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RISDOJN & HEiNDERSOA BUOK.EYE CRAljN DRILL, and Grass Seed Bower, Manufacturad at SpringfielcJ, Öhio. rpHEVERYI.VTKSiriMPHOraiENT, anil betterthan JL all othcrs; adapte to sowing Wheat, Rye, Oats, Barley and Graas Seed . lst. lt has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Wiil soto all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. Never lunches the Grain ■íth. Never breaks the Grain. 5th. Sows Grass Seed broadcasi behindihe Drill. Qth. Has high wheels and long Hoes. 7th. Has long and wide steel points. 8th. lt has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. lt has doublé and single rank drills. 10A. lt has a self adj-usting shut off slide. lt is neatly and substantially made, TliereishardlyaDrillülferedin the market but can boast üf more or less "F1BST PREMIUMS:'' They are aboutas iudiscriininatuly beritowed as the titlc of " Professor, } whieh ís sometimos applied to the lifiddlern or "bootbiack," They ceaso to convey the idea of merit. The Jïuckeye Drill has been on Exhibition at quite a iiumber of State and County Fuirs, aud without seeking favor at the hands of any Committee, has received its fullahure of Prenaiuma TESÏIMOJSilALS : We c;ive the followmg Dames of a few Farmers in thiV viciuity wno have bought and used the üuckeye Drill : Godfrey MiUer, Scio. Jacob Polhemub " Jacob ïrm per, í( Thomas White, Northfittld. John Brokawf Christiai; Kapp, " Edward Boy den, Webster. Jamos ïreadwell, AanArboi DanielO'Hara, " ' John (J. Cook, Lodi. O. A. Marshall, " Li Kdmon'iv, Saline. George Cropsey, Green Oak, Liv. Co. We arealso Agents for the Ohio Reaper & Mcwer, acknowledged tobo the vory best iu use We are just in receipt oí 100 Grain Oradles Whicli we wili sell Clieap. Also alargeassortment c G-rass Aod the largest and beat selected atock of BENT STTJT F FOR CARRIAGESever before otfered In thia market We also keep a la rge and f uil NAILS, GLASS, PÜTTY, PAINT,and LTNSEED 011,. A complete assortmont of STOVES, TINWAKE, AND EAVE TROUGIISahvayB on hand anl put up S the ühortest nottce. RISDON & HENDEESON. AnnArbor,June3flth,1862. 859tf JUST OPENING ? ■ '?@ " '-' The largest Stoek and best nssortment of CABINET FÜRNITÜRE ? ever brought to this city, including SOFAS, TEÏE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABÏ.ES, - BUREAUS, OHAIKS, XiOolsJLns G-lasses Gilt Frames and Mouldings coPFisrs METALIO CASES, &c, " c, and all other goodn kept ín the best nml lar psI house in t)ae country. We tceepuo second hand iir uture or Auction goods. Coflins kept eonstnntly n and, and made to order. My goods are oflered at THE LOWEST CASH PRICES N. B. I must have money , iind respectfully request those indebted,to cali and üx up tlieir old matters without delay. O. M. MARTIN. AnnArbor,Oct.6, 1863. 925tf CITY COOPER SHOP. SPAFFORD & DODSLEY, successors to O. 0. SPAFFORD & D. HENNING, Woulrtrespectfully unnounce to the citizeus oí Aun rbor and vicinïty, that tkoy are uow ïrnnufaeturing and keep coustantly 011 hnd a Large Assortment of COOPER WORK! Suoh as Pork and Cider Barrels, Kegs,Firking, Cliurns, Well Buckets, Flour and Apples Barrels, c&c. MprclmntsamlBrewersare inrited to examine their Butter KirkinB and Beer Keg. crrsTOM ■cnt'ohis:, done to ORDER on SIIÜRT NÜTICE and warraoted. 1 Cash paid for Staves, Heading and Hoops. Shops corner of Detroit & North Streets, and corner of Nortli & Fifth Streets. &PAFFORD fe DODSLEY. AnD Aror, Feb. 8tb, 16M. 143 # Mortgage Snle. TJCTAULT 1] h..i.i made n the condition of a IV ceitam mortgage, executed by Chrisïian Brelsch and Barbara Breisch hia wifo, „f Ann Arbor, W.