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Dr. Lyons Will Be At The

Dr. Lyons Will Be At The image
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rgoliSe on Monrtay next, the 20lh. rS gee the advertsement headed j igii FEKD. toARNB fc a first claS3 rttgSist" , - .. ■ {&■ Jf you have got money to invest .,lie advertiseraent headed "U. S. 7 3-10 "oan " and theu önd your way to the First jrtional Bank. Milbürn, "The Blind Preaoher," ■üloctnre before the Studenta' Lecture Asl'i,iiou, on the evening of the 27 th of Feb. bict, " Wnat a Blind Mm Saw in London.'1 jy We are advÍ6ed by a memher ,t!ie Board of Health of this city that there „ now no cases of Small-Pox hcre. Tliere m been a few cases of vearioloid or light jli-pox, but the diíease has entirely disapj#red. r" Tbe January uumber of The , ffjuier has a table of contenta that will not „ly uterest the craft, but all persons who ,r( patrons f the art typographieal $1 a rear. Addrees John Gbbabok & Co., New lurk. Htnry't Magazine of Typography i he namo of a new and neatly prinled urterly candidaeefor the patronage of those „homsh to be iuiated into the secrets of the tjpof-anhic art. 25 cents a nuniber. Adj,euHBSBT & TatLob, 18 Beekman Street, Se Turk r We are in the regular roCeipt jf the American Artitan, a weekly jour-aal of aieclmmcs, manufactures, tnining, engiLMiing, and chfiniatry, and repartory of p.ittts, It is haudsuniely ilintlrated, and ig „ra,ng a worthy competitor of the Scientific Jwrico'i whicb lias so long occupied the üald clusively. $2 a year. Addreig Bbowh, CooiáE8'& Oo., 212 Broadvvay, New Vork. Lg" Arraagtjriients ure being per (cteitforan appropriate celebration ofWasliigua's Birtlidaj', Wedr.esday next. The ixercises will be held at Rogéis' Hall, and till eOTS8t of good speaking, good maiic, and rood Supper will be served at 8 cVIoek, P. M., to be followed by toasts, and respoüses. Single supper tickets, 1 00, for !idf and gentleman, $1.50. The proceeds of itfdayaud evening are to be appropriated io the relief of our sick and wounded soldier-. JX" The Jaouary number of Blackm"i fidinburgh Magazine has the foliowiug pers: Tony Butler, A Visit to the Oities laJCamps of the ConfedM-ate States, Itaüaa PoKraits, Conielius O'Dowd upon Hen and Tomen, and other things in general, Life on alslind, Day and Might, The Man and íbe feokey, Nile Baiins and Nile Explorers, The ■copean Sitüation. For terras of Blackwtod uJ the several Reviews. See prospectus in notlier columu. JLg SV'e havo hnd a weak that wild arerage cola enough to meet the dpmndsof mid-wintèr. Monday morning tha liraiomeler marked 9 below zero ; Tuesijuioming tbe mercury had attained to lero.sincs which it has been more moderate, talhai not called for an evacuation of overWts aud mufflers, or ceased lieavy drafts on Tood-piles. Festerñay morning thei'e was ikut thrae mchèi of fresh snow on tliö {round, and more coming, promising a new l;ise of sleighing. "AU right," bur Bmgliih preasman used to say. By the way, iiHiiow carrying a shooting iron for Uucle Sim, and we expect will ejaculata " all igt " to the ball that takes off his leg or urn, or severí bis head from his body. KS-Pi'of. Rvan, recontly from Texas, ft a lecture and readings, or lather reeitalion, in the 'M. E. OÜtirch, on Wednesday ning last. His suüject was " The good, ïitrue, and the beautiful " and his lecture 'M not only a model in it-s delivery, but evi2d much reading aud thuught, imaginacnd pliilosophy., and was botii entertainUi nd njtructiv. Following the brief lecta, Prof R. recited " Notbing to Wcar," "The Jiells," " Sheridan's Ride," and other itas.the renderiug of whicl -was excellent. 8(lio illuetrated the art of the elociitiouist 'rimptnouating ' The Hypochoadriac," the "Ias Cow Boy," and the "Mad Man." Thp SfflWr two brouglit dowu the house, whi'e Muterwa powerfully rendsred, and stirred tedeep fountsina of each Ii6teners heart. Hitlio gave (specimens of southwestern legal "i pulpit ortory, bolh dono to the life. - ';'. RrAíc carne here a stianger, but when "'hall again announce an entertainment we peak for hiin a larger audience.


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