Classified Ad
The Misses Clsrlrs School. ANX AttROK, MICHIGAN'. Al AR Y II. Cf-AUK", Principo]. CI1LO!.-: A. CLARK, Vice Principal. JlUOiJV K. n, UK. A9R9JS TH.M !. WÃtTEÃi; Teacher of.'Music uu the Wflnif. F. iMAiiriM. Tcjulii-i ! â â ;üiv;:". i Vocal [misic. BW fPFj T'.i.ohor o! ï'i. ::.-!. (.-cri-irn tin.' â TlliS iii.-.ii'iiu.'n (insbeen in opoi -itit.ii tini1Noveinlifi 18. [L$9t filic sein'! :-!.: yt-a' ,;ii,;,à .; . ü-.'ii weeks two lerms, ' ïiising o quarrcrs c :!i - wclvs wreks in ot ti.nlei - :i ri'n'l'ii c.Vui'MüUicin at tl)l! cl V8O . etach term - i:i Febril ry and August, i "' 'in. Fnsi i;;:,;i icr of thii prèseui ier;n commenceja M v !: TkkÃis of Tüition. - For the Enejish hranchs. ,v-'.."0 to $5 per qunricr. No reancüón hYfldL to: nbsenoe, excepi in case of eiokness, nnd no uipil tnken lui loss ihan a (muiter. Kxtni clinrire made lor musicon die Piano, with tli w af-tHe'nt. $L O'l 3,00LniijO, gt00 pmwiagñiul Pai'nting, 5 00 Wo fc, 3,flü ' Board, ncluiting.washirig, lighiêTAö. $1'. per weck. il" paid in advunci:, o $ShGU per weeU if paid at the close of theijuarter, Parentson'd uirdians areinviteà ti visittfcc Echool everj Friday, whon the studie! oi;thè week are rev6V i -:ni niomhly on Wedncsi.iy alicriioo, at n;, au pf ihe weuUiy composiiions. Young ladics (ks'ioii of onterinsr ihc schoo! e rpgrriar cottrsc trf study; ivoüli â :,i w ..-il i. coimnencü ni the bosroï ïiing oà tht term. nr :.3 áuÃii! aller D9 tuaoiic.iL -ie. hóol n;o a Lihrnry of be'vorn live nnd aix hundred vulumoÃ". nml Phiiosophical Appaiaius.Llccincn! lacluiie; Ãioljti. &C, TIio Misscs ClhrK v. 11 cmicavor. nnt only to in% Ihe hüellecñial cuiuire oà -thcir . vill Ultiiui etricily to liieir (!n.i, ment. Wal] no socjauan feelino;, lnt wiüi i irepócr-'-e ofr&Iigióás r&pónsiÃTÃiiy1, thà y â r.uch a tono to cliar:ic{cr. üs slinll render il practical}) i'm.-J '. ; (...y Blatjpn - gelding to duty hu; iirm u principie Ãttiotl r )!u' luicks üséd in tho bJk)C1 nto. AKâ -.i liie Inieilecu:a! ii;i TJar .1 l'"V.v.s - ,,(.ni8 oi priticisrn - VVoylanclB Mot â " â ' â . - icy's Nofurd Thuolo j . ., â â ;;:ilil- G.V'ö Ch:.:;.s:r.- V-T rol CÃÃinbe's Fl CJitièi ' i WH1 L' ?; n oal v( ï'..n .üv- ïlunm's GcOgrfpljy pf me IIr:ivct)s- Fi:s:. WOfjd Bfld Tiiiri â â ' - y- Mi . wiliiam" HepübTic'oT Am .ii-'s L'uchJ, o ik! liy's Algebra ond Davicè' Aiiihmctic. Inqairy. rgpqrd totlie sciio.! cm be made of the Principali the ÃollowÃng gentle io w.tórn tefbretieèi Pa , .-â â ':â â â :, and v.ifi have aj di.fier.nt perimls lmd euher dau'ghtérs or wnrüs ander óúr rere. . S. KcMhinr, Comrcville: CJeo ICetchu m, ]ar shuil; II. ,n. Win. M. Delan '. J , â : Pau! B. Ring, ?.lii'iiiinn '"Yntrc: F. H. WjfÃnÃiK, Ãüñnrr, f J ixsoii. Clint ::; t V 1 it . ! t â . ?.i ;.. H ... I!; !'.'â â .. â '. ü. Cumingi Grand R ids: Jc CTüi-ih Cl.;rl;, Cl.irks-on; Gi I. ' - .1 in! - MW$h riini; D. II. !'.' : Au .leyd; Plyinouthi llon. F.Iiüs fromstioék, Ov.-; ,.-- â , i'. [ru-h:.:-,. M. Ã., Iiwn. NV'in. R. TaipPSQ, KMlen, l'q.. CeQ. V; Jew M ?.,,:,;. Willifinis. of the University, and Jlcv. I!. Colclazer, _A.i.n Arhor. : . . . .-. ; v. 1!. C'V Bey,,Wm..S Curti, flev. Clinrles C. Ti Professors WÃÃÃiÃp.Ã; r.n.l V.'il'i ivs of ihn Oniv(rpit"y of Michiaan. fiÃve consentid to r.ct nao viaiüng ommiitee of the Schopl, to be presen i when ihc weekly studieÃráÃfl reyteWéitf; mi 'cspecially to attendduring the semi-nionthly cxamiil'ltinl! â ":. SOLOMON'S : Tf)l PLE â 5JJ7AS tho wonder of tho 'world. bi( â ' is }V beucved tba D;. VW-b' PUIs wojeqtined lo niñeüorate thé conditipn oà tlie IJum.m ïiy, :-ioro tfaüiii n Nciïriiie over beibrc a -io the. iV'lie: tlio Proprietor havinar re duccd the price lo snit the tunes, is nuv pre pared to supi.'y all his old customers, and sonic n lok ones. on féèrtiftiafclö te ó.s. lJi? have provüd of tho crentest value. ui Cdunteracting tlie infiucnee iil (irsease, b cierisin'g t!'