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BICflISM CENTRAL ÜÁftBOAD, Trains now leave the statiou in this city as follows : Gqing West. Going East. 9,2f) A. M. 6.40 A. M. 7.10 p. 11 6.25 p. si THE BRIDaL CHAMBfiR, aa Zsy o Warning and ïnetruction for Young Men - published by the lÍMtrartl Aanciation, and sautfr- of charge in aealödenrelopüs. A Idreas, Dr. J. SKTLLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Aisociation, lhiladëlphia, Pa. Iy993 && PROF. R. J. LYONS' Patients aDd all others intenested willf lease take noüce that he will contin ue hifi risita at tbe SÏonïtor lïouse, Ann Arbor, during 1861 aad '65 and at tho expiration of which he wil] dis continue his viaits and open an Infinüary at Cleveland, Oltiüj for the treatmentot Lung aud Chest diseases. WBIGHT'S KEJUVENATING ELIXIR. HvPoCHONDitiASiM, distaste for overjthing, whetlier Bttateuaace fur miud or body, lassitude and exhausti'jn, impei -feci secret ion and circulation, are eiroctuall-y re lieved by tbe timuly use of VÏ'eight's Küjovbnating Euiir; thie greattonicaud redtorative reijic-dy vkMI expel every txnpleasant syiaptoxa, imbue both body and miad , ith oiifi-fry and vigor. By Uta continuous use every anim;tl ftuid wiübe puiifuMl, avery oh.struction in the eracuatory channels swept away and every oran regenerated. Tbe.-e may soem sttottg staicment, bol tLey y.refuilj birne out by the unqueatioaaWe testinii:;y of a crowd oï witnesses. Old Men and women wíll íind a wonderful re-vii alizíog olí eet in thi Elixir. So ld by all resjjectablo drnggists throughout the United ítateB and Canuda, See advertisement. 4w994. JNFORMATION FKEE1 TO ÑERVOÜS SÜFFERER3, A GENTLEMAN, cured o!' Nervous Pebiüty, Incompetency,rreuiahir Pecay, and Youthfut Knor, actuated by a desire to beuefiL other-s, wil! be happy to furniah toaïl who-heedit, (free of charge,)he recipe and dfreotions for mak ing the Himplo remèdy used in his case. SuITerers wishing to profit by the advertiser's bad expercDco,and pwfiseKK a sure and valiuible reme dy. eau do ao by adflrtwsing hun at once at lus place of business. The Recipe and full informntion - T)f Vilal importatice - will be clicerfullv sent by retara mail. Addrcss "JQHX B. OGDIÍN, No . 60 Nassau Sireet, N"ew York-. P.S - Ntrvous SufTerers oí buth 6exes will find this iafonaxtion invakiable. 3m93. AG00D TREE 18 KNOWÑÜY ITS FRUIT. So is a gooil Physician by his Successftil Works . PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THEGREAT AND CELEBRATED l'HYSICIAN OF THK TiüiOAT, LÜNGS AND EHE3T, Known a-llovertUe countri as the Olebrated INDIAN HERB DOCTOR! f om South America, will -be ut his rooms, RUSS&LL HOUSE, DETROIT, " Oftthel8th ind 19th inRt.,on the same dale of and every subseuent mouth during 1862 and 18ö3} A NEaT PAMPHLET Of the Hfe,stady and extansive trabéis of Dr. Lyons can be procured by all whodesireone, frpoof charge. Dr. L will visit Ahü Arbor, Jaek8on,and Adrián, Mtch. , asfollows : Aun Arbor, Monitor Houae, 20th. Jackson,ÏIibbaril House, Sist Adrián, Brackett Hcuse,22d and 2'jd. Mode of Ïxamination. - The Doctor discems diseases by the eyes . He, therefore ,asks no questions nor req'iiref pafcíents to explain symptoms. Aíllicted, come andhave your symptoms and the lucation of your dis eaaeexplained free of charge MICHIGAN CENTRAIi INSURANCE COMPAN Y Kalamazooi JVfich. Insurcs agalnst Icss ot Damage by Firc or Jbightr.i-s. