigan A?gl ne.v n" uer pnnted and in ?aid County of' WashtSw weeks previous to saidday of LeSn? (A true copy.) HIRAM J. BKAKEU, 8 ' Judge of ProbRte. Estáte of Bridget Murnane. CÍTATE OK MICHIGAN, Cochty OF WAHTTFNAW.aSO -H a sei.,„,n of theP róbate Courtfor tbeCnunty of Vslm-naw, holden ut the Probate Oflice o theiltyrf Ann Aibor.on Mon.lay, the .sixtcenth day of .Janua-y ui thejear one thonsand i-ight hundred an, fixty ñ'ví' Pres.n, Hjram J. Beakks. Jmlg,. of Probate ' In the mattt-r of the Estáte of Bridget 4e. ceasetl John Murnano nd Thomas O'Brira, Executors ot the last wiltmid testament of Pridget ilurnnne de i ceased, come into Court and reorei-eiit thatlthev'aie : ecutir"'1"'"''1 t0 rendertheirfinl'l unt a'such Thereupon t is Ordered, thit WednedaT the '' teenth daï c.f ïebruary n„t, at oneo'clook inth-nfïernoon oeassignod furexamiüing and lluviing surhaccount.and that the rkivees and hrtra at l?w of aid dreeased, nnd all other persons inteiwted inMiid estáte are requiredto appcar at n session of d Cmt. then' tobe holden at the Protmte tfflee, n the Ciry ,.f Ann Arbor, and slioir cause, if snv tbeje be. wliy the Biid account should not be allowed: And it is further ordered, that raid bx,.cutoij;,;ve not,ce to the per.cna in teres ed in sa.d estáte, oiTKe péndency oisnid account, and the hearing indng a copv of this der to be pui.lisbed n the Michigan Arf,,,; newspaper ■rut .. ui-t .-i culiuing in said Couati oMVashtenw threesocemive weeks pwTloaato faidílay of hearing! (A tri' copy ) IJIUA.M.I BEAKES, "9atd Judge i f Piobate. üstate of Havüands - Minors. St-vpt OF MICHIGAN, Cot-NTï or Washttnaw, 8s - i O At a session f the Probate Conrt frr the Coantv of I l,t.-naw. holden at the Probate Office, in thefoty ot Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the t'mrteenth day of JanSíy' ■'" year one thouKnd cight hundred acd Present, Hikjx J. Beakeb, Judge of Probate Jn the rnattPr of the Es'ate of ft'illiam P HaTiland PhebeA Haviland, Ira Uavilan.l JoIid H. Lconard and Marj E. Leonard, nd Naiuv Jane Haviland minors. ' On readinsr and filing the petition, dnly verifle'J r,f Ihauncey Joslin, Guardian of said minors prayinK for Iicense to sell certain real estáte of saM mmors Thereupon it is Ordered.that Monday, thethfrte nth day of February next, at one o'clock in the aftemonn be assigned for tlie lieanng of said p. tition, and that the next of kin of saiil minors, and al] other persons lntereted In i stts, are required to appenr st a seHMon of said Court, tlien to be hollen atthe Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, wby a license sliould not be granted for the sale of such estáte, and why the jrayer of the pe titioniT should not be grautfd : And it ia furlhcr ardered.that said petitioner givo notice to theperuons mteresled in said estáte, of the pendency of ,-aid peti tion, and the hearing thereof, by caufinga copyof this Order to be pabliahed in the Michigan Argvs, a newspaper printed and circulating in said County of Washtensw, three successive weeks preyious to said dav of hearing. J (A trne copy.) HIKAM }. BEAKES, 98-td Judge of Probate: Estáte of Benoni Merrinian. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COTW Ot A- At a session of the Probate Couit fbr the Cou'ntyof Washtenaw, holden at the Probate (ffice, in the Cjty ff Ann Arbor, ou Batarday, th. fuurtcenth day ('f January, in the year one thousand ciKht huudred'and jsty live. Present, Híram J. Bkakes, Judge cf Probate. In the matter of the EstBtfe of Benoni Slcrriman decoased. Georee O. Mer.iraan, Adn.iuistrator of saW estáte, come tato Court an.i represents that he is now prepared tó reader his tinal account as sutil Adminia tratur. Thereupon it is Onk-rtd, that Momia j, the tl.irtemth day of Fobruary iiext, at ana o'clock iu the afternoKD, beassigneil rbr rxamininic and aBtiwinx saeh account, anc that the heirs at tav oi saitl decea.sed, and atl other persons interested in aid estáte, re required to appear at a seysion of saiil tourt, tlien to he holden at the Probate Office, ia lhe Citv of Anu Arbor, and show cause, if any tbere be.why the sai.l account should not beallowed : And it is furtber ordeied, thatsaidAd mimstratorgive net Ice to the persons intereste.l iu saW estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by caiincr n nopy of tbis Order tobe pubüshed in tlie Michigan Argüí, a pewapaper printed and cicculating in said County of Washtenaw, three successive wf ek prerioue to s..'i 1 ín ,{ heining. Atruecupy.) 