-ishto naw County, ttichigan,to Wïlülm S. Saimders, of the saine placo, rtateclthe nineteentlt ilny of November in theyearono thousand oiglit hundrcd tnd sixty-oóe and recorded on the ninth daj oí December, A. D 1861, in the office of the Rokster of Dea, fop the said' i j'Üa't ";lsl"cnaw! in State of MtchiRun, ín, , Líber 28of Mfrrttages, on págé 55á upon which Mortj gage tliereisclainied the .late of thi-i nottce, the sum of ninety two dollars, and no suit or proceeding at law or in eqnity havine: been tostitoted torecover the same or any part thoreof, and ïhc power ol ealemoaidMortgagecantainedhaviag thereby become absolute. NVmcz is therefore lieiebj civen that ou Saturday, tlm tliirteenth day of May t'cn of theclcokm thefonnoon.Isliall sellat public auction to the highest bMdnr, at tho South door of the Court House m the City of Ann Arbor, (borne tho place wImi-c the rirctit Court for 6aM Counly " of Washteuaiv im holfl), tlie premisos describo 1 in said mort.'age orso ouich theroof a may be nccpsj.iry to satisfvthe nmount due onsaid mrtg%ge. and interest together with the coste and i-xpenses allowed by law; said"prem isosbeingsituatedin said County ol Washtenaw, and rtencnned in aid mortgage as 'ollowa, tn wit: All of iota No. twi'Jyi) and thirtseniu Wm. S. Sauuder's additlon to the ( ty of Ana Arbor, according to the recorued plat thereof. I'ated, February 15, 1805. WII.LI.AM S. SAHNDERS, Mort-gap. A., Attonicy for Hortgagw. 9D(ltd Chancery Notioe. QTATROF MICHKAN,- Fourlh Judicial Circuit in O Chancery. Suitpendirgin the Ehza K. Clark, Cir. Court for the Complainant, County of Washte _ , .VR" naw, m t'hancery, Jehifl Clark, at Ann Xroor, on nefendant. the 4th ilav of J Feb. A. D., li'05. It appenring to the satisfaction of this Court by the Hlhdavit of John X Golt, SoiicitorfurtheComplainant, that Jehiel Clark ie not a resident of the State of Michigan; but isa resident of the State of Ohio beyond the jurisdiction of thle Conpt ; On motion of John N Gotf, Solicitor for Complainant inthis is ordered by sa d Court that said Defenóant, Jehiel Clark, causo hls appearance to be entered in thi.s cause, and notice thereof ser -ed on the Csmplamant's golfcitnr within two moaths from the date of tlierdor,and in oaBethe Defcndant canee his appeararce to be entered, that be flle his answerto Complamant's Bill, anda oopy thereof be served on the Solicitor for Complainant, within twenty davs aftor the Bervice of a cony of said Bill', or in default 'thereof the said Bill be taken as confee.fed by eaid Deiendant; and it in further ordered , that inthiii twenty daye the said Coraplainant cauee a copy of this order to be publishcd in the Michigan, Jrgvs, a public uewspaptr prinfed and publ'shed at the City ol Ann Arbor, in said County of Washtonaw, in each week, for six succefaive weeks, or that he causea copy of .said orderto berved on said Defendant personally, at least twenty days bcfore the time prescribed for said Defendant's appearance in this cauee. ROÜEÍtr E. FR ER, Lircuit (.ourtCommiseioner, Washtenaiv Co. Mich. John N. Gott, Solicitor and of Council fór Compla nant jgg Estáte of Joseph P. Kiggs. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CpÚBTY OF WifflrasiS,ss.- At i se-sion of the Probate Court tor the County of U'usMenaw, holden at the Probate üfflee in theOityof Aun Arbor, on Monday, the sixth day of Fcbruary, ia the j ear one thonsand eight hundred and iixtv I'. ve. Present, IIikam J. Bxakbs, Judgc of' Probate. In tlie matter of tlie Estáte oí Joseph P. Riggs, de oeased. Jamos Riggs, Executor of Uie last will aiid testament of said deeeased, comes iuto Court and représenle that he is preparad to render hls 0nal account assuch Exocutof. Thereupoji it is Ordered, that Mouday, the sixth day ofMarehnéxt, atten o'clock intheíbreuoon, be assigned forexaminingand ;thoúng such account, and that the widow, legatees, devisecs and heirs at law of said deceased, ana uil othe-r persons Interepted instiict entate. are required to appear at a session ofsf&d Court, then tobe holden nt tho Probnte Office, in the City of Ann Arbor. in Baúl county and show etinse, if anv thero be. why tU-snid account shnuldnot be allowed : And it i further ordena1., Ihnl safó Executorgive noticetothe persons interesti-d in said estáte, of the poalency ofüafd account.