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Mind, Matter, Money, Beauty

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ifebitBv's Quarto Dicliouary, fts now pttbHsh 3 8aid to have cost more intellectual abor, hom BWiwy K ita " gettiiig up," and to con. l,in move matter, and a larger number of ,tsutifiil engraving-., titan any single volume „er before pubüshed for popular usa in this or My other country. Bell & Düldy. the new publidwr of Bobo's libraries, are to be the London paUiwn of this magnificeut volume. L" We iüvita Utentiot) to the admtJaeaMnt of Piaster iu another column.- The newiy opeued Alubaster beds ju Saginaw ]i_v are likely to pruve of great advantage to theState. Mr. Smitu, who lian engaged in the work in earnest, estímales his bed at 200 eres, of great thickness and puritj , and so .tusted'lhnt piaster may be got out with cue -ihird the labor required it Grand Rapids. p. DiFobbst is the igeat La this city. ,Tiie Ni.vm National Bank of the fttt of Nbw Yc.nic.-Joseph 0. Otvis, drat- has been one of the most eawrpriaiujj induccsiul agetits for Om variuuh GoTarnmtDt lotns. Over flfty milVmn dollars have feD placed In the hands of the people Ihroiigh 18 agf n cy wiihin üine mouths, aud it'now advertises to furnish the 7-30 Notes by tipress, free of charge, in all parts of the ountry. lts object is pat riotic, and the high repatation pi its offioers. as well as its capital oís million dollars, is a snre guarantee that the 7-30s i,ubcrib?d for through its agenoy wil! Upromptly forwarded. L3T The barn of the Washtenaw Heme, 'm the 5th Ward, was destioyed by fire on Friday avening last. The alartn was lounded aboiit f o'clock, and .A!ay Flowei' aud Belief Engine corapanies were promptly on Ibe pot, and by eitraordinary exerlions preTjnU'J the spread of the flamea to adjoining Imildings, saring the Waslitenaw Houe itaelf wbich was everal times on lire. The May Flowpr proved herself a noble machine. Two spans of horses aud two cows, with ïarnfis, grain, feed, &c, wre destroyed with the liarn. One tian of the horses and one wwere owned by Mr. Holiday, a teamster d'peudeut upon tLpm for liis support, the olher span by Mr. Dilwokth, and the other cow by a Germau whose niime we do not The fumiture of tha Wnshtenaw House was pnoideraWy damaged by the unoeremoneous remoTal, aud Mr. Hebï, a groceryman adjoiniïgths Wa'htenaw, suflerfd a siuall loss from asimilar cause. Tliere was do insurancf.


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Michigan Argus