11IHAM J. BEAKt, 82td Judge of Probate. JUST OPENING ? The largest Stock and best assortment of CABINET FÜRNITÜRE ? ever brought to this city, inoluding 80FAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, Loolting Classes Gilt Frames and Mouldings METALIC CASES, &c, r c, and all other gnodp Vppt ín the best and r ni houses in the country. Wi'npepuu secotod liaml ur tute or Auction goods. Coffins kent constftiilly n and, and made to order. My goods are offered at THE LOWEST CASH PRICES N. B. I must have money , and respectfuly request those indebted,to cali and fix up their old matters without delay. O. M. MARTIN. Ann Arbor, Oct.6, 1863. 925tf liifle Factory! Beutier & Traver, [Successors to A . J. Sutherland,] Manufacturcrs of and Dealers in Guns , Pistols , Ammunition. Flasks, Pouchet Gami Bags, and Everj other article iu tbatLine. Allkindeof REFAIRXSra done at the ahortent notice, and in tne best mannrr. a fullassnrtmentalwayB kept on hand and made order HSr Shop corner Main and Washington treet. Ama Arbor ,Oct. 0,I?62, 8781 f látate ol Jacob Toggenbürm OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coc.viv o, Wvjl O At a Mlon „f ihc Probate ('aun rZ ■"-. Ci.y of Ann Arbor, o. Moaday, i) ,. S. th, uf January, n the vear une Ihousand , 1 1', ií"ii and Bilty-ír, " e'8"t liuoitej l'restnt, J. Be.ikes. Judge of Frob.t In the matter of ihe Estáte of Jacob T, ueceasqd. KSbuíg On rea.ingand filing the petition, duly i. Cathárine íogütnburger, p.aying tat "'l rtrumentiiow on nie i,, this"(,ourt „„,„, U" ' .flast WllUnd Testament ol sai fi ' "'eb. ailnutted to l'iubatf. 'eased, mj, Ihen-upon it fa, Ordered , that Mondar thP( . day of February next, at tan o'olock lo tht r "'" beass.gnedfurthü hearing „f sa,d ptitioa TT0"1 the Ifgatces, djTigees, and heirs at la?r ' r d th ceased, anl all utSer persous interested i„ f"1 are required to anpear at a esjon of said Co, .'f to be hold. n at ti. Probate Office, in the rí. ' tbí Arbor, and show cause, ir any Hiere be whií An ofth petltioner houl.l „t be grl'ntel" furtherorderel,11iataidpetlione?five notí , " '' pernos intereted m id tato, oftheS,tottl aíd petition, and the hearing IberVef "'X W f thi Order to be pubh.hed in'th, V?U yinjns, a n..-spaper piiníed and ci-cul-, tint -m C,„„,tv of '„vhtenaw, three ncc.iriT. "SSli? to sald 4ay of heajing. "l"i;ni tÍKJ"Wj HIRAM BEAKE8 _ 9""td J"' "f Prolt( Estáte of Lowrys - Minora otate os micují,.n-,ci.vty m Wjawnmk3 Ata 8ifof te Probate fourt for thr' o Hashtonaw, llol,!,ft „ the Probate Office b of Ann Arbor, on Thurs.lay. the nineteeml, dar „.,"' l'rfsei,t, Hibjji J. ÜBAK3S, Judge of Protnb In tLe ijtter of che btot. oTsyTviTw „, L I.,wry, Mark A. l.owry, Martha E. I.owrv m' ' On reading and filing e petition, dulV"; Uanssa Lowry, Guardian unto said 'minorí „I '■"' that she may be wnp.nvere.i and Iieensed t,! il '" ♦ ain real estáte of said minora. K" ThereuporlitiaOrdereci, that Monday tlif t. i . -venth day „f FeWuary ncxt t ,' aftefnooñ be ..igned for the hearing of hm t V' and AU 4e next of k.n of airt miuors.lnd'iT persons mterested in sa.d estáte, are renuirtd,! " par t a aeaxion ol said Court, then to behlj!'"' the l'robate Office, inlhe City of Ann Arbor anik" cause, if any there be, why a license „hould „„?? grant.d for the rale of such estáte and why the of the petitioner should not be granted ■ J-! further ordered . that ► petitioner. Clarissa I " give notice to the nejt of kin of said minors ,Mi Si otber persons interested in said estáte, oi tiie mía. cy of faid petition, and the hearing thereof kv ing a copy of thin Onler to be