íitnd the hPariiig thereof, by causmg a copy of this Ordcr to be j)ur;!isliedin the Michigan Argua,n newspaper print.-d n'i ( ■i-culaling in saiñ County of Washtsnw three succt'ssíve weeks irevious to ftsfd dny of beering(A truc copy ) HIRA.M J. BEAKES, W5td Judge of Plobate. (s . Estáte of James Steward. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Corsry ofW.isiitfsiw ss _ O At a session ( f the Probate Court for the Coimtv of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Office ia the City of Ann Arbor, on Thurülay, the ninth dny of Felru ary, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five. Present, HlBAH J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. , lo the matter of the Kstate of Jamea Steward deceased. On reading and flling the potition, duly verifled, of Alty Steirard, Administratrix of the estáte of saiddeceased, praying that she may be licensed to sell certain real estáte wherei.f the said deceased, died, seiztd. Thereupon it ia Ordered, that Monday, the 27th day of March next, at ten o'cloclc in thefoienoon. be asfcigned fur the hearing of said pt-tition, and that the heirs atlaw of said decsed,and all other persons.; interested in &id estáte, are required to appear at a" ession of said Court, Uu-u to be holdn ;t the Probate Office, in the C]ty of Ann Arbor. and show cause, if any there be, why the prnyer of the petitioner should not be granted: And t is further ordered,that sail petitioner give notice to thepersons intereated in said estáte, of the pendency of said petitlon,and the hearing thel-t of, bv causlDga copyof Ihis Order to be publMied in the Michigan Argue.ane'XSpaper printed and cireulating in B&iil County of Washtenaw, four .successive weeks previous to said day oj hearing. (A true copy .) HIBAM J. BEAKES, "5td ju,igc of Probate; Commiesioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WasMenaw ss.- O The undersigned haiinir been appoluted by the Probate Court for said County, CominisMoners to receive, examine and adjnst all clsimsand demands of all persons agaiust the e.state of Norman M. Cumings, Uueof thetownship of Shnron in said County deceaxed', here ï!vo notice tliat six nmntns from date, are allowei liy (jr.lcr of Mud Probate Court, for creiiitors to present their claims against the óslate 'of sakl deceased.and that they ivill meet ut tlie du-plüng !io-iseof Mrs Aletta J.Cumirss, in the townsWp ofharon in shid ctunty, on Satiinlay the sisth iiy ol 5Iay next.and Pa1urday,the tvventy ni: th day ot Juiy next, at one o't'lock , P. M-, of each of suiil dayn, to lvceive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated, Jannary 80th, !Rn5. . 994 STEPHEN j. CHASE, ) FRATKr.! EVEKETT, SComiois..i,.ue:s. H1RAM PlüRCE. Chancery Notice. IHEREBY DESÍGNATE ROBEKT E. FRAZER, Circuit Court Commis.sioner, ot tlie County of Washtenaw, tnd State of -Michigan, as Injunction Master, in and for said County of Waslitenaw. Feb. 3rd,1865. E. LAWEENCE, (A true copy.) Circuit Judge. E. B. POND, Register. 