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Quurantee Capital, by State Authority, $800,000.00. ÖIRECTORS: J. P. Kennedy, Aíarsh Giddinqs, A. P. Mills, Geo. W. Snydee, S. D. Allen, Geo. W. Allen, OFFICERS : J. P. Kennedy, Pres. T. 1'. Sheld.oh, I'r Geo. W. Snyder, Sec, A. P. Milis Treas., H. B. Hoyt'ilg' Sec, S. D. Alien, Gen. Agt, 940tf TDtt. SMITH'S PRESCBIPT1ÖA' & DRÜG STOltE ! Ib the place to buy your MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, "VVritina: Paper by tbe Keam, and all ather articles in our lino. Especial atteiltion to Compoundmp, aml putting up Prescríptions, at tho sign of GOLD MOBTAR,Exohaüge Bloch , Ann Arbor, Michigan. gar Professonal callti promptly attended to, 1YD60 100 Gity Lots íbr Sale. FOK SALE! í)fí liürshjj AI) LOfS, or:h fi-om 81,000 tn XJ S-Ó.'MJ. Aloo íovm-,,1 imprnvcd ÍAKMS. A. .1. SITIIKHUMl, Ann Atb'jr,F-h. íM.lcfl3. íi'ítí Commercial ' i ! i hysiïn H fffOUR CKINAMAN STILL UVES. And contiuues to faraifih Lbat unvivalcd quality of I1A alv.ays tnutul it the Store. Loyors of opd Te wil! pleaso try ;i immple OF OUR NEW TEA. DkFOREST tSTEWABT. Of all kin'ls. Frutts. Extracta, S.cos. Picliles, Oils, pprfumss, kc. Puie Linuors ana Wines Mediana] purposes only. UBJOREST ft STEWART. Sugar ! Sugar ! A mal] lot of LOW PRIOED SUGAR. DüJrOREST & STEWAKT. JG5S" FlYH.- Codfish, Whitefish, 'iVoutj Mackerel, Htrring, kc. DeFOKEST it STKWART. SYFÜP ! WrÜFT A few barrels, extra quality. DkFOEKPT & STICWART. i OIL AND LAMP IJ DEPOT ! J&, KEEOSENE OIL! i' - mf The best qaality J" "T ONS DOLLAR Per Gallon. DKFOREBT& STEWART. HO! YE! Purchasers oí CROCKERY. GLASSWARE, LAMPS, PLATED GOODS, TABLE CUTLERY, &c. For sale at lest: thim New York wbolésale )iviceR, by DeFOREST & STKWABT. A Good Clothes Wringer. Saves time.' Saves money! Saves clothing! Saves strength! Saves heulth! Saves Uring help '! Saves toeak wrists! Saves burning hands! Woolen clotliew can be wrung out of boiling water to prevent hrinking, without iuiuiy to the machine. DïFOEJËST S STEWAST. JOHN BRQWN'S KNAPSACK Was strapped upon kis back, and when opened was Jound to contain a Pot of Dr. Biltington's Fïg Elefetuary whicli was lus inseparable companinn, and this accounts for hisr'ifcust and vigoroua Constittitioa, his indiifereuce to f.itiua and bis 3iale and bearty oíd age. It is warranted to cure ALL KINDS ÓF PILES, it nol only treats dircily for the Piles but is a certain cure "or Dyapepaia and Liver Comptamts, Jaundice. Salt ïtheum, c. ït is purely vegetable and nevei faÜs tocure. DkFÜRKST & STEWART, Agentsfor Michigan. HPHE STATE AGKICULTURAL X COLLEGE. The State Agncultural College, Lanaing, Michigan, now offers to studente very super ioi' advantages. Four years are required t" complete the coiirse of study, which is as full ín Mathematica, English Literature, Histury , Phüoophy , &c. , as in othei' Culleges. Th e eoureea in Chemistry, Meteorology, Botany, At-imal Pbylsoïbgy, aad other branches