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peur JMvwfeetHttïtè, and buy your OF MACK & SC 11 Ml I). They keep the best anil arrest stock in Anti Arbor, ftQd are bound to sell tbem cbcup for Cash. 4w997eow TAKE COTICE 1 ! Go tn MACK i SCHMH)'S.for the Ktylef of ' HOOP SKIRTS! You 11 )way hv sult'J wHh thB4UJtti'. tvleand prki. 4w9 ITWM WAR MOST ENOEI CHARLESTON TAKEN!! GINTBUMAN & GO Being oonacti with om. of tl,o Iwr-n New urk, (rhich ha hehar faeslitie tor "" Selliiig Cheaper t'jim -a.r-.-3 rttr hnaM. Aro boud t0 1, by d utaiillshmeat tht do ulttr. dirwt frora XEW YOEK CITY, who tihd], psricnco m Uio businesi, w guruu, ti intS SATISFACT10H to oor numorOüS OUSTÖMERS & STUDEt of the UniTorrftj. Koepiig o bnd tbisrgiii!il f GLÜTI1S, CASS1MEBËS, VESTIR together with the Urgent sTock of Meady-Made Clothiüg, FINISHING GQODU &c, fcc., Ac, which we will geil eiieaper tban anr othirwutefr mnt ia the city. All w sak is tttwrfcal and Student will irhe uitoUud satinfy themsalrei. M. GUITERMAÏf.ACo., MR. 80NDHF1M i abtrat to star', for ffer TM a Dflw stock of Spring and Slimmer Goodu. ü' PLASTEE. Mr. Smith, Proprivtor of the "Alaiusth Komi.' andounoBB to the tracle, that he 'muovnAnftl worlftbg hln quarrios ut SftDduakj, Ohio, ■■ Aiaimiïix'. the newlr rfirecreivd TpiumMlmtl opo3 -üginaw Bay. andwi.:t bo prepare! V lor-s or f)-!er, the coming tpnnjr GBOUXD FLA5TEH □ a-uj quaatitï fr.i., I iaaw. Farticulr attPntioii ia fnntod to W !hpv I Piaster, frbJch f b superior to auv kuown %L? Ho hs just completod" in Detroit, at tot olí . M:vtch Kactory, below the Ccuiraï Pepnt, irorkifcfi - zvA caJcinir-g, whtfre the p!aatr i'c bippd cf)rectiy froni tbt mili nto cr=, withoutixpmMloïC taare or luAutug, or iujurj to bag ur Hrrtls Hit pUatr will ba fouad better grouud aoii iapiorWM íiíher. As this will be a pormanauí ínstítutioa, Mr. S. W to make arraneinönta witli partías jnterntêd, 't oraction of Btoiohouüefl at th raritu deyoU 1 Ocntrul rvn'i othor Raitroads T':ci ïfigi.iaw Piaster, culoïned, ís founiff se3 remnrkable ptrfDgüi, s tbe maon8 utiafittn lt works slowe'fand ets Uarder tbtn ü'W or Grand Ra pulí. Per.onrwífcnting the BSSTindcw ■■t are inrited to try ie. . , Tbe s.ime supf-rior qualitifli of PlunU.r cnbto!: from the Piaster Mili at Monroif , faddres NCSU BMITH.) or from JacksoD, (ddre.Ft KÜ.20CS' BMTTH.) in both of wiiich Mr. S. ia intriBtd;i1 from D.PiFOREST. at un Arbor. CH ltl fi ba ter Wurks.iu Detroit, or addresi GEO. B. SMiTE E&tate of EnoB Reynolds, STATK Of MICHIGAN, f'orNTY of Washtmi.: I A"t a sp.iaion of the Prbat ■ Court for tl i Wa.Jl.tpnjiw , boMen nt the Pt-obatc OfBoei"! of Aon AtI'-jt, on Monday, the tventfoth isy "' JJ ary, ín tbe vear 011e tboian'i eight huadrfd:-lV tj-Qye. ' Present, IIiRAM J. TiBAKEii, Judge of Probt'. In th matter of the Kstate of Knos Rfjn' :i ,r 06Asei. Sidnfy Rvyoclds, Execatr of sid oómca into Coort anil ropresents tht hc i nowpfi ed to r-Milor hia final ccount ai sucb ExecutfrThcreupon il is Ordred. tbat MondT, the tïMT day of Harob next, at ooc o'clock in the iftar. aMJgovd ror exnmiuïng aDd W"5 ' rtiat íhc dOTiaeea, lega tees, and hei at ! f". drc&aöd, and ali other prsoai intrll to ■ tal, are nquired to appear at a sesKifln of :y , tiien to behol.len at the Probate Ofliw, in "w" Ann Arbor, u gai'l Cuuntr, and ihow clUi% .