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The Paper Manufacturers Have

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prove too Hiuch for the ptrblishers ia the United States Seuarc, and have : ceeded in getting tlio Houso bilí i uiug the duty en paper to 3 per oent. ad vaiarem iüweased to 15 per cent. It was nduiitteil daring the diacussioo of the bil!, hy tlw opponente of reduotion, that the present duty of 20 por cent. was prohibitory, and thtit the government iv:is lavg(!ly the loser by the increased prico it inflicta tapou consitmers of paper. And yot, a Iligh tariff whs persinted in, not to put inoney in tho treasury, but to feed and fatten the manufacturera, and enablo bbem to hleed still longer the pubiihers o! the country. Thero tuight be sDnie excuse for thi action of the Sonate if it was to benefit the govortiment to the oslont of a singlo dime. The publistiëta of the country will cheerfuily cou'ribute their ehare to support the governoicnt, but to oompol thein to pay tribute to a gnisping and mercüess monopoly is to deprive them of any power to aid the revcnue department. We hope the Press throughout the country will remember thtí Senators wlio voted against the reduuliun of the tariff be'ow 15 per oent. E?5L" The contested electrón cases in both the öenato and House, still hang fire, the eommittee of neither body having reponed at our latost dates from Lansing. A republica:) caucus held on Mo.nday eveuing last, by a vote of 37 to 14, resolved to retain the membera holding soats, thua ignoring the decisión of the Supreme Court. As 4-t members, however, were absent, or did not vote, the aotion of the caucus rnay not iudicate the final result in either Seríate or House, though we presume it does. Hon. James Clements, of this city, lina not occupied his eeat since the opTnion of the Court was annouDced, and thus aquiesce n its deoision. We do not know what course he designs to pursue in tbe event of the House deciding advergely to the claim of the contestant Mr. Miller. L3" Senator Sümner hns iotroduced a resolution into lbo Senate declariiig that the recent constiution-il timend ment wi 11 become oporative when assented to or ratificd by two-thirds of the States adhering to the Union aud now repreaentcd in Congresg. This is direclly recognijing the seoeseion of the several Southern States as an aceomplished faet, and should Congress adopt it, the gov ernment will havo no reason fco compiaio of any foreign power which"may rocognize the Southern Confcderaey. Will it not be be'ter to have the final adoption of the amcnduient postponed for avvhile rather than give this vantage grouod to the Confederates? Idjfr" 13oth the Senate and House, in obedience to the generalij expressed will of the people, have passed a bül amendatory of the bouuty law, approved Febniary 4th, and which will .be.found in this issue. Wo have not seen the amendatory act, hut understand that it gives the game bouuties provided forvolunteors, to representativa substitutos, drafted men, or substitutes for drafted men. We thiuk that this acüoi) is wise, and are eertain that it will do much to aiiJ in filliDg the quotas, aud to relieve the hardsbips of the draft where quotas aro not filled. The vault of the Lenawoe Couuty Treasurer's Office was broken open last week, tho burglar proof(?) safe b'own opea, and about $25,000 tolen, a portion of vrhicli belouged to private individuals. The Board of Supervisors had recently prohibited the Treasurer from depositing in banks, whieh we presume advertised the existeuce of the large deposits. JC3T The draft wluch had been ordereil to commence yesterday, and pro ceed without delay to oorupletion, seems to have been postponed indefinitely, and made contingent on the efïbrts of subdistricts to fill their quotas. We say teem, for who wil! venture to positively interpret one of Marshal General Fuy's orders. Activity is necessary either to secure delay or avoid the draft. jLjL" Branchville, laid to be in the possession of Gen. Siieüman, is on the west baiik of the Edisto Riïer, 62 ruiles from Charleston by railroad, as iu direct lines 45 miles west and 32 mifeu uarth, It is at the junction of the railrond runing to Cülumbia, tLe Capital of South Carolina, and thonce North. Columbia is 46 miles aorth and 6 miles west ol BraHchville. LL" The President ha nominated Senator MoReAN, of New York, Secretary of the Treaaury, vice Fessenden, resigned to go back into the Senate. - Souator Mokoan is not inclined to accept. This appointment indicatus tbat SkwabJ) ia not to rernain in the State ckpartmeut during the next term. _ m i- nu - JQ3T el)' Soiioïif.i,!) has been fis: sig cd to tliu cmmaiid ui' tho dcpait i liient of Nortb Carjliua.


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