.' srorhacli1, dis'cbSrging 'ho bl'.e, anti purifyin the b!ood. Eot Ãyeêalary, Stkidên colJs, headüche, iniligesiiwn, dyapepsiaj j:;undiVo. lever and agüe, l.:.oia, ihterrnutent, typhus oi nervous n'ni c'iV, fevcis, Ãéprcssióti oÃ' spirits, ihuy vil be foiind á'.rcc !y cilculjied to meot iho wtnts : . iïl'L-icd. TIjc hili dcree o conâ iviiich the Próprictor hasglven to t!ic ;;ccn!inr virlueá o! thfi Ã!lTtÃ!Pnt vegetable principies omposing these pills cntibli: hiia io oii'or to the public a inedtcihe lbo best aüap:.'d for ilc, nnd poso?Ãiiic in evcry reépect siióriór adesntágeà 'J'hosi; Klle ydH be Ãuund mild bul e!fecti'.d in thcir opcr;uuri. j Scwral c u inent rHysTcians, v.lio are we!l an1 qitirued with the f fu-ct oÃ" these Pills, ond eonit' ofthem having used thetn cxiensively in tlicir 2 practipe for i--t-.crnl ycars. havo kindly pfrec thrir i:. i,i. .-.-. k ronimendin à iIipüi ná o valuabli riierlicttfei thé follów i 3 .1. C. EAHRIMOTÃE, M D Nifés,"Midi S. 15. THAI KR, M. 1-. Kattteais'ji, ;: 8L K. BüiüülNÃGtAME M. L). Callmun J TIJNKHJL1FI-'. M 1. lr.c'-i,,). Mch. ü. W. SMRAÃ, M. D. Wnsh. Co. " DAfflKL MÃElf.ER. fJ. D. Leparte, hiú. Grand River i.ivinj become nayigabje, Ai ' sni;:!l crafi. as' fa r â pij urn 08 my PUI Factorij. I . will Bupply ;'â its óf the Grand Rivéi j Vnl!:y, ;ut! iho '.Vc?-ivi Cvjr.'ry gerfprally with A'pifa. rniü át 2S eei ' â per tvx. rld L'f ' Sifirs h.') OW i i I f. No. 1, cqnal td any. - except in t!ie price. For s.le by Bocklv. Fos'.'.r & Co.. W. S. & .Ã. W. â â .I-.y::ird. G. 'Grcnvillc. and by ilie prin ; ciple dru;jL,'isis throuahoDt the Stntc. 10w-21f fiaiipórisiñt to farmers, J'S.W'V & n.V][NTn. woúÃd,respe'ctfu!ly J]. int'orni the farr-ic-s 8f Wfi;t rtaw nndihe -u roówding CouHH'ea iliüt they cHtine to man n uWiCurc at liicir EJnyj the r . . I . . Luw pr Tüwn. Arm Ai hor. à TSire'sMiig FaclliiiriÃÃs 0 pf (i,i; teai kinds co.rjjii-iinü: t!ie H:uni!lf ChI. ,n: â i owjer, ai ! M i 1 'different fftjm rfirV niide in tliis C'onirry nn- prefeiVfd toany oiher, wiiich ibey mond tó iel ie!; â . '.-. : toja as c tijny; faü iü ? . . s'isÃaction.' TfÃey arefdetenn.Ãñeá Hóà !â oà done byany establishment, eithur n pvice t or qualky. ol work. iï I)c-j: 1"t many years etvgaged in tiie r biisjnes? tliey tnmK ihey cm with ponfidence n 1 ijmu'ii ,!â ! ''er worirj :n! farméré ntr.! '::' P wiehing. to !uy wk'I dj wei io c ill an J n.iiuiik p ilu'ir worjt prcvjotia lo nuieha&ii tk'L :'.- TIn-v áfe pfépáred to dói all fvintfs of ihr m.-icljine rop'iirs. on tl.i' shorlest notice rnvj mor 0 cqaeonftbki itnüb tljni api abliah ...n i â . Also. Bui salj'a c [ebrated CJLOVEEt JvöAiaïIl'K'S, wl:icli separate llie c ii ifl frprn ;ho seed at n :' jgl . opoVation áhd a. e u ivcrsnlly npirovcd óf iáni Itsed tovor rHVödVlcêVl nnd warrnntfid (â 0 thresh clenhahd not !.); !. the secd. For h ory once appjyjo tloiiért or John McCórmick uftSa .. Lmi â (ithtcn.iw Cd., u Ikj have iiic.à une tho pas â tseason . W. V. KNAPP. â T A. IIAV1LAND. Ann Ai hor, May jsf, I ". 6yi2 Isi Attaclinicnt. s F,.' n Fclcfl i;f,roi(j w j perry Ju&lic o ,.. v.Hr Ctf thé Yuücc. u f-.Mn;.. ! .1 in)G8 ) n "TTO'riÃ'K liéréby given, tliat an ottáchment has Imivi Fisir'et] Ky the abóvo !inn-f' i J ui lavor ol Sb ,i i i kb ' !' Sjamoel Jd è, ah a'-sent debtor. and ilirt w ii il heaiing thf.rco; i: e posiponed mil i!k; 1 iiii day of August nnxt. s at onc of the doek in the nfiornoon, at the office of the oaid Justieo in the villncreof Ann Arbor. 6 SAJ5IN FELCH; Uuicd, Ann Arbor, 1-ith May, J6-15. 5w
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