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Facts About The 7.30s

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tnentUagain asking the oitizennforthe means with which lo keep the wheel in motion. Ite ccess heretofore witb popular loant has agaiu induced it to put a new issue of 7-3Os upon the market. The points about ihis loau are : hl. Itië Ifthe Governmeut stands, and who doubts that it will f it wiü be paid. Can the sanie be said of mortgages, railroad ïonds, stocks, etc., etc. t 2(1. 77i interest i liberal, seven dollars and thirty cents a year on a hundred, or two cents day, payable aemi-mnually , and exempt frora iocdl taxation- au outrage-raaking it as good r better than 10 per cent. with no abstracts topayf.'r, aud no mortgages to foreclose, The interest coupons are good as greenbacke. 3d. It is convertible at the expiration of 'hree years into six per cent. gold beaiing bonds, five-twentics, that is, payable in not less tban flve nor more than twenty yearaTheold issue of tíve-twenties now bring a liberable pretnium, 4th. It 3 as safe as the best Saviiigs' Bank, d offers a better rateof interest, 873against Í50 on the thousand. 5th. By inrosting ;in the 7-30s yon aid in 'ustaiaing the Government. The soldiers Rust bejjitjhed, and fed. aL(1 l'aili' alld you can a'uï tn dbing thi and benefit yourselves, comliining patriotism with proflt in the 780s. ÍJee advtrtisement. L3T The March number of tho La" ; Heposiiory has a'flnoly engraved portrait f ono of the new Bishops of the M. E. Church, He. Edward Thompson D. D., a beautiful lanápcape, and an exoïllent table of contents. liie itpoaitory is a qtieen among the monthli?'. ?;.50ayear. ALlress Mo3re. Poe fc "os. O:nelrnai Oht. jpy The Maroh number of the Atlanüc iWoníiiy.lian a very readable aid instructive 'ist of papers, covering a wid.) range in the Held of liUratnre. It strikes us, liowever, tbat too large a number of unftnished articles are being adraitted. One or two seriáis should sufflce for any monthly- four is an overdose. $4 a yoar. Address Ticknob & Fiklds, Boston, Mass. - From the same flrm wo have the March number of Our Voung Foik; which has Ispeedily become a great favorite with our youngfolks. Ye commend it to every family ! where therearo boys and girls. $2 a year. The Atlantic and Our Younp Folies for 85. - Hy the way we aro yelting lieo copies of ihe Atlantic, and are entiüed to luit one. Make '■ a note Mr. Publishers.


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