3wO95 NEW PERFUME FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. P 5! A L O UI ' S A most Exitislte, Dolicalc mul FrnHliuil Perfume, IHstilIed from the Rare renl Bcmilifiil Flower from which t tnke t name. Manufactured onlyby I'HAI.OIV & SO1V. i3 Beware of Counterfeits. Ask for Vlutlim's-Tnlce nn otlier. Sold by drugglsts geiieraUy. Rifle F actor y! Beutier & Traver, [Successors to A . J. Sutherhind,] Manufaoturers of and Dealers n Guns,Pistols, Ammunition. Flaslcs, Pouihes Game Bags, and E verj otlier article iu that Line. All kinds of done atthe shortest notice, aul inthebest raannpr. a full.-vssortmentíilways kept on hand and made nrder $3. Shop corner Main au! Wa.-Oimgt' n tit'etH. .Ann Arbor. Oct. H. 1?62. 878tf Ëslate of Wtllos- Minors OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Corm ok If „ "' O At a scssion .f the Probate Cmut 'wip ' WasliUww,, hoi at the Vrohá? PiïLTi7'lt (.1 Aun Arbor, on WedawKUy, tht ,"„, ""Oty sixbtyJ"í.Ín t!'e ïeUr tte thü'"SanJ Z TJ, liji'AM J jteuus, Judge of Probate In the matter of thu Kstate of -ClaiiiiM ! r Sarah W. Wellêfl, Mary F. Welle, sXnl J1?, Min. Sila H. Dougla,,, guardián unt, , "e"escomes int Court and representa that he h n. "" ed to réddef hia final account at s„ch üuaralpre'larThereupon it i Ordcrui, tLat Monday tbc tWrf doy of March next, at tèn o'uloek iíthe f11 lic Mulgaull lor examinins and BUfffffo „„,.„ „f"00! anc that the said miuois and iheir next of kh" ???' uther persons friterested in said estáte, are -,'," ,a)1 at a sesión of Mid Court, then to b; wSS? Probate Offlc, In the City of Ann Arbor, i„ 8a U, „' e and show cause, ïf any tliere bc, ïvhy the .,] -1' fcMÍÍHÍtBétífcwed; An,l it i.,' fuítl 'èr ort' Tij" sai.lguanüaiipii-eiK.tfc.. to the persons iiitfci-e-t,,l ' ' estáte, of the pendency uf 3aiJ accom.t, and "," ing thcreof, by eaui.tag COpy of tLls Or.Vr . ' puMiKheU in the MiöklgLn Arjú,, a , spar„'to,be. und ci.culating n said Counfj Jf WasutaS? succesje Wedti previousto s-i,l cay of hearC' ee Estáte of Judah R. McLeañ STATE OF MICHIGAN-, COD.-Wï mr Wisnm Ata sessionoi the Probate Court fur tW'"" of Wahtenaw, holden at the Probate Office intCt of Ann Arbor, n .Monday, the thirteentli day óf p T "xYavë1" ?""■ one níifc.ti,4yw; Fresrnt, Hm.iii J. üeakes, Judge of Probate decöa"ied.matterOf the &tate ' Juilah E OU,, On readiug and flilng the petition duly TerMn i Preston, Jministia tor of thë eftate of „f iiceafd, brijTjng tl, ai he raay be lieeneefl tü uu tain Reu] Estáte nhereofthe -aid decea.sid dled ,i !', riiereupon it h, Ordertd.that Monday, the tliird d i day of April next, at ten o'oloek ia the hiiJi' ' be assigned for the hearing of .said petHftïTf that the widow and heirs at law of raid dece'a and all other persons nterested in Baid estáte a? quired toappearata Bession of said Court thêntVi' holden at the Probate Offlce, in the City of Ann i i ' and cause, if anv there be, why the prayer f ii" petitioner almuM nol lie grantëd: And it is furthedered, tbat said petitioner give nptice to the nerioi'i!'' terested in said estáte, .f the pendenoy of aid petit and the hearing thereof, by cansing a ctpy of tb. n 4er to be DubUshed uthe Michigan ' Argu,, a ,-, perprinted and circtilating in said County of wi f' hmrin füUr BUCCBS8ive we;ks preriou to aaid a,jj (A true copy.) H1RAM J. BÉAKE3 9%ld Ju.lKe uf Probate. Estáte of Jane Howe. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County (,I WnshtpMr „ Ata sessionof the Probate Court for the Court.' i Washtenaw. hoiden at the Probate Office in tiieelw ( Ann Arbor, on WaiiMlay, the íií day of Febtnwr in theyear one thousandeightiiündrc! aml sis tv-r Present, Hiiam J. Beaïes, Judge of Probate In the matter of ths Estáte of Jane Uuwe' deceu ed. Joihi Goti, admini-trator of sa!d éstate. come into Court and representa that 1. e is non ptei pared to rencler his ünul account afi such admiEistt,. Thereupon itisOrdered,:hat Monday, the tfcirleettt day of liarch next, at ten o'oloek in the fotèowT be assigned for examining and allbwing such acccinni' and that the heirs at law of said deeeaseTSj all other persons iitteresfed in said estáte a rpreciuirritu appear at a session of said Court, tlx-utc be lioldm' the Probate Office, in ths Ciiy cf Aun Albor. iTuï county, and show cause, if any thp;e U whi the said acoount should not be liowd. Íjí Í i& further Mdered, that said Admiui-tratni 3t, utice to the persons interest.] hl aM .