„i tbere be, wfay the aid aco'unt i-hould uot bf fn And it i ftuther ordered, tbat " f n-tice to tbc perions persons interi-stedin f1 V r the pen'iencj of aaid. account, anj thkl of, bv causiug a copy of this Order to be p"" Kija7iArgu!,a, nen-spaper printtd m ■ '"„ f tingmsaid Connty of Washtenaw, thne i"efW weokf. previous to ?ad day of hearing. . LA true copj.i 1IIKAM J. Bf-AÏ S97t.l Judpodw"1 Estáte oí Rogers - Minors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUKTX OF fl 'JSB1"iitirt At :ise3iunof ihe Probate Court fot ' '"„m of Waslitenaw, lioldeu at tlie Probate "'i.jjr City of Ann Arbor, on Tbursday, the lfnI'' !,,iji of February, in tlie year one thouBftDd p'í0' aml ;ixty-five. . Present, Hikam J. Bkakks, Judge of Jf ]n the raattar of the Entato of listher Ann '"fa E-ufcnJa FvOgï-s, Chïisse Jane Rogeri, m ol Kd-niuinl tí. ïlogors, deceafied. ,i Onrcaiiii(.'aii'l filïnfr the jietiiion, duly " y Lucinda KogrR,(ionr(ïinn for said inin"rs'r ;Mji: licTOKe to holl certain real estáte Ijelous' minors. . ,u í ïhereupon it is OrAered, lat U00".?;! day of March next, at ten o'clock 1.U1 ,)W be asMH'd fur tlie bru-iag of said pctitni. , the next of Joro f aid mino ' „ other perfoiiK intereated in taiil t fj,.1 quircd to appear at a esdon "f '' d ri f(A0 to be holü. n t the Probate üflice, in tl"Arbor, and show canse, if any thcre be, y ' v, ol the petltionei uheuld nút be grlr-: :.j, ' further ordered,.that naid petitioner pive pcrKuBstnterestoil n aid e.-t-te, if'h' pa-.l pe'.Hinn, ;.nl tbe liearins thereof, cept ..f this Order to 1e published m i"' ' ,, .Irrni, n m-wipaper puin ed and circuí" Coiintv ■ f Wafhtenaw, thrco ucceJic ■' tO s,ii4 ilHV r.f hMMf&ff „rik'F-1. Commissioners' Noticêi. STATE OF V IfHIGAN', Couim or Wi f The undersig.icd havlnfr bepn ppo:n W ■ fi. bate Court for aaid Counly, CommisMonJ examine, and adjust all claims or.'l ;' person aRüinst the estat of Ji.iitlin „f ihc Toirnhip of Ilri.licwater, in ' ceased, hereby gff e aotKO 1jb "?" are odr of said 1'roimte jjifif1 i tors to present thcir cjaims Againnt "t' , rtIljl!' decer-.e'. . and tliat fhey will meet at the i ■',!, of deneaicd in the T(.wnship u "" ' jjt' sid County f Washtenaw, on Satur"-. ',f r!. dayol My, mlSaturday, the firth "-" next, at oiie o'clock in Iho afteini'cn, (lsí(, days, to receire, exjunine. nnd adjuit" Hatod, rebruary 6th,löfi!. . . „,, nvin w. i'aijikr. tri-Bis111' 09Ttd BDW1R SMUlf. J


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