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Wonderful Oil Land

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Mr. íikilta, an eminent Analytical Ohomist, submits the following report ti the Socretary of thc Eldorado Peiroleum Oouipany ; The mininpr corps, under the drectoo of Prol. Kratzhalpfgu, tirsfc peuetrated Uio eurth at eighteen points by means íf artesian lyul.t. Tbis 0$ imiipition deruloped tbe existeneo of petroloum in ineredibls quautitie. No lesg than 400,000 barrols per day is ígscred of. I tarited tbe oil iiiyself. It will inake au excelleut salad oil, and witb vory littia dilKculty may bu prepaed Íof (jse on the hair. For lubricuting purposes it is iuconj' parable, aud it is bigbly esteenied for wouüds n battlu, aud all other cases of g'iuglious or epigagtrian nature. I hao Bo Jjoaj.tatwn in suying tbat these we]!s are tUerhst in tbe world, or auy other wbich we are iul'orme'i. A min liviif in tbe neighborliood iuforms lije tljut ho has beeu siek for uinety years, and haa always used tbe petroisum upon his cartwljeels. Sijob ís tls inexbaustibla nature uf the yield, tht an aqueduct migbt be built for a very small sum to carry the oil direct to New York or Europe. An artificial fouutuin and luko of oil might be fornied in tbe vioinity, or an oil canal constructed to float tho reis upon. The oil ajso yieldg a ruriety of excellent purfuujeg, sijph as newUiowu bsiy, jockey elab, jassamioe, wet eud, etc. It is au icvaluabl eubititute for butter, aud has beon knoyn to Iry eala to a delieioua brown before the anirauls had done wrjggliug. Ita parifön0U8 uuture raakes it go well with pastry, It raakes puddings oí sea aud pies on shore. 1 addition to this, ii ooataiua a largo rüsiduum oí goid. ïho following analysis shows the iaorediblu richuess of thü oil : Benzole 1 Chloride oi'Soduun... .,, , 1 Pure Petroleum. ... ...,,t ..„ .,,, ....45 Orange County Cutter. ..,,,, .,,,.. ..11 Hair Oil, in bottlss .,,,..,,..., 8 Goldcoin , .„, ..,, ...,,, ..,,..30 ParaliJne canilles , 4 Calfs foot jolly 2 Part3. ..,.,..100 Miiny sample are rioher, I pogsesa ouo which yieldn two gallons of hair oil and a pound of buttcr to tho gallon oi petroloura. Iq boring for ths oil fino voin of port wine wns striick. This uiight be buttied and sent to market. It is supposed o be ovar 300,000 year old, aud munt be good. There is also a promise of striking a largo subtorranen miuo of sardines, Proservöd in oil theaa fish mu?t be dolieious. Besids tho abovo advantages, thera re not wanting indioatiooï of a fertilo yield oí quiniue, whioh, while thp wr ïasts, must bring a largo revonue to the coiapany. Quinine baths might be oonsti uoteá, and the juinine itsolf oonducN ed to the varioue goyernment hospitals hy pipes. I Jjaïe tl lwnor to -be, dear slr Your obedient, PETER O. SKIXiTS, AnalytU'al and Consulting Ohemlst. taS A Brooklyn pastor has realized $306 000 as the reault of a little invostnienl in the petroleum región. Ho is now in good condition to adininister ths oil of gladuess ta bis parishionors. .ii - ui ■ jSf Theru will be four eclipses this yc ir -two of the eun and two of th ïnoon.--Tiie eclip-ies of tho sun occti on the 20;h of April and tho lóth oï' Oetobor, those uf tho moon on tho llti of Apri! 'iü(1 Hrd of Octvl'fr,


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