„tyit ui tho pfndency of said account and ::,,- liranJ thereof, by causicg a copy of this Order to bi publishedin the Michigan Argus, a nwsjaie and circulating in said Couniy of ïï'a-!''; ::l-.í, (tan successire weeks previous to said ' v of hearing (Atrueoopy) IIIRAM j. BEAKES, 99td .ludgf of Probate. Estáte of Lyinan Carpentor. STATE OF MICHIGAN- Couníy of WaaLteDw-n At ñ session oí the ProbatConrt íoi tU ■' of Y ashtenaw, holden ut tue ciün ■ ;, ty of Ann Arbor, on Satunlay. the llth day I f.-'t t', F in t!ie year one thousand eigl.t hunrv.1 ie!sití--five," ' l're.sent, Hiram J. of i'n.bati'. " Intho matter of the Estáte of 1j'wa;i C&rptulK, áeceased. On readíng and filing the petítfn. fluir verfiíalinda Carpenter, praying that udininúí'ratíon of sutá estáte be granted to Jtunes T. Un- . Thercupon it is Ordercd, That Mrnidaj-, ihe 13th dny Of March next, at ten o'eluck La tiu i signed for tliö haring of s&íd pptítiop, nd tbt the htíirá at law of sawi átwi- : , md ifl other persons intereaíed in estáte, :ire qnired to appear t a session of said CrmH, thn tobe holden a t tbe Probate OíÜL'fc, in t Ciïy oficn Arbor, and abow causo, if auy ttert 'lie, Tby the prayer of the petitioner phould not be ranttd: And it ís furthtr ordert-d. th&t aaid p.tjit.onfrjráí noticeto the persons ïBterci=ted íd ?ail estáte, of tlte pendency of said pe(itioD,and the bearin-; íhrofy causing a cojy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper pnnted a mi circulaíing in said Couuty of Washteaaw, tiiree uccerisive weeks previous to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) HIKAM J. BEAKES, 9S6td Judge of i'robate. Estáte of John W. Surdaw. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Covsty öf V.MiiK-AT,..At a psbsíoo of the Probate Court for the Cuni M'ashtenaw, holden at the Probate Oíice intheC'ify of Ann Albor, on íMday, the twentictU day oí'Janu&rf, in the year one thousand eight hundred nnd sixty.fln. Present, Hiram J. Bbakhs, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of John W. Siirdao, deceaeed. On reading and the peiitïon, luly vt ■ ' Elocia Surdaui, prayingthat a ccríain iowuMfai n" on üle iu this Court, purporting to bé and Testament of siid deceased} may he dioKeáío Probate. Therenpon it is Orderecl, that Monday,íhe'ínVíeíritIi day f Mareh next,at two o'clock ia the afternoon, be RüslgOAd for thf hearing of saiiï jn-titicu, indita the tegatees, deviP6e8,and heAw at Uu? : .iiVceasèrt, and all other perrons intere.ttted in said estaU-. ■ iiiirgi to appciiT at a sesaioa of saiil (kfurt tlipc to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City "! An:t Arbm-, and show crufp, if any there be, v%y Te irsTer of the petittonei whonld not be granted: Aoü iü i furTher ordsred, fhat said petitionf-r pi. pevsons intereated in said estáte, of the ptiuíencv of siil petition, and the hearing thereof, by ei copy of this Order to be publislicl ín tne MkUfl Aryas, i newspaper print-d and ircubiliti County of Washtenaw, tbree .succf ".e w(-.'b previoua tn said day of henriug. [A trut copy.j HIRAM J. EAKE3, 9ÖS(3 ' Juago of Frobüte. Estáte of Daniel Bickford. STATE OF MICHIüAN, COÜHTT or W.vshtk.y (ir, sAt a session cf the Probate Cnurt for the Couoljif WBntenair, held at tho Probntc Offloe D fhe Pljof Aun on Monday, the twenty-third d.iY of Jiiury, in the year one thousand öight hundid afli sixty