úf'ÑÁVünÁí Sas CB are unusu;üly extensive, gre&t attimtion bing paid alao to tneïr prae ical applications The College ha Sm-veying and Leveling Instruments, a Museum af Natura! History, Philo ophical Instruments, and an excellent Chkmical Labokatort, in whiehstudents are taught to make analyses. The Farm has clay, sand,loam of different kinds, bottomlands, nnick bel;?, and nearly evo y variety of soil known in tiie State ; the stock lias baen entirely changed incharacter of late, pure blood cattle of the AjFShüe, 3h,ort Hamand ï'evon, and Southdown and Meiiuo &b.eep,and other vnluablostock have been added. ín aü matters pertaining to far n and stock mau agement cla.sá mum and out of-door instruction is given. Such nstructiün will be niuch raore fullthan ever befbr. In a vegetable garden, unsurpassed in the State for the variety of its products, ín the orchard, the small fruit garden, tbo urüaiweHtalgardensand the nurseritis, studentsare taagtt all the beat methods of Hortíoulture andkindred Bubjects. Students are paid for their labor, and their earningH not uufroquintly -pay from one third to one half of their expenses, Ptudents are admitted to select course.. and for any time. Thert ie also a preparatory ciñas for those not sullicicntlyudvancii! to enter the Collegiate courae. Board io al cost, lat year at $2.50 per week. Ti-.ltion freeto students from the State ; to others, S-ö a ye.i Rooms are furnislu-d with toveaud bedsfead. The classes for the iirst half ytj,r of 1865 will b permanently orgauized thefirstÜay of March néxt. Forfurtherparticularso; fOï catalogue applj to T. CABBÜT, President, Sffí:9:) Lanaiog, Michigan. OFFiClAT, STATEMKNT Of tile .MlcíHííHii Central Insurartoe Coxupway. Ofvicf. ofthk Mich. CkxtralIws. Co Kalamazoo, .''anuary lbth,186&. j Son. James B. Porter, Secretary of the State of Mich ijan. Jn purauance of Aci No. 262, of the Session Law of the State of Michigan approved February lth, 15'.', thn undersigsed respectfully pubinit to be öled in tiie office t.f the Stier turvofSt.te, a statement show ing Öw comlition of the Michinr. Central Tnauranftt Cuüipany, nd iïs business xtransactionï, dutiagtlie timo it lías been iuoperation. Thlb Ootopany issned its fluwt policy of insurance on the lOth duy of My (ast, andsincetbat time (8 inontha) has íssued ooer 'J'nvj Thmtyand Poliiies - its autliorized guaraniec Capital $300,000 f, 600,000 Amuiiïit of property inhuredfrum Muy lOth 18Ó1, to January 10111,1865, [8 rannths] 1,462,126 0 Amount o premium Notes received 49,100 00 Amountof cash premiums received ncluding policy and purvey foa 23,832 58 Amount ei cash depj&feit. 10,000 00 Amoant of personal property including office flxturei 342 70 Amount oí total accumulations for 8 rao,. 