published in tai u" igan Argnl, a newspaper printed and circuhtto, TS Co,.ntyof Washtenaw, three .ucceBsivc wit „' vious to taid day ol hearing. ' f"' [A truecopy.] BIRAM J. WaKIS 993ti Judge Of pt0lfe Estáte of Robert Craig, ST4TEOF MICHIGAN, County of Washwc „ At asessionof the Probate Court fortlic CouW.t ! Wushttnaw, holden at thiProbate Office, n thtCitj! I Ann Arbor,ot Wednesday the twenty-tifth dajof j,. i uary,in the year onethousand eight buüdred acdmi, five. Present. HU amJ. Beakes. Judge of Probate In the matter of the Estáte of Rott-rt Crai ,l. ceased. s' OnreadiDgaod filinj the petition, dulv Terifitd if AlfreiiD.Parsonn, praying that he may' be appoú-J Aciminintrator of tüe state of saiddeceascd noi talrmli adiDiDïstereO. ' Thereupon t a Ordtred, that Mondav.the 20'h diyof February next, at ten o'clock in ;■ ■ :,.■_ ■ assigned for the hearing of gairi jetlii.; .. ,i .,■ - widour and beirs at law of aa;d deccascd, an,j ; persons interested in said esiat. ie'!-i tuappearat a seBiion of said Court . Dien Io „ ; the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Art, ïlnd show cause, if any there be, wliy tüepr.,er of thepetitioner should not be granted: ' Aii it is faither ordered, Ihol snid ,„- give noticeto the persons interested in ftüiit estutt rf the pendency oí said petition, and the hearingbj causmg a copy of this Order to be publishcí o ih Michigan Arfus, a uwapaper prini! ini ,;r. culatinj in Raid Courlty of Wlittuau, l!jt lltl sive weekí: previous to ain dy of hearing (A trae Copy.) HIRAM J. BEAKSg, W3 Judge of l'roíit Estáte of John W. 8urdam, OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cousiï of V.utry;v .. _ O At a sentón nf the Probate Court for rhe Cu . Wa&htynaw. hulden at the Pïubiïte Office tatli of Ann Aibor, on Friday, tiie tweutWiii vay „f .[,■.: in the year one thousand eight handred n'n] iifxfr-ftn. Prebeut, Hikam J. Jïkakes, Jurige of I ■ In tbe matter of the KsUte of J.jïiu WT, turiu. deceased. Ou reading and filiugf the petítion, ttnïjr rílM,at Elocia Surdain, prayingthal a certafa loslrumei on file in this Court, to be tb last Wilt and Testament of said dcea&ed, niaj bè aan. I Prubate. ïhert-upoa it s Ordered, that Mf.ndaj+hp thirtwnth' day of March next,at two o'ciock iu tlie ttfuruoon, be asflfgded for the hearing of said petitiun, and tbai the legateer, deviees, aod íreirn at Jaw of said Cecease-i, and all otlier persons interested ín said estáte, ■ quired to appear at a session of said Court. tltntt be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ai Arbor, and hIiow cau?e. if any there be, wby tbe prav er of the petitioner should not be graited: Aoi :'u furt her orde red, that said petitioner gïr? m t'o1 taiju persons interested in aaid estftt ■ i pbcj ■' said peiition, and the hearing thereof, hy Masin( cjpy of this Order to be published in the Xidigm Aryus, a newspaper prínteíi and circuiating in said County of Wañhteriíiiv, three succesive weekspreviou Tu said day of hearing. [A trui copy.] HIKAM J. BEAKES, 993tJ Judge of Probate. Estáte of Daniel Bickford. STATE OF IfTCHJ JAX, Coüxtt or WAxwnssAV, rAt a sessiim of the Probate Court for the Countvcí Wasliienaw, held at tfee Probate Oflice in theCijof Ann Arbor 011 Momlay, the twenty third davdiJanuary.fn the yel oiie thousand eight hundrtd tad sixty five. Presen tTfiíitAM J. Beakes, Jude f Probate. Iu the matter of the Estáte of Daniel BkkU-ú.ie ceaae d . I pon uie applicatioD of the admiuistraVr orne petate of said deceased,it is oníercd six Bjoatbi froro this the snid twen ty-third day o( Januarr, A.ft eighteen hundred and sixty íive, be al lo wed foï creditor. to present 'their claims agaiñst the eetate of mid deceased; that all persons haring clfliius or di against the said deceased, be wquire! to }irtnei.t tbe same to this Oonrt, at the Probate Othce fo. s)3 CouDty of Washtenaw-, ou or beft re tbe twenty-fborth daj of July ncxi.atten o'clock in tlie forfiioon of tfcti day, fur examination and ailowance and tliat noüc of the times and place herfin designated for ih liering of sucli claims and demands, b? giveo bv postimj a copy of this order iu four public places in said Oiunty of Washtemw, atul by piiblishing the same foor weeks, suc",esively, in the Michigan Argics, a uewiptperfrinced n said County of Washtenaw, within siitj days after the date of this order. [Atrue-copy.] HIKAM J. BEAKE?. f93td Jiideenf Probate. Estáte of James G. Daucer. