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S .. _55_ .- 0..BM88. liïiLKR in Olocks, WatcllM, Jewelry and Silver ) W', Veir Block. nn Arbor öTh7YiïSlen. ryEU.ER in Drv Gooás, liroce. Crockery, &C. c. i Hin átrcot, Aun Aib..r. rviAtEKSiD Orj Good,GroMiri Boot S: Shoes, kr,., Mainst., Ann Arbor. QEORöl W. 8N0VEB, ■ umin Miscllaueous and School Bock, Station .!,:■ . Wall l'apers, 4tc. 1'nron sirwt, Ann Arh-r. UISDON & ÏTÈNDEliaüN. rEtLER9 In Hardware, Sloven, h.mst furnihing ü gooJi, Tin Ware, Se , SM , New Bl.,ek, Maint. S. G. TAYLOB, lEAI.EK in Hats,Caps, furs, Ilnbes, (pnts' Kurnisli ') ïag Joods, etc. Kat de M.iin Street, Ann Arbor, liebipmu A. J. SUTHE11LAND, iGENiVor ttie NTt;w York Life Insurance Company, , ö.iiceon üuron Alsu luis on hand a stock tat most approve seving machines. 885tf - GËOKGK FI8CI1EK, s f KAT MAKKKT- Hurón General dealer iti 'VI Kresli and Salí Meats, Beef, Muttun, Pork, Hams, foultry, Ijird, Talluw, &C&C. IllllAM J. BEAKES iTTORNKy anJ Counsclkrr at I.a-v. nd Solicitorin 1 Cimncery. Officu in City Hall Bock. over Webster'í Boot Store. :, XÜWITT & BRE AKEY. PlfrSICtANS AND SUROEOMS. Office at tliereai Jence if ilr. Lewitt, north íide uf Hurón, two duors wt "f Diviiuti si reet m7giuterman & co. (rUOI.KS.U.Eand Retail Déniers and ManjfacturerF IV uf {'adv-Miil' Clothing Imporlors i.f Cidtlis, Cas limeres. !)oeskia, &c, No. 5. Phcer.ix Bluck. Main st. WJ47WAGÑEII. UE.U.ER in Mide Clotbing, (,'loths. Cassimeres, U .mil V'WtlngB, Hut-, Caps, Trunks Carpel Gags, &c, Pilnix Hlock,' (fetal ftreet. SL A WSOÑ&S() N. iROCEtïS, Provisión and Cominiasion Herchants, and iTlAalersin Water Lime, Lnnd Plsíflr, and Platiter jí Paris, oncfioor eíit of floöfc Tintel . J. M SOOTT. 1XBROTVPE and Phntngiaph Artisi , in the rooms A uverOampion'sClothiug atoro, Phwuix Block. Per fictiatisfactionglveu. C. B. PÖRTER. MRGEON BENTISJ. OlüceCorner of Main and Hurón Uilreeta, over lincli Pierscn's Store. All calis iwmiJtlyattend-d to Aprl859 MACK & SCHMID. SALERS ni Foroign and Doraestie Dry Good, Groce0 riss. iUts and Caps, Bouts and áhoes, Crockery. tt., Corner of .Main k Liberty sts. SPAFFÖRD &f DODSLEY. LrAjJUFA.CTUKEKS of all kinrls of Cooopei Work, ■ l City Cooper Shop. Custom work done on short ■tien. Cor. Detroit and Korth Street, and cor. North sIFifth Streets Ann Altor. "aÑDREW BELL. .jü&I.RR in (íroceries. Provisión, l'lour. Produces lis., Sic, comer Main and Washington Slreers, M Arbor. The highest market prices paid lui" country irrtnce. 5L5_ M O. HTANLEY, Photogvapliic Artist. HM Main and Hurón Strcets, Aun Arbor, Mich, PHÖt'óPÖ8, AMBñOTVI'E, kc. . kc, 'itbi latest styiep.and every effort made togive satis!ttion. 956tf D. DeFOREST. V l')LESLK and retai) dealer in Lumber, I.ath, ' S'ungles. Sash, Doora, Blinds, Watei LimeGrand ■'T Ploiter.I'laster Paris, and A !;llild nerfect íort'nent of tbc above. :imi al' other (1! tf itiiillin r m:iterials constantly on har1 at tlie poïsible rate,on Detrnii st ., a few rodpfrnm the !)epot lso operating exfnsivelj in the LUMBER Y AR D! C. KRAPF, ilirsrend well Focke1 Lumber Tnrrl, nn .TffTer" Street, ia Uie.-nufb párt of tbe ''ity, and will kep 'WliUntij on hand an excellent vune'y f Ujmber, SHiNGLES, LATH, &c. Qieh will be soM as low an can be aíTnrded in thifi riet . yiwlity ind prieel such tliat do one need go to I)eCONRAD KRAI'F. 'no Arbfr, rec. 6th, 1SB4. O.-6lt KliLER, DAVÍS & W1B6TER Agents for the ale of ÍQ-40 U. S. BONDS, 7 3-10 Treasury Notes ílo, for íle , interest 6 Per Cent Compound - kEQAL TENDER NOTES. Hit,.,t rlt„ i(i for G0LD pkKMICM IUNDS.and ■IN0 W4RRANTH;


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Michigan Argus