83,'i74 28 Amount of expenses for clerks, agent, and for salaries, tr&veiing expensen 6 ,55 03 Amount vf expensos for boulis, stationery , printing, office rent. and all other expenses notabore mentioncd 2,207 60 Amouut of loaseis unailjufttedarid due None. Amount of loase aiï.iustr"! and döê None. Amount of al) loases in S mmths 1,048 40 Amount of Iopsck adjused and paid 1, Otó 40 Amountof debtsowintf liy the Compan-y,.. None, Amount ol claims for lo;se.i accrued ; None. MARfiH i;iPDLGS, President. Gkobue Y. Sxydkr, Secfetury. State of Michkía , } Kalamazoo Coustt. jñ!i' Personally appeared befo re me the underf-isned, a Nottiry PubHo, in and fjr sai ICuunty, George W Snyder, of saic County, known 1o uhï as the Secretary of j the Michigan Ctentra] Insurance Comiiany, and whose ! genuine aignature, ï know is attachtó to tbe foregolng ; Btatsmqt, wh being duly sworn ULtytb. uponthJs oath ! de pose nnd say that ihe f oregofng statement of the ' eimdi'inn and business uf waid Company dui'inc;the . fieriod in which it bas been tliting business ns shown by thebooks of said company,is true in subülanoe and in fact, errors a ml nniissions unknuwn excepted, aocord ing to the best of his knowledeco and belief. Gmobob 'V.Pnyder. Subscribe'l and Sorn tn -before me thi 17th day of Januarj , A 0. 1965. 2w9?5 T.f, COBBjMüarj public. CCÊ1KG OUT SaLE ! -AT TUK"OLD CÖRN L!w In onler to mak o rnonïifor SPRÏ ' 'URCHAsËiS, for the next SIXTT DAYS, 1 wlU ofii -t - Great Eeduction in Pces! AU soiiEonable GOODS, oonfifstidg of a great varioty of Fall & Wint r CLOAKS, SHAWLS, Flann els.BIankets, HOODS, NUBIAS, &C. AJtto, a largo asíoríment of BOOTS AND SHOES! In order to close out the stock. Prints 3O to 37c. A good Assortmenl of CHOICE FAMILY GRÖCER1ES!: CONSl'ANTLY ON HAND. O. B. THOMPSON. ■ Ann Artor, Jan. lltli, 1805. 6w991 HO TO THE CHEAP STORE! And see the New Goods. A SFLENDID STOCK OF DRESS GOODS! FURNISHING GOODS, CASSIMERES, Cloths, Satisiets, &c. ! DOMESTICS, SHDBSL HATS" CAPS. Crockery, GHOCEEIE3, &c, Prf t0 b! Sld wltllout reSard to present Eastern ■ N; B;,- The la-'gest Stock of Cahco ana lürown Cotton in the City at les than Manufacturer's piices. The highest pricc paúl in Trade or cash for all kinrls of Produce. MACK & SCHMID. FLORENCE SEWING MACHINES, PHOTOGRAPH ALBÜMS, P1CTURBS, FRAMES, THREAD, SILK, T"WISTs MACHINE 01L, fa The un4erigned O6w offers the public THE BEST FAMILY SEWIIMC MACHINE IIsT tj SE. FOB DURAB1LITY, BE ALT Y oj STYLE,and VA BIET Y of WORK,it "STANDS UP HEAO." It nee.-ls ouly o be Bem tobo appreciated. Runs the work bolh ways, takes four kind of stltcles, hems, fells, gathcrs, bniids, bodj, quilts, githpriaml séws on n ruffle at the same ime. Sews from tip thinnest to the tliickest fabiic rithout changing ;he stitoh tensión or needie, or wiliout brcakiug tb. threail - It is 1 The Wonder rf the World! Also a variety of the mes beautiful PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, 1'lCTUliES and 1RAJIE3 iu grint varielyand pictures iramed to ordeiat short notie. ANo.IUHNUM'ïi SELF-SEVIClt or TU :KER, whict can be adjuated to any Sewin. Machine. Cali at tho slgn of the IdKKXCK SÉWING M.4CHINE, a few doorö East of Cf.k's Hotel. Stüching Neatly Lone to Order, Also, on exhïbition, the celébrate " WEED sflWING MACHINE," wliich took the nremim at UoJlichigan State i'air, of Í864. W. D. HJLMES. Aun Arbor, Dec. 28th, 1804. I WJtf fnp. FAIRBAÍKS' dSPÏS IjP OF ALL KIND! AL5O, FAIRBAMS, GBEEKLEA & 17 kakc Street, CHICAO. Sold in Detroi) by FARRAND, SHELK &


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Michigan Argus