tive. Present, Hibjm J. Bejkes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of P aniel BiJMurl, ceased . [Tpon the application of the administrador of tF# estáte of said deceased,it is ordered that sixruootbs fromthis the said twenry third day of Jaimnry,A-Peighteen hundred and sixty íive, be allowed "fororW; tors to present their claims against the estáte of Mia deceased ; that all persons htt-ffag claims or donn"1" against the said deccased, fc required to present snmr to this Court, at the Probate Office foi '■ County .)f WashtenawjoB or the twenty-f'!s day of July next, at ten o'clock in the foreDOOi ' l".8 day, for exinninfttion and allowance aml that Dfw of the tines and place herti deftig naKd for t! kjing of such elaïms and demands, bf gic:i by icfli'D? a coj.y of this order in four pub'lc places :n saiJ Coty if Washteniw, and by publishing tlic same "" weeks, succcssirely, in the Michigan Argus neïïSf per printed n said County of Waphtenaw, within sUJ dT8 after the date of this order. [A true copy.l HIKAM J. BEAKÏ?. 'ti Ju.lge of Prol)"' Estáte of Sylvanus L. Hul!. STATE OF MICHIGAN- County of Wh.'Mmih" ss - Ata session of the Probate Court lor the louw of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in 1" city of Ann Arbor.onSaturday .the tn-eotJ-P'gl'"1' January, in tho year one thousandeighthuiyJrwa11" ';-: , Bye. l'n-scnt, Hiram J. Fcskes, Judje of Probate In the matter of the estáte ol Sylvanus L. Huü,"' ceased. , 0 Onreadingand filing the petition, duly YCr!llr'f Georgel. Huil, praying that a certain InHrnmeni , on file in this Couit, purporting to be the last ""!, Testament of said decoased may be admitted to Pro , Thereupon it is Ordered, that Satunlay, -' dajr of Fobruary next, at ten o'clocl; in the fol ' be assigned for the hearing of said petition, ari'l li.( widow, devisees, legatees, aud heirs at law of s1 censed, and all other persons intsrosted in snid "''!! j, required to appear at a sessioi. of said C'ouri '?" ,j holden at the Probate Office , in the city of Ann Arri' show cause, ïf any there be, why the prayer ot Wl titioner should not Ie granted ; And it !s f"rt " ;„. dered, that said petitioner give notice to the F150? terested in said estáte, of the pcndency of salil P ' aml the hearing thereof, by causing a copy ot ( der to be published in the Mich-gan Argús.n ne"'2„L pnnu-dandcirculwtiDg in said CounCy [f ",", rinl ' threeaucceïsiveweelis previous to said aay ■';""■" (■ mRAMJwdgeogEstate of Calvin K. Morse. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County (.f Mll!"iJSi O At a sassiun of the Probate Court for tlic V" i, of Washtonaw, holden at the Probate Office i city of Ann Arbor.on Monday, the thLrtietha! f' ',,. ory in the year "ne thousand ■■ Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate- U the matter of the Estáte of Calvm K. M"jft(, ceased. WilberE. H Sober, of saldi comes into Court and represcnts that he is tj,i pared to ronder his sur'1 idrainistj Thereupon it is Ordered, that Sittu) laj tne - day of P'ehruary next, at ten ï!"- ftirenonn, bc aviu'iH'd for exnmining and anlvSIgPf account, and that the heirs at law of san! andnll other persons interested in said 'sliltll „ toH Hiiii-ril to appearata session of said Court, u"j r. In. KI, 11 ,-i t 1 he Probate Office, in the City of in said County, and show cause, if any tll'Pt -I fit the sai'lacconm slmuld not be allOTred: A"W h ■ w ther orderod, that said Administrator, pïl' " (ll,nff the persons interested in said estáte, of tn ' tf 'of said account, ai.d the hearing f ,vcAÍ' eopy of this Order to be published '" ,."nló (fan Argat, a iipwspaper printed and circuí"1' "= ïiou County of WashtiMiaw, three succcs.-!vt' we' ' to sai 1 da v of hearing. ,.,


Old News
Michigan Argus