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wasbtena ( Ata sesiion of the Probate Court for the Countjol Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Office in tho city of .Ann Arbor, on Monday.the sixteenth day of JanWJi in theyear one thousandeighthundred andsixty-fiïe. Present, Hiiam J. Beakes, Judge . f Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Jumes G. Pancff, decéksed. Thomas Evan, admini tra tor of aaid e-tte, comes into Court and representa that he is nw pi pared to render his final account as such ailmiaisir' tor. Thereuponit is Orde-red, that Wednesday,tlipfinee"lli day of February uext, at one o'cJock in the erru-ePí be assigned for examining and allowing such www'i andthatthe wiJow audheirs at lawof taiddec8l." al'other persons interested n Raidestctte,arerequir!J appear at a session of said Court. thento beholdeo1 the Probate Office, in tbe City of Ann Aib0'and show cause, if any 'theie b the said aoeount should not be allowed. And_i is further ordered, tliat said Adniini.-twior E1'! nutice to the persons int west ed in said Wi of the pendeucy of srfld account and tliebwf'JI thereof, by causing a copy of this Order B publishedin the Michigan Argut. a newspaperpriBlta and circulating in said County of "& Huccessire weeks previous tosaid day of hearing (A trae copy) HIRAM J. BKAKtS, 9921Ú J.udge of Probííí' Estáte of Judah R. McLean. STATK OF MICHIGAN', í'nc.MT ofWasiitiW,At a session of the Probate Court for ttaeCouBtJ ' Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in ibfW of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the sixteenth úay i'f J'n' uary, in the y ear one thousand eight hundredanoSIÏ" ty-Bve. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probati. In the matter of the Kstate of Judah B. McLen. deceased. William Preston, Administrator of M"' tate, comes into Court and representa that hei13?" prepared to render bis final account as such AaO1B' istrator. , t, Thereuponit is Ordered .that Monday, the thirteenio day of February next, at one o'clock in the afterno' beassigned for examiningand allowing such accou" i and that the widow and heirs at law .f saiii df ; and all other persons interesteden said estáte, ar ' quired toapnear at a session of said Court, tl"1"'" holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Aun Ar '' and show cause, if any there be, why the said atfu, should not be allowed : And lt is furtliererit""' that snid Administrator give rotice to the personf " terested in said estáte , of the penliency of slid a0 " ' and the hearing there' f, bv causing a copy of tol" derto be publisbed in the Michigan Argut, a Jj'. perprinted and circnlating in said Countv of y : tsnaw, threesuccessive weeks previous to said da) "' hearin"-. (A true copy.) HIKAM J. BEAKES, 992td Judgeof ProbCommipsioners' Notice STATE OF MICHIGAN, CoLiity of Waslitena";" The undersigned having been appomted J Probate Court for said County, CommissioDcrs to ij ceive, examine and adjust all claims and demande persons against the estáte o I' Norman M. Cuming, Ift ' the township of Sharon in sa'd County deceased. ï ' b give notice that six ra' nths from date. are '""J by order of said Probate Court, 'ir creditorsto PJ6":! their claims against the e.-tate" f said deceaf}."" that they will meet at the dwëlito' ' - AUtta J. Cumings, in the townsbip of .' tC 1 V d ccunty, on Saturday the sixth day of May niA'"ftn Saturday,the twentynitth day of July ziext, al .B o'clock, P. M.,of each of said days, to receiTt, B" and adjust said claims. Pated , January SOth, 1865. w STEPHEN .1. CHASE, ) FRANKLIN EVERETT, JCommiifi'1"1-''' HIRAM P1EBCE. i


Old News
Michigan Argus