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The Peace Negotiations

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Ou t!,o 10lh inst., the Prtsidfetit, hl nweí' ti' a 'resolution of Cotfgreffl sent ! ü, r iM:-:igO inclu'dfUg tliO curros.;co t.i-liriiïiüiry to thé láke con. i,'c wiih the rebel ccirimissioiit'rfi noiu F.u-lruSH Moiiron. As varióos letter?, diftpatajlei, pWs&, &c, whiub u:u e nn almost thu cutiré of Mr. Lincoln's njcisagoj are of littlc eofiaèqueucè, we ontit them, and givo the coneludirg par„,. h,,!,, of al.-ttor trom Boorétïfy Skwar to Mr. A damp, Minister 10 lvigland, whtpli .ceovupai.ietl the doouments seot inlji tbe ■Sunutu : Mr. Skwak sajs On tho 2J the Presidcut atid Secrotari reeeWed Muhsis StcpLeus, Iluutor, nd Cninpboll, on board the U. S. (runspor Kiver Queeii, ia Hampton Rouds. Th oonfereuoo was altogether infonnal. There was no attendiinoe of Seo:etarifi, (Jlerka or urther wiUieaaes. Nothing w written or rond. The interview, tbough earnest and free, wasoalm, oourt eou and kind on botb sides. TLo Riohmond autborities npprouobed the disousaion ratber iudircütly, and at no tiraedid they make oategorical demands, or tendr formal stipulations or absolute refutitli. Nevertbeless, during tho confernee, whieh lasted four hours, the several point at iseue between the government and the insurgente, vere distinotly raisod, and disousscd fully, intelligently, and in to amicable spirit. Wbat the inaurgent party seemed chiefly to tavor w8, a postponernent of the queation of soparation, upun which tbo war ia wagod, and n mutual directiou of the efiforts of the goyernment, as well as the ineurgents, to ome intrinaic policy or sóbeme for a seaaon, during whiob passious migbt be espaoted to subsido, aud the annies be redu3d, and trads ar.d intercourse between the people of both sections be resumed. It was BUggested by thera that through euob postpoDJDjent we taight now have immediate peaoe, with aome prospect of ultímale satisfaotory aettlement of pliti enl differeuees betwoen tho goverament nd the section of people now in conflict with it. The suggestion, though delibraely conaidored, waa nevertheless reKrded by the President as one of armistica or trüce, and be announced that we oan agree to no cessatiou oi' stispenaion of hostilitiea except on the basis of the disbandment of the insurgont foroes nd the reatoration ot the national au thority throughout all th States in the Union. Col'.aterally, and in subordination to the proposition thus announced, the anti lavery position of the United States was reviewed in all its bearinga, and the President anpounced that be must not bo expected té depart frorn the conditicma be had beretofore asaumcd in his pro clamation of eníancipation and other docui'nents, as these positions were reiterated in his Annual Message. It was fnrthcr declared by the President tuat the complete restoration of the national authority overywhere was the iudispensible cüiidition of any apsent on our part to whatever form of peacc might be proponed', The President) assa-red the iih?r party that whilo he must adhere to theae poeitions, be would be prepared, o fap as power is lodgcd with the ecatiïo, ío éxereisé hberalty. The jiower, howcvr, is ümited by the Cutitution, ani wlien penco should be made Cougross must necessttnly aot in regard to the appropriations oí money aud to tbe admission of Representatives frorn tbe iusurgeut States. The Ricbmond party were tlien inforracd tb.t Congrésa bad, on the 31st alt., adüpted by a couü!ution;il majority, a rcíolutiou suWiitting to the several States the proposition to abolish glavery througbout the Uuion, and that there is very reason toexpect that it will be aceepted by three fourtbs of the States so m to becorae a part of the uational organio law. Tlie oouferenco eame to an end by mutual hccjuiosccnoe,. wit'nout produciog an ugreetutnt.'of viev.; v -i tlií several mutters disousstíd, or auy of them. - NeTerthuless, it is pérhapa of some imprtuce that we have been able to subinit our opinioDS and vkss dircctly to ijrotuinent insurgente, and to bear them tu sriiwer, in a oourteous and uot un fritndly inunner.' I ra, Sir, your obedier.t servan,


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